12 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Remaja Desa Wisata Bendosari Kecamatan Plantungan Kabupaten Kendal melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Papan Informasi Berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

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    Teenagers have an important role to develop the village into a tourist village. One of the roles is to develop existing facilities and infrastructure at tourist sites. Information boards are a very important part of tourism villages\u27s management because it can be the information about tourist attractions, restrictions and warnings. Therefore, training and mentoring in making information boards in English and Indonesian need to be done in Bendosari Village, Plantungan District, Kendal Regency because of the limited number of information boards at tourist sites, especially in Jeglong Waterfall. The method used in the training is lecture, question and answer and practice. Participants in the training and mentoring activities for the making of this information board were the teenagers of Bendosari Village. The outcomes generated from these training activities are 1) teenagers \u27understanding of the importance of information boards at tourist sites increases, 2) teenagers\u27 understanding of the phrases used on information boards both in English and in Indonesian also increases, 3) models of information boards for tourist sites are created, and 4) nformation boards in English and Indonesian language for tourist sites are created as wel


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    Demoralization occured in school life. Teachers as the person incharge of the students?óÔé¼Ôäó education in school must find the way out to demolish the demoralization. Character Education needs to be developed in school to maintain students?óÔé¼Ôäó behaviour. Character Building is important to be developed in the learning process. The development of Character Building is integrated into subject matters in elementary schools. Teachers should be involved in the character education for students. In running the process of learning, instructional materials are needed. Syllabus and lesson plan are parts of the instructional materials. Teachers are not only responsible for educating students in school but also responsible for building students?óÔé¼Ôäó characters through the material they deliver. Character Buildings are integrated in the syllabus and lesson plan in order that the students can apply the moral values from the material they learn in their daily lifes. The syllabus and lesson plan improvement with all the potency can be used for supporting the effectivity of character education implementation which is becoming the prior attention. Teachers should know more about students personality and what students need in the learning process. Teachers can improve their skills in making syllabus and lesson plans based character education by joining this workshop. Teachers need to be ?óÔé¼?ôan up-date?óÔé¼?Ø person in giving materials and delivering the moral values to build the students?óÔé¼Ôäó character. Through the program of repetition drills and monitoring, teachers can learn more about syllabus based character education to fulfill the students?óÔé¼Ôäó need. Syllabus based character education has to be used for imprasing the character education in order for gaining teachers?óÔé¼Ôäó and students?óÔé¼Ôäó creativity

    Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Life Skills

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    To achieve the goal of teaching learning, a proper method, as an instrument, plays an important role in serving the teaching learning materials. The education of pre-school is aimed to develop the life skill, which covers attitude, knowledge, creativity, and skill. The teaching learning methode that forms the child?óÔé¼Ôäós character has to be turned back to the curriculum. It should remain concerning in the phase of the development and character of child who like playing, singing, dan moving. Finally, the teaching learning methode must be addressed in shaping academic, social, personal intellegence, and child?óÔé¼Ôäós creativity

    Implementation of Scientific Approach in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Gringsing Batang

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    This research aimed: 1) to identify the implementation of scientific approach in English teaching at SMP N 1 Gringsing, 2) to identify the problems faced by the teachers and students implementing scientific approach in English teaching, and 3) to know the teachers' solutions of the problems. The method used in this final project is descriptive qualitative. The writer used observation sheet and documentation gotten by recording the activities, and the lesson plan of the teachers in collecting data. The result of the analysis shows: 1) the implementation of scientific approach in teaching learning process at SMP N 1 Gringsing Batang is running well, although the five steps are not working well because the time was not enough to finish all of steps of scientific approach in one meeting. 2) the problems in teaching learning process were divided into two parts. The first was problems of the teachers. Here, the first teacher often forgot to give apperception in the opening step as stated in the lesson plan. The teachers found the students were less active in learning process of questioning step. Moreover, the teachers gave same instruction in exploring and associating step by giving same questions but different pattern (written and orally). Then, the teachers were lack in the media of teaching learning process, so it made students bored. The second was problems faced by the students that they were being nervous, afraid, or ashamed if they made a mistake in arranging the question or sentence, and show their work. Sometimes they felt difficult when they found new vocabularies. 3) there were some solutions made by the teachers to solve the problems. They corrected the students' pronunciation and wrong sentence. The teachers let students to open their dictionary to find the meaning of difficult words. Furthermore, they gave motivation to the students that they should be more active in the teaching and learning process. In addition, the teachers gave punishment by giving questions to students who did not focus in learning process and the students were asked to write what they had learnt on that day in “My Journal”. It was to know the students' development. Finally, the teachers should improve the techniques in learning process, so the students can receive the material easily