15 research outputs found


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    ModelScript_HBL_SI.txt is the OpenBUGS script file for running the HBL model (ModelCode_HBL_SI.txt), reading the correct data files, and loading the initial values for three MCMC chains (Initials_a … b_S1.txt). Note that the script calls Dataset1_SI.txt and Dataset2a_SI.txt, which are not provided because they are exactly the same as the data files called Dataset1_HBD.txt and Dataset2a_HBD.txt, respectively. In particular, Dataset1_SI.txt can be created by grabbing for following columns (variables) from Dataset1_HBD.txt: Datecode, Min, Veg, Plot, Group, and CorrCO2. Dataset2a_SI.txt can be created by simply making a copy of Dataset2a_HBD.txt


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    Initials (starting) values for third MCMC chain, to be used with the OpenBUGS / JAGS model code (ModelCode_HBD_SI.txt)


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    Dataset1_HBD contains individual observations of CO2 and time, along with categorical or integer identifiers for day, vegetation type, plot, session (group). DayN = day since 1/1/2006; Datecode = unique integer ID for each measurement date; Min = minutes after chamber closure; Veg = vegetation treatment ID (1 = vegetated; 2 = herbicide); Plot = plot ID; Group = chamber session ID; CorrCO2 = corrected CO2 concentration (ppm); SoilT = soil temperature (celcius) in/near temperature in surface layer


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    Initials (starting) values for first MCMC chain, to be used with the OpenBUGS / JAGS model code (ModelCode_HBD_SI.txt)


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    Dataset2a_HBD contains the integer identifiers for date, vegetation type, and plot associated with each chamber session; dateID, vegID, and PlotID are the same as Datecode, Veg, and Plot in Dataset1_HBD, but each row in Dataset2a_HBD corresponds to the chamber session ID (i.e., Group in Dataset1_HBD)


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    Initials_a_S1.txt contains initial (starting) values for parameters in the HBL model, for chain 1


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    Dataset2b_SI.txt is very similar to Dataset2b_HBD.txt and contains various constants, sample size information, and treatment codes required to run the HBL model. See Dataset2b_HBD.txt description for additional details


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    Initials_b_S1.txt contains initial (starting) values for parameters in the HBL model, for chain 2


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    OpenBUGS / JAGS model code that uses Dataset1_HBD.txt, Dataset2a_HBD.txt, Dataset2b_HBD.txt, Dataset3_HBD.txt, and Dataset4_HBD.tx


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    Dataset2b_HBD contains various constants and sample size information required for the the HBD (hierarchical Bayesian diffusion model). This includes Tmtcode, which is a list of 30 values giving the treatment ID associated with each of the 30 plots (ordered by plot #), where 1 = ct, 2 = cT, 3 = Ct, 4 = CT, 5 = ctd, and 6 = cts, for c = ambient CO2, C = elevated CO2, t = ambient temperature, T= warmed, d = deep irritation, and s = shallow irrigation. This dataset also contains Ctrt, denoting the CO2 treatment level associated with each of the 6 treatments; 1 = ambient CO2 and 2 = elevated CO2