7 research outputs found

    Parámetros de la bioquímica sanguínea del tití gris (Saguinus leucopus - Gunther 1876) en cautiverio en Colombia

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    El titi gris Saguinus leucopus es una especie de primate neotropical endémico de Colombia, vulnerable a la extinción y del cual se conoce poco acerca de su bioquímica sanguínea. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los valores de glicemia, proteínas plasmáticas totales, fosfatasa alcalina sérica, alanino aminotransferasa, creatinina y nitrógeno ureico sanguíneo de S. leucopus (n = 37) alojados ex situ y provenientes en 4 poblaciones diferentes en Colombia en búsqueda de valores de referencia para esta especie. Los valores fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva y la prueba de Mann Whitney-U test (α = 0,05). Se encontraron diferencias muy significativas (p<0,01) en los valores de glicemia y proteínas plasmáticas totales, las cuales fueron mayores en el grupo de adultos comparado con el de juveniles, mientras que los valores del nitrógeno ureico sanguíneo fueron significativamentealtos en los juveniles. No hubo diferencia en los parámetros medidos con relación al sexo. Los valores establecidos pueden tomarse como de referencia para S. leucopus clínicamente sanos en condiciones de cautiverio

    Mycoplasma haemominutum en la ciudad de Ibagué (Colombia): reporte de cinco casos

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    The aim of this study was to describe a series of cases of hemoplasmosis in domestic cats in the city of Ibagué (Colombia), and the first report of Mycoplasma haemominutum in the country. Blood samples from patients admitted to the outpatient service of the Small Animal Clinic of the University of Tolima were analyzed by conventional PCR for the amplification of the 16s ribosomal gene to obtain a final product of 194 bb. In addition, hematic biometrics and serology were performed for viral diseases (Anigen FIV Ab/FeLV Ag Test kit). The amplicons obtained were subjected to sequencing and bioinformatic analysis (Geneious® 8.1.9). It was found hypochromic normocytic anemia in two cats, leukocytosis in a cat and thrombocytopenia in four of them. Two were seropositive for feline immunodeficiency virus antibodies and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigens and one was seropositive for FeLV. Samples showed positive amplification by PCR and revealed 98.7% of identity of 16S ribosomal gene compared with different isolates of M. haemominutum reported in the database. From the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of hemoplasmas in the city of Ibagué and the first report of M. haemominutum in Colombia.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir una serie de casos de hemoplasmosis en gatos domésticos en la ciudad de Ibagué (Colombia), y el primer reporte de Mycoplasma haemominutum en el país. Muestras de sangre de pacientes ingresados al servicio de consulta externa de la Clínica de Pequeños Animales de la Universidad del Tolima fueron analizadas por PCR punto final para la amplificación del gen 16s ribosomal a fin de obtener un producto final de 194 pb. Además, se hizo biometría hemática y serología para enfermedades virales (Anigen FIV Ab/FeLV Ag Test Kit). Los amplicones obtenidos fueron sometidos a secuenciamiento y análisis bioinformático (Geneious® 8.1.9). Se encontró anemia normocítica hipocrómica en dos gatos, leucocitosis en un gato y trombocitopenia en cuatro de ellos. Dos gatos resultaron serorreactivos para anticuerpos de virus de inmunodeficienca felina y antígenos de virus de la leucemia felina (VLFe) y uno solo fue seropositivo a VLFe. Las muestras registraron amplificación positiva en PCR y se evidenció un 98.7% de identidad al análisis de las secuencias del 16S ribosomal con diferentes aislados de M. haemominutum reportado en la base de datos. Del conocimiento de los autores, este es el primer reporte de hemoplasmas en la ciudad de Ibagué y el primer reporte de M. haemominutum en Colombia

    Diario de Burgos : de avisos y noticias: Año LXXII Número 22040 - 1962 mayo 31

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Incidence of inadvertent perioperatory hypothermia, in dogs submitted to inhalation general anesthesia

