16,381 research outputs found

    Highly ionized atoms in cooling gas

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    The ionization of low density gas cooling from a high temperature was calculated. The evolution during the cooling is assumed to be isochoric, isobaric, or a combination of these cases. The calculations are used to predict the column densities and ultraviolet line luminosities of highly ionized atoms in cooling gas. In a model for cooling of a hot galactic corona, it is shown that the observed value of N(N V) can be produced in the cooling gas, while the predicted value of N(Si IV) falls short of the observed value by a factor of about 5. The same model predicts fluxes of ultraviolet emission lines that are a factor of 10 lower than the claimed detections of Feldman, Brune, and Henry. Predictions are made for ultraviolet lines in cooling flows in early-type galaxies and clusters of galaxies. It is shown that the column densities of interest vary over a fairly narrow range, while the emission line luminosities are simply proportional to the mass inflow rate

    A water tunnel flow visualization study of the vortex flow structures on the F/A-18 aircraft

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    The vortex flow structures occurring on the F/A-18 aircraft at high angles of attack were studied. A water tunnel was used to gather flow visualization data on the forebody vortex and the wing leading edge extension vortex. The longitudinal location of breakdown of the leading edge vortex was found to be consistently dependent on the angle of attack. Other parameters such as Reynolds number, model scale, and model fidelity had little influence on the overall behavior of the flow structures studied. The lateral location of the forebody vortex system was greatly influenced by changes in the angle of sideslip. Strong interactions can occur between the leading edge extension vortex and the forebody vortex. Close attention was paid to vortex induced flows on various airframe components of the F/A-18. Reynolds number and angle of attack greatly affected the swirling intensity, and therefore the strength of the studied vortices. Water tunnel results on the F/A-18 correlated well with those obtained in similar studies at both full and sub scale levels. The water tunnel can provide, under certain conditions, good simulations of realistic flows in full scale configurations

    Another self-similar blast wave: Early time asymptote with shock heated electrons and high thermal conductivity

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    Accurate approximations are presented for the self-similar structures of nonradiating blast waves with adiabatic ions, isothermal electrons, and equation ion and electron temperatures at the shock. The cases considered evolve in cavities with power law ambient densities (including the uniform density case) and have negligible external pressure. The results provide the early time asymptote for systems with shock heating of electrons and strong thermal conduction. In addition, they provide analytical results against which two fluid numerical hydrodynamic codes can be checked

    Obtaining a class of Type O pure radiation metrics with a cosmological constant, using invariant operators

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    Using the generalised invariant formalism we derive a class of conformally flat spacetimes whose Ricci tensor has a pure radiation and a Ricci scalar component. The method used is a development of the methods used earlier for pure radiation spacetimes of Petrov types O and N respectively. In this paper we demonstrate how to handle, in the generalised invariant formalism, spacetimes with isotropy freedom and rich Killing vector structure. Once the spacetimes have been constructed, it is straightforward to deduce their Karlhede classification: the Karlhede algorithm terminates at the fourth derivative order, and the spacetimes all have one degree of null isotropy and three, four or five Killing vectors.Comment: 29 page

    The continuing materials analysis of the thermal control surfaces experiment (S0069)

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    The long term effects of the natural and induced space environment on spacecraft surfaces are critically important to future spacecraft - including Space Station Freedom. The damaging constituents of this environment include thermal vacuum, solar ultraviolet radiation, atomic oxygen, particulate radiation, and the spacecraft induced environment. The behavior of materials and coatings in the space environment continues to be a limiting technology for spacecraft and experiments. The Thermal Control Surfaces Experiment (TCSE) was flown on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) to study these environmental effects on surfaces-particularly on thermal control surfaces. The TCSE was a comprehensive experiment that combined in-space measurements with extensive pre- and post-flight analyses of thermal control surfaces to determine the effects of exposure to the low Earth orbit space environment. The TCSE is the first space experiment to directly measure the total hemispherical reflectance of thermal control surfaces in the same way they are routinely measured in the laboratory. The trend analyses of selected coatings performed as part of the continuing post-flight analysis of the TCSE are described. A brief description of the TCSE and its mission on LDEF are presented. There are several publications available that describe the TCSE, it's mission on LDEF, and initial results in greater detail. These are listed in the TCSE Bibliography

    Invariant classification and the generalised invariant formalism: conformally flat pure radiation metrics, with zero cosmological constant

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    Metrics obtained by integrating within the generalised invariant formalism are structured around their intrinsic coordinates, and this considerably simplifies their invariant classification and symmetry analysis. We illustrate this by presenting a simple and transparent complete invariant classification of the conformally flat pure radiation metrics (except plane waves) in such intrinsic coordinates; in particular we confirm that the three apparently non-redundant functions of one variable are genuinely non-redundant, and easily identify the subclasses which admit a Killing and/or a homothetic Killing vector. Most of our results agree with the earlier classification carried out by Skea in the different Koutras-McIntosh coordinates, which required much more involved calculations; but there are some subtle differences. Therefore, we also rework the classification in the Koutras-McIntosh coordinates, and by paying attention to some of the subtleties involving arbitrary functions, we are able to obtain complete agreement with the results obtained in intrinsic coordinates. In particular, we have corrected and completed statements and results by Edgar and Vickers, and by Skea, about the orders of Cartan invariants at which particular information becomes available.Comment: Extended version of GRG publication, with some typos etc correcte

    Nonthermal X-Ray Emission from G266.2-1.2 (RX J0852.0-4622)

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    The newly discovered supernova remnant G266.2-1.2 (RX J0852.0-4622), along the line of sight to the Vela SNR, was observed with ASCA for 120 ks. We find that the X-ray spectrum is featureless, and well described by a power law, extending to three the class of shell-type SNRs dominated by nonthermal X-ray emission. Although the presence of the Vela SNR compromises our ability to accurately determine the column density, the GIS data appear to indicate absorption considerably in excess of that for Vela itself, indicating that G266.2-1.2 may be several times more distant. An unresolved central source may be an associated neutron star, though difficulties with this interpretation persist.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, uses aipproc.sty & epsfig.sty. To appear in "Young Supernova Remnants" (11th Annual Astrophysics Conference in Maryland), S. S. Holt & U. Hwang (eds), AIP, New York (2001