167 research outputs found

    Influenza interaction with cocirculating pathogens, and its impact on surveillance, pathogenesis and epidemic profile: a key role for mathematical modeling

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    ABSTRACT Evidence is mounting that influenza virus, a major contributor to the global disease burden, interacts with other pathogens infecting the human respiratory tract. Taking into account interactions with other pathogens may be critical to determining the real influenza burden and the full impact of public health policies targeting influenza. That necessity is particularly true for mathematical modeling studies, which have become critical in public health decision-making, despite their usually focusing on lone influenza virus acquisition and infection, thereby making broad oversimplifications regarding pathogen ecology. Herein, we review evidence of influenza virus interaction with bacteria and viruses, and the modeling studies that incorporated some of these. Despite the many studies examining possible associations between influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitides , respiratory syncytial virus, human rhinoviruses, human parainfluenza viruses, etc., very few mathematical models have integrated other pathogens alongside influenza. A notable exception is the recent modeling of the pneumococcus-influenza interaction, which highlighted potential influenza-related increased pneumococcal transmission and pathogenicity. That example demonstrates the power of dynamic modeling as an approach to test biological hypotheses concerning interaction mechanisms and estimate the strength of those interactions. We explore how different interference mechanisms may lead to unexpected incidence trends and misinterpretations. Using simple transmission models, we illustrate how existing interactions might impact public health surveillance systems and demonstrate that the development of multipathogen models is essential to assess the true public health burden of influenza, and help improve planning and evaluation of control measures. Finally, we identify the public health needs, surveillance, modeling and biological challenges, and propose avenues of research for the coming years. Author Summary Influenza is a major pathogen responsible for important morbidity and mortality burdens worldwide. Mathematical models of influenza virus acquisition have been critical to understanding its epidemiology and planning public health strategies of infection control. It is increasingly clear that microbes do not act in isolation but potentially interact within the host. Hence, studying influenza alone may lead to masking effects or misunderstanding information on its transmission and severity. Herein, we review the literature on bacterial and viral species that interact with the influenza virus, interaction mechanisms, and mathematical modeling studies integrating interactions. We report evidence that, beyond the classic secondary bacterial infections, many pathogenic bacteria and viruses probably interact with influenza. Public health relevance of pathogen interactions is detailed, showing how potential misreading or a narrow outlook might lead to mistaken public health decisionmaking. We describe the role of mechanistic transmission models in investigating this complex system and obtaining insight into interactions between influenza and other pathogens. Finally, we highlight benefits and challenges in modeling, and speculate on new opportunities made possible by taking a broader view: including basic science, clinical relevance and public health

    Real-time dynamic modelling for the design of a cluster-randomized phase 3 Ebola vaccine trial in Sierra Leone.

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    BACKGROUND: Declining incidence and spatial heterogeneity complicated the design of phase 3 Ebola vaccine trials during the tail of the 2013-16 Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic in West Africa. Mathematical models can provide forecasts of expected incidence through time and can account for both vaccine efficacy in participants and effectiveness in populations. Determining expected disease incidence was critical to calculating power and determining trial sample size. METHODS: In real-time, we fitted, forecasted, and simulated a proposed phase 3 cluster-randomized vaccine trial for a prime-boost EVD vaccine in three candidate regions in Sierra Leone. The aim was to forecast trial feasibility in these areas through time and guide study design planning. RESULTS: EVD incidence was highly variable during the epidemic, especially in the declining phase. Delays in trial start date were expected to greatly reduce the ability to discern an effect, particularly as a trial with an effective vaccine would cause the epidemic to go extinct more quickly in the vaccine arm. Real-time updates of the model allowed decision-makers to determine how trial feasibility changed with time. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis was useful for vaccine trial planning because we simulated effectiveness as well as efficacy, which is possible with a dynamic transmission model. It contributed to decisions on choice of trial location and feasibility of the trial. Transmission models should be utilised as early as possible in the design process to provide mechanistic estimates of expected incidence, with which decisions about sample size, location, timing, and feasibility can be determined

    Competition between RSV and influenza: Limits of modelling inference from surveillance data.

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    Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Influenza cause a large burden of disease. Evidence of their interaction via temporary cross-protection implies that prevention of one could inadvertently lead to an increase in the burden of the other. However, evidence for the public health impact of such interaction is sparse and largely derives from ecological analyses of peak shifts in surveillance data. To test the robustness of estimates of interaction parameters between RSV and Influenza from surveillance data we conducted a simulation and back-inference study. We developed a two-pathogen interaction model, parameterised to simulate RSV and Influenza epidemiology in the UK. Using the infection model in combination with a surveillance-like stochastic observation process we generated a range of possible RSV and Influenza trajectories and then used Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to back-infer parameters including those describing competition. We find that in most scenarios both the strength and duration of RSV and Influenza interaction could be estimated from the simulated surveillance data reasonably well. However, the robustness of inference declined towards the extremes of the plausible parameter ranges, with misleading results. It was for instance not possible to tell the difference between low/moderate interaction and no interaction. In conclusion, our results illustrate that in a plausible parameter range, the strength of RSV and Influenza interaction can be estimated from a single season of high-quality surveillance data but also highlights the importance to test parameter identifiability a priori in such situations

