31 research outputs found

    Refining structures against reflection rank: an alternative metric for electron crystallography.

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    A new metric is proposed to improve the fidelity of structures refined against precession electron diffraction data. The inherent dynamical nature of electron diffraction ensures that direct refinement of recorded intensities against structure-factor amplitudes can be prone to systematic errors. Here it is shown that the relative intensity of precessed reflections, their rank, can be used as an alternative metric for refinement. Experimental data from erbium pyrogermanate show that applying precession reduces the dynamical transfer of intensity between reflections and hence stabilizes their rank, enabling accurate and reliable structural refinements. This approach is then applied successfully to an unknown structure of an oxygen-deficient bismuth manganite resulting in a refined structural model that is similar to a calcium analogue.The authors thank the EPSRC for financial support through grant number HO1771

    Scanning precession electron tomography for three-dimensional nanoscale orientation imaging and crystallographic analysis.

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    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions from electron tomography provide important morphological, compositional, optical and electro-magnetic information across a wide range of materials and devices. Precession electron diffraction, in combination with scanning transmission electron microscopy, can be used to elucidate the local orientation of crystalline materials. Here we show, using the example of a Ni-base superalloy, that combining these techniques and extending them to three dimensions, to produce scanning precession electron tomography, enables the 3D orientation of nanoscale sub-volumes to be determined and provides a one-to-one correspondence between 3D real space and 3D reciprocal space for almost any polycrystalline or multi-phase material.A.S.E. and P.A.M acknowledge financial support from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement 291522-3DIMAGE, the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission: ESTEEM2, contract number 312483, EPSRC grant number EP/H017712/1 and the Royal Society. R.K. acknowledges financial support from Rolls-Royce, EPSRC and the BMWi under EP/H022309/1, EP/H500375/1 and grant number 20T0813. We are grateful to Professor Edgar Rauch for valuable discussion on the use of the Astar system, to Dr Cathie Rae and Dr Mark Hardy of Rolls-Royce for supply of the superalloy samples and valuable discussion about their microstructure, Dr Zineb Saghi for help with the tomographic reconstructions and Dr Francisco de la Peña for help with the NMF decompositions.This is the final version. It was first published by NPG at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150601/ncomms8267/full/ncomms8267.html

    Reducing dynamic disorder in small-molecule organic semiconductors by suppressing large-amplitude thermal motions.

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    Thermal vibrations and the dynamic disorder they create can detrimentally affect the transport properties of van der Waals bonded molecular semiconductors. The low-energy nature of these vibrations makes it difficult to access them experimentally, which is why we still lack clear molecular design rules to control and reduce dynamic disorder. In this study we discuss the promising organic semiconductors rubrene, 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothio-phene and 2,9-di-decyl-dinaphtho-[2,3-b:20,30-f]-thieno-[3,2-b]-thiophene in terms of an exceptionally low degree of dynamic disorder. In particular, we analyse diffuse scattering in transmission electron microscopy, to show that small molecules that have their side chains attached along the long axis of their conjugated core are better encapsulated in their crystal structure, which helps reduce large-amplitude thermal motions. Our work provides a general strategy for the design of new classes of very high mobility organic semiconductors with a low degree of dynamic disorder.S.I. acknowledges funding from the EPSRC, the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability and the Cambridge Home and EU scholarship scheme (CHESS). G. S. acknowledges postdoctoral fellowship support from the Wiener-Anspach Foundation. We acknowledge the support of Nippon Kayaku in providing the materials C8-BTBT and C10-DNTT. We acknowledge Dr John Morrison for synthesis of TMTES-P and Marie Beatrice for her work that resulted in the thin-film structure of TMTES-P. We acknowledge Audrey Richard and Christian Ruzié for the synthesis of ditBu-BTBT and diTMS-BTBT.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1073

    Nanomagnetic properties of the meteorite cloudy zone.

