111 research outputs found

    Multi-Task Neural Networks for Speech Recognition

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    První část této diplomové práci se zabývá teoretickým rozborem principů neuronových sítí, včetně možnosti jejich použití v oblasti rozpoznávání řeči. Práce pokračuje popisem viceúkolových neuronových sítí a souvisejících experimentů. Praktická část práce obsahovala změny software pro trénování neuronových sítí, které umožnily viceúkolové trénování. Je rovněž popsáno připravené prostředí, včetně několika dedikovaných skriptů. Experimenty představené v této diplomové práci ověřují použití artikulačních characteristik řeči pro viceúkolové trénování. Experimenty byly provedeny na dvou řečových databázích lišících se kvalitou a velikostí a representujících různé jazyky - angličtinu a vietnamštinu. Artikulační charakteristiky byly také kombinovány s jinými sekundárními úkoly, například kontextem, s záměrem ověřit jejich komplementaritu. Porovnaní je provedeno s neuronovými sítěmi různých velikostí tak, aby byl popsán vztah mezi velikostí neuronových sítí a efektivitou viceúkolového trénování. Závěrem provedených experimentů je, že viceúkolové trénování s použitím artikulačnich charakteristik jako sekundárních úkolů vede k lepšímu trénování neuronových sítí a výsledkem tohoto trénování může být přesnější rozpoznávání fonémů. V závěru práce jsou viceúkolové neuronové sítě testovány v systému rozpoznávání řeči jako extraktor příznaků.The first part of this Master's thesis covers theoretical investigation into the principles and usage of neural networks, including their usability for the speech recognition tasks. Then it proceeds to summarize the multi-task neural networks' operating principles and some recent experiments with them. The practical part of the semester project reports changes made to a tool for neural network training which support multi-task training. Then the preparation of the settings is described, including a number of scripts written especially for this purpose. The experiments presented in the thesis explore the idea of using articulatory characteristics of phonemes as secondary tasks for multi-task training. The experiments are conducted on two different datasets of different quality and size and representing different languages - English and Vietnamese. Articulatory characteristics are occasionally combined with different secondary tasks, such as context, to see how well they function together. A comparison is made between the networks of different sizes to see how their size affects the effectiveness of multi-task training. These experiments show that multi-task training with the use of articulatory characteristics as secondary tasks can enhance training and yield better phoneme accuracy as a result. Finally, multi-task training is embedded to a speech recognition system as a feature extractor.

    Strategy and tactics of current professional education: axiological approach

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    This paper links with the relevance of the authors’ longitudinal research intended to meet the pedagogue and student interests, possibilities, and their motives for recurrent education based on personalized training strategy and tactics in the frameworks of current university education and additional professional programs of the In-Service. The research aims to provide some of the prospects on creating axiological priorities of professional education spaces in line with innovative approaches to teaching and learning the ways of interpretation of database on the «difficult» issues of Russian History and Culture, and on fostering dominant values into a personality space of a learner within the frames and architectonics of the humanitarian environment of modern scientific and methodological support of Russian education. Methodology and materials of the research based on the main concepts of acculturation of the educational environment, harmonious interaction of both educators and learners, historical memo, national and language consciousness, are focused on transforming the socio-cultural atmosphere of the country where the dominant values of national and cultural identity have sharply worsened over the past twenty years. The findings concern the axiological model of «management techniques» on the solution of «difficult» questions of Russian culture and national public school system of education

    Intelligenсe architectonics methodology: international language training of students

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    The intelligence architectonics methodology refers to personification principles model focused on creating the conditions for widening boundaries of language potential of a student in terms of intercultural communication based on emotional balance and comfort as well as intellectual capacity and ability development via varied activities in all stages of the human speech communication process within the “chain” of educational programs – at school, university, and at In-service institutions for specialists based on recurrent education. Given the intricacy of the dynamic communication process and its fundamental importance in human intercultural communication, this survey is intended to provide a comprehensive model of speech dynamics priority for addressing the following issues – how to consider the cultural paradigm that reads “from observation to generalization and replication through cooperation”. Special emphasis is on the social significance of language and cultural mission of educational organizations in the aspect of modeling the corpus of life-based integrative communicative situations in the security education and information space. In this regard the main principles of language education via teaching intercultural communication are in need of thorough investigation of the analysis-synthesis activities within the dynamic intellect and culture development

