1,071 research outputs found

    Comercio Exterior

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    Las instituciones de educación superior (ies) en México tienen la responsabilidad de formar personas capaces de contribuir al desarrollo económico y social del país. Esto implica que sus egresados cuenten con las competencias que demanda el mercado laboral. Cuando es así, se cumplen dos objetivos. Primero, que los nuevos profesionistas se coloquen en empleos y permanezcan en ellos más fácilmente. Segundo, que los empresarios se alleguen nuevos talentos que promuevan la competitividad y sustentabilidad de sus empresas. En este sentido, las ies son parte fundamental de las estrategias de desarrollo de las empresas y del país. La sinergia ocurre cuando universidad y empresa fomentan juntas la empleabilidad. Para lograr la vinculación entre la educación y el sector empresarial, es necesario que las ies establezcan indicadores de efectividad educativa, alineados con sus indicadores de capacidad educativa, y que las empresas contribuyan a la definición, evaluación y cumplimiento de dichos indicadores. El argumento central de este artículo es que las ies deben establecer indicadores de efectividad educativa que involucren a personas y entidades ajenas a las instituciones educativas, y que lleven a mejorar la situación de empleo de los egresados. Esto implica que el desempeño de los egresados, y por extensión la calidad de las ies, se mida desde una perspectiva de mercado, independiente de las ies. Implica también el uso de un sistema de retroalimentación que incluya a diferentes actores: líderes educativos, empleadores, representantes de industria y Gobierno, y egresados de ies. Esta vinculación es posible. Sin embargo, mientras no se adopten los indicadores apropiados, cualquier intento por articular a universidades y empresas será superficial y probablemente anecdótico. Para facilitar la aplicación de indicadores de efectividad educativa, es recomendable crear una oficina de servicios para el desarrollo profesional dentro de las ies.Comercio Exteriorhttp://www.revistacomercioexterior.com/revistas/21/1580421006625.pd

    Journal of International Women´s Estudies

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    Mexico faces a gender gap in opportunity entrepreneurship. Part of the problem is themasculine approach to business education in graduate programs. This research uses data from 173 female and male graduate students to compare self-efficacy levels in entrepreneurship and leadership. The data were collected under a cross-sectional, survey research design. Findings suggest that there were no statistically significant differences between females and males in five entrepreneurship and two leadership dimensions. Statistically significant differences were identified in one entrepreneurship dimension: initiating relationships with investors. A key takeaway is that females undervalue their ability to secure funds for entrepreneurial purposes.https://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol23/iss5/8

    Increasing applicability of slow light in molecular aggregate nanofilms with two-exciton dynamics

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    We study the slow-light performance in the presence of exciton – exciton interaction in films of linear molecular aggregates at the nanometer scale. In particular, we consider a four-level model to describe the creation/annihilation of two-exciton states that are relevant for high-intensity fields. Numerical simulations show delays comparable to those obtained for longer propagation distances in other media. Two-exciton dynamics could lead to larger fractional delays, even in presence of disorder, in comparison to the two-level approximation. We conclude that slow-light performance is a robust phenomenon in these systems under the increasing complexity of the two-exciton dynamics

    Influencia de las emociones en la compra de vino por enoturistas en el nuevo mundo del vino: el caso de México

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    Wineries aim to sell, but the role of emotions on wine purchase intention is unclear. The objective of this study is to analyze the importance of positive, negative, and vigilant emotions on wine purchase intention. By analyzing survey results with 300 wine tourists, the influence of three stimuliare examined. These three stimuli are: one wine product, a visit to one winery, and a news report about the effects of wine. Results suggests that positive emotions have a greater influence on purchase intention than negative or vigilant emotions. Conclusions and implications are discussed.Un objetivo de las vinícolas es vender, pero se desconoce el rol de las emociones en la decisión de compra de vino. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la importancia de emociones positivas, negativas y de vigilancia en la intención de compra de vino. Mediante una encuesta aplicada a 300 enoturistas en Valle de Guadalupe, se examina la influencia de tres estímulos: el vino, la vista a la vinícola, y una noticia sobre el vino. Los resultados sugieren que las emociones positivas tienen una mayor influencia en la intención de compra que las emociones o vigilantes. Conclusiones e implicaciones se discuten al final

