165 research outputs found
Sandy coastal land is marginal land with promising potential if suitable culture technique was practiced therein. Farmers apply multiple cropping system in utilizing these lands, especially those located in the southern coast of Yogyakarta, viz. Bantul and Kulon Progo regencies. The multiple cropping system successfully address the need of optimizing the land, but in term of synthetic chemical inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides, the farmers still rely heavily on them, which may endanger the system and threaten the environment. Multiple cropping system in itself actually promotes organism\u27s biodiversity, therefore chemical inputs should be used with extra care. This study tries to find out whether multiple cropping system in sandy coastal land has the ability to suppress pests population because of its biodiversity, which will in turn reduce chemical inputs. The study was done in Bantul regency for one planting season, using corn, shallot, chilli pepper and choy-sim in a multiple cropping system, which was subjected to pesticides and no pesticides application. Plant growth, pest population and LER (Land Equivalent ratio) were then determined. The result showed that the multiple cropping system without pesticides produce better than the one with pesticides, as shown by the observed pest population dynamics and the calculated LER values
The Biological Activity Of Kumchura Rhizome To Melon Fly : Methanolic Kumcirjra Extract Bioactivrit = Aktivitas Biolog1s Rimpang Kencur Terhadap /Ala T Buah Melon : II. Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Metanol Rimpang
Rimpang kencur diketahui memiliki bioaktivitas terhadap lalat buah kukurbit dalam bentuk gerusan langsung. Bahan ekstrak rimpang juga diuji terhadap telur dan larva lalat buah kukurbit Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq. Uji toksisitas dilakukan dengan mengencerkan ekstrak metanol rimpang dan mencampurkannya dengan pakan larva pada seri konsentrasi tertentu. Berdasar uji toksisitas ditentukan konsentrasi subletal yang berpengaruh terhadap kelulushidupan larva dan telur, lama stadium larva, berat dan panjang pupa, repelensi ekstrak terhadap larva dan aktivitas hormonal ekstrak terhadap larva. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kencur bersifat "sedikit beracun", namun konsentrasi di bawah 0,3125% (untuk telur) dan 2,5% (untuk larva) secara nyata mempengaruhi kelulushidupan lalat, sementara konsentrasi yang sama untuk telur dan 0,625% untuk larva secara nyata memperpanjang lama stadium larva.. Repelensi ekstrak terhadap larva terbukti nyata pada konsentrasi sampai 0,3125%, namun tidak terlihat pengaruh ekstrak terhadap berat dan panjang pupa, serta tidak dijumpai adanya aktivitas hormonal ekstrak terhadap lalat.
Kata kunci : ekstrak kencur, lalat buah melon, bioaktivita
Pertimbangan Fluktuasi Populasi Dalam Perhitungan Efikasi Pestisida = Considering Population Fluctuation In Calculating Pesticides\u27 Efficacy
Efficacy trials are carried out to secure registration and distribution permit for pesticides in a given country. In Indonesia, the protocol exclusively relies on the statistical difference between treatments and check plots, with little regard to before-treatment population. The efficacy criterion and its defined formulas with more attention to population changes are available, and should be applied to increase the efficacy\u27s accuracy
Serangga ternyata memiliki tempat yang sangat istimewa dalam ilmu pengetahuan.Kalau selama ini lebih banyak mengenalnya sebagai jasad pengganggu (Istilah pertaniandikenal sebagai OPT atau Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman dan Istilah kesehatan dikenalsebagai vektor pembawa penyakit), maka dalam ilmu pengetahuan secara lebih umumperan serangga bukan hanya sebagai penyebab kerugian dan kerusakan saja. Serangga amatbermanfaat atau berjasa kepada ilmu pengetahuan dalam menambah khazanah pemahamantentang jasad hidup dan berbagai interaksi yang terjadi pada jasad hidup, termasuk manusia
Penetuan Ale Dan Ae Larva Lepidiota Stigma F Pada Tanaman Tebu
This research was conducted to determine the value of Economic Injury Level (EIL) and Economic Threshold (ET) for the larvae of Lepidiota stigma instar 1, 2 and 3 in three different locations. The amount of larvae population and plant per m2 in the field, and the weight proportion of the vanished root or to-be-eaten by a larva were needed to determine the loss of result per m2 data on the maximum harvest outcome and the harvest outcome in the field per m2. The highest proportion value of the outcome loss per m2 based on the Walker Model, which has been modified on biological control with Nematode Entomo Patogen (NEP) Steinernema spp. combined with light trap, was in Tempel Sari, i.e. larvae instar 1 (0.0108), instar 2 (0.0174), and instar 3 (0.0221). The lowest value was in Grenjeng, i.e. larvae instar 1 (0.0048), instar 2 (0.0078), and instar 3 (0.0099). There were significant differences among the three instars, where the consumption greediness of instar 3 is higher than instar 1 and 2, so the proportion value of the outcome loss per m2 of larvae instar 3 in the respective locations was higher than that of the two other instars. Determination of EIL value based on the Bode & Calvin Models gave the highest EIL value in Grenjengwith larvae instar 1 in the amount of 15.50 with ET value 12.40, instar 2 in the amount of 9.59 with ET value 7.67, and instar 3 in the amount of 7.54 with ET value 6.03. On the other hand, the lowest EIL value was found in Tempel Sari, with larvae instar 1 in the amount of 6.97 with ET value 5.58, instar 2 in the amount of 4.31 with ET value 3.45, and instar 3 in the amount of 3.39 with ET value 2.71
