623 research outputs found


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    Kajian filsafat kebudayaan pertanian di Pulau Lombok ini bertujuan untuk 1) menyelidiki dan menganalisis secara ontologis keadaan (eksistensi) dan hakekat dari budaya pertanian 2) menyelidiki dan menganalisis secara epistimologis adanya pengetahuan, sumber pengetshuan, asal usul pengetahuan tentang budaya pertanian dan 3) mengetahui secara aksiologis implementasi dan manfaat dari penerapan kebudayaan pertanian. metode penelitian menggunakan metode filsafat ilmu dan analisis fakta dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan neuro critical analisis. tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, penelusuran: fenomena, artefak, pustaka dan naskah manuscript. hasil kajian menyimpulkan bahwa 1) secara ontologis ditemukan adanya (eksis) nya budaya pertanian dan budaya pertanian pada hakekatnya budaya pertanian merupakan cara hidup masyarakat di pulau lombok untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan lingkungannya, serta merupakan strategi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya 2) secara epistimologis ditemukan adanya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang budaya pertanian yang berasal mulai dari: pengalaman masa lalu yang diwariskan leluhur, pengalaman pribadi yang berkembang, catatan catatan dari manuskrip kuno serta dari para penyuluh baik swasta maupun pemerintah dan 3) secara aksiologis budaya agraris telah terimplementasi secara masif di pulau lombok dalam kurun waktu lama serta sudah memiliki manfaat dlm pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat akan pangan (swasembada beras tahun 1982) serta terjadinya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat


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    This research aims to: (1) determine more efficient land rental patterns; (2) knowing the costs and income of farmers in each shallot farming pattern in the rental system; (3) determine the level of efficiency of farmer input use in shallot farming in the land rental system in Sumbawa Regency. Research using descriptive methods, qualitative and quantitative data types. Determination of villages was carried out using a purposive sampling method, namely Plampang District. Respondents were determined using proportional random sampling with 30 farmer respondents. The research results show that there are two patterns, namely Pattern 1 and Pattern 2, where Pattern 1: one year before planting, while Pattern 2: one year, half before planting and half before harvest. The average land rental price for MT II shallot farming in Pattern 1 is IDR 6,395,348.84/Ha, while the average land rental price in Pattern 2 is IDR 6,524,822.69/Ha before discounts and IDR 6,285,106 .38/Ha after discount. (2) The average cost of shallot production in Plampang District, Sumbawa Regency at MT II in Pattern 1 is IDR 45,421,988.91/Ha/MT, while in Pattern 2 it is IDR 35,282,003.13/Ha/MT. Meanwhile, the average income in Pattern 1 is IDR 27,462,774.04/Ha/MT, while in Pattern 2 it is IDR 21,741,188.33/Ha/MT. (3) The ratio of Marginal Product Value (NPMx) to the Average Price of Production Factors (Px) for each variable does not have a value equal to one. The use of production factors of land area (X1), seeds (X2), and labor (X3) is not efficient. Meanwhile, the use of fertilizer (X4), pesticides (X5), and land rental (X6) is inefficient

    Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Jagung Di Desa Bantulanteh Kecamatan Tarano Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the costs and income of corn farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency (2) to analyze what factors affect corn farming production in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency (3) to analyze the feasibility corn farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with the unit of analysis is Corn Farming in Bantulanteh Village, Tarano District, Sumbawa Regency. The location of the research was determined purposively, namely in all hamlets in Bantulanteh Village. Determination of the number of respondents using the Slovin method as many as 42 respondents, while sampling by simple random sampling. The types of data are quantitative and qualitative data, while the data sources are primary and secondary. The data collection technique is survey technique. The results showed that (1) the average production cost of corn farming in Bantulanteh Village was Rp. 15,576,844/LLG or Rp. 16,753,583/Ha, while the average income was Rp. 22,579,585/LLG or Rp. 24,285,341/Ha. (2) Simultaneously the production factors that significantly affect the production of corn farming are seeds, urea fertilizer, Phonska NPK fertilizer, labor and pesticides. Partially, the production factors that significantly influence the production of corn farming are seeds, while other production factors (urea fertilizer, Phonska NPK fertilizer, labor and pesticides) have no significant effect on corn farming production. (3) Corn farming in Bantulanteh Village is feasible to cultivate, this can be seen from the R/C Ratio value of 2.45 which is greater than 1, meaning that if Rp. 1 costs for maize farming, the farmer receives Rp. 2.45 income.   Keywords: Corn Farming, Production Factors, Feasibilit


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    This study aims to: (1) analyze the income of caisim farming in Lingsar District West Lombok Regency; (2) analyzing the efficiency of input use in caisim farming in Lingsar District West Lombok Regency; (3) knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors in caisim farming in Lingsar District West Lombok Regency. The analysis used in this research are: income analysis, Cobb-Douglas function analysis, and descriptive analysis. The results showed that: (1) The average income of caisim farming in Lingsar District was IDR 1,929,875.83/LLG or IDR 112,202.08/are; (2) Of the eight types of inputs used in caisim farming, inputs of land area, seeds, manure, ponska fertilizer and labor have not been efficient. Meanwhile, the use of urea, Gandasil-D, and pesticide inputs is inefficient; (3) The supporting factors for caisim farming in Lingsar District are: (a) technical aspects (availability of production facilities and land potential); (b) economic aspect (marketing); (c) institutional aspects (the existence of institutions providing capital), while the inhibiting factors include (a) technical aspects (pest attacks); (b) economic aspects (uncertain output selling prices and increasingly expensive fertilizer prices); (c) institutional aspects (farmers' activity when they are given counseling). Based on the results of the research, some suggestions can be made as follows: (1) Caisim farmers, especially in Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency are expected to follow cultivation techniques as recommended, especially the use of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides so that they can further increase land productivity, production of caisim and income; (2) It is expected that caisim farmers will be more active in extension activities held by local PPL so that respondent farmers in Lingsar District can increase their knowledge, especially in caisim vegetable cultivation