    Formación para el emprendimiento social: una agenda emergente en instituciones de educación superior en México

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    En México los índices de pobreza alcanzan a más de la mitad de la población y los empleos que se crean, en un alto porcentaje requieren solamente estudios de primaria o secundaria, lo que acentúa el desempleo para personas con educación media y superior. De ahí que gran número de personas con estudios profesionales, no logra insertarse al mercado laboral. El objetivo que esta investigación persigue es identificar estrategias y acciones que de manera emergente requieren implementar el Estado e instituciones públicas de educación superior para fortalecer el ecosistema y la formación de capital humano para el emprendimiento social. La metodología consistió en revisión de literatura especializada sobre emprendimiento a nivel empresarial y social, identificando sus principales características y elementos diferenciales; un análisis multidimensional y multisectorial del ecosistema para el emprendimiento en México y una exploración sobre la formación a nivel profesional de emprendedoras y emprendedores sociales. Entre los resultados se encontró que frecuentemente estas personas se guían por ideales más que por conocimientos; el ecosistema precisa mayor vinculación entre sus actores y apoyos financieros; y la preparación profesional requiere considerar aspectos de personalidad, académicos y de investigación. En las conclusiones destacan como necesidades apremiantes a cubrir por Estado y las instituciones de educación superior el desarrollar un ecosistema que posibilite alianzas estratégicas y brinde a quienes buscan emprender acceso a asesoría y financiamiento de capital de riesgo para la creación de empresas sociales, a la par de formar capital humano para el emprendimiento social, consensuando los aspectos a considerar en planes y programas de estudio

    Propuesta de un Modelo de Aprendizaje Organizacional con base en un estudio en la UAEMEX

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    Given the urgent need to raise the level of education and professional training to help achieve higher levels of competitiveness and progress, it is considered that organizational learning is a factor that can contribute to meeting this important challenge. From the above, the aim of this paper is to propose a model supported organizational learning for skills development and strengthening of university students, based on a study of students in their final semester of the degree in management, Autonomous University of Mexico State, on the level of skills acquired during their time at university classrooms revealed the need to strengthen teaching and learning processes. The results allow us to offer a diagnosis of the situation present in the sample, which can serve as a basis for further studies and the proposed model can support decision making and implementation of initiatives to develop and strengthen knowledge and skills lead to higher levels of development and competitiveness for the benefit of the students themselves and society in general.Dada la imperiosa necesidad de elevar el nivel de educación y de formar profesionistas que contribuyan a alcanzar mayores niveles de competitividad y progreso, se considera que el aprendizaje organizacional es un factor que puede coadyuvar al cumplimiento de éste tan  importante reto. A partir de lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo  es proponer un modelo apoyado en el aprendizaje organizacional para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de competencias en estudiantes universitarios, tomando como base un estudio realizado con  estudiantes de los últimos semestres de la licenciatura en administración, en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, sobre el nivel de competencias adquiridas durante su paso por las aulas universitarias puso en evidencia la necesidad de fortalecer los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos permiten  ofrecer  un diagnóstico de la situación presente en la muestra estudiada, que puede servir como base para estudios posteriores y la propuesta del modelo puede apoyar en la toma de decisiones e implementación de acciones encaminadas al desarrollo y fortalecimiento de conocimientos y competencias que conduzcan a mayores niveles de desarrollo y competitividad   en beneficio de los propios estudiantes  y de la sociedad en general

    Real-time architecture for robust motion estimation under varying illumination conditions

