2,346 research outputs found

    Study of HST counterparts to Chandra X-ray sources in the Globular Cluster M71

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    We report on archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the globular cluster M71 (NGC 6838). These observations, covering the core of the globular cluster, were performed by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). Inside the half-mass radius (r_h = 1.65') of M71, we find 33 candidate optical counterparts to 25 out of 29 Chandra X-ray sources while outside the half-mass radius, 6 possible optical counterparts to 4 X-ray sources are found. Based on the X-ray and optical properties of the identifications, we find 1 certain and 7 candidate cataclysmic variables (CVs). We also classify 2 and 12 X-ray sources as certain and potential chromospherically active binaries (ABs), respectively. The only star in the error circle of the known millisecond pulsar (MSP) is inconsistent with being the optical counterpart. The number of X-ray faint sources with L_x>4x10^{30} ergs/s (0.5-6.0 keV) found in M71 is higher than extrapolations from other clusters on the basis of either collision frequency or mass. Since the core density of M71 is relatively low, we suggest that those CVs and ABs are primordial in origin.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Exact Ground States of Large Two-Dimensional Planar Ising Spin Glasses

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    Studying spin-glass physics through analyzing their ground-state properties has a long history. Although there exist polynomial-time algorithms for the two-dimensional planar case, where the problem of finding ground states is transformed to a minimum-weight perfect matching problem, the reachable system sizes have been limited both by the needed CPU time and by memory requirements. In this work, we present an algorithm for the calculation of exact ground states for two-dimensional Ising spin glasses with free boundary conditions in at least one direction. The algorithmic foundations of the method date back to the work of Kasteleyn from the 1960s for computing the complete partition function of the Ising model. Using Kasteleyn cities, we calculate exact ground states for huge two-dimensional planar Ising spin-glass lattices (up to 3000x3000 spins) within reasonable time. According to our knowledge, these are the largest sizes currently available. Kasteleyn cities were recently also used by Thomas and Middleton in the context of extended ground states on the torus. Moreover, they show that the method can also be used for computing ground states of planar graphs. Furthermore, we point out that the correctness of heuristically computed ground states can easily be verified. Finally, we evaluate the solution quality of heuristic variants of the Bieche et al. approach.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; shortened introduction, extended results; to appear in Physical Review E 7

    Reorientation Transition in Single-Domain (Ga,Mn)As

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    We demonstrate that the interplay of in-plane biaxial and uniaxial anisotropy fields in (Ga,Mn)As results in a magnetization reorientation transition and an anisotropic AC susceptibility which is fully consistent with a simple single domain model. The uniaxial and biaxial anisotropy constants vary respectively as the square and fourth power of the spontaneous magnetization across the whole temperature range up to T_C. The weakening of the anisotropy at the transition may be of technological importance for applications involving thermally-assisted magnetization switching.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry-projected variational approach for ground and excited states of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We present a symmetry-projected configuration mixing scheme to describe ground and excited states, with well defined quantum numbers, of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with nearestneighbor hopping and periodic boundary conditions. Results for the half-filled 2{\times}4, 4{\times}4, and 6{\times}6 lattices, as well as doped 4 {\times} 4 systems, compare well with available results, both exact and from other state-of-the-art approximations. We report spectral functions and density of states obtained from a well-controlled ansatz for the (Ne {\pm} 1)-electron system. Symmetry projected methods have been widely used for the many-body nuclear physics problem but have received little attention in the solid state community. Given their relatively low (mean-field) computational cost and the high quality of results here reported, we believe that they deserve further scrutiny

    Microscopic analysis of the valence band and impurity band theories of (Ga,Mn)As

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    We analyze microscopically the valence and impurity band models of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. We find that the tight-binding Anderson approach with conventional parameterization and the full potential LDA+U calculations give a very similar picture of states near the Fermi energy which reside in an exchange-split sp-d hybridized valence band with dominant orbital character of the host semiconductor; this microscopic spectral character is consistent with the physical premise of the k.p kinetic-exchange model. On the other hand, the various models with a band structure comprising an impurity band detached from the valence band assume mutually incompatible microscopic spectral character. By adapting the tight-binding Anderson calculations individually to each of the impurity band pictures in the single Mn impurity limit and then by exploring the entire doping range we find that a detached impurity band does not persist in any of these models in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figure

    Interaction of intense vuv radiation with large xenon clusters

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    The interaction of atomic clusters with short, intense pulses of laser light to form extremely hot, dense plasmas has attracted extensive experimental and theoretical interest. The high density of atoms within the cluster greatly enhances the atom--laser interaction, while the finite size of the cluster prevents energy from escaping the interaction region. Recent technological advances have allowed experiments to probe the laser--cluster interaction at very high photon energies, with interactions much stronger than suggested by theories for lower photon energies. We present a model of the laser--cluster interaction which uses non-perturbative R-matrix techniques to calculate inverse bremsstrahlung and photoionization cross sections for Herman-Skillman atomic potentials. We describe the evolution of the cluster under the influence of the processes of inverse bremsstrahlung heating, photoionization, collisional ionization and recombination, and expansion of the cluster. We compare charge state distribution, charge state ejection energies, and total energy absorbed with the Hamburg experiment of Wabnitz {\em et al.} [Nature {\bf 420}, 482 (2002)] and ejected electron spectra with Laarmann {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 063402 (2005)]

    Interplay of static and dynamic effects in 6He+ 238U Fusion

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    We investigate the influence of the neutron halo and the breakup channel in 6He + 238U fusion at near-barrier energies. To include static effects of the 2n-halo in 6He nuclei, we use a single-folding potential obtained from an appropriate nucleon-238U interaction and a realistic 6He density. Dynamical effects arising from the breakup process are then included through coupled-channel calculations. These calculations suggest that static effects dominate the cross section at energies above the Coulomb barrier, while the sub-barrier fusion cross section appears to be determined by coupling to the breakup channel. This last conclusion is uncertain due to the procedure employed to measure the fusion cross-section.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    The neutral silicon-vacancy center in diamond: spin polarization and lifetimes

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    We demonstrate optical spin polarization of the neutrally-charged silicon-vacancy defect in diamond (SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}}), an S=1S=1 defect which emits with a zero-phonon line at 946 nm. The spin polarization is found to be most efficient under resonant excitation, but non-zero at below-resonant energies. We measure an ensemble spin coherence time T2>100 μsT_2>100~\mathrm{\mu s} at low-temperature, and a spin relaxation limit of T1>25 sT_1>25~\mathrm{s}. Optical spin state initialization around 946 nm allows independent initialization of SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} and NV\mathrm{NV^{-}} within the same optically-addressed volume, and SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} emits within the telecoms downconversion band to 1550 nm: when combined with its high Debye-Waller factor, our initial results suggest that SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} is a promising candidate for a long-range quantum communication technology