155 research outputs found

    Tubulin family: Kinship of key proteins across phylogenetic domains

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    AbstractAtomic structures obtained by electron microscopy for tubulin, and by X-ray crystallography for bacterial FtsZ, show that the two proteins are highly homologous. The complementarity between such high-resolution studies and low-resolution reconstructions of microtubule complexes is clear, but controversy still abounds

    Molecular evolution: Actin's long lost relative found

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    AbstractThe bacterial protein MreB has been identified as a prokaryotic homolog of the eukaryotic cytoskeletal protein actin. While we still know little about MreB's function, the structural similarities and differences between MreB and actin provide more insight into the remarkable properties of actin

    Implications of the RecA structure

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    The RecA protein has been the most intensively studied protein involved in homologous genetic recombination, but until recently very little has been known about the molecular details of how RecA can bring two DNA molecules into juxtaposition and switch strands between them. A recent RecA-DNA crystal structure provides some striking new insights

    Rad51 and Rad54 ATPase activities are both required to modulate Rad51-dsDNA filament dynamics

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    Rad51 and Rad54 are key proteins that collaborate during homologous recombination. Rad51 forms a presynaptic filament with ATP and ssDNA active in homology search and DNA strand exchange, but the precise role of its ATPase activity is poorly understood. Rad54 is an ATP-dependent dsDNA motor protein that can dissociate Rad51 from dsDNA, the product complex of DNA strand exchange. Kinetic analysis of the budding yeast proteins revealed that the catalytic efficiency of the Rad54 ATPase was stimulated by partial filaments of wild-type and Rad51-K191R mutant protein on dsDNA, unambiguously demonstrating that the Rad54 ATPase activity is stimulated under these conditions. Experiments with Rad51-K191R as well as with wild-type Rad51-dsDNA filaments formed in the presence of ATP, ADP or ATP-Ī³-S showed that efficient Rad51 turnover from dsDNA requires both the Rad51 ATPase and the Rad54 ATPase activities. The results with Rad51-K191R mutant protein also revealed an unexpected defect in binding to DNA. Once formed, Rad51-K191R-DNA filaments appeared normal upon electron microscopic inspection, but displayed significantly increased stability. These biochemical defects in the Rad51-K191R protein could lead to deficiencies in presynapsis (filament formation) and postsynapsis (filament disassembly) in vivo

    Structural analysis of cross Ī±-helical nanotubes provides insight into the designability of filamentous peptide nanomaterials

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    The exquisite structure-function correlations observed in filamentous protein assemblies provide a paradigm for the design of synthetic peptide-based nanomaterials. However, the plasticity of quaternary structure in sequence-space and the lability of helical symmetry present significant challenges to the de novo design and structural analysis of such filaments. Here, we describe a rational approach to design self-assembling peptide nanotubes based on controlling lateral interactions between protofilaments having an unusual cross-Ī± supramolecular architecture. Near-atomic resolution cryo-EM structural analysis of seven designed nanotubes provides insight into the designability of interfaces within these synthetic peptide assemblies and identifies a non-native structural interaction based on a pair of arginine residues. This arginine clasp motif can robustly mediate cohesive interactions between protofilaments within the cross-Ī± nanotubes. The structure of the resultant assemblies can be controlled through the sequence and length of the peptide subunits, which generates synthetic peptide filaments of similar dimensions to flagella and pili
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