13 research outputs found


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    Se realizó un estudio sobre ecotoxicología acuática por exposición a metales en el ecosistema San Juan de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba durante el periodo de lluvia y estiaje del 2018. El objetivo de la investigación fue predecir la ecotoxicología por metales mediante el costo ambiental sostenible, biomarcadores y el modelo computacional Gecotoxic. Se seleccionó, cinco estaciones para estimar el costo ambiental sostenible relativo (COASOR ) según parámetros físico-químicos (PFQ) seleccionados (dureza total: DT, pH, biom sólidos totales: ST, oxígeno disuelto: OD y la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno: DBO . Se determinó la 5,20 concentración de Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd en agua y sedimentos (lluvia). Se utilizó a Gambusia punctata (Poey, 1854) como biomonitor cuantificándose los metales (Ms) en las branquias, hígado y cerebro, además, de medirse el factor de condición de Fulton, reproducción, nivel trófico y la actividad acetilcolinesterasa cerebral. Las mediciones se introdujeron en el modelo computacional Gecotoxic para la predicción ecotoxicológica. La DBO , no cumplió con el límite permisible (≤4.0) cuyos resultados fueron: 29.84 ± 5,20 2.18, (lluvia) y 39.46 ± 2.0 (estiaje). Las concentraciones de los Ms en las aguas superaron los límites máximos permisibles: Cu: 13.55 ± 1.38 (1.0) Zn: 23.36 ± 1.38 (5.0); Pb: 1.27 ± 0.042 (0.5) y Cd: 0.05 ± 0.002 (0.05). El valor que estimó el COASOR fue de 0.75 lo cual significó, categoría poco sostenible biom del recurso. No hubo, correlación entre los Ms y biomarcadores seleccionados, aunque existió comportamiento desigual comparado con la especie referencia ambiental. Gecotoxic señaló, riesgo ecotoxicológico de tipo alto (81%) siendo limitada la calidad ambiental del ecosistema

    Worsening water quality conditions at Inner Puno Bay, Lake Titicaca, Peru, and their effect on Lemna spp. biomass

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    Although there have been a number of studies on aquatic conditions and the flora and fauna of Lake Titicaca over many decades (Gilson 1939, 1964; Uéno 1967; Richerson et al. 1975), most of this work has been centred on the offshore regions of the main lake. More recently studies have begun to focus on near-shore waters, especially of Inner Puno Bay (Luna 1981; Northcote et al. 1989 (Spanish version 1991)). Here there has been a deterioration in water quality conditions, especially near areas close to a levee built very recently for tourist viewing, called ‘Bahia de los Incas’ (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Water quality there has been degrading and abundant growth of Lemna spp. has been developing (Cruz 2005). To some extent this Lemna growth can take up nutrients (Quispe 1999) and heavy metals (Choque 2000), but these would be released, in part, with annual die-down

    Physicochemical characterization and presence of heavy metals in the trout farming area of Lake Titicaca, Peru

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    Certain areas of Lake Titicaca exhibit signs of contamination from urban drainage, mining tailings, and waste from trout cage farming. The objective of this study was to determine the physicochemical conditions of the water and the concentration of heavy metals in sediments of a trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming area in Puno Bay, Lake Titicaca. Water samples were collected at depths of 1, 5, 10, and 15 meters from the surface, as well as from sediments at the bottom of the lake. Additionally, samples were taken 500 meters from the trout breeding area, where no farming activities took place. The study was carried out over a period of 10 months. Some physical-chemical measurements were taken in situ using a multiparametric device, while others were carried out at IMARPE’s laboratory. The results indicate that the physical-chemical quality of the water does not exceed the tolerance limits recommended by the Environmental Quality Standards - ECA Peru. The water pH was 8.79 and the dissolved oxygen was 6.81. The heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu) found in the sediments were within the permissible limits compared to the ISQG Canada Standard. However, the concentration of As, at 41 mg kg-1, exceeded the tolerance limit. Uncontrolled trends in trout production volumes could compromise water quality and sustainability

    Population dynamics in pre-Inca human groups from the Osmore Valley, the Azapa Valley and the coast of the South Central Andes.

