31 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of canola meal as a source of rumen-undegraded protein for dairy cows

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    Canola is an offspring of rapeseed (Brassica napus and Brassica campestris/rapa), canola seed is rich in oil, and after oil extraction, the remaining “canola meal” (CM), is a rich protein source used as feedstock to different animal species, mainly dairy cows in North America and in Europe. Despite the positive responses in milk production and nitrogen (N) utilization efficiency observed when soybean meal (SBM) is replaced with CM as the main protein supplement in dairy cow diets, it is unclear if the responses are due to a ruminal effect, a post ruminal effect, or a combination of both. The objectives of the research presented here were: 1) to evaluate whether the positive responses in milk production and N utilization efficiency are due to a better ruminal digestibility and N metabolism when CM is compared to SBM in dairy cow diets; 2) to evaluate whether these positive responses may be due to a greater contribution of the rumen undegraded protein (RUP) fraction and/or an increase of microbial protein synthesis to the metabolizable protein supply; and 3) to assess the potentially digestible neutral detergent-fiber (pdNDF) and the energy content of CM in a large sample set. To assess these objectives, first an in vitro study was performed (Chapter 2) evaluating the effects of feeding CM with different RUP content on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion, and microbial growth using a dual-flow continuous culture system. For this study, it was observed that CM with RUP varying from 38 up to 50% of CP did not affect ruminal N metabolism. Furthermore, no major differences in ruminal N metabolism and digestibility between SBM and CM diets were observed, which indicate that there are no major ruminal effects of replacing SBM with CM. Then a follow up in vivo study was performed (Chapter 3) to evaluate whether treating CM by extrusion to increase its RUP content would improve RUP flow to the small intestine, N utilization and performance of dairy cows compared to regular CM and SBM. For this study, our results indicate that treating CM by extrusion was not effective in improving CM utilization by lactating in dairy cows. Nonetheless, when compared to the SBM diet, both CM diets decreased milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and N excretion in feces and urine. A third study was performed (Chapter 4) to assess whether the pdNDF of CM is underestimated based on current prediction models, and consequently its energy content is also underestimated. For this study, our results indicate that the pdNDF and the energy content are underestimated in current nutritional models. As an overall conclusion, our results indicate that the positive production responses previously observed when CM replaced SBM may have been due to post-ruminal effects and/or dry matter intake. Furthermore, treating CM by extrusion was not effective in improving CM utilization by lactating in dairy cows. However, CM may reduce the environmental impact compared to SBM, due to a lower urea N excretion as a proportion of total urinary N. More accurate information on CM NDF digestibility may improve energy content estimation, thus improving diet formulation accuracy

    Evaluation of yeast-based additives, as an alternative to ionophores, on rumen fermentation of ruminant diets using an in vitro gas production system

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    IntroductionThe study aimed to assess yeast-based additives' effects, as monensin alternatives, on rumen fermentation parameters, greenhouse gas emissions, and ruminal kinetics of ruminant diets using an in vitro system. Three experiments were conducted, each individually evaluating escalating levels of three yeast-based additives.MethodsThree experiments were designed: Experiment 1 evaluated prebiotic blend 1—yeast culture [Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Scer)], beta-glucans, fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, and mannanoligosaccharides; Experiment 2 investigated prebiotic blend 2—beta-glucan fractions and mannanoligosaccharides from Scer; Experiment 3 examined yeast cells—hydrolyzed, inactivated, and spray-dried yeast (Scer) cells. Uniform experimental design and procedures were employed across the three experiments. Each experiment had six treatments: monensin (Rumensin®, 25 mg/kg DM) as positive control, and yeast additive levels (0, 533, 1,067, 1,600, and 2,133 mg/kg on DM basis) added to ruminant diets (60% corn silage and 40% concentrate). An in vitro gas production (GP) system with 50 AnkomRF bottles assessed total GP (at 24 and 48 hours), kinetics, fermentation profiles, methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Comparison with monensin utilized Dunnett’s test (5%). Yeast additive levels were analyzed for linear and quadratic responses.ResultsIn Experiment 1, the 1,600 mg/kg yeast additive had lower concentrations of propionate, isobutyrate, valerate, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids (BCVFAs), and a higher acetate concentration and acetate-to-propionate ratio than monensin. In Experiment 2, the 1,600 mg/kg yeast additive led to lower total VFA and isovalerate concentrations than monensin. Additionally, compared to the 1,067 mg/kg yeast additive, monensin showed lower isovalerate concentration and higher NH3-N concentration. In Experiment 3, the 533 mg/kg yeast additive resulted in lower valerate and BCVFA concentrations, and higher CH4 and CO2 concentrations than monensin. Monensin had lower total VFA, butyrate, and acetate-to-propionate ratio, and higher propionate concentration compared to the 2,133 mg/kg yeast additive.DiscussionCollectively, these findings suggest yeast-based additives could be monensin alternatives, enhancing animal nutrient utilization efficiency and contributing to improved livestock sustainability

