207 research outputs found

    Value Analysis of Passenger Car Equivalent Motorcycle (Case Study Kartini Road Bandar Lampung)

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    Motorcycles in traffic mix on the 4 lane one-way road with no median dividers berpootensi an impact on the performance of the particular traffic volume of traffic, especially if the number of vehicles is very large motorcycle. This happens in the corridors of Bandar Lampung particularly traffic from the south or from the Gulf Betung.Studi done in the way of Kartini Bandar Lampung, ie after Kartini Mall and right in front lembga technocrat education. Survey conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday morning at peak hour, peak hour lunch, and afternoon peak hours by using a video camera. Results of analysis of the proportion of motorcycles acquired: On Tuesday, at 67.91% of the total volume of traffic, and Wednesdays at 69.73% of the total traffic volume, so that the average proportion was 68.82%, which shows that the growth of motorcycle high enough , the average value exceeds the normal composition according MKJI 1997 is 38%. Due to the growth of the motorcycle vehicle large enough for the volume of traffic, it is necessary to review the value of PCE for motorcycles as part of the traffic. Analysis is used to determine the value of PCE is to use the base capacity. The capacity of the base using multiple linear regression model. The results of the analysis obtained niali emp for motorcycles on the road Kartini is emp MC = 0.564, and emp HV = 1.347. Recommended for 4 lane road with no median one-way lane that has not been facilitated by special motor bike, then you should apply the separation column in order to reduce the level of accidents and provide security and comfort for pedestrians to cross the road

    INDIGO : better geomagnetic observatories where we need them

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    The INDIGO project aims to improve the global coverage of digital observatories by deploying digital magnetometer systems in: i) Observatories where existing analog recording equipment is in need of upgrading. ii) Newly established digital observatories. iii) Existing digital observatories for the purpose of quality control and redundancy. In implementing the project and selecting suitable sites, special attention is paid to parts of the Earth devoid of magnetic observatories, increasing the reliability and long-term operation of existing observatories and cost-effective use of local resources. The Poster reviews the current status of the project. We examine the different steps and initiatives taken since the initiation of INDIGO in 2004 and assess their effectiveness in achieving progress towards our aims of improving global coverage and enhanced data quality

    Post-Conflict Democracy, Violence, and Peace-Building in Aceh and Maluku

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    Studies on democracy development and peace-building in post-conflict areas in Indonesia have been conducted with consideration that beside halting conflicts and reaching peace deals, maintaining peace by preserving political dynamics and development is very important and challenging. Beside that, many recent studies were conducted with more focus on the dynamics of conflicts and vio- lence during the conflict and post-conflict periods. There are few studies that focus on how post-conflict democratization is sustained to preserve develop- mental process and maintain peace. The study is expected to fill in such gap. The study is conducted as part of the National Violence Monitoring Sys- tem (NVMS/SNPK) program, in cooperation with The Habibie Center and the Deputy I Office for Environmental and Social Vulnerability Coordina- tion, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, and with support from The World Bank. The program is funded by Korean grant of Trust Fund for Economic and Peacebuilding Transitions. The publication of the book is also supported by DFAT-TAF Partnership. NVMS Research team of The Habibie Center obtained huge support from var- ious parties during the development and execution of the study. For this, the team would like to extend its gratitude particularly to Aryos Nivada (Aceh Institut), Muhajir Juli, and Joko Sutranto (Provinsi Aceh); Franklin Nikijuluw, Jamal Riry, Hilda Rolobessy, Dominggus Jacob Loury Sipasulta (Maluku Province's ITDM). The team would feel thankful for critical and constructive inputs from Badrus Sholeh (Islamic State University (UIN) of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta), Cahyo Pamungkas (LIPI), Philips Vermonte (CSIS), Dr. Marwan Syaukani, Nelwan Harap, and Mafud Salatunlayl (Kemenko PMK), as well as Adrian Morel and Wa- hyu Handoyo (World Bank). The NVMS research team would also like to thank all the informants/respondents for providing information during the research; the executive body and staff of The Habibie Center that have supported the research completely, especially Ms. Ima, Mr. Ghazali, Mr. Kun, Vivi, and Tasha. All of the views in this publication are those from the Habibie Center's NVMS research team and do not reflect the view of other program partner institutions. Finally, we hope this research would be useful and contribute to the dis- course of democracy development and peace-building

    Profile of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Endoscopic Unit at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital - Medan

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most prevalent cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide every year. Rates of this Malignancy vary by country. In Indonesia, the prevalence is estimated to have an increased tendency. The objectives of this sudy was to examine the prevalence and profile of colorectal cancer, which are diagnosed by endoscopic examination. Method: The study was conducted retrospectively, by examining the Result of endoscopic findings of patients with rectal bleeding, altered bowel habit, chronic diarrhea, unexplain abdominal pain, and other signs and symptoms at The Endoscopic Unit Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Pirngadi hospital from January 2004 to June 2008. Results: We found 197 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) from 760 patients examined by colonoscopy (25.9%). One hundred and one patients (51.3%) out of 197 CRC patients were female. Most were in the group of age 51-60 years (28.9%). The most frequent ethnic of the patients were Bataknese (46.2%). The most common symptom was rectal bleeding (70.6%). The most common location of CRC was in the rectum (74.6%). Histopathologic Result was adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: The prevalence of colorectal cancer in this study were twenty six percents. Rectal bleeding appeared to be the most common sign in this study. Rectum was the most common site of the cancer. Most of patients were Bataknese. Patients were at advanced stage and most of them were having well-differentiated adenocarcinoma

    Kapasitas Lembaga dan Dinamika Pencegahan Konflik: Studi Kasus Kalimantan Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Publikasi ini mengenai studi tentang kapasitas lembaga dalam pencegahan konflik dengan mengambil kasus di Kalimantan Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Mengingat semakin kompleksnya penanganan konflik di Indonesia, peran lembaga menjadi strategis untuk melaksanakan hal tersebut. Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2012 tentang Penanganan Konflik Sosial sendiri menyatakan bahwa penanganan konflik meliputi upaya-upaya pencegahan, penghentian, dan pemulihan. Mengingat pencegahan konflik merupakan bagian terpenting dari penanganan konflik, kami dari Tim Sistem Nasional Pemantauan Kekerasan-The Habibie Center (SNPK-THC) memandang perlu diadakan studi tentang bagaimana lembaga-lembaga tersebut menjalankan kapasitas mereka dalam pencegahan konflik. Sesuai dengan apa yang digariskan UU di atas, pencegahan konflik sebagai salah satu tahapan dalam penanganan konflik diimplementasikan melalui peran lembaga dan strategi pencegahan yang dilakukannya. Dengan demikian, penelitian tentang pencegahan konflik ini dipilih sebagai bagian awal dari rangkaian penelitian tentang penanganan konflik. Selain itu, studi tentang kapasitas lembaga dalam pencegahan konflik di Indonesia masih belum banyak dilakukan, sehingga penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi untuk mengisi kesenjangan literatur yang ada. Studi tentang kapasitas lembaga ini terlaksana sebagai bagian dari program SNPK-THC. Program ini merupakan kerja sama antara The Habibie Center dan Kedeputian I Bidang Koordinasi Lingkungan Hidup dan Kerawanan Sosial, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Kemenko PMK), didukung oleh The World Bank serta kemitraan antara Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) dan The Asia Foundation (TAF)