93 research outputs found


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    Vocational High School (SMK) has to be able to prepare the graduates to be middle-class employees and to have entrepreneurship spirit. SMK graduates have to be able to compete in the world of work and be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education in SMK is implicitly done through school subjects, extracurricular activities and self-development. SMK graduates should comprehend the skills and values of being an entrepreneur. However, the results of the entrepreneurship education have not been achieved well. This suggests that the entrepreneurship education does not effectively done, and the reasons why this happens are not yet identified. In relation to this, an effective evaluation model implemented in SMK needs to be developed. The model developed includes two things, namely the assessment of the achievement of students' entrepreneurial competencies, and evaluation of entrepreneurship education programs. Assessment of competency achievement should be integrated with entrepreneurial learning. The main assessment technique used is project assessment. In addition to projects, observation techniques to determine the achievement of student attitudes, and techniques of tests are also used in the assessment. Program evaluation is conducted to determine the success of entrepreneurship education programs, and more importantly to improve the program. Through a comprehensive evaluation we will know the weaknesses and constraints, as well as alternative solutions to overcome them. Development of an program evaluation of entrepreneurship education in SMK is conducted, among others, the following phases: preparation, execution, processing, reporting and utilization of evaluation results

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Pemrograman Komputer dengan Metode Kooperatif

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    Untu1- menguasai pemrograman kompuler dengan baikdiperlukan kemampuan dasar-dasar pemrograman, alur logikaberpikir rasional dan sistematis, kemampuan memahami danmenentukan masalclh, serta kemampuan mengaplikasikankaidah-kaidah bahasa pe~rograman untuk merancang danmembuat program guna memecahkan suatu masalah. Penggunaanmetode klasikal, individual serta pengajaran berbantuankomputer yang selama ini digunakan dipandang kurangtepat karena tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik mated pemrogramankomputer. Oleh karena itu, periu dikembangkanmetode pembelajaran pemrograman komputer yang palingtepat agar ha~sil pembelajaran dapat dicapai secara optimal.Metode kooperatif merupakan metode yang palingsesuai dan efektif uotuk mengajarkan materi pemrogramankomputer karena pada proses pembelajaran metodc ini mahasiswamampu meningkatkan penemuan dan pengembanganstrategi kognitif pada kualitas yang tinggi, berpikir analisissintesis dan mengarah pada pemecahan masalah. Pdns1p-·prinsip metode kooperatif antara lain: menekankan adanyakerja sarna dan keberhasilan bersama, terdiri a tas kelompokkelompokkedl (3 s.d. 5 mahasiswa perkelompok), aktivitasbelajar Iebih berpusat pada mahasiswa, dosen berfungsisebagai fasilitator dan motiva~or, diskusi untuk mengemukakaninformasi baru, menjelaskan dan mcnyatukan pemikiranpemikiranrasional yang mengarah pada pemecahan masalah.Berbagai keuntungan penggunaan\ metode kooperatH diantaranya adalah: mampu meningkatkan aktivitas dankreativitas mahasiswa, lebih termotivasi secara intrinsik,mempunyai self-esteem lebih baik dan secara personal lebih. terampil serla mempunyai apresiasi yang Iet.ib tinggiterbadap materi yang dipelajari

    Pembelajaran Secara Bilingual Di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro

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    : The Bilingual Teaching and Learning in Electronics Engineering Department. This study was carried out to obtain information on the bilingual teaching and learning process using the effective contextual approach. This was an action research study conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. There were two groups of students involved in this study. Each of group comprised 42 students. The results showed that the students' achievement in the last cycle was categorized as good (mean = 72.48 compared to the targeted mean of 70). There was an improvement in the students' activity and motivation in the teaching and learning process. There was also an improvement on the students' use of English in the last two cycles. However, the improvement was not as high as targeted value. At the end of the last cycle, the students' learning activity, motivation, and the use of English were in sufficient category. The target was not achieved possibly because of the class size (too big) and the uncomfortable classroom

    Kajian Kurikulum Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA Mengacu pada Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia

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    This reserach aims at evaluating and completing the curriculum of Electrical Engineering EducationDepartment, Faculty of Engineerinng, Yogyakarta State University to meet the need of stakeholders as well asthe development of science and technology. The method in investigating and developing the currriculum wasreferred to Indonesian National Qualification Framework for Electrical Engineering and Electrical EngineeringEducation. This study is a research evaluation on the implementation of curriculum with CIPP model. Thecurriculum development was using content analysis and discussion. The research result showed that, in general,the implementation of Curriculum 2009 for Electrical Engineering Education Department could be categorized as“appropriate” (Good) according to the respondents of lecturers or alumnae and “quite appropriate” accordingto the students. There were few weaknesses either the curriculum content or its implementation especially on theaspects of Input, Process, and Product. Based on the evaluation result on the curriculum implementation, IndonesianNational Qualification Framework as well as vision, mission and the purpose of Electrical Engineering EducationDepartment, it was found that both the draft for curriculum framework and the competence that should be masteredby the graduates of Electrical Engineering Education (Bachelor level) and Electrical Engineering (Diploma level)need to be reviewed and validated. Those actions should be conducted in order to produce a curriculum designwhich had relevance as well as adequate quality and usefulness for students, society, and corporate world

