16 research outputs found

    High Throughput Interrogation of Somatic Mutations in High Grade Serous Cancer of the Ovary

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    BACKGROUND:Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal of all gynecologic malignancies, and high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and types of point somatic mutations in HGSC using a mutation detection protocol called OncoMap that employs mass spectrometric-based genotyping technology. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The Center for Cancer Genome Discovery (CCGD) Program at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) has adapted a high-throughput genotyping platform to determine the mutation status of a large panel of known cancer genes. The mutation detection protocol, termed OncoMap has been expanded to detect more than 1000 mutations in 112 oncogenes in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. We performed OncoMap on a set of 203 FFPE advanced staged HGSC specimens. We isolated genomic DNA from these samples, and after a battery of quality assurance tests, ran each of these samples on the OncoMap v3 platform. 56% (113/203) tumor samples harbored candidate mutations. Sixty-five samples had single mutations (32%) while the remaining samples had ≥ 2 mutations (24%). 196 candidate mutation calls were made in 50 genes. The most common somatic oncogene mutations were found in EGFR, KRAS, PDGRFα, KIT, and PIK3CA. Other mutations found in additional genes were found at lower frequencies (<3%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Sequenom analysis using OncoMap on DNA extracted from FFPE ovarian cancer samples is feasible and leads to the detection of potentially druggable mutations. Screening HGSC for somatic mutations in oncogenes may lead to additional therapies for this patient population

    TRAF2 is an NF-κB activating oncogene in epithelial cancers

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    Aberrant NF-κB activation is frequently observed in human cancers. Genome characterization efforts have identified genetic alterations in multiple components of the NF-κB pathway, some of which have been shown to be essential for cancer initiation and tumor maintenance. Here using patient tumors and cancer cell lines, we identify the NF-κB regulator, TRAF2 as an oncogene that is recurrently amplified and rearranged in 15% of human epithelial cancers. Suppression of TRAF2 in cancer cells harboring TRAF2 copy number gain inhibits proliferation, NF-κB activation, anchorage-independent growth and tumorigenesis. Cancer cells that are dependent on TRAF2 also require NF-κB for survival. The phosphorylation of TRAF2 at serine 11 is essential for the survival of cancer cells harboring TRAF2 amplification. Together these observations identify TRAF2 as a frequently amplified oncogene

    IKK∊-Mediated Tumorigenesis Requires K63-Linked Polyubiquitination by a cIAP1/cIAP2/TRAF2 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Complex

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    IκB kinase ∊ (IKK∊, IKBKE) is a key regulator of innate immunity and a breast cancer oncogene, amplified in ∼30% of breast cancers, that promotes malignant transformation through NF-κB activation. Here, we show that IKK∊ is modified and regulated by K63-linked polyubiquitination at lysine 30 and lysine 401. Tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1β stimulation induces IKK∊ K63-linked polyubiquitination over baseline levels in both macrophages and breast cancer cell lines, and this modification is essential for IKK∊ kinase activity, IKK∊-mediated NF-κB activation, and IKK∊-induced malignant transformation. Disruption of K63-linked ubiquitination of IKK∊ does not affect its overall structure but impairs the recruitment of canonical NF-κB proteins. A cIAP1/cIAP2/TRAF2 E3 ligase complex binds to and ubiquitinates IKK∊. Altogether, these observations demonstrate that K63-linked polyubiquitination regulates IKK∊ activity in both inflammatory and oncogenic contexts and suggests an alternative approach to targeting this breast cancer oncogene

    Mutant KRAS regulates transposable element RNA and innate immunity via KRAB zinc-finger genes.

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    RAS genes are the most frequently mutated oncogenes in cancer, yet the effects of oncogenic RAS signaling on the noncoding transcriptome remain unclear. We analyzed the transcriptomes of human airway and bronchial epithelial cells transformed with mutant KRAS to define the landscape of KRAS-regulated noncoding RNAs. We find that oncogenic KRAS signaling upregulates noncoding transcripts throughout the genome, many of which arise from transposable elements (TEs). These TE RNAs exhibit differential expression, are preferentially released in extracellular vesicles, and are regulated by KRAB zinc-finger (KZNF) genes, which are broadly downregulated in mutant KRAS cells and lung adenocarcinomas in&nbsp;vivo. Moreover, mutant KRAS induces an intrinsic IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) signature that is often seen across many different cancers. Our results indicate that mutant KRAS remodels the repetitive noncoding transcriptome, demonstrating the broad scope of intracellular and extracellular RNAs regulated by this oncogenic signaling pathway