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    The present study applies a dental morphological perspective to the understanding of the complex pre-contact population history of the South Central Andes, through the detection of the underlying dynamics, and the assessment of the biological ties among groups. It presents an analysis of 1591 individuals from 66 sites that date from the Archaic to the Late Intermediate phases from Bolivia, Chile and Peru. The results suggest this area is characterized by significant movement of people and cultures and, at the same time, by long standing population continuity, and highlight the need for wider perspectives capable of taking into account both the different micro-regional realities and the region in its entirety

    Cuantificación de metales en sedimentos superficiales de la bahía interior, lago Titicaca-Perú

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    TIn aquatic ecosystems, sediments are reservoirs of heavy metals when their waters are exposed. The purpose of the study was to quantify metals in surface sediments of the interior bay of Puno, Lake Titicaca, Peru. From january to november 2016 of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As and Hg concentrations were analyzed in the surface sediments of six selected environmental sampling stations by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The metals were analyzed by acid digestion where their quantification was by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry with axial view (ICP-AES). When comparing the results with the selected environmental standard, all the elements had concentrations in the recommended ranges, although statistically significant differences existed between the stations (p<0,05). The As and Hg, presented similarities in their values (0,0001 mg.L-1) between the stations. As and Hg, presented similarities in their values between the stations. It was concluded that, the surface sediments of the inner bay of Puno do not present risk due to exposure to total metals, since their concentrations were in the range of allowable values.En ecosistemas acuáticos, los sedimentos son reservorios de metales pesados cuando sus aguas se encuentran expuestas. El propósito del estudio fue cuantificar metales en sedimentos superficiales de la bahía interior de Puno, Lago Titicaca-Perú. De enero a noviembre del 2016 fueron analizadas las concentraciones de Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As y Hg en los sedimentos superficiales de seis estaciones de muestreo ambiental seleccionadas mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los metales se analizaron por digestión ácida donde su cuantificación fue mediante espectrometría de plasma inductivamente acoplado con vista axial (ICP-AES). Al comparar los resultados con la norma ambiental seleccionada (Interim Sediment Quality Guidelin, Canadá), todos los elementos presentaron concentraciones en los rangos recomendados, aunque existió entre las estaciones, diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05). El As y Hg, presentaron similitudes en sus valores (0,0001 mg.L-1) entre las estaciones. Se concluyó que, los sedimentos superficiales de la bahía interior de Puno, no representan riesgo por exposición a metales totales, ya que sus concentraciones se encontraron en el rango de los valores permisibles

    Determinación interactiva de metales totales en las aguas de la bahía interior del Lago Titicaca- Puno Perú