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    La incidencia de hipotermia perioperatoria inadvertida es una de las principales complicaciones perianestésicas en caninos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de hipotermia perioperatoria inadvertida en 49 perros sometidos a anestesia general inhalatoria. Al finalizar el periodo preanestésico, transanestésico y postanestésico, se registró la temperatura corporal, de acuerdo con los siguientes rangos: hipertermia (>39,5°C), normotermia (38,5-39,5°C), hipotermia leve (38,4-36,5°C), hipotermia moderada (36,4-34,0°C), hipotermia severa (<34°C). En preanestesia, el 65% de los animales mostraron hipotermia leve y 2% hipotermia moderada. En transanestesia, 55% de los animales tuvieron hipotermia leve, 37% hipotermia moderada y 6,1% hipotermia severa. En postanestesia, 59% de los animales tuvieron hipotermia leve, 29% hipotermia moderada y 6% hipotermia severa. Se encontraron diferencias al comparar la temperatura basal, con la final transanestésica y postanestésica, respectivamente (p<0,001); del mismo modo, se obtuvieron diferencias al comparar la temperatura inicial, con la final del periodo transanestésico (p<0,001). Por otra parte, no hubo relación estadística entre las diferentes clasificaciones ASA, los procedimientos realizados, el sexo y los rangos etarios evaluados, así como tampoco hubo diferencia en el tiempo de extubación frente al tipo de procedimiento realizado. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que, bajo las condiciones aquí planteadas, la incidencia de hipotermia preanestésica es mínima, mientras la aparición de hipotermia transanestésica y postanestésica de carácter leve, moderada y severa es mayor.The incidence of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is one of the main perianesthetic complications in canines. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in 49 dogs undergoing inhalation general anesthesia. At the end of the pre-anesthetic, trans-anesthetic, and post-anesthetic periods, body temperature was recorded, according to the following ranges: hyperthermia (>39.5°C), normothermia (38.5-39.5°C), mild hypothermia (38,4-36.5°C), moderate hypothermia (36.4-34.0°C), severe hypothermia (<34°C). In pre-anesthesia, 65% of the animals showed mild hypothermia, and 2% moderate hypothermia. In transanesthesia, 55% of the animals had mild hypothermia, 37% moderate hypothermia, and 6% severe hypothermia. In post-anesthesia 59% of the animals had mild hypothermia, 29% moderate hypothermia, and 6% severe hypothermia. Differences were found when comparing the basal temperature with the final trans-anesthetic and post-anesthetic respectively (p<0.001); Similarly, differences were obtained when comparing the initial temperature with the end of the transanesthetic period (p<0.001). On the other hand, there was no statistical relationship between the different ASA classifications, the procedures performed, sex, and the evaluated age ranges; as well as there was no difference in the extubation time compared to the type of procedure performed. The results of this study suggest that, under the conditions outlined here, the incidence of pre-anesthetic hypothermia is minimal, while the appearance of mild, moderate, and severe trans-anesthetic and post-anesthetic hypothermia is higherIncluye referencias bibliográfíca

    Anatomical Evaluation of the Thoracolumbar Nerves Related to the Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Technique in the Dog

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    Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) is a fascial plane containing the thoracolumbar nerve branches that innervate the abdominal wall. Limited information is available on the anatomical organization of these nerve branches in the dog, which is of great importance for the success of the TAP block anaesthetic technique. The aim of this study was to describe the origin and conformation of thoracolumbar nerves running through the TAP in 20 hemi-abdominal walls of 10 adult mongrel dog cadavers with an average body weight of 12.6 kg (range: 9.6-15.6). The abdominal walls were dissected from superficial to deep direction, the skin and both obliquus externus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis muscles were dissected and reflected dorsally to expose the transversus abdominis muscle and the thoracolumbar nerve branches located in this plane. The anatomical features of ventral nerve branches were described. The thoracic nerve branches: T7–T12 and costoabdominalis; and the lumbar nerve branches: iliohypogastricus cranialis, iliohypogastricus caudalis, ilioinguinalis and cutaneus femoris lateralis were identified in all the cadavers. Anatomical variations related to the presence or absence within the TAP of the T7, T8 and T9 nerve branches were found. These variations should be taken into account when planning the TAP block technique in dogs

    The First Report and Phylogenetic Analysis of Canine Distemper Virus in <i>Cerdocyon thous</i> from Colombia

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is the etiological agent of a highly prevalent viral infectious disease of domestic and wild carnivores. This virus poses a conservation threat to endangered species worldwide due to its ability to jump between multiple species and produce a disease, which is most often fatal. Although CDV infection has been regularly diagnosed in Colombian wildlife, to date the molecular identity of circulating CDV lineages is currently unknown. Our aim was to evaluate the presence and phylogenetic characterization of CDV detected in samples from naturally infected Cerdocyon thous from Colombia. We sequenced for the first time the CDV infecting wildlife in Colombia and demonstrated the presence of South America/North America-4 Lineage with a higher relationship to sequences previously reported from domestic and wild fauna belonging to the United States of America. Our results are crucial for the understanding of the interspecies transmission of CDV in the domestic/wild interface and for the prevention and control of such an important multi-host pathogen

    The First Report and Phylogenetic Analysis of Canine Distemper Virus in Cerdocyon thous from Colombia

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is the etiological agent of a highly prevalent viral infectious disease of domestic and wild carnivores. This virus poses a conservation threat to endangered species worldwide due to its ability to jump between multiple species and produce a disease, which is most often fatal. Although CDV infection has been regularly diagnosed in Colombian wildlife, to date the molecular identity of circulating CDV lineages is currently unknown. Our aim was to evaluate the presence and phylogenetic characterization of CDV detected in samples from naturally infected Cerdocyon thous from Colombia. We sequenced for the first time the CDV infecting wildlife in Colombia and demonstrated the presence of South America/North America-4 Lineage with a higher relationship to sequences previously reported from domestic and wild fauna belonging to the United States of America. Our results are crucial for the understanding of the interspecies transmission of CDV in the domestic/wild interface and for the prevention and control of such an important multi-host pathogenhttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000153095https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1447-1458https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000000695julian.ruizs@campusucc.edu.cohttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=o3Y7mZwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdat