62 research outputs found
Paradoks Penegakan Hukum Pidana dalam Perspektif Kriminologi di Indonesia
Paradox of criminal law enforcement in Indonesia on the Criminology perspective in Indonesia actually happened because it is contrast and opposed one another among the legal upholders in upholding and not understanding enough the legislation and legal theories comprehensively, because the legislation and legal theories essentially as a analysis knife in upholding the criminal law in Indonesia. Paradox of criminal law enforcement in Indonesia generally because of being less the legal apparatus’ knowledge themselves in understanding the legislation and legal theories so in enforcing the criminal law often produced some mistakes, whereas the legal theories are the legal resource to solve the events that are being happened in legal process and in the society noussays. Causes factors that happened and invited the paradox of criminal law enforcement on the criminology perspective in Indonesia are the legal factor itself, the law enforcement factor, means factor, community factor and cultural factor. The effort of paradox criminal law enforcement on the criminology perspective could be done by having improvement of system, the moralistic improvement and the ethics of legal upholders, improvement of legal education and the realization of religion.  
Kesempatan menjadi pengajar BIPA telah terbuka lebar. Siapapun dapat menjadi pengajar BIPA dengan latar belakang program studi berbagai macam. Pengajar BIPA dapat datang dari program studi pendidikan maupun nonpendidikan. Oleh karena, pengajar BIPA hanya dituntut mampu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, serta menguasai kebudayaan Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka yaitu penelitian yang mengkaji hasil riset yang dipublikasikan atau tidak. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu hasil dari riset yang dipublikasikan atau tidak dalam jurnal, website, buku Pustaka, dan sebagainya. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan pembacaan kepustakaan. Hasil pengkajian yaitu pengajar BIPA yang professional mampu mengajarkan Bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan dapat mengintegrasikan kebudayaan dalam pembelajaran BIPA.Kata kunci: Profesionalitas, Pengajar BIP
Paradoks Penegakan Hukum Pidana dalam Perspektif Kriminologi di Indonesia
Paradox of criminal law enforcement in Indonesia on the Criminology perspective in Indonesia actually happened because it is contrast and opposed one another among the legal upholders in upholding and not understanding enough the legislation and legal theories comprehensively, because the legislation and legal theories essentially as a analysis knife in upholding the criminal law in Indonesia. Paradox of criminal law enforcement in Indonesia generally because of being less the legal apparatus' knowledge themselves in understanding the legislation and legal theories so in enforcing the criminal law often produced some mistakes, whereas the legal theories are the legal resource to solve the events that are being happened in legal process and in the society noussays. Causes factors that happened and invited the paradox of criminal law enforcement on the criminology perspective in Indonesia are the legal factor itself, the law enforcement factor, means factor, community factor and cultural factor. The effort of paradox criminal law enforcement on the criminology perspective could be done by having improvement of system, the moralistic improvement and the ethics of legal upholders, improvement of legal education and the realization of religion
Economic Potential Mapping in Parung Subdistrict, Bogor District
The sector of economy in Parung Subdistrict Bogor District is dominated profoundly by agriculture, forestry and fishing, processing, providing accommodation, and food and beverages. SMEs, red: UMKM also play a capital role in the economic growth either nationally and locally. One of factors due to the significant progress of SMEs was the synergy of action between government and entrepreneurs to design competitive advantages of SMEs. This research aims to conduct economic potential mapping in Parung Subdistrict, Bogor District analyzing the internal and external factors effecting the economic potential in the territory. Bogor has forty subdistricts including Parung Subdistrict which has nine villages. Samples gathered were 54 representing all of nine villages in the district. The primary data were questionnaires and interviews with entrepreneurs of local SMEs .Data progressing method used in this research was descriptive quantitative using SPACE Matrix, SWOT matrix, and IE matrix. The result from Quadrant analysis showed that SMEs in Parung Subdistrict is in the first quadrant with strategic priority of growth. Meanwhile, the result from SPACE Matrix exposed that the alternative strategy is Aggressive. And at last, the IE Matrix result put SMEs strategy at the fifth quadrant of Hold and Maintain
This paper exmined the perception of speech using audio visual and replica for students of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Univesity. This research was aimed at discussing face-to-face conversation or speech felt by the ears and eyes. Â The prerequisites for audio-visual perception of speech by using ambiguous perceptual sine wave replicas of natural speech as auditory stimuli are studied in details. When the subjects were unaware that auditory stimuli were speech, they only showed a negligible integration of auditory and visual stimuli. The same subjects learn to feel the same auditory stimuli as speech; they integrate auditory and visual stimuli in the same way as natural speech. These research result suggests a special mode of perception of multisensory speech
Pemberatan pemidanaan terhadap aparat penegak hukum sebagai pengedar/bandar narkotika
Tindak pidana Narkotika merupakan salah satu kejahatan luar biasa (extra ordinary crime). Meningkat penyalahgunaan tindak pidana Narkotika, bukan hanya di masyarakat saja tetapi sudah mulai mengarah kepada aparat penegak hukum khususnya kepada anggota Kepolisian. Sanksi pidana dengan pemberatan diberikan kepada aparat penegak hukum yang terlibat sebagai bandar Narkotika dan menjadi bagian dari jaringan pengedar Internasional. Munculnya pemberatan pemidanaan tersebut dilakukan dengan mendasarkan pada golongan, jenis, ukuran, dan jumlah Narkotika. Aturan hukum mengenai pemidanaan dan pemberatan terhadap pemidanaan khususnya narkotika diatur didalam Pasal 111 sampai dengan Pasal 148 Undang-Undang No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika. Aparat penegak hukum yang terbukti menjadi pengedar/Bandar narkotika akan dijatuhkan hukuman mati atau hukuman seumur hidup, selain itu juga akan dikenakan sanksi administratif. Kebijakan hukum pidana terhadap aparat penegak hukum sebagai Bandar narkotika dibagi atas 2 (dua) yaitu Pertama, Kebijakan Penal yang mana lebih menitikberatkan pada sifat repressive sesudah kejahatan tindak pidana narkotika terjadi, sedangkan Kedua, Kebijakan Non Penal yang mana lebih menitik beratkan pada sifat preventive sebelum kejahatan tindak pidana narkotika terjad
Perlindungan HAM Dalam Proses Peradilan (the Human Rights Protection in the Process of Justice)
Peraturan hukum tentang perlindungan HAM dapat mempedomani Undang-undang No. 39/1999, namun didalam proses penegakkan hukum di pengadilan perlindungan hukum hanya terbatas dalam bentuk abstrak yaitu terhadap pelaku kejahatan saja, sedangkan terhadap si korban belum diatur secara konkrit oleh hukum, sehingga hak-hak si korban selalu dikesampingkan dan ini menurut hukum jelas melanggar HAM. Perlindungan HAM dalam proses peradilan seharusnya bersifat konkrit tidak abstrak, oleh karena itu dalam upaya perlindungan HAM dalam penegakkan hukum agar tercapainya suatu keadilan yang hakiki atau subtantif putusan tersebut harus mempertimbangkan kepentingan si korban, meskipun di dalam undang-undang secara tegas belum diatur, namun hakim sebagai pencipta hukum dan penemu hukum harus berani membuat hukum baru sehingga terhadap pelaku tidak saja dihukum badan, tetapi harus bertanggung jawab terhadap kerugian yang diderita oleh si korban. Pertanggung jawaban tersebut dalam proses peradilan hakim dapat menerapkan dengan 2(dua) cara, yaitu: pertanggung jawaban secara Civil Liability dan Criminal Liability, sehingga perlindungan hukum terhadap korban dalam proses peradilan benar-benar dirasakan adil oleh kedua belah pihak maka terhadap si korban selaku pihak yang dirugikan atau pihak pengadu dalam satu kasus yang dideritanya
Kombinasi Limbah Kelapa Sawit Danampas Tahu Sebagai Media Budidaya Maggot (Hermetia Illucens) Salah Satu Alternatip Pakan Ikan
This experiment aims to determine the effect of the combination of palm oil waste residue / Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) and pulp out as a growth medium for the cultivation and production of maggot (Hermetia illucens) which can be used as an alternative to fish feed. Media culture is a combination of material experiments 4 kg PKM (100%) and pulp out (0%) treatment A, 3 kg PKM (75%) and 1 kg pulp out (25%) treatment B, 2 kg PKM (50%) and 2 kg of pulp out (50%) treatment C, and 1 kg of PKM (25%) and 3 kg of pulp out (75%) treated D. All of these treatments using a container closed the outdoors. Each container treatment added as much as 5.2 liters of fresh water, then stirred evenly. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD test.The results of the analysis of the experiment 21 days for growth are not significantly different (P <0.05). The average value of the best treatment in A (weight 0.18 ± 0.68 g/individul and length 17.26 ± 1.06 mm), followed by treatment B. (weight 0.17 ± 0.68 g/individual and length of 17.07 ± 1.06 mm), C (weight 0.17 ± 0.68 g/individual and 17.04 ± 1.06 mm of length) and the lowest in the D (0.16 ± 0.68 g/individual and 16.98 ± 1.06 mm). While the yield significantly different (P <0.05), the best biomass production of 1.66 ± 0.1/kg for A, in the lowest treatment 0.57±0.13/kg inD