    Rancang Ulang Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing Industri Retail Komponen Otomotif Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    This research conducted to redesign competitiveness advantage strategy through differentiation, market orientation, innovation, and entrepreneur orientation which conduct at Retail Division, PT. Astra Otoparts,Tbk. Population in this study were customers who conduct transactions at Shop & Drive in area of Jakarta. 100 respondents used as samples in this study, while data collection used questionnaire with likert scale of 1 (disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The method has been used Path Analysis to determine the inter-relationship between variables. In the other hand, determination of strategy is done by SWOT analysis. The result of data analysis showed the Chi-Square = 0:00, df = 0, P-value = 1.0000, RMSEA = 0.000 which research model proposed in this study can be accepted by the goodness of fit. Then from the causal analysis showed that differentiation, innovation and entrepreneurial orientation has connection to competitive advantage. In fact, the market orientation had no relationship with a competitive advantage. The relationship of causality was also shown between the competitive advantage with the performance of the company, with a significant impact. The result obtained that strategies which are best suited to implement such as: service development, new product variants, product warranty, and network expansion


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    This research was conducted to design a quality control system for concrete tile products. The purpose of this study is to reduce the defect rate of concrete tile products at PT CTC. Defective products that occur tend to increase at 5.49% for one year with a total production of 6,529,735 tiles. Product defects that occur are caused by broken, broken, cracked, porous, curved, dry and faded paint. By looking at the data, the company needs a system that needs to be implemented to reduce the level of product defects that occur by conducting a Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to find the root causes that cause defects in the product. Next, we call the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) analysis to find the completion steps. The results of the FMEA analysis showed that the most dominant type of defect was due to rupture with a value of RPN = 513 caused by human factors. After the improvement implementation and anova testing were performed, it showed a significant difference before and after the repair with a mean value of 1.6.&nbsp


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online store attributes and e-service quality on corporate image and its impact on the business performance of Muslim fashion companies Zoya and Rabbani. Respondents in this study are zoya and rabbani online consumers as many as 138 people. Analysis Techniques in this study use Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Square analysis. The results showed that the Online Store Attribute had a positive effect on Corporate Image, meaning that the better the Online Store Attribute, the higher the value of Corporate Image, E-Service Quality has a positive effect on Corporate Image, meaning the better E-Service Quality, the higher the value of Corporate Image, Online Store Attribute has a positive effect on Business Performance, meaning that the better the Online Store Attribute, the higher the value of Business Performance, E-Service Quality has no significant effect on Business Performance. it can be concluded that the better E-Service quality cannot have a significant influence on high business performance, Corporate Image has a positive effect on Business Performance, meaning the better the Corporate Image, the higher the value of Business Performance.&nbsp

    Impact of Inflation, Exchange Rate toward The Unemployment and The Poverty in Indonesia. (Case Study : The Small and Medium Industry at The Tourist Area in Lombok)

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    This purpose of the study to determine  what  the Impact of  inflation and the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate against US $  toward to the level of poverty and unemployment as well as the development of  small entrepreneurs. This study will use the approach to quantitative and  qualitative research methods. The results: (1)There is the significant of the rate of inflation, the value of exchange rate, economic growth and average wages to the amount of poverty.(2)There is the significant of the inflation rate and the average wage of the amount of  poverty in urban areas. (3) There is the significant of the rate of inflation, the value of exchange rate, economic  growth and average wages to the amount of poverty in rural areas.(4) There is the significant of the inflation rate, exchange rate and unemployment on the unemployment assuming fixed wage.  </p


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    &nbsp; Astried Gabby Pinaria1, Edy Supriyadi2, Derriawan3 Angkasa Pura 1,Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pancasila23 e-mail: [email protected] &nbsp; ABSTRACT &nbsp; The study aims to determine whether there is an influence of procurement planning and HR competencies on the performance of goods / services procurement of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) through the implementation of e-procurement system with moderation of Information Technology in the process of procurement of goods / services at the Head Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero). The method used in this study is a descriptive statistical method with quantitative through questionnaire survey and observation approaches in the field, where the research sample is the Procurement Unit, Technical Unit and Goods / Services Provider at the Head Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero). To test this hypothesis Structural Equation Model (SEM) - PLS and using WarpPLS 7.0 tools from the results of the research conducted, an analysis was produced that showed that procurement planning has a significant effect on e-procurement systems, and HR competence has a significant effect on e-procurement system, procurement planning has a significant effect on the performance of goods / services procurement through e-procurement system, HR competence has a significant effect on the performance of goods / services procurement through e-procurement system but the direct effect is not significant on the performance of goods / services procurement, e-procurement system significant effect on the performance of procurement of goods / services and there is a significant influence between the interaction of e-procurement systems on the performance of procurement of goods / services that are moderated by information technology &nbsp
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