29 research outputs found

    Chromosome Comparisons of Australian Scaptodrosophila Species

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    The Scaptodrosophila represent a diverse group of Diptera closely related to Drosophila. Although they have radiated extensively in Australia, they have been the focus of few studies. Here, we characterized the karyotypes of 12 Scaptodrosophila species from several species groups and showed that they have undergone similar types of karyotypic change to those seen in Drosophila. This includes heterochromatin amplification involved in length changes of the sex and ‘dot’ chromosomes as well as the autosomes, particularly in the coracina group of species. Numerous weak points along the arms of the polytene chromosomes suggest the presence of internal repetitive sequence DNA, but these regions did not C-band in mitotic chromosomes, and their analysis will depend on DNA sequencing. The nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) are at the same chromosome positions in Scaptodrosophila as in Drosophila, and the various mechanisms responsible for changing arm configurations also appear to be the same. These chromosomal studies provide a complementary resource to other investigations of this group, with several species currently being sequenced

    Chromatin Structure of Ribosomal RNA Genes in Dipterans and Its Relationship to the Location of Nucleolar Organizers

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    Nucleoli, nuclear organelles in which ribosomal RNA is synthesized and processed, emerge from nucleolar organizers (NORs) located in distinct chromosomal regions. In polytene nuclei of dipterans, nucleoli of some species can be observed under light microscopy exhibiting distinctive morphology: Drosophila and chironomid species display well-formed nucleoli in contrast to the fragmented and dispersed nucleoli seen in sciarid flies. The available data show no apparent relationship between nucleolar morphology and location of NORs in Diptera. The regulation of rRNA transcription involves controlling both the transcription rate per gene as well as the proportion of rRNA genes adopting a proper chromatin structure for transcription, since active and inactive rRNA gene copies coexist in NORs. Transcription units organized in nucleosomes and those lacking canonical nucleosomes can be analyzed by the method termed psoralen gel retarding assay (PGRA), allowing inferences on the ratio of active to inactive rRNA gene copies. In this work, possible connections between chromosomal location of NORs and proportion of active rRNA genes were studied in Drosophila melanogaster, and in chironomid and sciarid species. The data suggested a link between location of NORs and proportion of active rRNA genes since the copy number showing nucleosomal organization predominates when NORs are located in the pericentric heterochromatin. The results presented in this work are in agreement with previous data on the chromatin structure of rRNA genes from distantly related eukaryotes, as assessed by the PGRA.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paul

    Triple-Helical DNA in Drosophila Heterochromatin

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    Polynucleotide chains obeying Watson-Crick pairing are apt to form non-canonical complexes such as triple-helical nucleic acids. From early characterization in vitro, their occurrence in vivo has been strengthened by increasing evidence, although most remain circumstantial particularly for triplex DNA. Here, different approaches were employed to specify triple-stranded DNA sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster chromosomes. Antibodies to triplex nucleic acids, previously characterized, bind to centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes and also to the polytene section 59E of mutant strains carrying the brown dominant allele, indicating that AAGAG tandem satellite repeats are triplex-forming sequences. The satellite probe hybridized to AAGAG-containing regions omitting chromosomal DNA denaturation, as expected, for the intra-molecular triplex DNA formation model in which single-stranded DNA coexists with triplexes. In addition, Thiazole Orange, previously described as capable of reproducing results obtained by antibodies to triple-helical DNA, binds to AAGAG repeats in situ thus validating both detection methods. Unusual phenotype and nuclear structure exhibited by Drosophila correlate with the non-canonical conformation of tandem satellite arrays. From the approaches that lead to the identification of triple-helical DNA in chromosomes, facilities particularly provided by Thiazole Orange use may broaden the investigation on the occurrence of triplex DNA in eukaryotic genomes

    Análisis del dominio cromosómico III-D1 de "Chironomus thummi"

