615 research outputs found

    Chemistry-climate model SOCOL: a validation of the present-day climatology

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    In this paper we document 'SOCOL', a new chemistry-climate model, which has been ported for regular PCs and shows good wall-clock performance. An extensive validation of the model results against present-day climate data obtained from observations and assimilation data sets shows that the model describes the climatological state of the atmosphere for the late 1990s with reasonable accuracy. The model has a significant temperature bias only in the upper stratosphere and near the tropopause at high latitudes. The latter is the result of the rather low vertical resolution of the model near the tropopause. The former can be attributed to a crude representation of radiation heating in the middle atmosphere. A comparison of the simulated and observed link between the tropical stratospheric structure and the strength of the polar vortex shows that in general, both observations and simulations reveal a higher temperature and ozone mixing ratio in the lower tropical stratosphere for the case with stronger Polar night jet (PNJ) and slower Brewer-Dobson circulation as predicted by theoretical studies

    Chemistry-climate model SOCOL: a validation of the present-day climatology

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    International audienceIn this paper we document ''SOCOL'', a new chemistry-climate model, which has been ported for regular PCs and shows good wall-clock performance. An extensive validation of the model results against present-day climate obtained from observations and assimilation data sets shows that the model describes the climatological state of the atmosphere for the late 1990s with reasonable accuracy. The model has a significant temperature bias only in the upper stratosphere and near the tropopause in the tropics and high latitudes. The latter is the result of the rather low vertical resolution of the model near the tropopause. The former can be attributed to a crude representation of the radiation heating in the middle atmosphere. A comparison of the simulated and observed link between the tropical stratospheric structure and the strength of the polar vortex shows that in general, both observations and simulations reveal a higher temperature and ozone mixing ratio in the lower tropical stratosphere for the case with stronger Polar night jet (PNJ) as predicted by theoretical studies

    Low-energy expansion formula for one-dimensional Fokker-Planck and Schr\"odinger equations with periodic potentials

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    We study the low-energy behavior of the Green function for one-dimensional Fokker-Planck and Schr\"odinger equations with periodic potentials. We derive a formula for the power series expansion of reflection coefficients in terms of the wave number, and apply it to the low-energy expansion of the Green function

    Genetically modified animal models of hereditary diseases for testing of gene-directed therapy

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    Given the specific gene therapy approach, appropriate animal models can be generated using a variety of technologies ranging from transgenesis to precise genome editing. In this review, we discuss technologies used to generate small and large animal models of the most common muscular and neurological genetic disorders. We specifically focus on animal models that were used to test gene therapies based on adeno-associated vectors and antisense nucleotide


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    Consideration is given to theoretical and methodological issues of conducting the forensic psychological examination. The paper determines its subject, object and tasks in the aspects of scientific psychology and forensic examination; the grounds for the identification of substantive types of forensic psychological examinations and the implementation of the differential approach when they are appointed and conducted; outlines the prospects for the development of new researches in the aspect of integration processes.Розглянуто теоретико-методичні питання щодо проведення судово-психологічної експертизи: визначено її предмет, об’єкт і завдання в аспектах наукової психології й судової експертизи, підстави виділення предметних видів судово-психологічної експертизи та реалізації диференціального підходу при їх призначенні й проведенні, окреслено перспективи розвитку нових досліджень в аспекті інтеграційних процесів

    On UHECR energy estimation algorithms based on the measurement of electromagnetic component parameters in EAS

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    Model calculations are performed of extensive air shower (EAS) component energies using a variety of hadronic interaction parameters. A conversion factor from electromagnetic component energy to the energy of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and its model and primary mass dependence is studied. It is shown that model dependence of the factor minimizes under the necessary condition of the same maximum position and muon content of simulated showers.Comment: contracted version is accepted for publication in Doklady Physic

    Dependence of the Energy Spectrum of UHE Cosmic Rays on the Latitude of an Extensive Air Shower Array

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    Several energy spectra of cosmic rays with energies E_0 \geq 10^17 eV measured at the Yakutsk EAS, AGASA, Haverah Park, HiRes, Auger, and SUGAR arrays are considered. It is shown that the fairly good mutual agreement of the spectrum shapes can be achieved if the energy of each spectrum is multiplied by a factor K specific for each spectrum. These factors exhibit a pronounced dependence on the latitude of the above-mentioned arrays.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Specificity of Author’s Modality and Representation of Russia’s Image in Claudia Erdheim’s Book “Früher war alles besser”: an Austrian View

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    The reception of a foreign cultural (Russian) code by the European (Austrian) literary consciousness on the problematic, stylistic and lexical levels are studied in the article. The main trend characteristic for the representation of the image of Russia in the book by Claudia Erdheim is revealed: a retrospective look into the “bright past”. It is emphasized that the refrain phrase “Früher war alles besser” in the title has a symbolic meaning. Five mini-stories were analyzed. Attention is paid to the stereotypes of the Russian mass consciousness. Political stereotypes, ethical canons are studied in the perception of the author-narrator. It is argued that the antinomy of the Western way of thinking and the Russian mentality is the prevailing motive in the work under study. It is proved that the problem of the Russian-Austrian cultural dialogue is realized through the prism of the fundamental components of the Austrian mentality Einfühlung (feeling) and Gemütlichkeit (comfort, tranquility). Among the mental clichés of the narrator, stereotyped ideas about the Russian character (“broad soul”, “Russian scope”, “Russian maybe”, “longing”) are found. The book by K. Erdheim is a vivid example of the representation of the “Other” / “Alien” ideas about the “Other” national character and recreates the image of the Russian people in its artistic system

    The passport database of VIR’s bean collection as a tool for systemizing bean genetic diversity, studying the collection’s history, and monitoring the crop’s worldwide breeding (an overview)

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    The main document attesting the composition of a collection is the passport database (DB), which contains basic information about every accession: its name, status, origin, the year of its placement into the collection, etc. The effort to include every detail of such information into the database opens up a number of possibilities for structuring and exploring the diversity available. For the bean collection, the history of its systemization has had several stages. In 1923, systemic recording of bean accessions that entered the collection started with their registration in special journals, called catalogues. Since the middle of the 1960s, computer aids have been used for data logging and processing. In the 1990s, the DBs thus developed were transferred to personal computers. Today, such data are formatted as a computerized passport database, unified in accordance with modern international standards and consisting of 35 fields. Analysis of the Phaseolus passport database has shown that the bean collection consists of 6586 accessions, registered in the permanent catalogue. These accessions represent four cultivated species of different breeding status from 102 countries of the world. The largest percentage in the collection belongs to the accessions of European origin (61%). The accessions from North and South Americas (over 600 and 460 entries, respectively) make up 17% of the collection, while the gene pool of Asian countries, 16%. The biggest replenishments of VIR’s bean collection in its entire long history happened in the times of the USSR (2129 entries). The passport DB also makes it possible to conduct worldwide monitoring of the breeding work with beans, because it provides a comprehensive overview of the history of bean breeding and its present-day status in foreign countries, the ex-USSR republics and the Russian Federation. The purpose of this article has been to analyze the passport database of VIR’s bean collection and the information stored in it, and produce a retrospective essay on the documentation of the Phaseolus germplasm holdings at VIR