30 research outputs found

    Altınova Tarım İşletmesinde Yetiştirilen Esmer Sığırların Süt ve Döl Verim Özellikleri

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    Bu araştırma, Altınova Tarım İşletmesinde yetiştirilen Esmer sığırların süt ve döl verim özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini, 1984-1997 yıllarını kapsayan süt ve döl verim kayıtları oluşturmuştur. İncelenen zaman peryodu içerisinde 324 ineğe ait 1058 laktasyon kaydı değerlendirilmiştir. Süt verim özelliklerine ait en küçük kareler ortalamaları, 305 günlük süt verimi için 5340 ± 91 kg, laktasyon süresi için 302.2±4.1 gün ve kuruda kalma süresi için 82.1±3.2 gün olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Araştırmada etkileri hesaplanan çevre faktörlerinden verim yılının etkisi 305 günlük süt verimi için çok önemli

    Effect of heat treatment on in situ rumen degradability and in vitro gas production of full-fat soyabeans and soyabean meal

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the heat treatment of full-fat soyabean (FFSB) and solvent extracted soyabean meal (SBM) on the in situ dry matter (DM) and protein degradability, and in vitro gas production kinetics of the protein sources. Ruminal disappearance of DM and crude protein (CP), and in vitro gas production were determined after 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 and 72 h incubation using the in situ ruminal degradation and in vitro gas production techniques, respectively. In situ DM and CP disappearances were fitted to the exponential equation p = a + b (1-e(-ct)), where a is the rapid degradable fraction and b is the slow degradable fraction. In vitro gas production data were fitted to the equation, y = A {1 - exp [- b (t-T) - c ( root t - root T)]}. Where b and c are the initial gas production rate constant (h(-1)) and later gas production rate constant (h(-1/2)), respectively. The two protein sources were heat treated both with steam pressure in an autoclave at 120 degrees C and in an oven at 150 degrees C for 20 min. Heat treatment had a significant effect on effective DM degradability (EDMD), effective CP degradability (ECPD) and in vitro gas production. Although the heat treatments reduced the EDMD, ECPD and the amount of gas produced, the results were inconsistent between protein sources. The heat treatments applied in the autoclave and the oven reduced the ECPD0.02 of FFSB by 12.5% and 10.9%, respectively. On the other hand, heat treatment applied through the autoclave decreased the ECPD0.02 of SBM by 13.9%, but by 18.7% when heat was applied through the oven. Heat treatment of SBM using the oven seemed to be more effective than using autoclaving. Heat treatments in the autoclave and oven reduced the total gas production from FFSB by 7.25 and 7.32%, respectively, and from SBM by 12.69 and 7.91%, respectively. It was concluded that heat treatment is an effective method of altering the rumen degradation characteristics of DM and CP in SBM and FFSB. Both methods could be used to increase the proportion of the rumen non-degradable protein fraction in protein sources which would then reach the small intestines unaffected by ruminal fermentation

    Büyüme eğrileri

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    TEZ822Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1990.Kaynakça (s. 154-160) var.v, 160 s. ; 30 cm.

    Etki aktarımlı deneme planları üzerine bir çalışma.

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    TEZ233Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1985.Kaynakça (s. 219-221) var.223 s. ; 28 cm.

    Nanotanecik yapılı titanyumun üretimi ve biyouyumluluğu

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    Ortopedik protezlerin vücuttaki kullanım sürelerini artırmak amacı ile titanyumun yüzeyindeki tanecik boyu freze işleminde yapılacak parametre ayarları ile kontrol edilip, nanoboyutta kristal elde edilmesi sağlanacaktır. Elde edilen nanokristal yüzeyli titanyum malzeme, optik mikroskop (mikroyapı), SEM (yüzeyin nanoyapısı), XRD (kristalografik yapı) ve EBSD (yüzeydeki düzlemlerin kristolografik oryantosyonları), goniyometre (ıslanabilirlik) yöntemleri ile karakterize edilecektir. Üretilen nanotanecik yüzeyli titanium numuneler kemik hücreleri ile etkileşime sokulacak ve biyouyumluluk çalışmaları gerçekleştirilecektir

    Efficient fabrication of ultrafine-grained 316L stainless steel surfaces for orthopaedic applications

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    Commonly used severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods are suitable for fabrication of bulk nano and ultrafine-grained metals. Drawbacks of these methods include durability of dies, geometrical restrictions and reduced ductility of the products. In this study, two common machining techniques used in manufacturing of orthopaedic components, turning and milling, were applied on 316L stainless steel as surface SPD to refine the surface microstructures of the workpiece. Machining with optimised parameters resulted in substantial grain refinement down to 98 nm on the surfaces. Biological experiments showed up to ∼70% and ∼280% increased bone cell density on milled and turned samples compared to conventionally machined 316L stainless steel at 5 days, which was correlated with nanocrystallisation and nanoroughness of the samples