    Exploring equity in health and poverty impacts of control measures for SARS-CoV-2 in six countries

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    Background: Policy makers need to be rapidly informed about the potential equity consequences of different COVID-19 strategies, alongside their broader health and economic impacts. While there are complex models to inform both potential health and macro-economic impact, there are few tools available to rapidly assess potential equity impacts of interventions.Methods: We created an economic model to simulate the impact of lockdown measures in Pakistan, Georgia, Chile, UK, the Philippines and South Africa. We consider impact of lockdown in terms of ability to socially distance, and income loss during lockdown, and tested the impact of assumptions on social protection coverage in a scenario analysis.Results: In all examined countries, socioeconomic status (SES) quintiles 1-3 were disproportionately more likely to experience income loss (70% of people) and inability to socially distance (68% of people) than higher SES quintiles. Improving social protection increased the percentage of the workforce able to socially distance from 48% (33%-60%) to 66% (44%-71%). We estimate the cost of this social protection would be equivalent to an average of 0.6% gross domestic product (0.1% Pakistan-1.1% Chile).Conclusions: We illustrate the potential for using publicly available data to rapidly assess the equity implications of social protection and non-pharmaceutical intervention policy. Social protection is likely to mitigate inequitable health and economic impacts of lockdown. Although social protection is usually targeted to the poorest, middle quintiles will likely also need support as they are most likely to suffer income losses and are disproportionately more exposed

    The impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on health systems and household resources in Africa and South Asia

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    AbstractBackgroundCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemics strain health systems and households. Health systems in Africa and South Asia may be particularly at risk due to potential high prevalence of risk factors for severe disease, large household sizes and limited healthcare capacity.MethodsWe investigated the impact of an unmitigated COVID-19 epidemic on health system resources and costs, and household costs, in Karachi, Delhi, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Johannesburg. We adapted a dynamic model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and disease to capture country-specific demography and contact patterns. The epidemiological model was then integrated into an economic framework that captured city-specific health systems and household resource use.FindingsThe cities severely lack intensive care beds, healthcare workers and financial resources to meet demand during an unmitigated COVID-19 epidemic. A highly mitigated COVID-19 epidemic, under optimistic assumptions, may avoid overwhelming hospital bed capacity in some cities, but not critical care capacity.InterpretationViable mitigation strategies encompassing a mix of responses need to be established to expand healthcare capacity, reduce peak demand for healthcare resources, minimise progression to critical care and shield those at greatest risk of severe disease.FundingBill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation, European Commission, National Institute for Health Research, Department for International Development, Wellcome Trust, Royal Society, Research Councils UK.Research in contextEvidence before this studyWe conducted a PubMed search on May 5, 2020, with no language restrictions, for studies published since inception, combining the terms (“cost” OR “economic”) AND “covid”. Our search yielded 331 articles, only two of which reported estimates of health system costs of COVID-19. The first study estimated resource use and medical costs for COVID-19 in the United States using a static model of COVID 19. The second study estimated the costs of polymerase chain reaction tests in the United States. We found no studies examining the economic implications of COVID-19 in low- or middle-income settings.Added value of this studyThis is the first study to use locally collected data in five cities (Karachi, Delhi, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Johannesburg) to project the healthcare resource and health economic implications of an unmitigated COVID-19 epidemic. Besides the use of local data, our study moves beyond existing work to (i) consider the capacity of health systems in key cities to cope with this demand, (ii) consider healthcare staff resources needed, since these fall short of demand by greater margins than hospital beds, and (iii) consider economic costs to health services and households.Implications of all the evidenceDemand for ICU beds and healthcare workers will exceed current capacity by orders of magnitude, but the capacity gap for general hospital beds is narrower. With optimistic assumptions about disease severity, the gap between demand and capacity for general hospital beds can be closed in some, but not all the cities. Efforts to bridge the economic burden of disease to households are needed.</jats:sec

    The potential cost-effectiveness of next generation influenza vaccines in England and Wales: a modelling analysis

