216 research outputs found

    A true competitive advantage? Reflections on different epistemological approaches to strategy research

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    In this paper, the authors focus on the theory of truth underlying specific traditions in strategy research. They distinguish positivism, constructionism, scientific realism, and pragmatism as viable, but fundamentally different epistemological approaches. The authors argue that each of these approaches is based on a specific theory of truth.truth; strategy; competitive advantage

    How orchestration both generates and smothers polyphony in narrative strategy-making

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    Although we have seen a growing interest in participatory strategy-making, there is a paucity of knowledge about the role of polyphony and how it may be orchestrated. Our longitudinal analysis of a revealing case shows how narrative strategy-making unfolded in four temporally overlapping phases: First, a top-down effort to lead participatory strategy-making resulted in polyphony, which was nevertheless largely controlled from the top. Second, it was followed by autonomous narrative strategy-making in units, leading to polyphony that was less but still partly controlled from the top. Third, all this triggered an emergence of counternarratives offering alternatives to the overall narrative, thus generating ‘genuine’ polyphony not controlled from the top. Fourth, partly as a response, top decision-makers launched an update, again seizing more control in polyphony. Thus, our study advances prior research by elucidating how orchestration of participatory strategy-making both generates and reduces polyphony. By so doing, our analysis helps us to move from a dichotomous view of participation and openness towards a more nuanced appreciation of alternative voices and how they may or may not emerge or be controlled in strategy-making

    How can a bourdieusian perspective aid analysis of MBA education ?

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    International audienceThere is a lack of integrative conceptual models that would help to better understand the underlying reasons for the alleged problems of MBA education. To address this challenge, we draw on the work of Pierre Bourdieu to examine MBA education as an activity with its own “economy of exchange” and “rules of the game.” We argue that application of Bourdieu’s theoretical ideas elucidates three key issues in debate around MBA education: the outcomes of MBA programs, the inculcation of potentially problematic values and practices through the programs, and the potential of self-regulation, such as accreditation and ranking for impeding development of MBA education. First, Bourdieu’s notions of capital—intellectual, social, and symbolic—shed light on the “economy of exchange” in MBA education. Critics of MBA programs have pointed out that the value of MBA degrees lies not only in “learning.” Bourdieu’s framework allows further analysis of this issue by distinguishing between intellectual (learning), social (social networks), and symbolic capital (credentials and prestige). Second, the concept of “habitus” suggests how values and practices are inculcated through MBA education. This process is often one students acquire voluntarily, and students often regard problematic or ethically questionable ideas as natural. Third, Bourdieu’s reflections on the “doxa” and its reproduction and legitimation illuminate the role of accreditation and ranking in MBA education. This perspective helps to understand how self-regulation may impede change in MBA education.<br/

    Taking historical embeddedness seriously : Three historical approaches to advance strategy process and practice research

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    International audienceDespite the proliferation of strategy process and practice research, we lack understanding of the historical embeddedness of strategic processes and practices. In this paper, we present three historical approaches with the potential to remedy this deficiency. First, realist history can contribute to a better understanding of the historical embeddedness of strategic processes; in particular, comparative historical analysis can explicate the historical conditions, mechanisms, and causality in strategic processes. Second, interpretative history can add to our knowledge of the historical embeddedness of strategic practices, and microhistory can specifically help to understand the construction and enactment of these practices in historical contexts. Third, poststructuralist history can elucidate the historical embeddedness of strategic discourses, and genealogy can in particular increase our understanding of the evolution and transformation of strategic discourses and their power effects. Thus, this paper demonstrates how in their specific ways historical approaches and methods can add to our understanding of different forms and variations of strategic processes and practices, the historical construction of organizational strategies, and historically constituted strategic agency.<br/

    Increasing dispositional legitimacy : progressive legitimation dynamics in a trajectory of settlements

