58 research outputs found

    Shark Species on Export Products from East Java and Bali by Dna Barcoding Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer-2 (Its-2) Locus in Mitochondrial

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    DNA barcoding method is the mitochondrial marker for all animal species, and it is claimed as distinguishing feature from one species to another Species identification in shark products is often difficult to perform as they have morphological similarities with many other species and it is even more difficult as they are parts separated from the body for the storage. This research is aimed to know which species of sharks identified in the export products from East Java and Bali by DNA barcoding method. The samples of sharks (meat, fins, skin and bones) used were 90 samples acquired in Surabaya from the export products of East Java and Bali from 2015 to 2017. The DNA barcoding method uses universal primer through nested PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) process which is able to amplify the DNA until around 1,340 bp based on Internal Transcribed Spacer-2 (ITS-2) locus of mitochondria. Based on the result of phylogenetic analysis and the classification list by IUCN, from 90 samples of sharks acquired from export products in East Java and Bali, species identified were: 1.11% Daenia sp categorized as NE (not evaluated); 4.44% Sphyrna zygaena categorized as NT (not Threatened); 3.33% Sphyrna lewini categorized as NT (not Threatened); 10% Rhizoprionodon taylori categorized as LC (least concern); 24% Charcarhinus brevipinna categorized as NT (not Threatened); 2.22% Charcarhinus obscurus categorized as NT (not Threatened); 3.33% Charcarhinus falciformis categorized as LC (least concern); 1.11% Charcarhinus plumbeus categorized as NT (not Threatened); 27.78% Charcarhinus longimanus categorized as VU (vulnerable); 1.11% Neutrygon kuhlii categorized as NE (not evaluated); 1.11% Charcarhinus Taurus categorized as VU (vulnerable); 3.33% Rhizoprionodon longurio categorized as DD (data deficient); 1.11% Rhizoprionodon porosus categorized as DD (data deficient); 1.11% Eusphyra blochii categorized as NT (not Threatened); 4.44% Chiloscyllium griseum categorized as DD (data deficient); 5.56% Rhizoprionodon oligolinx categorized as LC (least concern); 1.11% Prionace glauca categorized as NT (not Threatened); 1.11% Rhizoprionodon lalandii categorized as DD (data deficient). Generally all species found in this research were special fish from Indo-Australian archipelago and included in IUCN red list. The government policy to prohibit export of these species was the right decision to prevent the species extinction. Keywords : ITS-2; Shark; Export Products; Java and Bal

    Modulation Effect of ethanol extract of Benalu Tea (Scurrula oortiana) againts antibody titers of broilers With Gumboro Virus infected

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    The purpose of this study saw the effects of ethanol extract of benalu tea (Scurrula oortiana) modulation of antibody titers of infected broilers gumboro (infectious like HIV). This research using 40 one-day-old broiler chickens (DOC). Broiler chicken experiment was obtained from livestock breeding. The cage was used multiple systems Cages, each unit consisting of one head .. The extract of Benalu tea (Scurrula oortiana) was processed by reflux extraction method with ethanol solvent. The dose regimented was used 10 mg/kg body werght insert to oral administrated start in 7 days until 35 days, and given gumboro virus infection at 20 days by oral administrated at dose EID50 107. Research treatment was used as follows; Group A, given the extract of benalu tea (Scurrula oortiana) without infected gumboro virus; Group B, without a given extract benalu teh (Scurrula oortiana) and without infected gumboro virus; Group C, given the extract of benalu teh (ScurruJa oortiana) and infected with gumboro virus; Group D, without any extract benalu teh (ScurruJa oortiana) and given infected with gumboro virus. Antibody was examined by ELISA method. The results prove that administration of benalu teh (Scurrula oortiana) in broilers infected with gumboro virus (like HIV) provide a significant impact especially in relation to an average of antibody titer (p <0.05). Therefore, the ethanol extract benalu teh (Scurrula oorliana) can be considered as an antiviral against gumboro infections (like HIV) as well as improve the immune system

    Etik Pada Hewan

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    Kemajuan penelitian di bidang biomedik dan kedokteran termasuk kedokteran hewan dalam aplikasinya seringkali menimbulkan berbagai masalah etik baru. Hal ini disebabkan kegiatan penelitian di laboratorium, disamping menggunakan model in vitro, akan tetapi banyak juga menggunakan model in vivo dengan mengikutsertakan hewan percobaan sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengikutsertaan hewan percobaan telah menimbulkan berbagai macam reaksi di masyarakat khususnya di kalangan peneliti serta masyarakat penyayang binatang tidak saja di Indonesia akan tetapi juga di seluruh dunia, sebab dapat menimbulkan implikasi etik, hukum dan sosial budaya. Banyak argumen yang diberikan, dimana pada dasarnya manusia tidak dibenarkan menggunakan hewan dalam percobaan yang dapat menimbulkan rasa sakit, nyeri dan perasaan tidak nyaman bagi hewan tersebut. Oleh karena itu dianjurkan dalam penelitian untuk menghindari penggunaan hewan sebagai subjek, bila mungkin mengganti hewan sebagai subjek dengan kultur organ, jaringan atau sel atau mengurangi jumlah hewan yang digunakan