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular, 24-6-199

    Cloning and characterisation of a novel chromosome end repeat enriched with homopolymeric (dA)/(dT) DNA in Rhynchosciara americana (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    Short tandem DNA repeats and telomerase compose the telomere structure in the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms. However, such a conserved organisation has not been found in dipterans. While telomeric DNA in Drosophila is composed of specific retrotransposons, complex terminal tandem repeats are present in chromosomes of Anopheles and chironomid species. In the sciarid Rhynchosciara americana, short repeats (16 and 22 bp long) tandemly arrayed seem to reach chromosome ends. Moreover, in situ hybridisation data using homopolymeric RNA probes suggested in this species the existence of a third putative chromosome end repeat enriched with (dA).(dT) homopolymers. In this work, chromosome micro-dissection and PCR primed by homopolymeric primers were employed to clone these repeats. Named T-14 and 93 % AT-rich, the repetitive unit is 14 bp long and appears organised in tandem arrays. It is localised in five non-centromeric ends and in four interstitial bands of R. americana chromosomes. To date, T-14 is the shortest repeat that has been characterised in chromosome ends of dipterans. As observed for short tandem repeats identified previously in chromosome ends of R. americana, the T-14 probe hybridised to bridges connecting non-homologous polytene chromosome ends, indicative of close association of T-14 repeats with the very end of the chromosomes. The results of this work suggest that R. americana represents an additional example of organism provided with more than one DNA sequence that is able to reach chromosome termini.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP

    A new approach to map transcription sites at the ultrastructural level

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    We describe a new ultrastructural method for locating transcription on ultra-thin sections. The use of anti-DNA/RNA hybrid antibodies provides specific labeling on precise structures of the nuclear compartments of several cell types. All mammalian and plant material studied (HeLa cells, lymphocytes, onion root meristematic cells) showed the same pattern of labeling: fibrillar structures in the interchromatin region and discrete regions of the dense fibrillar component at the periphery of the fibrillar centers in the nucleolus. The specificity of the immunogold labeling was tested by RNAse H digestion and by pre-blocking the antibody with synthetic DNA/RNA hybrids; in both cases no gold particles were observed. This method has considerable advantages compared with current techniques, constituting a very useful tool to map transcriptionally active loci in a variety of cells.Supported by grants from the Dirección General de Investigación Científca y Técnica PB87-0332-C02-01 and PB92-0079-C03-01. EG is recipient of a grant from the Ministerio de Educacidn y Ciencia of SpainPeer reviewe

    Unusually short tandem repeats appear to reach chromosome ends of Rhynchosciara americana (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    The characterisation of sequences at chromosome ends of Rhynchosciara americana was continued with the screening of a genomic library using as a probe a short repeat identified in a previous report (M-22, 22 bp) which was found to be specific for noncentromeric termini of this species. Simple repeats, complex tandem and apparently dispersed repeats were present in the genomic clones analysed. Repetitive sequences do not define individual chromosome tips as they were found in all noncentromeric ends. A novel and unusually short tandem repeat type for dipteran chromosome ends (named M-16) composed of 16 nucleotides and frequently associated with M-22 arrays was characterised in this work. Islands of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats were found in all the genomic clones analysed. Individual probes representative of each repetitive element hybridised not only to all noncentromeric ends of R. americana chromosomes but also to inter-telomeric bridges. This contrasted with the other repeat types which displayed sub-telomeric localisation as seen by double detection of hybridised probe and telomeric reverse transcriptase. Some stretches composed of M-16 and M-22 tandem repeats localised in different regions of the analysed genomic clones were either identical or showed sequence similarity that was unexpectedly higher than the mean sequence similarity observed among repeats within each of their tandem arrays. The occurrence of segmental duplications, as deduced by sequence analyses involving the two repeats that appeared to reach chromosome ends, might indicate the involvement of this type of duplication process in the chromosome end maintenance in this species.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    The DNA puff 4C expresses a salivary secretion protein in Trichosia pubescens (Diptera; Sciaridae)

