276 research outputs found

    Research on herbaceous plants compaction in container stores using vibrating compactors

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    Direct-action and indirect-action vibrators for compaction of silage in container stores were built for experimental trials. Experimental results indicated that during vibrating compaction the grass layer was compacted intensely for 5-10 min. Therefore, vibrators of this type are suggested for compacting grass layers with thicknesses of 0.5-0.6 m. The determination of comparative pressure as a function of vibration frequency showed that the most effective frequency was 43.96 Hz during the direct-action vibrator compaction of grass. This relationship was determined experimentally by measuring the pressure caused by the vibrator and the effective power while compacting the grass mass in a container. The pressure increase coefficient varied over a wide range of 1.5-6.8. It was established that a centrifugal indirect-action vibrator works well to compact chopped maize (a bulk density of up to 730 kg m-3 was achieved) and works to some extent for mixtures of Caucasian goat’s rue (Galegaorientalis Lam.) and red clover (Trifoliumpratense L.). This vibrator is not suitable for compacting either pure red clover or pure Caucasian goat’s rue because the compacted densities were only 260-350 and 225-280 kg/m3, respectively. Similar studies were performed using a direct-action vibrator, and similar fodder compaction results were obtained. These vibratory silage compaction methods can be recommended for small farms. Vibrating devices are useful on herbaceous plants with large stems (e.g., maize) and are somewhat useful for mixtures including such herbaceous plants when compacting in stores

    Effect of variable rate seeding on winter wheat seedbed and germination parameters using soil apparent electrical conductivity

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    Due to the variability of soil characteristics in the field and the rising prices of high-quality seeds, farmers are increasingly interested in applying a system of precision variable rate seeding (VRS), which makes it easier to manage risks in crop production and allows to ensure the profitability of the farm. Most modern seed drills are equipped with a hydraulic or electric drive and a terminal in the tractor cabin, allowing farmers to apply VRS. The aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate seeding rate of winter wheat according to the measured apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) in the field, to investigate the uniformity of seed placement by layers in the soil and to evaluate the germination dynamics of winter wheat. Precision seeding was performed using a VRS map, generated from soil ECa data obtained by field surface scanning using the ECa device EM-38 MK2. Winter wheat seeding was implemented with a direct seed drill. The research was carried out by measuring the parameters of winter wheat seedbed and germinated plants, including the number and distribution of seeds in soil layers of different depths, germination, tillering. Field research was performed with 3 treatments and 4 repetitions (1 - uniform rate seeding; 2 - VRS; 3 - VRS + variable rate fertilisation (VRF)). The results of the research showed a direct relationship between the soil ECa and the depth of seed placement. Most seeds were inserted at medium depths (15-30 mm), except in the soil management zone, where ECa was highest (28.8 mS center dot m(-1)). In this area, most seeds (50.7%) were inserted shallowly up to 15 mm. The experimental results of seeding studies showed that using the VRS and VRS + VRF methods in all soil zones the germination of winter wheat was similar, while seeding at the uniform rate yielded significant differences between individual soil zones

    Sėjamosios neariamajai žemdirbystei

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Komunalinio ūkio technika : mokymo priemonė Žemės ūkio inžinerijos fakulteto studentams

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    Bibliogr.: p. 92-93Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Sėjamosiose diegiami nauji sprendimai

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Šiuolaikinėse sėjamosiose diegiami nauji sprendimai

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The investigations of cutting straw with active disc sowing ploughshares

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas šiaudų perpjovimas dirvoje skirtingos konstrukcijos aktyviais diskiniais sėjos noragėliais. Tyrimai atlikti su skirtingo drėgnio žieminių kviečių ir vasarinių miežių Šiaudais. Šiaudams perpjauti naudoti diskiniai sėjos noragėliai, turintys nevienodą išpjovų skaičių bei skirtingus išpjovų parametrus. Diskiniai sėjos noragėliai buvo Ivirtinami prie įrenginio, turinčio aktyvią pavarą bei noragėlių sukimosi greičio keitimo mechanizmą. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad priverstinai padidinus diskinio sėjos noragėlio sukimosi greitį (t.y. kinematinis diskinio sėjos noragėlio darbo režimo koeficientas X>l,0), šiaudų buvo perpjaunama daugiau negu tuo atveju, kai priverstinio sukimo įranga buvo atjungta ir diskinis sėjos noragėlis sukosi laisvai nuo sąlyčio su dirva {X~l,0). Geriausi Šiaudų perpjovimo rezultatai gauti diskinio sėjos noragėlio kinematinio darbo režimo koeficientui esant X^l,27 ir X=l,5. Diskiniai sėjos noragėliai, turintys išpjovas ašmenyse Šiaudų perpjovė daugiau negu lygių ašmenų noragėliai. Didesnės įtakos tarp Žieminių kviečių ir vasarinių miežių Šiaudų perpjovimo nepastebėta. Gerokai didesnės įtakos turėjo šiaudų drėgnis, didėjant šiaudų drėgniui, buvo perpjaunama mažiau šiaudųThe article analyses straw dissection in soil with disc sowing ploughshares of different construction. Winter wheat and spring barley straw, containing iifferent moisture contents, was object of the carried out investigations. Disc iowing ploughshares with notches, differing in number and size, were used to Iissect straw. Disc sowing ploughshares were fastened to the device, equipped with ictive gear and the mechanism for the alteration of ploughshares' rotation speed.The investigation data has established that forcing the disc sowing ploughshare rotation speed (i.e. disc ploughshare kinematic operation mode coefficient X>1.0) enables to dissect bigger amount of straw if compared with the case, when the forced rotation equipment is released and disc sowing ploughshare rotates without contact with soil (X=.O). Disc sowing ploughshare kinematic operation mode coefficient values X=l.27 and X=.5 are consistent with the best results of straw dissection. Those disc ploughshares that have notches on blades are abserved to dissect more straw than the ploughshares with even edges. No difference has been observed between winter wheat and spring barley straw. Moisture content in straw is of significant importance, at the increasing straw humidity the amount of dissected straw decreasesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Lokalaus tręšimo įranga

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij