16 research outputs found

    Implementação de um sistema de autópsia verbal no município do Dande, província do Bengo

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    O conhecimento das taxas de mortalidade e das causas de morte é essencial para definir o estado de saúde de uma população. Angola, em 2005, fazia parte dos países com informação escassa e pouco recente sobre estes dados, apesar da modernização das estruturas estar a trabalhar no sentido de melhorar os registos. Neste contexto a Organização Mundial de Saúde recomenda a implementação da Autópsia Verbal (AV) para minimizar a falta de dados. Trata-se de um questionário aplicado aos familiares de um indivíduo falecido, sobre os sinais e sintomas apresentados antes da morte, por forma a identificar possíveis causas de morte

    HDSS Profile: The Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Dande HDSS, Angola)

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    Rosário EVN, Costa D, Francisco D, Brito M. HDSS Profile: The Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Dande HDSS, Angola). International Journal of Epidemiology. 2017;46(4):1094-1094g

    Setting up a Demographic Surveillance System in Northern Angola

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    Abstract As in many regions of the developing world, the lack of accurate and up to date demographic information in Angola is a handicap to demographic and health research. To overcome this gap, a Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) was designed to support the research activities of CISA Project, a health research centre created in 2007 and located within Dande municipality in northern Angola. Here we report the methodology for setting up the HDSS-Dande as well as the adjustments made to improve the data collection process since the conclusion of the baseline census in April 2010. The HDSS data is instrumental for the support of epidemiological and other health studies.Resumé Comme dans de nombreuses régions du monde en développement, en Angola le manque d'informations démographiques exactes et à jour est un handicap pour la recherché démographique et de santé. Pour surmonter cette lacune un système de surveillance démographique et de santé (SSDS) a été conçu pour soutenir les activités de recherche de CISA Project, qui est un centre de recherche médicale, créé en 2007 et situé dans la municipalité du Dande, dans le nord del'Angola. Nous rapportons ici la méthodologie choisie pour la mise en place de la SSDSDande ainsi que les ajustements effectués pour améliorer le processos de collecte des données depuis le recensement de base conclu en avril 2010. Les données du SSDS sont instrumentales pour le soutien des études épidémiologiques et d'autres études de santé

    Antimicrobial storage and antibiotic knowledge in the community: a cross-sectional pilot study in north-western Angola

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    Background - Antimicrobials are drugs that were once lifesavers and mainly curative. Nowadays their value is increasingly under pressure because of the fast and worldwide emergence of antimicrobial resistance, which, in low resources settings, frequently occurs in microorganisms that are likely to be transmitted in the community. Methods - A cross-sectional pilot study including 102 households within the 10th HDSS round in Dande, Bengo Province, Angola. Results - From the total 102 households piloted, 77.45% were urban (n = 79); the respondents were females in 56.44% (n = 57) and mean age was 39.70 (SD 15.35). Overall storage of antimicrobials was found in 55/102 (53.92%) of the households. More than 66% of the antimicrobials stored were prescribed by a health professional and the majority of antimicrobials were bought at pharmacies and at a street market. Penicillin and its derivates, antimalarial drugs and metronidazole are the most frequently antimicrobials stored. Households with female respondents reported to store more frequently any drugs at home (82.50%) (p = 0.002) and also more antimicrobials (64.91%; p = 0.016) as compared to households with male respondents. Reported use of antimicrobials was significantly higher in urban 60.76% (48/79) as compared to rural households 30.43% (7/23), (p = 0.010). Overall, 74/101 (73.26%) of respondents reported to have already heard about antibiotics. Among them, the common reasons for its use were cough and other respiratory symptoms, wounds, flu and body muscle pain, fever, bladder complaints, diarrhea and/or presumed typhoid fever. Nearly 40% (28/74) of the respondents thought that antibiotics should be stopped as soon as people dońt feel sick anymore. Conclusions - Community interventions for appropriate use of antibiotics should be designed with a special focus in women; through public awareness campaigns and improving access to reliable medical services. Drug prescribers are a keystone not only in adequate antimicrobial prescription but also adequate dispensing and strong advocates for the possible misconceptions on antimicrobial usage by laypeople.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de autópsia verbal no Dande, província do Bengo