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    Motion estimation from image sequences is a complex problem which requires high computing resources and is highly affected by changes in the illumination conditions in most of the existing approaches. In this contribution we present a high performance system that deals with this limitation. Robustness to varying illumination conditions is achieved by a novel technique that combines a gradient-based optical flow method with a non-parametric image transformation based on the Rank transform. The paper describes this method and quantitatively evaluates its robustness to different illumination changing patterns. This technique has been successfully implemented in a real-time system using reconfigurable hardware. Our contribution presents the computing architecture, including the resources consumption and the obtained performance. The final system is a real-time device capable to computing motion sequences in real-time even in conditions with significant illumination changes. The robustness of the proposed system facilitates its use in multiple potential application fields.This work has been supported by the grants DEPROVI (DPI2004-07032), DRIVSCO (IST-016276-2) and TIC2007:”Plataforma Sw-Hw para sistemas de visión 3D en tiempo real”

    Filter optimization and complexity reduction for video coding using graph-based transforms

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    The basis functions of lifting transform on graphs are completely determined by finding a bipartition of the graph and defining the prediction and update filters to be used. In this work we consider the design of prediction filters that minimize the quadratic prediction error and therefore the energy of the detail coefficients, which will give rise to higher energy compaction. Then, to determine the graph bipartition, we propose a distributed maximum-cut algorithm that significantly reduces the computational cost with respect to the centralized version used in our previous work. The proposed techniques show improvements in coding performance and computational cost as compared to our previous work.This work was supported in part by NSF under grant CCF-1018977Publicad

    Optimized Update/Prediction Assignment for Lifting Transforms on Graphs

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    Transformations on graphs can provide compact representations of signals with many applications in denoising, feature extraction or compression. In particular, lifting transforms have the advantage of being critically sampled and invertible by construction, but the efficiency of the transform depends on the choice of a good bipartition of the graph into update (U) and prediction (P) nodes. This is the update/prediction (U=P) assignment problem, which is the focus of this paper. We analyze this problem theoretically and derive an optimal U=P assignment under assumptions about signal model and filters. Furthermore, we prove that the best U=P partition is related to the correlation between nodes on the graph and is not the one that minimizes the number of conflicts (connections between nodes of same label) or maximizes the weight of the cut. We also provide experimental results in randomly generated graph signals and real data from image and video signals that validate our theoretical conclusions, demonstrating improved performance over state of the art solutions for this problem.This work was supported in part by NSF under Grant CCF-1018977 and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TEC2014-53390-P, TEC2014-52289-R, TEC2016-81900-REDT/AEI and TEC2017-83838-RPublicad

    Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs

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    In this work we describe and optimize a general scheme based on lifting transforms on graphs for video coding. A graph is constructed to represent the video signal. Each pixel becomes a node in the graph and links between nodes represent similarity between them. Therefore, spatial neighbors and temporal motion-related pixels can be linked, while nonsimilar pixels (e.g., pixels across an edge) may not be. Then, a lifting-based transform, in which filterin operations are performed using linked nodes, is applied to this graph, leading to a 3-dimensional (spatio-temporal) directional transform which can be viewed as an extension of wavelet transforms for video. The design of the proposed scheme requires four main steps: (i) graph construction, (ii) graph splitting, (iii) filte design, and (iv) extension of the transform to different levels of decomposition. We focus on the optimization of these steps in order to obtain an effective transform for video coding. Furthermore, based on this scheme, we propose a coefficien reordering method and an entropy coder leading to a complete video encoder that achieves better coding performance than a motion compensated temporal filterin wavelet-based encoder and a simple encoder derived from H.264/AVC that makes use of similar tools as our proposed encoder (reference software JM15.1 configu ed to use 1 reference frame, no subpixel motion estimation, 16 × 16 inter and 4 × 4 intra modes).This work was supported in part by NSF under grant CCF-1018977 and by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants TEC2014-53390-P and TEC2014-52289-R.Publicad