    Produto com compostos fenólicos da própolis sobre parâmetros digestivos e ruminais, e população de protozoários em bubalinos

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    The objective was to evaluate different doses of a product with phenolic compounds from propolis on total digestibility, passage rates for liquids and solids, ruminal parameters and protozoa population in feedlot buffaloes. It was used four crossbred female buffaloes with average weight of 543.9 ± 32.1 kg in a 4 x 4 Latin square with four diets and four periods. The product with phenolic compounds from propolis was provided in three doses, totaling four experimental treatments: CON:without addition of phenolic compounds; CF16: 16.95 mg of total phenolic compounds/day; CF33: 33.90 mg of total phenolic compounds/day and CF50: 50.85 mg of total phenolic compounds/day. The total mixed ration consisted of 80% corn silage and 20% concentrate, with 8.9% crude protein (CP) and 66% total digestible nutrients (TDN). The doses of the evaluated product did not influenced (P>0.05) totaldigestibility of dry matter and nutrients, passage rates for liquids and solids and microbial protein synthesis. Therefore, it was observed a quadratic effect (P0,05) adigestibilidade total da matéria seca e demais nutrientes, dinâmica de fase líquida esólida do trato gastrintestinal e síntese de proteína microbiana. Entretanto, foi observado efeito quadrático (P<0,05) entre as dietas para a concentração de acetato e as dietas CF16 e CF33 apresentaram maior concentração de acetato, em relação ao CON e CF50. Houve redução na concentração de N-NH3 do líquido ruminal, para as dietas CF16 e CF50, em relação ao CON. Foi observado um comportamento linear (P<0.05) sobre apopulação de protozoários ciliados do gênero Entodinium, havendo maior redução deprotozoários com o aumento das doses. Conclui-se que os compostos fenólicos daprópolis promoveram redução na população de protozoários ciliados do gêneroEntodinium no rúmen de búfalos, e redução na concentração N-NH3 do líquido rumina.x, 45

    Feeding Canola, Camelina, and Carinata Meals to Ruminants

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    Soybean meal (SBM) is a byproduct from the oil-industry widely used as protein supplement to ruminants worldwide due to its nutritional composition, high protein concentration, and availability. However, the dependency on monocultures such as SBM is problematic due to price fluctuation, availability and, in some countries, import dependency. In this context, oilseeds from the mustard family such as rapeseed/canola (Brassica napus and Brassica campestris), camelina (Camelina sativa), and carinata (Brassica carinata) have arisen as possible alternative protein supplements for ruminants. Therefore, the objective of this comprehensive review was to summarize results from studies in which canola meal (CM), camelina meal (CMM), and carinata meal (CRM) were fed to ruminants. This review was based on published peer-reviewed articles that were obtained based on key words that included the oilseed plant in question and words such as &ldquo;ruminal fermentation and metabolism, animal performance, growth, and digestion&rdquo;. Byproducts from oil and biofuel industries such as CM, CMM, and CRM have been evaluated as alternative protein supplements to ruminants in the past two decades. Among the three plants reviewed herein, CM has been the most studied and results have shown an overall improvement in nitrogen utilization when animals were fed CM. Camelina meal has a comparable amino acids (AA) profile and crude protein (CP) concentration to CM. It has been reported that by replacing other protein supplements with CMM in ruminant diets, similar milk and protein yields, and average daily gain have been observed. Carinata meal has protein digestibility similar to SBM and its CP is highly degraded in the rumen. Overall, we can conclude that CM is at least as good as SBM as a protein supplement; and although studies evaluating the use of CMN and CRM for ruminants are scarce, it has been demonstrated that both oilseeds may be valuable feedstuff for livestock animals. Despite the presence of erucic acid and glucosinolates in rapeseed, no negative effect on animal performance was observed when feeding CM up to 20% and feeding CMN and CRM up to 10% of the total diet

    Effects of neutral detergent fiber digestibility estimation method on calculated energy concentration of canola meals from 12 Canadian processing plants

