124 research outputs found

    Talotyyliopas ja käyttöliittymän visuaalinen ilme

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    Insinöörityön tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa kattava talotyyliopas IT-alalla toimivalle yritykselle. Talotyylioppaan perusteella toteutettiin raikas ja nykyaikainen käyttöliittymän visuaalinen ulkoasu puhelintyöskentelyn apuvälineeksi tulevaan sovellukseen. Hyvä visuaalinen ulkoasu on tärkeää, jotta yritys pärjää nykyaikaisessa kovassa kilpailussa. Yrityksen visuaalinen ulkoasu on suuri kokonaisuus, joka koostuu monesta eri osa-alueesta. Näillä jokaisella osa-alueella tulee olla yhtenevä visuaalinen linja, jotta saadaan muodostettua toimiva imago ja brändi. Työ toteutettiin luomalla toimiva talotyyliopas, jossa pyrittiin ottamaan kantaa mahdollisimman moneen visuaaliseen seikkaan käyttöliittymien suunnittelussa. Käyttöliittymä, joka työssä suunniteltiin, on Windows-sovellus. Sovelluksesta luotiin rautalankamallit, joista tehtiin visuaalisesti todentuntuiset prototyypit, koska sovellus tehtiin Windows-käyttöjärjestelmälle, se vaati omat kuvakkeet, jotka suunniteltiin myös talotyyliopasta myötäillen. Haasteena oli luoda visuaalisesti miellyttävä ja nykyaikainen käyttöliittymä, joka tukee tehokasta työntekoa. Toisena haasteena oli, että sovellus tulee Windows-käyttöjärjestelmälle, joten sen prototyyppien teko oli haastavaa. Työn tuloksena syntyi tavoitteiden mukainen visuaalinen ilme käyttöliittymälle. Tämän lisäksi yritys sai toimivan talotyylioppaan, jota pystytään hyödyntämään tulevissa sovellusprojekteissa.The purpose of this final year project was to produce graphic guidelines for an IT company. The goal was to create a fresh and modern user interface utilizing new graphic guidelines. The user interface was developed for a new service desk application. Well-designed visual appearance is important for the company’s business. The company’s visual appearance has to be looked at as a whole, which consists of many different areas. When designing the company’s brand and image, there is a need to create a consistent visual outlook. The graphic guidelines were intended to take into account every visual aspect in user inter-face design. The first part of project was to create wireframe models for the application and then further process them to make visually realistic prototypes. The application also re-quires Windows icons, which were designed using graphical guidelines. Challenges in the project were to design a visually pleasing and modern user interface, which supports effective work. Another challenge was the prototypes of the applications because they needed a lot of effort. In conclusion, a visually successful design for a user interface was done. In addition, the company received working graphical guidelines, which can be utilized in future application projects.Työstä on poistettu salaiseksi luokiteltuja kohti

    Finnish Media Scrapers

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    Retronyms and neonyms : A corpus-based study

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    This thesis examines the use of select retronyms and neonyms in English over the timespan of ten years in 2010–2019. Retronyms are words created to distinguish an older version of a concept from a newer version (e.g. paper book), and their neonym counterparts are words that specify the new version (e.g. e-book). The research is focused on two questions: how the frequency of the words in language changes, and what their collocational patterns can tell us about the contexts they occur in. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of four main areas: lexical semantics, word-formation, retronyms, and corpus linguistics. The area of lexical semantics focuses particularly on semantic change, semantic relations, and prototype theory. The data of the thesis was collected from the News on the Web (NOW) Corpus using the search function. First, the changes in frequency were observed using the CHART display which lists the frequency of the terms in each year. Second, the collocational patterns were queried using the COLLOCATES display which gives a list of words that commonly occur near the retronyms and neonyms. The results were analyzed and presented in figures and tables. The analysis shows that different retronym-neonym pairs have undergone different developments in frequency during the timeframe, with some showing a decline, others in the stage of increasing, and some stabilized. For most of the pairs, the retronyms were less frequently used than the neonyms. The collocational patterns show that the neonym and retronym terms are often used when the two concepts are compared. In the discussion, the application of prototype theory is suggested to explain why some retronyms remain infrequent. As this thesis only observes a set of five retronym-neonym pairs, there is need and potential for further research