    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in the bursa of fabricius of broilers infected with virulent gumboro virus and provides extract Annona squamosa (Swetsop)

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    The bursa of fabricius serves as an important tissue in the process of gumboro virus (infectious bursal diseases/IBD) pathogenesis, since B cells of the bursa harbor the cytolytic phase of gumboro replication cycle. In the present study, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) associated with gumboro virus infection in the bursa of fabricius of broilers and provides extracts Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) as a leading immunostimulant were investigated. This research using the 40 individuals one-day-old broiler chickens (DOC). Broiler chicken experiment was obtained from livestock breeding. The cage was used multiple systems Cages measuring 20 x 15 x 10 em, each unit consisting of one head so that the number of cages all 40 units. Extraction of Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) is done at the laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Widya Mandala University. Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) used as test material was the result of reflux extraction methods using ethanol as solvent. The extract Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) with a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight, administered orally at the age of 7 days until the end of the experiment, namely the age of 35 days, given gumboro virus infection at the age of 20 days in a peroral dose of EID50 107• The design was as follows: Group A: given the extract of Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) without infected gumboro virus; Group B: without a given extract Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) and without infected gumboro virus; Group C: given the Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) and infected with gumboro virus; Group 0: without any extract Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) and given infected with gumboro virus. iNOS expression examination by immunohistochemistry method performed at the Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. The study began in June 2010 to October 2010. From these results prove that the expression of iNOS was higher in the bursa of gumboro virus infected broilers without any extract Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) when compared to uninfected controls and provides Annona squamosa (Sweetsop) (p<0.05). Keyword: iNOS, IBD, Annona squamosa, Bursa fabriciu

    Kapasitasi Annona Squamosa (Sweetsop) Sebagai Imunostimulan Unggulan Berbasis Herbal Pada Ayam Pedaging Terhadap Infectious Bursal Disease (Infectious Like HIV)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan kapasitasi potensi metabolit sekunder hasil ekstraksi etanol yang terdapat dalam daun Annona squamosa (sweetsop) sebagai imunotimulan yang unggul pada ayam khususnya ayam pedaging terhadap infectious bursal disease (IBD) (like HIV) sehingga memberikan alternatif obat antiviral yang lebih aman, murah dan mudah didapat pada lingkungan berbasis tanaman herbal di Indonesia. Pemberian ekstrak etanol daun Annona squamosa sebagai imunostimulan herbal unggul pada ayam pedaging yang terinfeksi IBD (like HIV) mempengaruhi profil titer antibodi terhadap IBD, jumlah leukosit dan diferensial leukosit (eosinofil, netrofil, monosit, limfosit), kadar SGPT dan SGOT (fungsi liver), kadar BUN dan kreatinin (fungsi ginjal), kadar glukosa, kadar total lipid. Penelitian menggunakan 40 ekor ayam pedaging berumur satu hari (DOC). Ayam percobaan adalah ayam pedaging yang diperoleh dari peternakan pembibitan "Multibreeder". Kandang percobaan yang digunakan adalah sistem multiple cages berukuran 20 x 15 x 10 cm, masing-masing unit terdiri atas satu ekor sehingga jumlah kandang seluruhnya 40 unit. Penghitungan jumlah leukosit dan diferensiasi leukosit dilakukan di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik FKH-Unair. Pemeriksaan antibodi IBD dengan metode ELISA dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Virologi FKH-Unair. Penelitian dimulai bulan Juni 2010 sampai dengan Oktober 2010. Dari hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pemberian A. squamosa pada ayam pedaging yang terinfeksi IBD (like HIV) memberikan pengaruh yang bermakna terutama terkait rata-rata leukosit, rata-rata neutrofil, rata-rata limfosit, rata-rata BUN, Rata-rata kreatinin, rata-rata SGPT dan rata-rata SGOT serta rata-rata hasil titer antibodi (p0,05). Oleh karena itu ekstrak etanol A. squamosa dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai antiviral terhadap infeksi gumboro (like HIV) karena disamping meningkatkan sistem imunitas juga tidak mengganggu fungsi ginjal maupun liver. Selain itu dapat digunakan sebagai penstabil kadar glukosa darah dan lipid total yang cenderung menurun pada kasus infeksi yang berat

    Perbandingan Sekuen Nukleotid gZP3 terhadap sekuen Konsensus Nukleotid ZP3 Wanita dan Beberapa Spesies untuk Pengembangan Bahan Imunokontrasepsi