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    DNA puffs are genomic regions of polytene chromosomes that undergo developmentally controlled DNA amplification and transcription in salivary glands of sciarid flies. Here, we tested the hypothesis that DNA puff genes code for salivary proteins in Trichosia pubescens. To do that, we generated antibodies against saliva and immunoscreened a cDNA library made from salivary glands. We isolated clones corresponding to DNA puff regions, including clone D-50 that contained the entire coding sequence of the previously isolated C4B1 gene from puff 4C. Indeed, we showed that puff 4C is a DNA puff region detecting its local transcription and its extra rounds of DNA incorporation compared to neighboring regions. We further confirmed D-50 clone identity in Western blots reacted with the anti-saliva anitiserum. We detected a recombinant protein expressed by this clone that had the expected size for a full-length product of the gene. We end with a discussion of the relationship between DNA puff genes and their products

    Ribosomal RNA gene insertions in the R2 site of Rhynchosciara (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    Ribosomal RNA genes of most insects are interrupted by R1/R2 retrotransposons. The occurrence of R2 retrotransposons in sciarid genomes was studied by PCR and Southern blot hybridization in three Rhynchosciara species and in Trichosia pubescens. Amplification products with the expected size for non-truncated R2 elements were only obtained in Rhynchosciara americana. The rDNA in this species is located in the proximal end of the X mitotic chromosome but in the salivary gland is associated with all four polytene chromosomes. Approximately 50% of the salivary gland rDNA of most R. americana larval groups analysed had an insertion in the R2 site, while no evidence for the presence of R1 elements was found. In-situ hybridization results showed that rDNA repeat units containing R2 take part in the structure of the extrachromosomal rDNA. Also, rDNA resistance to Bal 31 digestion could be interpreted as evidence for nonlinear rDNA as part of the rDNA in the salivary gland. Insertions in the rDNA of three other sciarid species were not detected by Southern blot and in-situ hybridization, suggesting that rDNA retrotransposons are significantly under-represented in their genomes in comparison with R. americana. R2 elements apparently restricted to R. americana correlate with an increased amount of repetitive DNA in its genome in contrast to other Rhynchosciara species. The results obtained in this work together with previous results suggest that evolutionary changes in the genus Rhynchosciara occurred by differential genomic occupation not only of satellite DNA but possibly also of rDNA retrotransposons.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Curiously composite structures of a retrotransposon and a complex repeat associated with chromosome ends of Rhynchosciara americana (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    In Drosophila, telomere retrotransposons counterbalance the loss of telomeric DNA. The exceptional mechanism of telomere recovery characterized in Drosophila has not been found in lower dipterans (Nematocera). However, a retroelement resembling a telomere transposon and termed ""RaTART"" has been described in the nematoceran Rhynchosciara americana. In this work, DNA and protein sequence analyses, DNA cloning, and chromosomal localization of probes obtained either by PCR or by screening a genomic library were carried out in order to examine additional features of this retroelement. The analyses performed raise the possibility that RaTART represents a genomic clone composed of distinct repetitive elements, one of which is likely to be responsible for its apparent enrichment at chromosome ends. RaTART sequence in addition allowed to assess a novel subtelomeric region of R. americana chromosomes that was analyzed in this work after subcloning a DNA fragment from a phage insert. It contains a complex repeat that is located in the vicinity of simple and complex tandem repeats characterized previously. Quantification data suggest that the copy number of the repeat is significantly lower than that observed for the ribosomal DNA in the salivary gland of R. americana. A short insertion of the RaTART was identified in the cloned segment, which hybridized preferentially to subtelomeres. Like RaTART, it displays truncated sequences related to distinct retrotransposons, one of which has a conceptual translation product with significant identity with an endonuclease from a lepidopteran retrotransposon. The composite structure of this DNA stretch probably reflects mobile element activity in the subtelomeric region analyzed in this work.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP (Funda ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo