3,631 research outputs found


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    The dengue virus puts one third of the world’s population at risk. Humans carry the virus and mosquitoes pick it up and are able to spread to more people. As long as there are mosquitoes near you there is the possibility that you could become infected with the dengue virus. However, people living in tropical areas that are poverty stricken are much more likely to bit by these mosquitoes and developed dengue fever. Things like mosquito netting and proper plumbing help lower the amount of these mosquitoes from biting people. There are very few treatments for when a person gets the virus. While there are vaccines for dengue they have proven to not be very effective

    Does It Really Matter?: Making the Case for a Materiality Requirement in False Claims to U.S. Citizenship Under the Immigration and Nationality Act

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    Materiality plays an important role in limiting the reach of laws that penalize misrepresentations. Laws that include no materiality element punish any covered misrepresentation regardless of its relevance—like lying about hair color on a loan application. By contrast, laws that include a materiality element withhold punishment for immaterial misrepresentations of that kind—in other words, misrepresentations that have no tendency to affect the ultimate decision.Our immigration laws make it a deportable offense for a noncitizen to “falsely represent” herself as a U.S. citizen for a purpose or benefit under the law. Although this law has been on the books for decades, a key question about its reach remains open: Does it include a materiality element? The Board of Immigration Appeals and three federal circuit courts have said “yes,” holding that misrepresentations of U.S. citizenship must be material to trigger deportability. But in a recent panel decision adopted by the en banc court, the Eleventh Circuit said “no,” holding that the unambiguous statutory text includes no materiality element.This Article examines the history of these immigration statutes and demonstrates why the Eleventh Circuit’s holding was wrong, although mainly for a reason no court has yet addressed: the common-law origins of the relevant statutory text. Under well-established principles of statutory construction, Congress is presumed to legislate with the understanding that common-law phrases carry their common-law meaning. At common law, the phrase “false representation” carried with it an implicit materiality element. Therefore, the immigration statutes at issue presumptively incorporate materiality because they penalize “false representations” of U.S. citizenship. This presumption is confirmed by other contextual clues. And, as this Article explains, ensuring fidelity to the statutes’ implicit materiality element is especially important given the statutes’ breadth and the draconian consequences that follow from the Eleventh Circuit’s contrary holding

    Tinjauan Kelengkapan Pengisian Formulir Persetujuan Tindakan Kedokteran Pasien Bedah Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Tere Margareth Tahun 2022

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    Completeness of filling in the informed consent form is very important because it can affect the quality of medical records and the legal aspects contained in the medical records themselves. This type of research is descriptive with an observational approach, namely research that describes the current situation. The study population was the medical record document of the informed consent form of inpatients with the sample in this study being a portion of the total population. An overview of the completeness of filling out informed consent sheets in surgical cases at Tere Margareth General Hospital can be seen from the sample count with a total population of (235) divided by 1+235 (precision level/10%=0.1) which results in a sample of 70. Completeness of filling in the identification of providing information is 97% filled and 3% not filled. Completeness of filling in important report items is 92% filled and 8% not filled. Completeness of filling in medical action items is 98% filled and 2% not filled. Completeness of filling in authentication items is 87% filled and 3% not filled. The medical record unit is trying to be able to ask the nurse in charge to fill out the informed consent form so that it can fill it out completely

    Mapping of disease-associated variants in admixed populations

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    Recent developments in high-throughput genotyping and whole-genome sequencing will enhance the identification of disease loci in admixed populations. We discuss how a more refined estimation of ancestry benefits both admixture mapping and association mapping, making disease loci identification in admixed populations more powerful

    Análisis de la cadena productiva del cacao ecuatoriano para el diseño de una política pública que fomente la productividad y la eficiencia de la producción cacaotera período 2007-2016