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    Conhecer taxas de mortalidade e causas de morte é essencial para definir o estado de saúde de uma população. Contudo, em apenas 1/3 dos 18,6 milhões de óbitos ocorridos anualmente é conhecida a causa (OMS). É nas regiões onde ocorrem mais mortes que menos se conhecem os factores que as determinam. A autópsia verbal (AV), recomendada pela OMS, visa minimizar a falta de dados sobre a mortalidade, tratando-se de um questionário aplicado ao cuidador primário do falecido. Objectivo: Recolha de informações que permitam identificar causas de morte prováveis com recurso à AV

    Aplicação de sistemas de vigilância demográfica e informação geográfica na investigação em saúde

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    O Projeto CISA visa a criação de um Centro de Investigação em Saúde em Angola. Foi criado em 2007 e resulta de uma parceria entre o governo angolano (Ministério da Saúde de Angola e o Governo Provincial do Bengo), o governo português (Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, através do Camões IP) e a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Os principais objetivos do Projeto CISA são melhorar as condições de saúde da população do Município do Dande através do fortalecimento assistencial dos seus serviços de saúde; criar um centro de investigação em Angola, que dará contributos à resolução dos principais problemas de saúde que afetam o país e a região, através de investigação epidemiológica e clínica nas doenças mais prevalentes ou relevantes para a saúde pública no contexto angolano (como sejam a malária, doenças tropicais negligenciadas, parasitas intestinais, desnutrição e as doenças não transmissíveis) e potenciar a participação nacional de Angola e Portugal a nível internacional na área da investigação direcionada às principais doenças que afetam os países em vias de desenvolvimento. Para a investigação em saúde, o conhecimento das características demográficas e da distribuição geográfica das populações é de extrema importância, uma vez que permite, entre outros, estabelecer denominadores para cálculos de taxas (e.g. mortalidade, morbilidade, prevalência, incidência) e analisar a associação entre saúde e ambiente (e.g. áreas de risco, períodos de exposição, acessibilidades a cuidados de saúde)

    CardioBengo study protocol: a population based cardiovascular longitudinal study in Bengo Province, Angola

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    Abstract Background Cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality, responsible for 38 million deaths in 2012, 75 % occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Most of these countries are facing a period of epidemiological transition, being confronted with an increased burden of non-communicable diseases, which challenge health systems mainly designed to deal with infectious diseases. With the adoption of the World Health Organization “Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases, 2013–2020”, the national dimension of risk factors for non-communicable diseases must be reported on a regular basis. Angola has no national surveillance system for non-communicable diseases, and periodic population-based studies can help to overcome this lack of information. CardioBengo will collect information on risk factors, awareness rates and prevalence of symptoms relevant to cardiovascular diseases, to assist decision makers in the implementation of prevention and treatment policies and programs. Methods CardioBengo is designed as a research structure that comprises a cross-sectional component, providing baseline information and the assembling of a cohort to follow-up the dynamics of cardiovascular diseases risk factors in the catchment area of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System of the Health Research Centre of Angola, in Bengo Province, Angola. The World Health Organization STEPwise approach to surveillance questionnaires and procedures will be used to collect information on a representative sex-age stratified sample, aged between 15 and 64 years old. Discussion CardioBengo will recruit the first population cohort in Angola designed to evaluate cardiovascular diseases risk factors. Using the structures in place of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System and a reliable methodology that generates comparable results with other regions and countries, this study will constitute a useful tool for the surveillance of cardiovascular diseases. Like all longitudinal studies, a strong concern exists regarding dropouts, but strategies like regular visits to selected participants and a strong community involvement are in place to minimize these occurrences

    Determinants of maternal health care and birth outcome in the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System area, Angola

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    Rosário EVN, Gomes MC, Brito M, Costa D. Determinants of maternal health care and birth outcome in the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System area, Angola. PLOS ONE. 2019;14(8): e0221280