    Intercultural communication methodology: teaching sciences and engineering students

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    The problem area of this research paper focuses on the priority functions of the language sphere of the being mentality necessarily reflecting the state documents on education, methodology of scientific and methodical support for the implementation of educational programs of language education for training students of non-linguistic departments of universities in line with the axiology within the current educational program research of the eco-system spaces of international language education in Russia. Current Scientific Scholarship in terms of the intercultural approach needs to be created for linguistic security via making the outmost of the language programs for SP. The goal of this article is threefold: a) to design Knowledge Content, Technology and Evaluation Concepts of the target Model, b) to substantiate the integration characteristics of intercultural communication at universities (Natural Sciences and Engineering), c) to clarify the integration characteristics of intercultural communication within the innovations of national education in the third millennium, based on topical issues of the polyphony of the eco-system spaces. The latter reflects the priority dominant values due to the cognitive, developmental and educational functions in line with positive trends requiring thorough attention of both the university pedagogical community and teachers of general education organizations

    Formation of the system of business processes at machine building enterprises

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    The article studies approaches to determination of totality of business processes of machine building enterprises of the RF within structural & functional and process-oriented model of management. It was found that in functional management, algorithm is limited by six steps, and totality of business processes is “tied” to technological productive processes; that in process management, there are ten steps of determination and development of business processes, and their totality is limited by flow of value creation or by quality loop (life cycle of production). The authors offer an algorithm of formation of the system of business processes of large industrial enterprises which issue a range of technologically complicated products and are on the stage of transition from linear & functional management to process management. At the stage of transition from one model to another, it is offered to found the algorithm on the functional model of management through determination of “basic element of management” with further transformations of the system. Methodology of formation of the system of business processes of enterprises is developed which – within the PLM concept – allows: structuring activities in the sphere of different business processes, designing product and processes simultaneously, and integrating systems of creation of product of enterprises-members into the system of business processes of final manufacturer. Targeted indicators of evaluation of efficiency of main business processes are offered, which are received as a result of implementation of methodology in view of separate production of machine building enterprise of the RF which stipulate determination of the list of top-level processes, reflecting interests of most of external members of the system and of those processes which do not have reserves for improvement and are subject to changes in future.peer-reviewe

    Organizational and methodological approaches to development of accounting policy for formation of integrated accounting of interrelated agricultural companies

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    The purpose of the article is to determine advantages and drawbacks of existing organizational and methodological approaches to development of accounting policy and develop optimal approach to formation of integrated accounting of interrelated agricultural enterprises. For this purpose, the article uses methods of problem and comparative analysis, method of optimization, and methods of graphical presentation of information. The authors conduct comparative analysis of existing organizational and methodological approaches to development of accounting policy of enterprise and develop optimal approach to formation of integrated accounting of interrelated agricultural enterprises. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that Russian and international approach to development of accounting policy differ from each other, but neither of these approaches is optimal for formation of integrated accounting of interrelated agricultural enterprises. The developed optimal approach to formation of integrated accounting allows unifying the process of development of accounting policy of enterprise and thus is the best for interrelated agricultural enterprises. This approach is oriented at consumers, due to which it is able not only to simplify the process of formation of corporate accounting of interrelated agricultural enterprises but to turn it into the factor of their competitiveness.peer-reviewe

    About optimal loss function for training physics-informed neural networks under respecting causality

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    A method is presented that allows to reduce a problem described by differential equations with initial and boundary conditions to the problem described only by differential equations. The advantage of using the modified problem for physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) methodology is that it becomes possible to represent the loss function in the form of a single term associated with differential equations, thus eliminating the need to tune the scaling coefficients for the terms related to boundary and initial conditions. The weighted loss functions respecting causality were modified and new weighted loss functions based on generalized functions are derived. Numerical experiments have been carried out for a number of problems, demonstrating the accuracy of the proposed methods.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 6 table