    Automatic analysis of building management systems

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    The traditional building management systems are often incapable of detecting impaired performance of heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, so noticing and fixing the performance errors is up to the skill and motivation of the operator. This thesis examines the implementation of a tool offering automatic analysis to the work of Schneider Electric´s eService unit. The main goal is to examine the effects of automatic analysis to the work description and to the service quality and effectiveness of eService. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the literature study part, the methods used for automatic analysis of BMS are studied. In order to be able to evaluate the effects of automatic analysis to the service quality of eService: the background of service management is discussed, an introduction to service management is provided and the base for evaluating the development of service of eService is created. In the second part of this thesis a pilot study was conducted in order to study the usability of automatic analysis in the work of eService and to evaluate the usefulness of one tool utilizing automatic analysis. The pilot study indicated that automatic analysis allows utilizing more data from the buildings, which may dramatically change the work of eService. The effects of automatic analysis on both effectiveness and service quality of eService were discussed. The results of this study suggest that the diagnostic technologies alone will not result in system efficiency improvements, and that there are some improvements still needed to make the piloted tool more usable. When the capabilities of the tool however are fully utilized there will be improvements in both efficacy and quality factors of eService

    View-based user interfaces for the Semantic Web

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    This thesis explores the possibilities of using the view-based search paradigm to create intelligent user interfaces on the Semantic Web. After surveying several semantic search techniques, the view-based search paradigm is explained, and argued to fit in a valuable niche in the field. To test the argument, numerous portals with different user interfaces and data were built using the paradigm. Based on the results of these experiments, this thesis argues that the paradigm provides a strong, extensible and flexible base on which to built semantic user interfaces. Designing the actual systems to be as adaptable as possible is also discussed

    Explorations into the social contexts of neologism use in early English correspondence

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    The Dynamics of Lexical Innovation: Data, methods, models. Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 25:1 (2018). Edited by Daphné Kerremans, Jelena Prokić, Quirin Würschinger and Hans-Jörg SchmidThis paper describes ongoing work towards a rich analysis of the social contexts of neologism use in historical corpora, in particular the Corpora of Early English Correspondence, with research questions concerning the innovators, meanings and diffusion of neologisms. To enable this kind of study, we are developing new processes, tools and ways of combining data from different sources, including the Oxford English Dictionary, the Historical Thesaurus, and contemporary published texts. Comparing neologism candidates across these sources is complicated by the large amount of spelling variation. To make the issues tractable, we start from case studies of individual suffixes (-ity, -er) and people (Thomas Twining). By developing tools aiding these studies, we build toward more general analyses. Our aim is to develop an open-source environment where information on neologism candidates is gathered from a variety of algorithms and sources, pooled, and presented to a human evaluator for verification and exploration.Peer reviewe

    Studying the Historical Semantics of Finnishness with a Bigram Approach

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Our paper analyzes the historical understanding of Finland and Finnishness as it was expressed in newspapers published in the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. As the period saw the decimation of the Swedish Kingdom and establishment of the Grand Duchy of Finland within the Russian Empire, a change in language use can be expected, but the changes occurring are rather fine-grained and difficult to detect without a systematic and transparent charting of the data. This paper suggests a method based on the analysis of bigrams to study this type of semantic change. Many existing methods are designed to navigate massive amounts of linguistic data and do well in solving computational tasks, but are not always a good match for the kind of historiographical questions such as ours. More broadly, we establish that the application of Finnish can in principle refer to the categories of language, geography, nationhood, statehood, and territoriality. Our analysis shows that especially the categories of language and state underwent a gradual shift in the period from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century.Peer reviewe
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