1,328 research outputs found

    Secondary tropical forests recover dung beetle functional diversity and trait composition

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    Secondary forests dominate some human‐modified tropical biomes, and this is expected to increase via both abandonment of marginal agricultural land as well as forest and landscape restoration programmes. A key question is whether promoting the recovery and protection of secondary tropical forests will return invertebrate functional diversity and associated functional traits. Dung beetles are ideal for assessing functional diversity as they play vital roles in several ecosystem functions, including seed dispersal, nutrient cycling and bioturbation. We examined how taxonomic and functional diversity, and the functional trait composition of native dung beetle species recovers in naturally regenerating secondary forests in comparison to both cattle pastures and primary forest in the Colombian Choco‐Andes, a global hotspot of threatened biodiversity. Using a space‐for‐time approach, we found that taxonomic and functional diversity recovered to levels comparable to primary forest within approximately 30 years of secondary forest regrowth. Functional richness and FD, measures of the diversity of traits present in a community, were similar in secondary and primary forest, but significantly lower in pasture. Rolling dung beetle species were positively associated with forest habitats, particularly primary, while dwelling species were more common in pasture. Thus, the functional trait composition of secondary forests was more similar to primary forest than to pasture. The ability of secondary forests to rapidly accumulate primary‐forest dung beetle functional diversity, and a representative suite of functional traits, provides an opportunity to protect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, especially in regions where marginal agricultural land allows cost‐effective conservation actions

    Use of AlInN layers in optical monitoring of growth of GaN-based structures on free-standing GaN substrates

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    When lattice matched to GaN, the AlInN ternary alloy has a refractive index ~7% lower than that of GaN. This characteristic can be exploited to perform in situ reflectometry during epitaxial growth of GaN-based multilayer structures on free-standing GaN substrates, by insertion of a suitable Al0.82In0.18N layer. The real-time information on growth rates and cumulative layer thicknesses thus obtainable is particularly valuable in the growth of optical resonant cavity structures. We illustrate this capability with reference to the growth of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum-well structures, including a doubly periodic structure with relatively thick GaN spacer layers between groups of wells. Al0.82In0.18N insertion layers can also assist in the fabrication of resonant cavity structures in postgrowth processing, for example, acting as sacrificial layers in a lift-off process exploiting etch selectivity between Al0.82In0.18N and GaN

    Strong light-matter coupling in ultrathin double dielectric mirror GaN microcavities

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    Strong light-matter coupling is demonstrated at low temperature in an ultrathin GaN microcavity fabricated using two silica/zirconia Bragg mirrors, in addition to a three-period epitaxial (Al,Ga)N mirror serving as an etch stop and assuring good quality of the overgrown GaN. The λ/2 cavity is grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a Si substrate. Analysis of angle-resolved data reveal key features of the strong coupling regime in both reflectivity and transmission spectra at 5 K: anticrossing with a normal mode splitting of 43±2 meV and 56±2 meV for reflectivity and transmission, respectively, and narrowing of the lower polariton linewidth near resonance

    Quantum dot emission from site-controlled ngan/gan micropyramid arrays

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    InxGa1−xN quantum dots have been fabricated by the selective growth of GaN micropyramid arrays topped with InGaN/GaN quantum wells. The spatially, spectrally, and time-resolved emission properties of these structures were measured using cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging and low-temperature microphotoluminescence spectroscopy. The presence of InGaN quantum dots was confirmed directly by the observation of sharp peaks in the emission spectrum at the pyramid apices. These luminescence peaks exhibit decay lifetimes of approximately 0.5 ns, with linewidths down to 650 me

    Site multiplicity of rare earth ions in III-nitrides

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    This presentation reviews recent lattice location studies of RE ions in GaN by electron emission channelling (EC) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) techniques. These studies agree that RE ions at low concentrations (whether they are incorporated during growth or introduced later by ion implantation) predominantly occupy Ga substitutional sites, as expected from considerations of charge equivalence. We combine this result with some examples of the welldocumented richness of optical spectra of GaN:RE3+ to suggest that the luminescence of these materials may be ascribed to a family of rather similar sites, all of which feature the REGa defect

    Optical spectroscopy of gan microcavities with thicknesses controlled using a plasma etch-back

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    The effect of an etch-back step to control the cavity length within GaN-based microcavities formed between two dielectric Bragg mirrors was investigated using photoluminescence and reflectivity. The structures are fabricated using a combination of a laser lift-off technique to separate epitaxial III-N layers from their sapphire substrates and electron-beam evaporation to deposit silica/zirconia multilayer mirrors. The photoluminescence measurements reveal cavity modes from both etched and nonetched microcavities. Similar cavity finesses are measured for 2.0 and 0.8 mm GaN cavities fabricated from the same wafer, indicating that the etchback has had little effect on the microcavity quality. For InGaN quantum well samples the etchback is shown to allow controllable reduction of the cavity length. Two etch steps of 100 nm are demonstrated with an accuracy of approximately 5%. The etchback, achieved using inductively coupled plasma and wet chemical etching, allows removal of the low-quality GaN nucleation layer, control of the cavity length, and modification of the surface resulting from lift-off

    (In,Ga)N/GaN microcavities with double dielectric mirrors fabricated by selective removal of an (Al,In)N sacrificial layer

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    Comparable microcavities with 3/2 (~240 nm) active regions containing distributed (In,Ga)N quantum wells, grown on GaN substrates and bounded by two dielectric mirrors, have been fabricated by two different routes: one using laser lift-off to process structures grown on GaN-on-sapphire templates and the second using freestanding GaN substrates, which are initially processed by mechanical thinning. Both exploit the properties of an Al0.83In0.17N layer, lattice matched to the GaN substrate and spacer layers. In both cases cavity quality factors >400 are demonstrated by measurements of the cavity-filtered room-temperature excitonic emission near 410 nm

    Growth and fabrication of gaN-based structures using aluminium indium nitride insertion layers

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    This speech was presented to the 2005 Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, held in Sheffield on Sunday 4 - Tuesday 6 September 2005. The presentation focused on the design and growth of microcavities and the roles of AlInN layer in post-growth processing

    Correlating Composition and Luminescence Variations in AlInGaN epilayers

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    Epilayers of the quaternary alloy AlxInyGa1 x yN have been grown on GaN/sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The emission properties and elemental compositions of these samples were evaluated simultaneously and intercorrelated by combining hyperspectral cathodoluminescence imaging and wavelength-dispersive X-ray mapping. Use was made of inherent variations in growth temperature across a single epilayer to study the resultant effect on the different metal fractions and luminescence emission wavelength. By examining statistical correlations in this data, the interdependence of the fractions of constituent binary compounds, together with the associated changes in emission characteristics, can be clarified without the need to grow a systematic series of samples