312 research outputs found

    Implementación de un laboratorío de informática usando software libre

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    En la presente Tesis “Implementación de un Laboratorio de Computación usando Software Libre” se plantea la creación de un Laboratorio en donde las PC contarán con un Sistema Operativo basado en Linux, en el cual se capacitará tanto al personal docente como a los estudiantes de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta N° 55 “Atahualpa” en las herramientas que ofrece así como sus ventajas al usar un software libre.ESPO

    Comparison of the self-administered and interviewer-administered modes of the child-OIDP

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    Background: The mode of questionnaire administration may affect the estimates and applicability of oral health-related quality of life indicators. The aim of this study was to compare psychometrically the self-administered Child-OIDP index with the original interviewer-administered instrument.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 144 consecutive children aged 9-16 years referred to orthodontic clinics in Bedfordshire. To compare the two administration modes of the Child-OIDP, the sample was randomly split in two groups. The two groups were analysed in terms of baseline characteristics, self-perceived measures (self-rated oral health, self-perceived need for braces, happiness with dental appearance, frequency of thinking about dental appearance), Child-OIDP performance scores and overall score and psychometric properties (criterion validity and internal reliability).Results: No significant difference between the two groups was found in relation to their sociodemographic profile and self-perceived measures. The self-and interviewer-administered Child-OIDP had identical mean scores and did not differ in recording any of the eight performances (p >= 0.206). For criterion validity, the correlation coefficients of the Child-OIDP with self-perceived measures were not different between the two modes of administration (p >= 0.118). Furthermore, the Cronbach's alpha values of the two groups were similar (p = 0.466).Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the self-administered Child-OIDP performed the same as the original interviewer-administered mode, while at the same time reducing administration burden. This provides support for the use of the self-administered Child-OIDP. Further studies should focus on a more comprehensive psychometric evaluation

    Childhood negative dental experiences and tooth loss in later life:A 25-year longitudinal study in Sweden

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between childhood NDEs and changes in tooth loss over 25 years among Swedish older adults, and the role of dental visits in explaining such an association.METHODS: We used data from 6154 adults, members of a cohort study that started in 1992 when participants were 50 years old. All data were self-reported through postal questionnaires (6 in total, one every 5 years). Information on childhood NDEs was collected at baseline only. Tooth loss was the repeated outcome measure. Mixed effects logistic regression models were used to test the association between childhood NDEs and tooth loss adjusting for confounders.RESULTS: Childhood NDEs was positively associated with greater odds of experiencing tooth loss and its rate of change over the 25-year period. Although having a dental visit within the past year was positively associated with childhood NDEs and inversely associated with incidence of tooth loss, it explained very little of the association between childhood NDEs and tooth loss in later life.CONCLUSION: The findings underscore the long-lasting damaging effects of early life NDEs on adult oral health.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: A positive patient-dentist relationship starts early in life. Early visits to the dentist are essential to build an enduring relationship of trust between people and healthcare providers.</p

    Análisis clasificatorio de las gestantes según vía de culminación del parto aplicando regresión logística binaria

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    Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Marketing y FinanzasEn el presente estudio se tiene como objetivo primordial describir y predecir la vía de culminación de parto en gestantes (Normal o por cesárea) mediante un modelo logístico binario y como objetivo secundario identificar los factores asociados que permiten determinar si una gestante tendrá una vía de culminación de parto: normal o por cesárea. Luego se realizará el análisis de regresión logística binaria con el fin de encontrar el mejor modelo que explique la variable de interés en función a las siguientes variables independientes: complicaciones de la madre, edad de la madre, edad gestacional, número de bebes, peso del bebe por nacer, talla del bebe por nacer y perímetro cefálico del bebe por nacer. Los principales resultados que presentamos son: Tasa de clasificación según vía de culminación del parto en gestantes 88.5%; el coeficiente de determinación del modelo 65.9%, pruebas estadísticas de Hosmer y Lemeshow 0.760, lo cual verifica que nuestros datos se ajustan al modelo logístico binario, la tasa de mala clasificación del modelo validada mediante validación cruzada con 11.65%, siendo un error de estimación bajo y aceptable.The main purpose of the following study is to be able to describe and predict the appropriate delivery process in pregnant women. (Normal labor or Caesaream section) using an in depth binary logistic regresion. A secondary objetive will be to be able to identifi different factors that help determine the type of delivery expectan mother should receive. To obtain the desired results an in depth binary logistic regression analysis will be conducted. This is dude to the fact that variable in question is dichotomous (two typeof deliveries: normal labor and C-section). The objetive of the investigation will be to find a specific model that successfully explain the relationship between the main variable and the following independent variables: complications with the mother, mother’s age, gestional age of the newborn, number of babies, newborn’s weight and height and cephalic perimeter. The main results presented are as following: Rate of classification depending on the delevery process 88.5%; a 65.9% coefficient of determination of the model; In regards to the Hosmer-Lemershow test we obtain a number of 0.760. This allows us to veriy that our data is in line with the binary logistic regression model; finally we got a bad classification of the model rate validated through cross-validation of 11.65%. This make it a low estimation rate and thus acceptable.Tesi

    Minimally Invasive Management of Acute Biliary Tract Disease during Pregnancy

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    Background. Acute biliary diseases during pregnancy have been classically managed conservatively. Advances in minimally invasive surgery and the high recurrence rate of symptoms observed changed this management. Methods. This is a prospective observational study. Initial management was medical. Unresponsive patients were treated with minimally invasive techniques including gallbladder percutaneous aspiration or cholecystostomy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy, depending on the pregnancy trimester and underlying diagnosis. Results. 122 patients were admitted. 69 (56.5%) were unresponsive to medical treatment. Recurrent gallbladder colic was the most frequent indication for minimally invasive intervention, followed by acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, and acute biliary pancreatitis. 8 patients were treated during the first trimester, 54 during the second, and 7 during the last trimester. There was no fetal morbidity or mortality. Maternal morbidity was minor with no mortality. Conclusion. Acute biliary tract diseases during pregnancy may be safely treated with minimally invasive procedures according to the underlying diagnosis and to the trimester of pregnancy