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    Our aim was to determine whether the method used to estimate truly digestible neutral detergent fiber (tdNDF) affects calculated concentrations of total digestible nutrients (TDN1x) and net energy of lactation (NEL3x) of canola meal (CM). Samples were collected from 12 CM processing plants in Canada over 4 yr (2011 to 2014, n = 47) and analyzed for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin (ADL), and neutral detergent insoluble CP (NDICP). Ruminal in situ incubation of CM samples was performed at 0, 24, 48, 96, and 288 h to determine NDF fractions (A, B, and C), effective ruminal NDF digestibility (ERNDFD), and indigestible NDF (iNDF) of CM. Three tdNDF-estimation methods were evaluated: 1) National Research Council (NRC) = 0.75 × (NDF − NDICP − ADL) × {1− [ADL/ (NDF − NDICP)]0.667}; 2) iNDF = 0.75 × (NDF − NDICP − NDF remaining after 288 h in situ); and 3) ERNDFD estimated from in situ NDF digestion kinetics. Resulting tdNDF values were used for calculation of TDN1x and NEL3x according to NRC (2001) equations. Data were analyzed with MIXED procedure of SAS 9.4 to determine the effect of processing plant on chemical composition, NDF degradation kinetics and NEL3x of CM. Effect of tdNDF estimation method on calculated TDN1x and NEL3x of CM was also evaluated. Model for analysis of processing plant included the fixed effect of plant and the random effect of year (plant) as replication, while analysis of tdNDF methods included the fixed effect of tdNDF estimation method and the random effects of processing plant and of year(plant) as replication. There was an effect of processing plant on DM (P = 0.03), CP (P < 0.01), EE (P < 0.01), and NDF (P < 0.01) of CM. Processing plant also had an effect on NDF fractions A (P < 0.01) and B (P = 0.02) but did not affect fraction C and ERNDFD. The tdNDF estimation method had an effect on tdNDF (P < 0.01), TDN1x (P < 0.01), and NEL3x (P < 0.01) of CM, yielding average NEL3x values of 1.72, 1.87, and 2.07 Mcal/kg for NRC, iNDF, and ERNDFD, respectively. Our results indicate that calculated energy concentration of CM according to NRC (2001) equations varies depending on the method used for estimation of tdNDF. Further research will be needed to determine the most accurate estimation method.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Zootecni

    Does partial replacement of corn with glycerin in beef cattle diets affect in vitro ruminal fermentation, gas production kinetic, and enteric greenhouse gas emissions?

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    Five in vitro experiments were conducted with the following objectives: 1) To evaluate the ruminal fermentation of three different single ingredients: corn, glycerin, and starch (Exp. 1 and 2); 2) To assess effects of partially replacing corn with glycerin in beef cattle diets on ruminal fermentation pattern (Exp. 3 and 4); and 3) To evaluate the effects of glycerin inclusion on the extension of ruminal DM digestibility of feeds with high (orchard hay) and low (corn) fiber content (Exp. 5). For Exp. 1 and 2, two in vitro systems (24-bottle AnkomRF and 20-serum bottles) were used in four consecutive fermentation batches to evaluate gas production (GP), fermentation profiles, enteric methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) of corn, glycerin, and starch. The 24 h total GP, acetate concentration, and acetate: propionate ratio decreased only when glycerin was added to the diet (P 0.05). The inclusion of glycerin linearly decreased acetate concentration (P = 0.03) and acetate: propionate ratio (P = 0.04). For Exp. 5, two DaisyII incubators were used to evaluate the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of the following treatments: orchard hay; corn; orchard hay + glycerin; and corn + glycerin. Glycerin inclusion decreased orchard hay IVDMD (P 0.05). We concluded that, under these experimental conditions, glycerin has similar energy efficiency when used in replacement of corn and included at up to 300 g/kg in beef cattle diets

    Performance, digestibility, microbial production and carcass characteristics of feedlot young bulls fed diets containing propolis

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of propolis-based products (PBP) on performance, digestibility, microbial production and carcass characteristics of feedlot young bulls. Twenty-seven crossbred young bulls were used, with 353 ± 28 kg of body weight in a completely randomized experimental design, divided in three treatments: two diets with PBP with different dosages (PBP1= 0.018 mg g-1 and PBP2= 0.036 mg g-1 of total flavonoids in chrysin) and control diet (CON). To determine total digestibility, the indigestible dry matter was used as an internal marker, while microbial production was estimated from purine derivatives in urine, collected by the spot method. The evaluated carcass characteristics were: hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, conformation, Longissimus muscle area, fat thickness, colour, texture, marbling, pH, cushion thickness and percentages of muscle, bone and fat. The studied variables were subjected to analysis of variance with 5% probability. The addition of propolis had no effect on DM and nutrients digestibility (except the ADF, which was higher) or efficiency of microbial synthesis. Carcass characteristics were not affected by the experimental treatments. The PBP in the used dosages should be reviewed and higher dosages should be tested