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    By focusing on individual settlements rather than viewing them as part of a trajectory of change, prior research on institutional settlements has not fully captured the dynamics of longer-term institutional change. This is especially useful to better understand progressive legitimation dynamics; in other words, how successive settlements may increase legitimacy in a long-term trajectory of change. We argue this is a crucial issue for peripheral actors lacking the resources, status, or power of more central ones. Our historical analysis focuses on the long-term struggle of the Cree First Nation in Canada and explains how they succeeded in increasing their dispositional legitimacy in and through the settlements. This required work in three interrelated processes: expansive argumentation including problematizing of the state of affairs and creating discursive resonance with the prevailing discourses and values, building momentum by generating attention and exerting pressure in networks of actors, and seizing opportunities to negotiate with the other side. We challenge previous research on settlements by elucidating how they should not be merely seen as endpoints but rather as stepping-stones in a trajectory of institutional change. More specifically, we develop a process model explaining how progressive legitimation unfolds in a series of settlements

    Explaining employees’ reactions towards a cross-border merger:the role of English language fluency

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    In this paper, we focus on the role of language in cross-border mergers and acquisitions and explore how organization members’ language skills, or fluency, in the adopted lingua franca may impact their reactions to a merger. Drawing on a qualitative study of the post-merger integration between a French and Dutch airline where English was adopted as a lingua franca, we illustrate how language fluency influences the ability of individuals to give meaning to their changed circumstances. Moreover, we elaborate on how language fluency indexes social groupings and identities, and may thus be a driver of perceptions of status inequality and identity politics between different groups of employees. With our study we draw attention to the multi-faceted role of English as a lingua franca. Our findings also contribute to research on sociocultural dynamics associated with post-merger integration and the role of language in mergers and acquisitions, as well as in multinational companies more generally

    Kieli on valtaa fuusioissa(kin): uusia haasteita organisaatioiden kehittÀmistyölle

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    Fuusiot yli kansallisten ja kielellisten rajojen ovat jo arkipĂ€ivĂ€iseksi kĂ€ynyttĂ€ uutisantia. Ratkaisuja ja niiden julkistamista tuntuvat sÀÀtelevĂ€n pörssin sÀÀlimĂ€ttömĂ€t lait. Mutta miten kĂ€y siinĂ€ vauhdissa pitkĂ€jĂ€nteisen, henkilöstön osaamisen kehittĂ€miseen perustuvan ajattelun? Kieli on nimittĂ€in enemmĂ€n kuin kommunikaation vĂ€line. Kirjoitus perustuu työpaperiin Language as Power in Postmerger lntegration: The Case of Merita-Nordbanken (Eero Vaara, Janne Tienari, Risto SĂ€ntti ja Rebecca Marschan-Piekkari), joka esitettiin konferenssissa 26th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Maastricht, Alankomaat, 10.–12.12.2000

    Introducing the Fourth Volume of “Perspectives on Process Organization Studies”

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    Abstract: Studying language and communication at work implies that we connect them to the very processes, activities, and practices that constitute organizations or organizational phenomena. We demonstrate in this chapter that language and communication at work can mean many things and that there are a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches that can be used for such analysis. Four characteristic features of such studies are highlighted: (1) interest in the communicative constitution of organization, (2) focus on discursive or communicative practices, (3) emphasis on temporal aspects and dynamics, and (4) placing language and communication in its sociomaterial context. Not all studies can focus on all these aspects, but these features are central in this nascent stream of research

    Miten yrityskauppatutkimuksen tuloksia voi hyödyntÀÀ kuntaliitostutkimuksessa?

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    Administrative sciences are fragmented into anumber of subfields; the most important dividingline separating public administration andbusiness administration. We argue, however,, .that it is useful to cross these borders in theorybuilding and empirical analysis. Therefore, wefocus in this paper on the comparison ofmunicipal amalgamations and corporatemergers. More specifically, we examine how .findings in research on corporate mergers couldenlighten the scarce analysis of municipalamalgamations. The analysis of corporate ·mergers shows that the motives range from ·rational reasoning to empire building, that thedecision-making is plagued by uncertainty,group-thinking and politics, and finally, that thepost-merger integration processes are oftencharacterized by cultural confrontation, identitybuilding challenges, and resistance. We explainhow - with due caution - similar phenomenacan also be detected and analyzed in the contextof municipal amalgamations and develop specificpropositions for future research in this area