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    Pada Penelitian sebelumnya telah berhasil diidentifikasi dan di karakterisasi protein gZP3 sebagai reseptor spermatozoa pada zona pelusida kambing. Uji Imunisasi pada hewan coba menunjukkan bahwa gZP3 efektif menghasilkan antibodi gZP3, mencegah kebuntingan secara reversibel, serta tidak mempengaruhi profil hormon, siklus birahi dan siklus perkembangan ovarium.Berdasarkan hal hal tersebut diatas maka diadakan penelitian untuk membandingkan sekuen nukleotida gZP3 terhadap sekuen nukleotida ZP3 manusia (hZP3) dan ZP3 beberapa spesies, dengan maksud untuk menemukan epitop gZP3 yang homolog dengan hZP3 sebagai kandidat bahan imunokontrasepsi di masa mendatang


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    Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP) is the most common benign neoplasm of the larynx among children as a result of HPV infection mainly type 6 and 11. RRP is still considered as serious problem since papilloma in the airway can cause hoarseness and obstruction which later described as aggressive and non aggressive types. Patients underwent multiple surgeries to keep airway patency and in order to communicate vocally. Previous studies reported that HPV-11 was associated with a more aggressive disease course. This study aim is to determine the association of RRP aggressiveness with HPV-6 and 11. Papilloma specimens were taken from patients who underwent surgical treatment of RRP patients and subjected HPV typing. All 17 patients with completed data and epidemiologic questionaires were defined for their staging to disease severity. Informations in the database were analyzed to identity statistically significant relationship with HPV type and knowing the HPV type is to predict the disease course. 17 patients RRP (12 males and 5 females) with age at onset 3,15 + 2,28 years and age at diagnosis 3,81 + 2,51 years. Surgery was performed 2,71 ± 1,16 times per year and 9 patients treated more than 3 surgeries per year. 10 patients had distal papilloma and 11 patients had tracheotomy. Agrressive disease was show found in 14 patients among 17 patients. HPV-11 was detected in 10 patients, HPV-6 was detected in 7 patients. According to the statisitcal analysis (Chi square test), there is no relationship between HPV type and disease aggressiveness. HPV-6 and 11 are not the only cause that affect the aggressiveness of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis

    Identification of Legionella Pneumophila Serogroups as Zoonotic Disease Agent Distributed in Water Sources of East Java

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    The aims of this study was to understand the differences of L.pneumophila serogroups distribution in well water, tap water, ice cubes, hospital water and hotel water in East Java- Indonesia. A total of 60 water samples were tested by polymerase chain reaction and then it was analyzed by phylogenetic tree. Out of the 60 water samples collected, 12% of the samples were contaminated with L. pneumophila. The phylogenetic tree revealed L.pneumophila contamination in well water from Surabaya and tap water from Sidoarjo and the ice cubes from Sidoarjo, while the bacterial contamination in 2 well water isolate from Surabaya classified into their own group

    Most Probable Number (MPN) Escherichia coli Dari Air Yang Digunakan Pedagang Makanan Di Sekitar Kampus Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga

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    Changes of water quality can be affected by level of bacterial contamination in the water. one of bacteria that used as indicators of hygiene sanitary is escherichia coli. the purpose of this study was to measure the value of MPN of E. coli in the water used by food vendors around campus of veterinary medicine Faculty of Airlangga University. Ten water samples taken from ten food vendors. Most probable Number Method was used to determined the level E. Coli in contaminated water. the result of the study showed 8 samples contaminated with E. Coli with MPN Number ranges between 0 - 278 MPN/ml. This highest MPN value was sample A10 with value of 278 MPN/ml, while two sample s (A6 and A7) was 0 MPN/ml. keyword : Water, Escherichia Coli, MPN, Food, Food Vendor

    The Effect of Gendarussin a Isolates of Justicia Gendarussa Burm.f. Leaf in Reserve Transcriptase Inhibition of HIV Type I in Vitro

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    Screening has been done to a few extracts from the leaves Justicia gendarussa Burm.f to see the growth rate of the virus from the blood plasma of HIV patients at Dr Soetomo Hospital. It is known that J. gendarussa leaf extract inhibits HIV type 1 reverse transcriptase. In addition, its main content is gendarussin A, besides gendarussin B, JGF1, JGF2 and JGF3, which have just identified. At the beginning, extraction and fractionation were performed with 3 models that highlight the absolute methanol, 70% methanol and 70% ethanol with the release of alkaloids. Furthermore, samples of each fraction were incubated in plasma of HIV patients with a titer of 3.6 106 copies for 1 h in concentrations of 1.64 ppm, 4.1 ppm, 8.2 ppm, 16.4 ppm and 41.0 ppm. After incubation, examination was performed by using Nucli sens a machine, which is a combination of PCR and Elisa, thus avoiding direct contact with the highly pathogenic virus. The result showed that the activity sequence from the most potential to the weak, among others, was 1.64 ppm > 4.1 ppm > 8.2 ppm > 16.4 ppm > 41.0 ppm, each with barriers value of 0.62 106, 1.4 106, 1.6 106, 2.4 106 and 5.2 106 cells/ml. In conclusion, highest anti-HIV activity comes from the concentration of gendarussin A isolate at 1.64 ppm. Furthermore, after linear regression of y = -3.063 x + 81.37 was done, the IC50 of 10.24 ppm was obtained
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