244 research outputs found

    The effect of patient, provider and financing regulations on the intensity of ambulatory physical therapy episodes: a multilevel analysis based on routinely available data.

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    BACKGROUND: Many studies have found considerable variations in the resource intensity of physical therapy episodes. Although they have identified several patient- and provider-related factors, few studies have examined their relative explanatory power. We sought to quantify the contribution of patients and providers to these differences and examine how effective Swiss regulations are (nine-session ceiling per prescription and bonus for first treatments). METHODS: Our sample consisted of 87,866 first physical therapy episodes performed by 3,365 physiotherapists based on referrals by 6,131 physicians. We modeled the number of visits per episode using a multilevel log linear regression with crossed random effects for physiotherapists and physicians and with fixed effects for cantons. The three-level explanatory variables were patient, physiotherapist and physician characteristics. RESULTS: The median number of sessions was nine (interquartile range 6-13). Physical therapy use increased with age, women, higher health care costs, lower deductibles, surgery and specific conditions. Use rose with the share of nine-session episodes among physiotherapists or physicians, but fell with the share of new treatments. Geographical area had no influence. Most of the variance was explained at the patient level, but the available factors explained only 4% thereof. Physiotherapists and physicians explained only 6% and 5% respectively of the variance, although the available factors explained most of this variance. Regulations were the most powerful factors. CONCLUSION: Against the backdrop of abundant physical therapy supply, Swiss financial regulations did not restrict utilization. Given that patient-related factors explained most of the variance, this group should be subject to closer scrutiny. Moreover, further research is needed on the determinants of patient demand

    Comparing potentially avoidable hospitalization rates related to ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Switzerland: the need to refine the definition of health conditions and to adjust for population health status.

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    BACKGROUND: Regional rates of hospitalization for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) are used to compare the availability and quality of ambulatory care but the risk adjustment for population health status is often minimal. The objectives of the study was to examine the impact of more extensive risk adjustment on regional comparisons and to investigate the relationship between various area-level factors and the properly adjusted rates. METHODS: Our study is an observational study based on routine data of 2 million anonymous insured in 26 Swiss cantons followed over one or two years. A binomial negative regression was modeled with increasingly detailed information on health status (age and gender only, inpatient diagnoses, outpatient conditions inferred from dispensed drugs and frequency of physician visits). Hospitalizations for ACSC were identified from principal diagnoses detecting 19 conditions, with an updated list of ICD-10 diagnostic codes. Co-morbidities and surgical procedures were used as exclusion criteria to improve the specificity of the detection of potentially avoidable hospitalizations. The impact of the adjustment approaches was measured by changes in the standardized ratios calculated with and without other data besides age and gender. RESULTS: 25% of cases identified by inpatient main diagnoses were removed by applying exclusion criteria. Cantonal ACSC hospitalizations rates varied from to 1.4 to 8.9 per 1,000 insured, per year. Morbidity inferred from diagnoses and drugs dramatically increased the predictive performance, the greatest effect found for conditions linked to an ACSC. More visits were associated with fewer PAH although very high users were at greater risk and subjects who had not consulted at negligible risk. By maximizing health status adjustment, two thirds of the cantons changed their adjusted ratio by more than 10 percent. Cantonal variations remained substantial but unexplained by supply or demand. CONCLUSION: Additional adjustment for health status is required when using ACSC to monitor ambulatory care. Drug-inferred morbidities are a promising approach

    Determinants of new drugs prescription in the Swiss healthcare market.

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    Drug markets are very complex and, while many new drugs are registered each year, little is known about what drives the prescription of these new drugs. This study attempts to lift the veil from this important subject by analyzing simultaneously the impact of several variables on the prescription of novelty. Data provided by four Swiss sickness funds were analyzed. These data included information about more than 470,000 insured, notably their drug intake. Outcome variable that captured novelty was the age of the drug prescribed. The overall variance in novelty was partitioned across five levels (substitutable drug market, patient, physician, region, and prescription) and the influence of several variables measured at each of these levels was assessed using a non-hierarchical multilevel model estimated by Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. More than 92% of the variation in novelty was explained at the substitutable drug market-level and at the prescription-level. Newer drugs were prescribed in markets that were costlier, less concentrated, included more insured, provided more drugs and included more active substances. Over-the-counter drugs were on average 12.5 years older while generic drugs were more than 15 years older than non-generics. Regional disparities in terms of age of prescribed drugs could reach 2.8 years. Regulation of the demand has low impact, with little variation explained at the patient-level and physician-level. In contrary, the market structure (e.g. end of patent with generic apparition, concurrence among producers) had a strong contribution to the variation of drugs ages

    Characterization of a 14 kDa oocyst wall protein of Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina