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    Meteorites contain a record of their thermal and magnetic history, written in the intergrowths of iron-rich and nickel-rich phases that formed during slow cooling. Of intense interest from a magnetic perspective is the "cloudy zone," a nanoscale intergrowth containing tetrataenite-a naturally occurring hard ferromagnetic mineral that has potential applications as a sustainable alternative to rare-earth permanent magnets. Here we use a combination of high-resolution electron diffraction, electron tomography, atom probe tomography (APT), and micromagnetic simulations to reveal the 3D architecture of the cloudy zone with subnanometer spatial resolution and model the mechanism of remanence acquisition during slow cooling on the meteorite parent body. Isolated islands of tetrataenite are embedded in a matrix of an ordered superstructure. The islands are arranged in clusters of three crystallographic variants, which control how magnetic information is encoded into the nanostructure. The cloudy zone acquires paleomagnetic remanence via a sequence of magnetic domain state transformations (vortex to two domain to single domain), driven by Fe-Ni ordering at 320 °C. Rather than remanence being recorded at different times at different positions throughout the cloudy zone, each subregion of the cloudy zone records a coherent snapshot of the magnetic field that was present at 320 °C. Only the coarse and intermediate regions of the cloudy zone are found to be suitable for paleomagnetic applications. The fine regions, on the other hand, have properties similar to those of rare-earth permanent magnets, providing potential routes to synthetic tetrataenite-based magnetic materials.European Research Counci

    Revisiting metal fluorides as lithium-ion battery cathodes.

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    Metal fluorides, promising lithium-ion battery cathode materials, have been classified as conversion materials due to the reconstructive phase transitions widely presumed to occur upon lithiation. We challenge this view by studying FeF3 using X-ray total scattering and electron diffraction techniques that measure structure over multiple length scales coupled with density functional theory calculations, and by revisiting prior experimental studies of FeF2 and CuF2. Metal fluoride lithiation is instead dominated by diffusion-controlled displacement mechanisms, and a clear topological relationship between the metal fluoride F- sublattices and that of LiF is established. Initial lithiation of FeF3 forms FeF2 on the particle's surface, along with a cation-ordered and stacking-disordered phase, A-LixFeyF3, which is structurally related to α-/ÎČ-LiMn2+Fe3+F6 and which topotactically transforms to B- and then C-LixFeyF3, before forming LiF and Fe. Lithiation of FeF2 and CuF2 results in a buffer phase between FeF2/CuF2 and LiF. The resulting principles will aid future developments of a wider range of isomorphic metal fluorides.X.H. is supported by funding from EPSRC Doctoral Prize, Adolphe Merkle and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Program NRP70 No. 153990) and European Commission via MSCA (Grant 798169). A.S.E. acknowledges financial support from the Royal Society. E.C.M. acknowledges funding from European Commission via MSCA (Grant 747449) and RTI2018-094550-A-100 from MICINN. Z. L. acknowledges funding from the Faraday Institution via the FutureCat consortium. C.J.P. is supported by the Royal Society through a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award, and EPSRC grant EP/P022596/1. A.L.G. acknowledges funding from the ERC (Grant 788144). This research was supported as part of the North Eastern Center for Chemical Energy Storage, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, and Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Number DE-SC0001294. Work done at Argonne and use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the US DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Work done at Diamond Light Source was under Proposal EE17315-1. The authors are grateful to Prof. G. Ceder and other NECCES members for many stimulating discussions concerning fluoride-based conversion reactions and on the origins of structural hysteresis. The authors also acknowledge the help from S. Dutton, T. Dean, A. Docker, M. Leskes and D. Keeble

    Modulation of uptake and reactivity of nitrogen dioxide in metal‐organic framework materials

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    We report the modulation of reactivity of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in a charged metal–organic framework (MOF) material, MFM‐305‐CH3 in which unbound N‐centres are methylated and the cationic charge counter‐balanced by Cl− ions in the pores. Uptake of NO2 into MFM‐305‐CH3 leads to reaction between NO2 and Cl− to give nitrosyl chloride (NOCl) and NO3− anions. A high dynamic uptake of 6.58 mmol g−1 at 298 K is observed for MFM‐305‐CH3 as measured using a flow of 500 ppm NO2 in He. In contrast, the analogous neutral material, MFM‐305, shows a much lower uptake of 2.38 mmol g−1. The binding domains and reactivity of adsorbed NO2 molecules within MFM‐305‐CH3 and MFM‐305 have been probed using in situ synchrotron X‐ray diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering and by electron paramagnetic resonance, high‐field solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance and UV/Vis spectroscopies. The design of charged porous sorbents provides a new platform to control the reactivity of corrosive air pollutants