Automated Vehicle Security and Registration System (AVSR System)
Number of University Teknologi Petronas (UTP) staff and students are growing from
year to year. Directly to that reason, many departments in UTP such as Academic Central
Services and Finance have started to use computerized system in handling most of their
tasks. However, the Security Department still using manual system.
The purpose of this project is to design a system for UTP Security Department,
specifically for the administration of students and staffs' vehicle management. The
system will be web - based application, can be executed using normal web browser for
inter - platform capabilities. The project is divided into two terms, first the research on
security and registration system for vehicle and second system development on the
Automated Vehicle Security and Registration System (AVSR System). Research on the
AVSR System will be based on the problem statements and objectives of the project
while the security and registration system for vehicle is the support idea for the project.
The purpose of this project also emphasize on the problem statement and scope of study.
The problem statement section verify a few existing problems faced by Security
Department staff. One of them is failure to manage too many paper documents.
This document also gives further information about the system in the literature
review/theory section. This section includes the features of the system, the benefits from
using the system, and the data flow diagram of the intended system.
Part of the Final Year Project, students manage to get known with the business
environment on how they manage their database, registration system and the performance
of the security in using Automated Vehicle Security And Registration System give the
best solution for security as the database plays an important asset for the security.
Capability and efficiency is the main subject in considering AVSR System
Kebijakan Hukum Pidana terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencurian dengan Modus Pecah Kaca Mobil dalam Perspektif Kriminologi (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Stabat No. 404/pid.b/2013/pn.stabat)
Thefts with modus operandi by breaking windshields happen frequently in Indonesia. Since it increases in number, research on it from the criminological perspective in necessary in order to find out the causing factors. The Penal law can be used as the means to overcome this theft. Overcoming this crime by penal law can be categorized into the forms of penal and non penal efforts. The objective of teh research is to find out the factors that constitute this theft and the policy of penal law to overcome it. The formulation of problems in the research are how the legal regulation are in regard to this theft, what the causing factors are, modus operandi are, and how the penal law policy is to overcome this theft.The method used in the research is the judicial normative method, namely a method based on the library study in order to obtain the materials that meet the requirements. The instruments of data gathering are guidelines of interviews and library study. According to the research result, the theft with modus operandi by breaking the windshields is categorized into a theft with aggravation which is regulated in the Article 363 of the Penal Law. Theaggravating element is that there is an effort from the perpetrators to break a thing that prevents them from conducting their action and it is conducted by more than 2 persons. The factors that cause the theft with modus operandi by breaking the windshields are habit, environment, and benefit. The policy of the penal law to overcome this kind of theft can be divided into the penal and non penal forms. These are divided again into pre-adjudication phase. The pre-adjudication phase is the phase of filing to the police before getting into phase of court session and the adjudication is the hearing of the theft perpetrator to the court. Meanwhile, in the non penal efforts, the police have made preventive efforts, such as, by patrolling at critical hours either while wearing casual clothes or uniform to prevent the occurence of the theft
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