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    We have extracted a protein of 14 kDa from purified oocyst walls of several Eimeria species. Polyclonal antibodies were raised in rats against the 14 kDa proteins of E. acervulina and E. tenella. On immunoblots these antisera reacted in a highly specific manner with the homologous 14 kDa antigens, but not with heterologous antigens. In addition, specific binding of the two antisera to oocyst wall fragments of E. acervulina and E. tenella was demonstrated by immunofluorescence. Partial amino-terminal sequences comprising 20 amino acid residues were obtained from the 14 kDa oocyst wall proteins of E. acervulina and E. tenella. They are characterized by an abundance of amino acids containing hydroxyl groups in their side chains (serine, tyrosine, threonine). Binding of the oocyst wall protein of E. tenella by peanut agglutinin indicates the presence of O-linked carbohydrate

    Patient characteristics differently affect early cup and stem loosening in THA: a case-control study on 7,535 patients

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    We postulated that certain patient characteristics have different effects on early THA component loosening. With two matched case-control studies we assessed 3,028 cups and 5,224 stems. Loosening was defined using signs of mechanical component failure on routine follow-up radiographs or revision for aseptic loosening. Women and men had similar cup-loosening odds, but women had lower odds for stem loosening (p < 0.0001). Odds for cup loosening decreased by 2.1% per additional year of age (p = 0.0004), those for stem loosening by 2.4% (p < 0.0001). Each additional kilogram of weight decreased cup loosening odds by 1.3% (p = 0.0051). Each additional unit of BMI increased stem loosening odds (p = 0.0109). Charnley classes B and C were protective factors against loosening of both components. There were no risk differences for the various main diagnoses. Certain patient characteristics differently affected early cup and stem loosening, although some characteristics had the same protective or harmful effect on component surviva

    High incidence of medication documentation errors in a Swiss university hospital due to the handwritten prescription process

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    BACKGROUND: Medication errors have been reported to be a leading cause of death in hospitalized patients. In this study we focused on identifying and quantifying errors in the handwritten drug ordering and dispensing documentation processes which could possibly lead to adverse drug events. METHODS: We studied 1,934 ordered agents (165 consecutive patients) retrospectively for medication documentation errors. Errors were categorized into: Prescribing errors, transcription errors and administration documentation errors on the nurses' medication lists. The legibility of prescriptions was analyzed to explore its possible influence on the error rate in the documentation process. RESULTS: Documentation errors occurred in 65 of 1,934 prescribed agents (3.5%). The incidence of patient charts showing at least one error was 43%. Prescribing errors were found 39 times (37%), transcription errors 56 times (53%), and administration documentation errors 10 times (10%). The handwriting readability was rated as good in 2%, moderate in 42%, bad in 52%, and unreadable in 4%. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed a high incidence of documentation errors in the traditional handwritten prescription process. Most errors occurred when prescriptions were transcribed into the patients' chart. The readability of the handwritten prescriptions was generally bad. Replacing the traditional handwritten documentation process with information technology could potentially improve the safety in the medication process

    Outcome and patients' satisfaction after functional treatment of acute lateral ankle injuries at emergency departments versus family doctor offices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In some Western countries, more and more patients seek initial treatment even for minor injuries at emergency units of hospitals. The initial evaluation and treatment as well as aftercare of these patients require large amounts of personnel and logistical resources, which are limited and costly, especially if compared to treatment by a general practitioner. In this study, we investigated whether outsourcing from our level 1 trauma center to a general practitioner has an influence on patient satisfaction and compliance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This prospective, randomized study, included n = 100 patients who suffered from a lateral ankle ligament injury grade I-II (16, 17). After radiological exclusion of osseous lesions, the patients received early functional treatment and were shown physical therapy exercises to be done at home, without immobilization or the use of stabilizing ortheses. The patients were randomly assigned into two groups of 50 patients each: Group A (ER): Follow-up and final examination in the hospital's emergency unit. Group B (GP): Follow-up by general practitioner, final examination at hospital's emergency unit. The patients were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with the treatment and outcome of the treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Female and male patients were equally represented in both groups. The age of the patients ranged from 16 – 64 years, with a mean age of 34 years (ER) and 35 years (GP). 98% (n = 98) of all patients were satisfied with their treatment, and 93% (n = 93) were satisfied with the outcome. For these parameters no significant difference between the two groups could be noted (p = 0.7406 and 0.7631 respectively). 39% of all patients acquired stabilizing ortheses like ankle braces (Aircast, Malleoloc etc.) on their own initiative. There was a not significant tendency for more self-acquired ortheses in the group treated by general practicioners (p = 0,2669).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients who first present at the ER with a lateral ankle ligament injury grade I-II can be referred to a general practitioner for follow-up treatment without affecting patient satisfaction regarding treatment and treatment outcome.</p