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    ABSTRACT The inner Puno bay is a restricted area and one of the habitats of Lake Titicaca with high anthropization, where some organic and inorganic elements may be exceeding the thresholds allowable concentrations. The aim of the research was to determine interactively total metals available in the waters of the inner Puno bay of Lake Titicaca, Peru. It was conducted between January and November 2016 by a non-probabilistic for convenience and applying the theoretical method by comparison among six stations of selection. Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Hg were the determined and quantified elements using atomic absorption spectrometry by inductively coupled plasma with axial view (ICP-AES). It was observed that between the stations there were no statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) when there was an availability of exposure among all the elements, although when comparing each element per station, there were differences for the rainy (January-February-March) and dry season (September-October-November). By comparing each station and between seasons, we found that there was no statistically significant difference, although the higher concentration levels were for the dryness season. We conclude that there is environmental exposure by metals in the waters of the Inner Bay and where their concentrations are permanent during the whole period of the year, being able to bring negative consequences not only for the ecosystem, but also to the human health itself given activities of community benefit that are developed in this geographic space.Resumen La bahía interior de Puno, es un área restringida (16.0 km2) y representa uno de los hábitats del Lago Titicaca con alto nivel de antropización, donde algunos elementos orgánicos e inorgánicos podrían estar superando las concentraciones umbrales permisibles. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar en forma interactiva los metales totales disponibles en las aguas de la bahía interior del Lago Titicaca, Perú. Se realizó, entre enero y noviembre del 2016, mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia y aplicando el método teórico por comparación entre seis estaciones de selección. El Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Hg fueron los elementos determinados y cuantificados mediante espectrometría de absorción atómica por plasma inductivamente acoplado con vista axial (ICP-AES). Se observó que entre las estaciones no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p≤0.05) cuando existió una disponibilidad de exposición entre todos los elementos, aunque al comparar cada elemento por estación, existieron diferencias para las épocas de lluvia (enero-febrero-marzo) y estiaje (septiembre-octubre-noviembre). Al comparar cada estación y entre épocas, no existió diferencias estadísticamente significativas, aunque los mayores niveles de concentración correspondieron a la época de estiaje. Se concluyó que existe exposición ambiental por metales en las aguas de la Bahía Interior y donde sus concentraciones son permanentes durante todo el período del año, pudiendo traer consecuencias negativas no solo para el ecosistema, sino además a la propia salud humana dada actividades de beneficio comunitario que se desarrolla en este espacio geográfico. Palabras claves: agua, metales, toxicología ambiental, bahía interior de Puno-Perú.

    Water quality of the inner Puno Bay, Titicaca Lake, during summer 2011

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    Water quality of the inner Puno Bay was evaluated; we established 12 stations, and were assessed monthly from December 2010 to April 2011. Physicochemical water parameters were determined with EPA and APHA standard methods. Nutrients were determined spectrophotometrically. The parameters of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphates, nitrates and nitrites of water show that the outlet of the stabilization lagoon of Puno City (Espinar Island) is a critical area of contamination at the inner Puno Bay. Transparency values were low. The electrical conductivity of water showed high values. Alkalinity values were high (75 - 150 mg/L) and very high (&gt; 150 mg/L), indicating a high content of carbonates and bicarbonates. Water hardness were high (121-180 mg/L) and very high (&gt; 180 mg/L). High levels of fecal coliform in waters near the island Espinar would be the result of wastewater discharges from the Puno city, without proper treatment

    Indigenous–wildlife conflict and coexistence in the Altiplano

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    Understanding the drivers of conflict and coexistence in human–wildlife relations are critical to conservation. This study sought to understand th varying attitudes of local indigenous people towards wildlife, focusing on the Titicaca Grebe (Rollandia microptera), an endangered endemic species found in Lake Titicaca and surrounding waters in the Altiplano of Peru and Bolivia. We used an ethnobiology approach to understand which demographic, sociocultural, and economic factors influenced (a) attitudes and local ecological knowledge (LEK) towards the grebe and (2) their effects on Indigenous–wildlife conflict or coexistence. We used a qualitative, semi-structured questionnaire to interview 221 individuals over six months in villages surrounding Lake Titicaca. Participants primarily consisted of locals from the Aymara, Quechan, and Uro Indigenous groups. We found that most individuals expressed apathy towards the grebe, with a significant minority being hostile towards it. Hostility was concentrated amongst fishers and was driven by economic concerns. Knowledge of the grebe was low in the general population, but higher amongst fishers. There was, however, widespread willingness to conserve the grebe amongst the general population, particularly when informed that the grebe is endemic to the Altiplano. This small environmental education intervention suggested increased positive attitudes and a willingness to conserve the grebe. Non-homogenous perspectives towards the grebe were held within and between indigenous groups, suggesting the need for future research into intra-indigenous group dynamics in indigenous–wildlife relations. Future conservation work on the Titicaca Grebe should focus on reducing grebe-fisher conflict, both real and perceived, and on educating people on the grebe's endemic status