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    This study aims to analyze consumer preferences for banana attributes in Mataram City using a descriptive method, as many as 100 respondents in Mataram City selected using a systematic random sampling method. Determination of the sample area is carried out by purposive sampling. Data collection with survey techniques, namely interviews and questionnaire distribution. The collected data was analyzed using conjoint analysis. The results showed that the attributes of bananas most considered by consumers based on importance value in order were freshness, ripening, price, type of banana, and safety label. The attributes of bananas that become consumer preferences based on the value of usefulness are the type of yellow banana, fresh conditions, natural ripening, there is a safety label, and prices range from Rp. 12,000-18,000/kg.&nbsp


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    This study discusses the relationship between competence and teacher responses to the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the Elementary School in Parepare. This type of research is descriptive qualitative data collection methods such as structured interviews, questionnaires, and documentation study. Once the data is collected, verified and tested its validity. The results showed that elementary school teachers in Parepare have proven competent at teaching certificate, however the degree of their competen faced with technical problems in the implementation phase as access to information. They responded positively to the implementation of Curriculum 2013, with the record prior to the enforcement of government must be prepared for all possibilities including the setting up of facilities and pre-supporting means

    A Nepotism and Crony in a Business, Case of Industrial Deregulation in Indonesia

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    An industrial deregulation is a government policy in developing a state\u27s economic infrastructure. If a country undergoes a process of powerful personalization, its interest is identical with a powerful interest. For an economic profit, the President\u27s relative and crony do a business and build directly unproductive seeking activities. This study aims to examine the relation of relative to crony in realizing an industrial deregulation in the 1980s and its impact on the Indonesian economy in a view of macroeconomic policy. It focuses on a problem of the industrial deregulation from 1983 to 1990 with economic growth by the indicator of contribution to GDP and labor force. The study used an expose facto approach. The data were the secondary sources: documents, textbooks and mass media. It used a qualitative-descriptive analysis

    Kedudukan dan Kewenangan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam Pemberantasan Terorisme di Indonesia

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: bagaimana kedudukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam sistem pertahanan negara Republik Indonesia, dan bagaimana kewenangan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam pemberantasan terorisme di Indonesia. Dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Kedudukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia merupakan komponen utama dalam sistem pertahanan Negara sesuai yang diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2002. 2. Kewenangan dalam mengatasi aksi terorisme sebenarnya telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 34 tahun 2004 tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai salah satu kegiatan Operasi Militer Selain Perang


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: bagaimana kedudukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam sistem pertahanan negara Republik Indonesia, dan bagaimana kewenangan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dalam pemberantasan terorisme di Indonesia. Dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Kedudukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia merupakan komponen utama dalam sistem pertahanan Negara sesuai yang diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2002. 2. Kewenangan dalam mengatasi aksi terorisme sebenarnya telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 34 tahun 2004 tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai salah satu kegiatan Operasi Militer Selain Perang. Kata kunci: TNI, Pemberantasan Terorism

    Sistematik review: Hubungan “big five personality model” dengan motivasi siswa di sekolah

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    Motivation is a process that explains one's strength, direction and perseverance in an effort to achieve his goals. Motivation varies from one individual to another. In motivational studies there are individual differences, individual differences in way of thinking, way of feeling, in what is desired and what is needed, as well as individual differences in what is done. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship of Big Five Personality Model with student motivation in school, be it learning motivation, academic motivation and achievement motivation. The results of a literature study from 10 research journals showed that personality awareness or Conscientiousness was shown to have a significant influence on motivation, be it performance motivation, learning motivation and motivation of achievement, personality Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Openness associated positively and significantly with motivation, while for personality Neuroticism some studies found to have weak correlations and even negative correlations with motivas i, but other studies have found a strong and positive correlation with motivation.Motivasi merupakan proses yang menjelaskan mengenai kekuatan, arah dan ketekunan seseorang dalam upaya mencapai tujuannya. Motivasi bervariasi dari satu individu ke yang lain. Dalam kajian motivasi terdapat perbedaan individu, perbedaan individu dalam cara berpikir, cara merasa, dalam apa yang diinginkan dan apa yang dibutuhkan, serta perbedaan individu dalam apa yang dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Big Five Personality Model dengan motivasi siswa disekolah, baik itu motivasi belajar, motivasi akademik dan motivasi berprestasi. Hasil studi literatur dari 10 jurnal penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian kesadaran atau Conscientiousness terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap motivasi, baik itu motivasi kinerja, motivasi belajar dan motivasi berprestasi, kepribadian Conscientiousness, Extraversion dan keterbukaan berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan motivasi, sedangkan untuk kepribadian Neuroticisme beberapa penelitian menemukan memiliki korelasi yang lemah dan bahkan korelasinya negatif dengan motivasi, namun penelitian lainnya menemukan korelasinya yang kuat dan positif dengan motivasi
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