    Acusación alternativa dentro del contexto del derecho de defensa en Nuevo Proceso Penal

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    Con la promulgación del Nuevo Código Procesal Penal en el año 2004, se incorporaron cambios sustanciales en la tramitación de los procesos penales, pues establece un corte preponderantemente acusatorio, en el que prima la oralidad y la transparencia, prescindiendo de formalidades innecesarias, y respetando los principios de inmediatez y contradicción, pero principalmente garantiza la separación de funciones entre jueces, fiscales y abogados, necesaria para ofrecer un proceso penal garantista rápido y justo para todos los justiciables. Con el fin de lograr dichos objetivos (juicio oral, público, contradictorio), el Código Procesal Penal estableció en su artículo 349°, numeral 3 que “El Fiscal podrá si fuera el caso consignar tipificaciones alternativas al hecho objeto de investigación, indicando los motivos de esa calificación”. Con dicho artículo, el representante del Ministerio Público formula requerimiento de acusación en la cual puede ir otra acusación de manera alternativa, debido a ciertas circunstancias de hecho que permitan calificar la conducta del imputado en un tipo penal distinto, para el caso de que no resultaren demostrados en el debate los elementos que componen su calificación jurídica principal, a fin de posibilitar la defensa del imputado. Se entiende por acusación alternativa, al acto procesal por el cual el Ministerio Público puede indicar todas las circunstancias de hecho en su acusación o durante el debate, que permitan acusar alternativamente al imputado, ulteriormente al no poderse probar la calificación jurídica principal por la que acusa. No obstante, tal incorporación normativa no está siendo aplicada en el quehacer diario los fiscales, puesto que éstos ante la duda en la tipificación de los hechos imputados evaden su responsabilidad de plantear una acusación alternativa y trasladan tal función al juez de juzgamiento quien en etapa de juicio oral muchas veces tiene que hacer su tarea de calificación penal. Tal omisión funcional afecta de manera directa el espíritu de la norma procesal (acusatorio, contradictorio y adversarial) y el derecho de defensa de los imputados (principios de debido proceso, imputación necesaria, principio de congruencia, plazo razonable, entre otros); afectaciones que serán investigadas en la presente tesis a efectos de resaltar la importancia del uso de la acusación alternativa en el correcto desarrollo del proceso penal. Sin embargo, esta situación se resuelve en la última etapa del proceso; es decir, en la etapa más importante la de enjuiciamiento o de juicio oral, con lo cual se pierde mucho más tiempo y se deja de lado la verdadera función de la Audiencia de control de acusación, puesto que en ella debe dilucidarse y absolverse las posibles dudas acerca de la calificación jurídica del hecho punible que tiene a su cargo el representante del Ministerio Público. El juez, es el llamado a absolver todas las dudas o las posibles acusaciones de manera alternativa o subsidiaria, y, es en esta audiencia en donde el juzgador puede recurrir a la desvinculación por determinación alternativa, con la cual puede emitir un nuevo juicio de valoración de la calificación jurídica de los hechos, con la finalidad de que al término de la audiencia de control de acusación quede plenamente establecida la causal de acusación a la que se debe someter al imputado, para no contravenir su derecho de defensa.Tesi

    Social participation and tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments among older Brazilian adults

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    BACKGROUND: Vision and hearing impairments can reduce participation in social activities. Given the prominent role of the mouth in face-to-face interactions, this study evaluated the associations of tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments with social participation among older adults. METHODS: This analysis included 1947 participants, aged 60+ years, who participated in three waves (2006, 2010, and 2015) of the Health, Wellbeing and Aging Study (SABE) in Brazil. Social participation was measured by the number of formal and informal social activities (requiring face-to-face interaction) participants were regularly involved in. Teeth were counted during clinical examinations and categorized as 0, 1–19, and 20+ teeth. Reports on vision and hearing impairments were classified into three categories (good, regular, and poor). The associations of each impairment with the 9-year change in the social participation score were tested in negative binomial mixed-effects models adjusting for time-variant and time-invariant covariates. RESULTS: Each impairment was associated with the baseline social participation score and the annual rate of change in the social participation score. Participants with 1–19 (incidence rate ratio: 0.96, 95% CI: 0.91–1.01) and no teeth (0.92, 95% CI: 0.87–0.97), those with regular (0.98, 95% CI: 0.95–1.01) and poor vision (0.86, 95% CI: 0.81–0.90), and those with regular (0.94, 95% CI: 0.91–0.98) and poor hearing (0.91, 95% CI: 0.87–0.95) had lower baseline social participation scores than those with 20+ teeth, good vision, and good hearing, respectively. Furthermore, participants with 1–19 (0.996, 95% CI: 0.990–1.002) and no teeth (0.994, 95% CI: 0.987–0.999), those with regular (0.996, 95% CI: 0.992–0.999) and poor vision (0.997, 95% CI: 0.991–1.003), and those with regular (0.997, 95% CI: 0.992–1.001) and poor hearing (0.995, 95% CI: 0.990–0.999) had greater annual declines in the social participation score than those with 20+ teeth, good vision and good hearing, respectively. CONCLUSION: This 9-year longitudinal study shows that tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments are associated with reduced social participation among older adults