    A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order caryophyllales

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    The Caryophyllales constitute a major lineage of flowering plants with approximately 12?500 species in 39 families. A taxonomic backbone at the genus level is provided that reflects the current state of knowledge and accepts 749 genera for the order. A detailed review of the literature of the past two decades shows that enormous progress has been made in understanding overall phylogenetic relationships in Caryophyllales. The process of re-circumscribing families in order to be monophyletic appears to be largely complete and has led to the recognition of eight new families (Anacampserotaceae, Kewaceae, Limeaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Montiaceae and Talinaceae), while the phylogenetic evaluation of generic concepts is still well underway. As a result of this, the number of genera has increased by more than ten percent in comparison to the last complete treatments in the “Families and genera of vascular plants” series. A checklist with all currently accepted genus names in Caryophyllales, as well as nomenclatural references, type names and synonymy is presented. Notes indicate how extensively the respective genera have been studied in a phylogenetic context. The most diverse families at the generic level are Cactaceae and Aizoaceae, but 28 families comprise only one to six genera. This synopsis represents a first step towards the aim of creating a global synthesis of the species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales integrating the work of numerous specialists around the world. © 2015 BGBM Berlin

    The breadth of primary care: a systematic literature review of its core dimensions

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    Background: Even though there is general agreement that primary care is the linchpin of effective health care delivery, to date no efforts have been made to systematically review the scientific evidence supporting this supposition. The aim of this study was to examine the breadth of primary care by identifying its core dimensions and to assess the evidence for their interrelations and their relevance to outcomes at (primary) health system level. Methods: A systematic review of the primary care literature was carried out, restricted to English language journals reporting original research or systematic reviews. Studies published between 2003 and July 2008 were searched in MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, King's Fund Database, IDEAS Database, and EconLit. Results: Eighty-five studies were identified. This review was able to provide insight in the complexity of primary care as a multidimensional system, by identifying ten core dimensions that constitute a primary care system. The structure of a primary care system consists of three dimensions: 1. governance; 2. economic conditions; and 3. workforce development. The primary care process is determined by four dimensions: 4. access; 5. continuity of care; 6. coordination of care; and 7. comprehensiveness of care. The outcome of a primary care system includes three dimensions: 8. quality of care; 9. efficiency care; and 10. equity in health. There is a considerable evidence base showing that primary care contributes through its dimensions to overall health system performance and health. Conclusions: A primary care system can be defined and approached as a multidimensional system contributing to overall health system performance and health

    Mesures visant Ă  freiner la hausse des coĂ»ts dans l’assurance obligatoire des soins : rapport du groupe d'experts

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    La santĂ© est un des ingrĂ©dients fondamentaux du bien-ĂȘtre humain. On peut escompter que l’élĂ©vation du niveau de vie, la multiplication des maladies chroniques et le risque croissant de multimorbiditĂ© dĂ» Ă  l’évolution dĂ©mographique entraĂźnent une hausse des coĂ»ts de la santĂ© imputable Ă  plusieurs facteurs. Au total, ces coĂ»ts sont passĂ©s de 37,5 milliards de francs en 1996 Ă  77,8 milliards en 2015, tandis que ceux de l'AOS ont grimpĂ© de 10,8 Ă  27,5 milliards de francs. Notons qu'au cours de cette pĂ©riode en question, l’importance Ă©conomique a augmentĂ© non seulement en termes absolus mais Ă©galement rapportĂ© au produit intĂ©rieur brut (PIB), indice qui mesure la performance Ă©conomique d’un pays. Alors que les coĂ»ts globaux de la santĂ© reprĂ©sentaient, en 1996, 9,2 % du PIB par annĂ©e, ce pourcentage Ă©tait supĂ©rieur Ă  12 en 2015. En comparaison avec la croissance dĂ©mographique, les coĂ»ts des soins de santĂ© ont Ă©galement augmentĂ© de façon disproportionnĂ©e: la progression des prestations nettes dans l’AOS est en effet de 4 % environ par assurĂ© en moyenne, soit 3,5 % dĂ©duction faite de l’inflation. Certes, les bases de donnĂ©es ne sont pas parfaites, mais le faisceau d’indices pointant une tendance Ă  l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de la hausse des coĂ»ts est incontestable. Pour tenter de la freiner, une intervention politique s’impose de plus en plus, si bien que les mesures de nature Ă  permettre au systĂšme de santĂ© de rester financiĂšrement viable sur la durĂ©e, tant pour les payeurs de primes que les pouvoirs publics, gagnent en importance. Les mesures envisagĂ©es dans le prĂ©sent rapport visent en particulier Ă  Ă©viter que des prestations mĂ©dicales inutiles et Ă©vitables soient fournies et, partant, Ă  contribuer Ă  freiner la hausse des coĂ»ts. (Contexte
