800 research outputs found

    Journal Staff

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    This report aims to identify and analyze specific Nordic reading results and trends from 2000 to 2009. There is focus on weak readers and gender issues, and there are results from an analysis of two Danish national options, one covers tests of basic reading skills, word decoding and vocabulary knowledge, while the other presents results from analysis of oversampling of students with immigrant background. The publication also gives an overview of the school systems in the Nordic countries with a timeline of politically induced changes from 1990 to 2010 – the years of the PISA assessments. An overview of such changes has never previously been provided. The documented changes are used to form possible explanations for trends in PISA reading results in the respective countries

    Kvalitet i specialskoler

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    Børne‐ og undervisningsministeriet indgik i december 2012 en aftale om i et forskningsmæssigt samarbejde mellem Aarhus Universitet (Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik/forskningsprogrammet SILO) og SFI at gennemføre et projekt, der har til formål at etablere viden om kvalitet på specialskolerne og udvikle kvalitet på skolerne. De enkelte dele af projektet er beskrevet i fem rapporter og tre former for kvalitetsudviklingsværktøjer. De fem rapporter er alle udgivet af Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik på Aarhus Universitet, hvor de også kan downloades gratis

    Alien Registration- Egelund, Lena (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Masculinity, sex and survival in Zambian prisons

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    Environmental communication in business relations

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    Effekt af strategier mod rodukrudt - de nyeste forskningsresultater

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    Forsøg gennemført ved Aarhus Universitet har vist, at bestanden af tidsler er blevet reduceret med op til 99 pct. ved at man over tre år gennemførte harvninger om efteråret og pløjning om foråret

    Civil Society in Conflict

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    This paper aims to explore the role of the Syrian civil society in the ongoing conflict from the concept of transitional justice. Broadening the civil society understanding provides a tool to approach the overlooked social capital in the Syrian society. Exploring the approach from non-profit groups to victims, I aim to understand a possible approach to transitional justice in Syria. I argue for the importance of an open approach when addressing civil mechanisms and social capital in Syria. Especially groups considered “uncivil” have to be included in the civil society. Focusing on civil society provides knowledge about resources in the Syrian society, both in the present time of conflict, but also for a possible transition towards peace. This thesis elaborates that a Syrian bottom-up approach supports the idea of an “Arab” transitional justice clinching with liberal democracy, especially when the state-frame is debated. Regional differences regarding rule is part of the problem. When aiming for liberal democracy other forms of democracy and rule in general are excluded beforehand and thereby determining new groups –and some of the same, as “uncivil”