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    En esta investigación se determinaron los factores que inciden en la competitividad de la cadena productiva del cacao ecuatoriano para establecer lineamientos de política pública. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para conocer los aportes de autores que permitieran sustentar los análisis sobre ventajas comparativas y competitivas, cadenas productivas, productividad, eficiencia y políticas públicas. El estudio se fundamentó en el enfoque de Cadenas y Diálogos para la Acción (CADIAC). Esta metodología facilitó la identificación de acciones para mejorar la competitividad a partir de los principales problemas, en relación a un análisis del contexto internacional y nacional, la estructura, el funcionamiento y las ventajas competitivas de la cadena productiva del cacao ecuatoriano. Se concluyó que el aumento de la producción, de la demanda y de los precios no impacta positivamente en la calidad de vida de los productores y en el desarrollo tecnológico de la producción nacional. Específicamente en la comercialización existen prácticas monopólicas y predomina una producción tradicional que se concentra en la exportación de materia prima y no de productos con alto valor agregado. El 2016 presentó el mayor índice de ventaja comparativa y el más bajo se dio en el 2008 debido a que el crecimiento que experimentó la exportación ecuatoriana fue proporcionalmente menor que el crecimiento de la exportación mundial. Factores relativos a las empresas y su tecnificación, al gobierno y las políticas de impulso agrícola, renovación genética y otros como el modelo de asociación y climáticos inciden en la competitividad de la cadena productiva, así se definieron lineamientos de política pública para mejorar la productividad y eficiencia del sector dirigidos a los pequeños y medianos productores así como a las prácticas que se emplean en la cadena del cacao en el Ecuador

    Mortero modificado con residuos pulverizado de topa (ochroma pyramidale) para aislar térmicamente mediante tarrajeo una mampostería en Pucallpa, Ucayali, 2021

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    El trabajo de investigación realizado, tuvo como objetivo general, determinar el desempeño térmico del mortero modificado con residuos pulverizado de topa (ochroma pyramidale) mediante tarrajeo de una mampostería en Pucallpa, Ucayali 2021. El tipo de investigación es aplicada de diseño experimental puro, la población fue los muros de mampostería con ladrillos de arcilla pandereta tipo #01 en la ciudad de Pucallpa y la muestra para el estudio fue de 12 muretes de medidas (1.05m x 1.05m) para ser aislado térmicamente, mediante tarrajeo con el mortero modificado con residuos de topa pulverizado (ochroma pyramidale). Los resultados y conclusiones obtenidas mediante la investigación, según la figura 05 La imagen nos indica los aumentos y disminuciones de temperatura que existen a medida que pasa las horas al interior del cubo tarrajeado con el Mortero Tradicional 1:5 contra el Mortero modificado del 10% y 15% de residuos pulverizado de topa (ochroma pyramidale). Es muy importante tener en cuenta estas variaciones tomadas por el termohigrómetro ya que nos basamos en los resultados que existen de ello para poder tener un confort térmico adecuado para el cliente y sacar nuestras propias conclusiones si fueron los resultados que esperábamos. Se llegó a la conclusión que la mampostería sin tarrajeo no hubo diferencia de temperaturas internas mientras que después de haber sido tarrajeado con los morteros modificados notamos diferencias de temperaturas internas por un momento favorables pero a medida que pasaban las horas fueron desfavorables como resultado no se obtuvo un mejor desempeño térmico, en la mampostería de ladrillos pandereta tipo #01

    Full Recovery From Cocaine-Induced Toxic Leukoencephalopathy: Emphasizing the Role of Neuroinflammation and Brain Edema

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    Toxic leukoencephalopathy (TL) is characterized by white matter disease on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and evidence of exposure to a neurotoxic agent. We describe a case of cocaine-induced TL in which extensive white matter disease did not preclude full recovery. A 57-year-old man with substance abuse disorder presented with a 5-day history of strange behavior. On admission, he was alert but had difficulty concentrating, psychomotor retardation, and diffuse hyperreflexia. Brain MRI revealed confluent subcortical white matter hyperintensities with restricted diffusion in some but not in other areas. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed mild diffuse slowing. Blood tests were normal except for mild hyperammonemia. Urine screen was positive for cocaine and benzodiazepine but quantitative analysis was significant only for cocaine. Prednisone 60-mg qd was initiated on day 4, tapered over a 5-day period, and discontinued on day 9. He was discharged after 3 weeks. Cognitive function returned to normal 2 weeks after discharge. Five months later, neurologic exam and EEG were normal and MRI showed near-100% resolution of white matter lesions. TL has been attributed to white matter ischemia/hypoxia resulting in demyelination/axonal injury. The clinical, EEG, and MRI findings and time course of recovery of our patient suggest that cocaine-induced inflammation/edema resulted in TL but not in ischemic/hypoxic injury. While inflammation/edema may have regressed when cocaine was discontinued, we cannot exclude a role for prednisone in protecting the patient from the ischemic/hypoxic sequelae of inflammation/edema. MRI is indispensable for diagnosing TL but EEG may provide additional useful diagnostic and prognostic information