2,478 research outputs found

    Employee Performance Analysis Of Social Rehabilitation Pamardi Khusnul Khotimah Tangerang Selatan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational culture, work ethic and discipline on the employees performance either partially or simultaneously of Social Rehabilitation Institution Pamardi Khusnul Khotimah at Tangerang Selatan. The results showed that organizational culture based on partial test was positive and significant effect on the performance of 76,2%, while work ethos can be good too was positive and significant effect on the performance of 72,2%, then work discipline also was positive and significant effect on the performance of 73%. The result of correlation coefficient (R2) of 76,7% can be summed up the effect of the variable X1 (organizational culture),  X2 (work ethos) and X3 (discipline) to variable Y (employees performance) where the relationship is positive. The results of calculation for 53.874 F-value further consultation with the F-table with dk = k numerator and denominator dk = (nk-1) with a 5% error level the importance of the F table = 2,80. Provisions applicable for F-value greater than F-table (53.874  > 2,80), it can be stated that the multiple correlation is significant. Thus the null hypothesis (H0) that states there is no effect between organizational culture, work ethos and discipline influence on employees performance is rejected, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepte

    Macam – Macam Testing Sistem Informasi

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    Testing software merupakan suau kegiatan yang dibahas pada hampir semua metode software engineering. Ada 3 kategori testing dalam hal ini, yaitu : testing input, testing output dan testing proses. Berbagai jenis testing tersebut dibahas dan diberikan contohnya pada pembahasan tulisan ini

    Identifikasi Kesalahan Mahasiswa Dalam Melaksanakan Praktikum Pada Matakuliah Konsep IPA 2 Di Prodi Pgsd Fip IKIP PGRI Madiun

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    This study aims to identify kinds of mistake by students, and those contributing most in carrying out the practicum in the class of Konsep IPA 2 second term in the academic year of 2011/2012. The subjects are those attending the class as many as 40. Data were collected through an observation focusing on the types of mistakes done by the subjects while they were doing their practicum. The mistakes observed cover mistake of tools, the tool positions, arranging the tools, determining the units, the scales, and the zero point. Results show mistakes of arranging the tools reaching 60%, of parallax and determining the scale amounting 50%, on determining the zero point amounting 35%, on positions 27.5%, on the units 30%, on tools 17.5%, and on figures 12.5%. The major mistakes done by the subject are on arranging the tools

    Pengaruh Prosentase Penambahan Serat Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Kuat Tarik Belah Beton Ringan

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    Beton merupakan bahan konstruksi paling banyak digunakan pada saat ini, karena dipandang memiliki beberapa kelebihan dibandingkan bahan-bahan konstruksi lain. Kelebihan utama beton adalah kemampuan menahan gaya tekan yang tinggi. Namun beton juga memiliki kelemahan yakni berat meter kubiknya yang cukup besar dan kekuatan tarik yang rendah dan bersifat getas (brittle). Hal tersebut dapat diperbaiki dengan penggunaan beton ringan dan penambahan serat pada adukan beton. Beton ringan diperoleh dengan mengganti agregat kasar dengan agregat yang lebih ringan, dalam penelitian ini digunakan ALWA. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi seberapa besar kemampuan beton ringan berserat kawat galvanis terhadap pengujian mekanik berupa kuat tekan dan kuat tarik belah. Benda uji pada penelitian terdiri dari benda uji silinder diameter 100 mm tinggi 200 mm untuk pengujian kuat tekan dan kuat tarik belah. Variasi serat yang digunakan yaitu 0% ; 0,3% ; 0,75% ; 1% dengan panjang serat 60 mm diameter 1 mm. Benda uji berjumlah 12 buah untuk pengujian kuat tekan dan 12 buah untuk pengujian kuat tarik belah dan masing-masing 3 buah untuk setiap variasi serat. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan, nilai untuk masing-masing variasi serat 0% ; 0,3% ; 0,75% dan 1% berturut-turut adalah 21,58 MPa ; 24,00 MPa ; 24,81 MPa dan 25,01 MPa. Dengan peningkatan kuat tekan optimum terjadi pada variasi serat 1% yaitu 15,89%. Hasil pengujian kuat tarik belah, nilai untuk masing-masing variasi serat 0% ; 0,3% ; 0,75% dan 1% berturut-turut adalah 2,23 MPa ; 2,76 MPa ; 3,50 MPa dan 3,61 MPa. Dengan peningkatan kuat tarik belah optimum terjadi pada variasi serat 1% yaitu 61,90%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan serat kawat galvanis ke dalam adukan beton ringan hanya sedikit meningkatkan kuat tekan beton ringan namun meningkatkan kuat tarik belah beton sesuai dengan peningkatan jumlah volume fraksi serat dan mengubah beton dari bahan yang getas menjadi bahan yang lebih daktail

