33 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Relationship Between Cancer and Heart Failure: Old and New Issues in Cardio-oncology

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    The main focus of cardio-oncology has been the prevention and treatment of the cardiac toxicity of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Furthermore, several targeted therapies have been associated with unexpected cardiotoxic side-effects. Recently, epidemiological studies reported a higher incidence of cancer in patients with heart failure (HF) compared with individuals without HF. On this basis, it has been proposed that HF might represent an oncogenic condition. This hypothesis is supported by preclinical studies demonstrating that hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which is a hallmark of HF, promotes cancer growth and dissemination. Another intriguing possibility is that the co-occurrence of HF and cancer is promoted by a common pathological milieu characterised by a state of chronic low-grade inflammation, which predisposes to both diseases. In this review, we provide an overview of the mechanisms underlying the bidirectional relationship between HF and cancer

    Mitochondrial calcium signaling and redox homeostasis in cardiac health and disease

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    The energy demand of cardiomyocytes changes continuously in response to variations in cardiac workload. Cardiac excitation-contraction coupling is fueled primarily by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. The rate of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is matched to the rate of ATP consumption in the cytosol by the parallel activation of oxidative phosphorylation by calcium (Ca2+) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). During cardiac workload transitions, Ca2+ accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix, where it stimulates the activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In this review, we describe how mitochondria internalize and extrude Ca2+, the relevance of this process for ATP production and redox homeostasis in the healthy heart, and how derangements in ion handling cause mitochondrial and cardiomyocyte dysfunction in heart failure

    Background Evidence and Research Perspectives

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    Recent epidemiological analyses suggest that incident cancer may be more common among patients with preexisting heart failure (HF) than in patients without HF. Arguments against this notion have been the increased chance of co-occurrence of 2 high-prevalence conditions and increased tumor detection in patients with HF because of intensified medical observation. However, biological data lend support to the hypothesis that HF is an oncogenic condition. Neurohormonal activation has been related to cancer initiation, progression, and dissemination by studies not specifically focusing on HF, which are now reappraised in the light of the emerging evidence that tumors are diagnosed more often in HF than control cohorts. Furthermore, a thought-provoking scenario to be considered is that a systemically perturbed milieu, where low-grade inflammation plays a primary role, leads to both HF and malignancy, thus connecting 1 disease to another. Postischemic HF has been shown to promote tumor growth in an animal model. Exploring these and other pathways potentially linking HF to malignancy is a new and exciting field of research, with the ultimate goal of answering the question of whether HF does promote cancer

    Diagnostic yield and predictive value on left ventricular remodelling of genetic testing in dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Aims: We assessed the diagnostic yield of genetic testing and the relationship of left ventricular (LV) reverse remodelling (LVRR) with the presence of DNA pathogenic (P) or likely pathogenic (LP) variants in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Methods and results: From 680 outpatients followed at the Heart Failure Outpatient Clinic of our institution, we selected subjects with a diagnosis of DCM as defined by LV ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤40% and LV dilatation not explained by coronary artery disease or other causes. All patients were offered genetic investigation of 42 disease-associated DCM genes with next-generation sequencing. Seventy patients fulfilled the definition of DCM and 66 underwent genetic investigation. We identified 18 P/LP variants in 16 patients, with a diagnostic yield of 24%. The most common variants were truncating TTN variants (n = 7), followed by LMNA (n = 3), cytoskeleton Z-disc (n = 3), ion channel (n = 2), motor sarcomeric (n = 2), and desmosomal (n = 1) genes. After a median follow-up of 53 months (inter-quartile range 20-111), patients without P/LP variants exhibited higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lower plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels, and a larger extent of LVRR, as reflected by the increase in LVEF (+14% vs. +1%, P = 0.0008) and decrease in indexed LV end-diastolic diameter (-6.5 vs. -2 mm/m2 , P = 0.03) compared with patients with P/LP variants. Conclusions: Our results confirm the high diagnostic yield of genetic testing in selected DCM patients and suggest that identification of P/LP variants in DCM portends poorer LVRR in response to guideline-directed medical therapy

    Elderly Gliobastoma Patients: The Impact of Surgery and Adjuvant Treatments on Survival. A Single Institution Experience

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    Introduction. Elderly glioblastoma (GBM) patients often show limited response to treatment and poor outcome. Here, we provide a case series of elderly GBM patients from our Institution, in whom we assessed the clinical characteristics, feasibility of surgical resection, response to adjuvant treatments, and outcome, along with the impact of comorbidities and clinical status on survival. Patients and Methods. We included patients ≥ 65-year-old. We collected information about clinical and molecular features, extent of resection, adjuvant treatments, treatment-related complications, and outcome. Results. We included 135 patients. Median age was 71 years. In total, 127 patients (94.0%) had a Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) ≥70 and 61/135 (45.2%) a Charlson Comorbidity Score (CCI) > 3. MGMTp methylation was found in 70/135 (51.9%). Subtotal resections (STRs), gross-total resections (GTRs), and biopsies were 102 (75.6%), 10 (7.4%) and 23 (17.0%), respectively. Median progression-free survival and overall survival (mOS) were 8.0 and 10.5 months for the whole cohort. Notably, GTR and radio-chemotherapy with temozolomide in patients with MGMTp methylation were associated with significantly longer mOS (32.8 and 44.8 months, respectively). In a multivariable analysis, risk of death was affected by STR vs. GTR (HR 2.8, p = 0.002), MGMTp methylation (HR 0.55, p = 0.007), and KPS at baseline ≥70 (HR 0.43, p = 0.031). Conversely, CCI and post-surgical complications were not significant. Conclusions. Elderly GBM patients often have a dismal prognosis. However, it is possible to identify a subgroup with favourable clinical and molecular features, who benefit from GTR and radio-chemotherapy with temozolomide. A comprehensive prognostic score is needed to guide treatment modality and predict the outcome