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    Next generation influenza vaccines are in development and have the potential for widespread health and economic benefits. Determining the potential health and economic impact for these vaccines is needed to drive investment in bringing these vaccines to the market, and to inform which groups public health policies on influenza vaccination should target. We used a mathematical modelling approach to estimate the epidemiological impact and cost-effectiveness of next generation influenza vaccines in England and Wales. We used data from an existing fitted model, and evaluated new vaccines with different characteristics ranging from improved vaccines with increased efficacy duration and breadth of protection, to universal vaccines, defined in line with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Preferred Product Characteristics (PPC). We calculated the cost effectiveness of new vaccines in comparison to the current seasonal vaccination programme. We calculated and compared the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio and Incremental Net Monetary Benefit for each new vaccine type. All analysis was conducted in R. We show that next generation influenza vaccines may result in a 21% to 77% reduction in influenza infections, dependent on vaccine characteristics. Our economic modelling shows that using any of these next generation vaccines at 2019 coverage levels would be highly cost-effective at a willingness to pay threshold of £20,000 for a range of vaccine prices. The vaccine threshold price for the best next generation vaccines in £-2019 is £230 (95%CrI £192 - £269) per dose, but even minimally-improved influenza vaccines could be priced at £18 (95%CrI £16 - £21) per dose and still remain cost-effective. This evaluation demonstrates the promise of next generation influenza vaccines for impact on influenza epidemics, and likely cost-effectiveness profiles. We have provided evidence towards a full value of vaccines assessment which bolsters the investment case for development and roll-out of next-generation influenza vaccines

    Integrating economic and health evidence to inform Covid-19 policy in low- and middle- income countries

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from F1000 Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: No data are associated with this article.Covid-19 requires policy makers to consider evidence on both population health and economic welfare. Over the last two decades, the field of health economics has developed a range of analytical approaches and contributed to the institutionalisation of processes to employ economic evidence in health policy. We present a discussion outlining how these approaches and processes need to be applied more widely to inform Covid-19 policy; highlighting where they may need to be adapted conceptually and methodologically, and providing examples of work to date. We focus on the evidential and policy needs of low- and middle-income countries; where there is an urgent need for evidence to navigate the policy trade-offs between health and economic well-being posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.Wellcome Trus

    Population disruption: observational study of changes in the population distribution of the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    BACKGROUND: Mobility data have demonstrated major changes in human movement patterns in response to COVID-19 and associated interventions in many countries. This involves sub-national redistribution, short-term relocations, and international migration. Aggregated mobile phone location data combined with small-area census population data allow changes in the population distribution of the UK to be quantified with high spatial and temporal granularity. METHODS: In this paper, we combine detailed data from Facebook, measuring the location of approximately 6 million daily active Facebook users in 5km2 tiles in the UK with census-derived population estimates to measure population mobility and redistribution. We provide time-varying population estimates and assess spatial population changes with respect to population density and four key reference dates in 2020 (first UK lockdown, end of term, beginning of term, Christmas). RESULTS: We show how population estimates derived from Facebook data vary compared to mid-2020 small area population estimates by UK national statistics agencies. We also estimate that between March 2020 and March 2021, the total population of the UK declined and we identify important spatial variations in this population change, showing that low-density areas have experienced lower population decreases than urban areas. We estimate that, for the top 10% highest population tiles, the population has decreased by 6.6%. Finally, we provide evidence that geographic redistributions of population within the UK coincide with dates of non-pharmaceutical interventions including lockdowns and movement restrictions, as well as seasonal patterns of migration around holiday dates. CONCLUSIONS: The methods used in this study reveal significant changes in population distribution at high spatial and temporal resolutions that have not previously been quantified by available demographic surveys in the UK. We found early indicators of potential longer-term changes in the population distribution of the UK although it is not clear if these changes will persist after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Potential health and economic impact of paediatric vaccination using next-generation influenza vaccines in Kenya: a modelling study

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza is a major year-round cause of respiratory illness in Kenya, particularly in children under 5. Current influenza vaccines result in short-term, strain-specific immunity and were found in a previous study not to be cost-effective in Kenya. However, next-generation vaccines are in development that may have a greater impact and cost-effectiveness profile. METHODS: We expanded a model previously used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccines in Kenya to include next-generation vaccines by allowing for enhanced vaccine characteristics and multi-annual immunity. We specifically examined vaccinating children under 5 years of age with improved vaccines, evaluating vaccines with combinations of increased vaccine effectiveness, cross-protection between strains (breadth) and duration of immunity. We evaluated cost-effectiveness using incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) and incremental net monetary benefits (INMBs) for a range of values for the willingness-to-pay (WTP) per DALY averted. Finally, we estimated threshold per-dose vaccine prices at which vaccination becomes cost-effective. RESULTS: Next-generation vaccines can be cost-effective, dependent on the vaccine characteristics and assumed WTP thresholds. Universal vaccines (assumed to provide long-term and broad immunity) are most cost-effective in Kenya across three of four WTP thresholds evaluated, with the lowest median value of ICER per DALY averted (263,95263, 95% Credible Interval (CrI):  - 1698, 1061)andthehighestmedianINMBs.AtaWTPof1061) and the highest median INMBs. At a WTP of 623, universal vaccines are cost-effective at or below a median price of 5.16perdose(955.16 per dose (95% CrI: 0.94, $18.57). We also show that the assumed mechanism underlying infection-derived immunity strongly impacts vaccine outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This evaluation provides evidence for country-level decision makers about future next-generation vaccine introduction, as well as global research funders about the potential market for these vaccines. Next-generation vaccines may offer a cost-effective intervention to reduce influenza burden in low-income countries with year-round seasonality like Kenya