    The Effect of Learning Strategy, Achievement Motivation, and Communication Skill Toward Learning Outcomes on the Course PMPIPS-SD at PGSD

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    The effect of instructional strategies, achievement motivation, and communication skills toward learning outcomes of PGSD on PGSD. The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of the use of instructional strategies, achievement motivation, and communication skills of PGSD students in the PMPIPS-SD subject. A quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design was carried out to achieve the goals. The data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA with SPSS 16,0 for windows. The research result showed that the learning outcomes students of the PMPIPS-SD subject taught by using PK-IK strategy were better than that using PN-DK strategy, the students who had high achievement motivation better than who had a low one, the students who had high communication skills better than who had a low one

    Praktik Budaya dalam Kehamilan, Persalinan dan Nifas pada Suku Dayak Sanggau, Tahun 2006

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    According to WHO data, maternal mortality is still the main public health problem in many developing countries with mortality rate of 400 per 100.000 live birth. Maternal mortality rate in West Kalimantan Province is 442 per 100 000 live birth, higher than average mortality rate in developing countries. The objective of this study is to identify and analyse cultural practices among Dayak Sanggau tribe relating to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods. This study is a qualitative study employing in-depth interview, focus group discussion and observation methods. Analysis method employed in this study is the-matic analysis. Study was conducted in Sanggau Community Health Center work area in May 2006 with pregnant mothers, postpartum mothers, village midwife, head of cultural committee, and women at reproductive age. The study found that there were cultural practices which can either harm or support healthy and safe pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum periods among the researched community. Harmful cultural practices during pregnancy period include messages related to hard working, less sleeping time, and inappropriate uterus massage; during delivery: non sterile intravaginal examination, unclean place of birth (in the kitchen), nyurung, finding badi through Balian, non sterile umbilical cord cutting, and non sterile placenta extraction by hand, taking river water for baby bathing, and give ginger water with local alcoholic beverage (tuak) to infant; during postpartum period: fasting, nyandar, and sexual intercourse at postpartum period. The supportive practices include husband's company during delivery and comprehensive service from village midwife

    Increased Potential of Protein Content of Waxy Corn

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    The purpose of this research is to gain a potentially waxy corn strains of high protein content. Specific targets to be achieved in this study are promising lines of F1 that have potentially sticky and high protein content. The method used is cross-pollinated plant breeding methods, the hybridization between maize Variety of Srikandi Putih (♀) and the Local Waxy Corn (β™‚). Characters F1 compared to corn Variety of Srikandi Putih and the Local Waxy Corn. The results showed that character of plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area are higher in Srikandi Putih Variety compared to Local Waxy Corn but age flowering male and female Local Waxy Corn faster than Srikandi Putih Variety. Character length of ear, diameter of ear, weight of 100 seeds, seed weight plant-1 and protein content higher in Srikandi Putih compared to Local Waxy Corn. F1 values on all observation characteristic of plant height, leaf number, leaf area, male and female flowering age, ear length, ear diameter, weight of 100 seeds, seed weight plant-1 and protein content were generally among the values of Srikandi Putih Variety and Local Waxy Corn

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Location Based Service dalam Pengembangan Aplikasi Profil Kampus Universitas Mulawarman Berbasis Mobile

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    Sistem Layanan Berbasis Lokasi atau lebih dikenal dengan Location Based Service (LBS) adalah layanan informasi berupa informasi geografis yang diakses menggunakan telepon selular melalui koneksi jaringan selular untuk memetakan lokasi secara tepat. Penelitian ini mengembangkan dan menghasilkan sebuah produk perangkat lunak dalam bentuk aplikasi sebagai media informasi profil Universitas Mulawarman yang dapat diakses dan diinstal secara offline maupun online berbasis mobile dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Location Based Service. Penelitian ini berfokus pada profil kampus dan sistem pencarian Fakultas beserta program studi dan jurusan yang dimiliki , gedung-gedung utama secara visual, prasarana dan sarana diarea kampus utama gunung kelua Universitas Mulawarman dengan titik-titik lokasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Application Programming Interface Location Manager (API Maps) dan Location Provider (API Location) dari Google. Perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan sistem pemodelan Unifield Modeling Language (UML) Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequance Diagram dan Class Diagram. Hasil pengujian dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Location Based Service yang memadukan Geographic Information System, Internet Service, dan Mobile Devices memudahkan dan memberikan informasi profil dan lokasi fakultas serta fasilitas-fasilitas di Universitas Mulawarman secara mudah, cepat dan akurat
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