The phenomenon of the declining interest of young workers working in the agricultural sector has consequences for the sustainability of the agricultural sector going forward. In the future, the burden on the agriculture sector will be heavier with the inc reasing population and increasing food demand. The reasons for the decline in the interest of young workers works at agricultural sector are mainly caused by the image of the agricultural sector which is less prestigious and can not provide adequate rewards. The crisis of young farmers in the agricultural sector and the predominance of older farmers has consequences for the agriculture sector development, particularly on agricultural productivity, market competitiveness, ruraleconomic capacity, and further it will threaten food security and agricultural sector sustainability. The objective of the research is to know the effect of social to career prospects on agricultural career empirically. The research involves 110 respondents with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The type of research in this study is survey research, the type of research which the way to collect data obtained or collected from the sample or population under study. Testing is done with a regression test to determine the effect of social status on career prospects in agriculture. The results of this study indicate that social status has an influence on perceptions of career prospects in the agricultural sector.
Peran Tumbuhan Berbunga sebagai Media Konservasi Artropoda Musuh Alam
Flowering plants are plants with the ability to attract a lot of insects and other plant-loving organisms, as they possess various functions for these organisms, for instance as feed sources, ovipositions\u27 sites, or hiding places out of danger (refugia). Their varied functions make flowering plants to play important roles as special habitats for insects and other organisms. Their presence needs to be considered especially in agricultural land where the dominant planting pattern is monoculture, such as rice fields. The presence of flowering plants themselves will invite many different organisms playing their parts not only as herbivores, but also as natural enemies, pollinators and other ecologically important organisms. The faunal diversity stimulated by flowering plants will create more stable ecosystem, which in turn will keep the ecosystem components\u27 balance in check. The presence of flowering plants are therefore essential to the conservation of natural enemies in some particular ecosystem, such as agroecosystem. INTISARITumbuhan berbunga merupakan tumbuhan yang berkemampuan memikat banyak serangga dan jasad pemanfaat tumbuhan lainnya, dan memiliki banyak manfaat bagi jasad-jasad ini, misalnya sebagai sumber pakan maupun tempat perhentian (untuk meletakkan telur atau menyembunyikan diri dari bahaya). Fungsi yang beragam ini menyebabkan pentingnya memperhatikan tumbuhan berbunga sebagai habitat khusus bagi serangga dan jasad lainnya, terutama di pertanaman yang selama ini dominan sebagai ekosistem monokultur, misalnya pertanaman padi. Adanya tumbuhan berbunga akan mengundang berbagai jenis jasad yang dalam ekosistem tersebut memiliki bermacam-macam peran selain sebagai herbivora, misalnya sebagai musuh alami, polinator atau fungsi ekologis lainnya. Keberagaman fauna karena adanya tanaman berbunga akan menyebabkan terbentuknya ekosistem yang lebih stabil, yang pada gilirannya akan menjaga terjadinya keseimbangan komponen ekosistem. Kehadiran tumbuhan berbunga dengan demikian sangat penting untuk melestarikan populasi musuh alami di suatu ekosistem seperti agroekosistem
Corporate Culture in Developing Professionalism of Human Resources in LEMHAMNAS RI
Based on a case study by Lemhannas RI, this work attempts to discuss the relation of professionalismof human resources and corporate culture. The change and growth of corporate culture in anorganization requires strong commitment from those involved in it. Corporate culture should becontinually developed through a persistent socialization, partnership and supervision programs. Theright management of human resources, which follows the basis of management, will give a greatcontribution when applied well. In addition, policy evaluation on corporate culture should includestructural and cultural aspects and be conducted in several steps, including identification of goals andways of completing them, measurement of relevant information activities, analysis of data for aconclusion and recommendation. The recommendation is a crucial step that needs a special attentionfor the restructurization of culture for better results. This study concludes that interaction betweenstructure and culture is a key and pre-condition for the growth of a better and conducive corporateculture for accomplishing the goals of organization
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