44 research outputs found

    A characterization of b-chromatic and partial Grundy numbers by induced subgraphs

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    Gy{\'a}rf{\'a}s et al. and Zaker have proven that the Grundy number of a graph GG satisfies Γ(G)≥t\Gamma(G)\ge t if and only if GG contains an induced subgraph called a tt-atom.The family of tt-atoms has bounded order and contains a finite number of graphs.In this article, we introduce equivalents of tt-atoms for b-coloring and partial Grundy coloring.This concept is used to prove that determining if φ(G)≥t\varphi(G)\ge t and ∂Γ(G)≥t\partial\Gamma(G)\ge t (under conditions for the b-coloring), for a graph GG, is in XP with parameter tt.We illustrate the utility of the concept of tt-atoms by giving results on b-critical vertices and edges, on b-perfect graphs and on graphs of girth at least 77

    The b-chromatic number of power graphs

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    The b-chromatic number of a graph G is defined as the maximum number k of colors that can be used to color the vertices of G, such that we obtain a proper coloring and each color i, with 1 ≤ i≤ k, has at least one representant x_i adjacent to a vertex of every color j, 1 ≤ j ≠ i ≤ k. In this paper, we discuss the b-chromatic number of some power graphs. We give the exact value of the b-chromatic number of power paths and power complete binary trees, and we bound the b-chromatic number of power cycles

    Incidence, a Scoring Positional Game on Graphs

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    Positional games have been introduced by Hales and Jewett in 1963 and have been extensively investigated in the literature since then. These games are played on a hypergraph where two players alternately select an unclaimed vertex of it. In the Maker-Breaker convention, if Maker manages to fully take a hyperedge, she wins, otherwise, Breaker is the winner. In the Maker-Maker convention, the first player to take a hyperedge wins. In both cases, the game stops as soon as Maker has taken a hyperedge. By definition, this family of games does not handle scores and cannot represent games in which players want to maximize a quantity. In this work, we introduce scoring positional games, that consist in playing on a hypergraph until all the vertices are claimed, and by defining the score as the number of hyperedges a player has fully taken. We focus here on Incidence, a scoring positional game played on a 2-uniform hypergraph, i.e. an undirected graph. In this game, two players alternately claim the vertices of a graph and score the number of edges for which they own both end vertices. In the Maker-Breaker version, Maker aims at maximizing the number of edges she owns, while Breaker aims at minimizing it. In the Maker-Maker version, both players try to take more edges than their opponent. We first give some general results on scoring positional games such that their membership in Milnor's universe and some general bounds on the score. We prove that, surprisingly, computing the score in the Maker-Breaker version of Incidence is PSPACE-complete whereas in the Maker-Maker convention, the relative score can be obtained in polynomial time. In addition, for the Maker-Breaker convention, we give a formula for the score on paths by using some equivalences due to Milnor's universe. This result implies that the score on cycles can also be computed in polynomial time

    A note on Grundy colorings of central graphs

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    International audienceA Grundy coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G where any vertex x, colored with c(x), has a neighbor of any color 1,2,...,c(x)-1. A central graph G^c is obtained from G by adding an edge between any two non adjacent vertices in G and subdividing any edge of G once. In this note we focus on Grundy colorings of central graphs. We present some bounds related to parameters of G and a Nordhaus-Gaddum inequality. We also determine exact values for the Grundy coloring of some central classical graphs

    The b_q-coloring of graphs

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    International audienceIn this article we introduce a new graph coloring called the b_q-coloring. A b_q-coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G with k colors such that every color class c admits a set of vertices S, of size at most q, such that every color except c appears in the neighborhood of S. The aim of this coloring is to generalize the domination constraint given in the b-coloring of a graph where every color admits only one dominating vertex (adjacent to every other color). The largest positive integer k for which a graph has a b_q-coloring using k colors is the b_q-chromatic number. We present some classes of graphs for which the b_q-chromatic number has maximum value and we give exact values of this parameter for paths and cycles. We also present some bounds for Cartesian products of graphs

    Generation of Valid Labeled Binary Trees

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    International audienceGenerating binary trees is a well-known problem. In this paper, we add some constraints to leaves of these trees. Such trees are used in the morphing of polygons, where a polygon P is represented by a binary tree T and each angle of P is a weight on a leaf of T. In the following, we give two algorithms to generate all binary trees, without repetitions, having the same weight distribution to their leaves and representing all parallel polygons to P

    The b-chromatic number of power graphs of complete caterpillars

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    International audienceLet G be a graph on vertices v1, v2, . . . , vn. The b-chromatic number of G is defined as the maximum number k of colors that can be used to color the vertices of G, such that we obtain a proper coloring and every color i admits a representant x adjacent to a vertex of each color j, 1 ≤ j i ≤ k. In this paper, we give the exact value for the b-chromatic number of power graphs of a complete caterpillar

    Generation of Unordered Binary Trees

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    International audienceA binary unordered tree is a tree where each internal node has two children and the relative order of the subtrees of a node is not important (i.e. two trees are different if they differ only in the respective ordering of subtrees of nodes). We present a new method to generate all binary rooted unordered trees with n internal nodes, without duplications, in O(log n) time

    A note on Grundy colorings of central graphs

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    International audienceA Grundy coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G where any vertex x, colored with c(x), has a neighbor of any color 1,2,...,c(x)-1. A central graph G^c is obtained from G by adding an edge between any two non adjacent vertices in G and subdividing any edge of G once. In this note we focus on Grundy colorings of central graphs. We present some bounds related to parameters of G and a Nordhaus-Gaddum inequality. We also determine exact values for the Grundy coloring of some central classical graphs

    The b-chromatic number of power graphs

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    International audienceThe b-chromatic number of a graph G is defined as the maximum number k of colors that can be used to color the vertices of G, such that we obtain a proper coloring and each color i, with 1 ≤ i≤ k, has at least one representant x_i adjacent to a vertex of every color j, 1 ≤ j ≠ i ≤ k. In this paper, we discuss the b-chromatic number of some power graphs. We give the exact value of the b-chromatic number of power paths and power complete binary trees, and we bound the b-chromatic number of power cycles