    Health position paper and redox perspectives on reactive oxygen species as signals and targets of cardioprotection

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    The present review summarizes the beneficial and detrimental roles of reactive oxygen species in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardioprotection. In the first part, the continued need for cardioprotection beyond that by rapid reperfusion of acute myocardial infarction is emphasized. Then, pathomechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion to the myocardium and the coronary circulation and the different modes of cell death in myocardial infarction are characterized. Different mechanical and pharmacological interventions to protect the ischemic/reperfused myocardium in elective percutaneous coronary interventions and coronary artery bypass grafting, in acute myocardial infarction and in cardiotoxicity from cancer therapy are detailed. The second part keeps the focus on ROS providing a comprehensive overview of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in ischemia/reperfusion injury. Starting from mitochondria as the main sources and targets of ROS in ischemic/reperfused myocardium, a complex network of cellular and extracellular processes is discussed, including relationships with Ca2+ homeostasis, thiol group redox balance, hydrogen sulfide modulation, cross-talk with NAPDH oxidases, exosomes, cytokines and growth factors. While mechanistic insights are needed to improve our current therapeutic approaches, advancements in knowledge of ROS-mediated processes indicate that detrimental facets of oxidative stress are opposed by ROS requirement for physiological and protective reactions. This inevitable contrast is likely to underlie unsuccessful clinical trials and limits the development of novel cardioprotective interventions simply based upon ROS removal

    An arrhythmogenic metabolite in atrial fibrillation

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    Abstract Background Long-chain acyl-carnitines (ACs) are potential arrhythmogenic metabolites. Their role in atrial fibrillation (AF) remains incompletely understood. Using a systems medicine approach, we assessed the contribution of C18:1AC to AF by analysing its in vitro effects on cardiac electrophysiology and metabolism, and translated our findings into the human setting. Methods and results Human iPSC-derived engineered heart tissue was exposed to C18:1AC. A biphasic effect on contractile force was observed: short exposure enhanced contractile force, but elicited spontaneous contractions and impaired Ca2+ handling. Continuous exposure provoked an impairment of contractile force. In human atrial mitochondria from AF individuals, C18:1AC inhibited respiration. In a population-based cohort as well as a cohort of patients, high C18:1AC serum concentrations were associated with the incidence and prevalence of AF. Conclusion Our data provide evidence for an arrhythmogenic potential of the metabolite C18:1AC. The metabolite interferes with mitochondrial metabolism, thereby contributing to contractile dysfunction and shows predictive potential as novel circulating biomarker for risk of AF

    Mechano-energetische Entkopplung bei der Barth Syndrom Kardiomyopathie

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    In this Doctoral Thesis we investigated the consequences of perturbed mitochondrial calcium handling in the context of a rare human disease, Barth syndrome, in which the altered phospholipid composition of the inner mitochondrial membrane affects the structural organization of several protein complexes, including the mitochondrial calcium uniporter. We discovered that loss of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter in cardiac, but not skeletal muscle mitochondria hinders the calcium-induced adaptation of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism during workload transitions. This mechano-energetic uncoupling impairs the physiological increase in contractile force during physical exercise and might predispose Barth syndrome patients to the development of arrhythmias.Diese Doktorarbeit umfasst vier Studien, deren verbindendes Thema die Rolle von Calcium (Ca2+) als Verbindung zwischen elektromechanischer Kopplung und mitochondrialem oxidativen Metabolismus im Herzen unter physiologischen und pathologischen Bedingungen ist. Dieser Prozess wird als mechano-energetische Kopplung bezeichnet. Während eine übermäßige Ca2+ Aufnahme in Mitochondrien katastrophale Folgen für die oxidative Phosphorylierung hat und zum Zelltod führt, stimuliert die physiologische Ca2+-Aufnahme über den mitochondrialen Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) die Krebs-Zyklus abhängige Erzeugung von Reduktionsäquivalenten, die sowohl die Atmungskette als auch die mitochondrialen Antioxidationssysteme antreiben, und spielt somit eine wesentliche Rolle sowohl für die ATP Produktion als auch für die Eliminierung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS). ..

    Mitochondria as therapeutic targets in heart failure

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    Purpose of Review We review therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring function of the failing heart by targeting mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS), ion handling, and substrate utilization for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. Recent Findings Mitochondria-targeted therapies have been tested in animal models of and humans with heart failure (HF). Cardiac benefits of sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors might be partly explained by their effects on ion handling and metabolism of cardiac myocytes. Summary The large energy requirements of the heart are met by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, which is tightly regulated by the turnover of ATP that fuels cardiac contraction and relaxation. In heart failure (HF), this mechano-energetic coupling is disrupted, leading to bioenergetic mismatch and production of ROS that drive the progression of cardiac dysfunction. Furthermore, HF is accompanied by changes in substrate uptake and oxidation that are considered detrimental for mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and negatively affect cardiac efficiency. Mitochondria lie at the crossroads of metabolic and energetic dysfunction in HF and represent ideal therapeutic targets