

ModelScript_HBL_SI.txt is the OpenBUGS script file for running the HBL model (ModelCode_HBL_SI.txt), reading the correct data files, and loading the initial values for three MCMC chains (Initials_a … b_S1.txt). Note that the script calls Dataset1_SI.txt and Dataset2a_SI.txt, which are not provided because they are exactly the same as the data files called Dataset1_HBD.txt and Dataset2a_HBD.txt, respectively. In particular, Dataset1_SI.txt can be created by grabbing for following columns (variables) from Dataset1_HBD.txt: Datecode, Min, Veg, Plot, Group, and CorrCO2. Dataset2a_SI.txt can be created by simply making a copy of Dataset2a_HBD.txt

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