    Comportamento ingestivo de novilhas Nelore em pastejo recebendo suplemento a base de própolis ou monensina sódica

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    We evaluated the effect of additives the basis of propolis and monensin on ingestive behavior (grazing -GRA, rumination lying -RLY, rumination in foot -RFO, rumination -RUM; idleness lying -ILY, idleness in standing -IDS, idleness -IDL, walking -WAL, posture standing -POS, posture lying -PLY, intake of supplement and water -ISW) of heifers in Tifton 85 grazing. The treatments were: no additive (NAD); propolis - PRO (33.24 mg animal-1 of total flavonoid in apigenin), and monensin -MON (100 mg animal(-1)). Were used five heifers treatment(-1) for evaluation of ingestive behavior during 12 hours of total valuation, which was divided into three periods. Used a factorial design into 3 x 3 for evaluation of ingestive behavior as a function of the evaluation periods. Were utilized three paddocks of 2.9 acres of grass Tifton 85. The additives and mineral supplement (50 g animal(-1)) were provided with 200 g of corn meal to 17 hours. For all activities of the ingestive behaviors observed the effect of period on the time spent on of different activities. The activities of GRA and ISW were higher in the third period (15hours to 19hours) compared to the first period (7hours at 11hours). For IDL and PLY, there was a higher time in minutes for heifers treatment with PRO in the period of 7hours at 11hours, compared to other treatments (NAD and MON). Thus, it is concluded that the use of the additive based on propolis enables sodium monensin replacement, to heifers maintained on pasture without changing eating behavior as well as providing greater idleness during the day the without affecting animal performance

    Nutritional evaluation and ruminal fermentation patterns of kochia compared with alfalfa and orchardgrass hays and ephedra and cheatgrass compared with orchardgrass hay as alternative arid-land forages for beef cattle in two dual-flow continuous culture system experiments

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    The objective was to evaluate the ruminal fermentation patterns of forage kochia (FK) compared with alfalfa hay (AH) and orchardgrass hay (OH) (Exp. 1), and ephedra (EPH) and immature cheatgrass (CG) compared with OH (Exp. 2), using a dual-flow continuous culture system. Two in vitro experiments were conducted, and in each experiment, treatments were randomly assigned to six dual-flow fermenters (1,223 ± 21 mL) in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design, with three consecutive periods of 10 d each, consisting of 7 d for diet adaptation and 3 d for sample collection. Each fermenter was fed a total of 72 g/d (DM basis) and treatments were as follows: Exp. 1: 1) 100% OH, 2) 100% AH, and 3) 100% dried FK. Exp. 2: 1) 100% OH, 2) 100% dried CG, and 3) 100% dried EPH. On day 8, 9, and 10, samples of solid and liquid effluent from each fermenter were taken for digestibility anlysis, and subsamples were collected for NH 3 -N, VFA, and bacterial N determinations. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. In Exp. 1, treatments did not affect DM, OM, and NDF digestibilities, total VFA and molar proportions of acetate, propionate, butyrate, and branched-chain VFA. True CP digestibility, ruminal NH 3 -N concentration, and total N, NH 3 - N, NAN, and dietary N flows (g/d) were greater (P < 0.05) for FK compared with the other for- ages. However, treatments did not affect bacterial efficiency. In Exp. 2, DM, OM, and CP digestibilities were greater (P = 0.01) for EPH, and NDF digestibility was greater (P < 0.05) for EPH and CG compared with OH. Ephedra had the highest (P < 0.05) pH and acetate:propionate ratio and the lowest (P < 0.05) total VFA concentration. Total VFA, ruminal NH 3 -N concentration, and NH 3 -N flow (g/d) were highest (P < 0.05) for CG. Total N flow and bacterial efficiency were highest (P < 0.05) for OH and CG, while the flows (g/d) of NAN, bacterial N, and dietary N were greater (P < 0.05) for OH compared with the other for- ages. Results indicate that when compared with AH and OH (Exp. 1), FK has similar ruminal fer- mentation patterns and may be an adequate alternative for beef cattle producers. Furthermore, when compared with OH (Exp. 2), immature CG vmay also be an adequate forage alternative. This is especially important for areas in which conventional forages may not grow well such as the U.S. arid-land. However, EPH should not be used as the sole forage due to its poor ruminal fermentation as evidenced by the lowest total VFA concentration and propionate molar proportion