4,384 research outputs found

    Scottish appeals and the proposed Supreme Court

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    Spin constraints on Regge predictions and perturbative evolution in high energy collisions

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    Two key issues in the application of perturbative QCD and Regge predictions to high energy processes are whether the hard and soft pomerons should be considered as two separate distinct exchanges and whether the Regge intercepts are Q^2 independent or not. Models involving a distinct hard pomeron exchange predict much larger values for the LHC total cross-section. Here we argue that there is a polarized analogue of this issue in the isovector part of the spin structure function g_1 and that the spin data appear to favour a distinct hard exchange.Comment: 8 page

    Exploring the S-Matrix of Massless Particles

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    We use the recently proposed generalised on-shell representation for scattering amplitudes and a consistency test to explore the space of tree-level consistent couplings in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The extension of the constructible notion implied by the generalised on-shell representation, i.e. the possibility to reconstruct at tree level all the scattering amplitudes from the three-particle ones, together with the imposition of the consistency conditions at four-particle level, allow to rediscover all the known theories and their algebra structure, if any. Interestingly, this analysis seems to leave room for high-spin couplings, provided that at least the requirement of locality is weakened. We do not claim to have found tree-level consistent high-spin theories, but rather that our methods show signatures of them and very likely, with a suitable modification, they can be a good framework to perform a systematic search.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figur

    Dispersion Relation Bounds for pi pi Scattering

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    Axiomatic principles such as analyticity, unitarity and crossing symmetry constrain the second derivative of the pi pi scattering amplitudes in some channels to be positive in a region of the Mandelstam plane. Since this region lies in the domain of validity of chiral perturbation theory, we can use these positivity conditions to bound linear combinations of \bar{l}_1 and \bar{l}_2. We compare our predictions with those derived previously in the literature using similar methods. We compute the one-loop pi pi scattering amplitude in the linear sigma model (LSM) using the MS-bar scheme, a result hitherto absent in the literature. The LSM values for \bar{l}_1 and \bar{l}_2 violate the bounds for small values of m_sigma/m_pi. We show how this can occur, while still being consistent with the axiomatic principles.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Two references added, a few minor changes. Published versio

    Negotiation in strategy making teams : group support systems and the process of cognitive change

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    This paper reports on the use of a Group Support System (GSS) to explore at a micro level some of the processes manifested when a group is negotiating strategy-processes of social and psychological negotiation. It is based on data from a series of interventions with senior management teams of three operating companies comprising a multi-national organization, and with a joint meeting subsequently involving all of the previous participants. The meetings were concerned with negotiating a new strategy for the global organization. The research involved the analysis of detailed time series data logs that exist as a result of using a GSS that is a reflection of cognitive theory

    Maximally Supersymmetric Planar Yang-Mills Amplitudes at Five Loops

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    We present an ansatz for the planar five-loop four-point amplitude in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in terms of loop integrals. This ansatz exploits the recently observed correspondence between integrals with simple conformal properties and those found in the four-point amplitudes of the theory through four loops. We explain how to identify all such integrals systematically. We make use of generalized unitarity in both four and D dimensions to determine the coefficients of each of these integrals in the amplitude. Maximal cuts, in which we cut all propagators of a given integral, are an especially effective means for determining these coefficients. The set of integrals and coefficients determined here will be useful for computing the five-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the theory which is of interest for non-trivial checks of the AdS/CFT duality conjecture. It will also be useful for checking a conjecture that the amplitudes have an iterative structure allowing for their all-loop resummation, whose link to a recent string-side computation by Alday and Maldacena opens a new venue for quantitative AdS/CFT comparisons.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, revte

    Multi-Wavelength Study of Sgr A*: The Short Time Scale Variability

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    To understand the correlation and the radiation mechanism of flare emission in different wavelength bands, we have coordinated a number of telescopes to observe SgrA* simultaneously. We focus only on one aspect of the preliminary results of our multi-wavelength observing campaigns, namely, the short time scale variability of emission from SgrA* in near-IR, X-ray and radio wavelengths. The structure function analysis indicate most of the power spectral density is detected on hourly time scales in all wavelength bands. We also report minute time scale variability at 7 and 13mm placing a strong constraint on the nature of the variable emission. The hourly time scale variability can be explained in the context of a model in which the peak frequency of emission shifts toward lower frequencies as a self-absorbed synchrotron source expands adiabatically near the acceleration site. The short time scale variability, on the other hand, places a strong constraint on the size of the emitting region. Assuming that rapid minute time scale fluctuations of the emission is optically thick in radio wavelength, light travel arguments requires relativistic particle energy, thus suggesting the presence of outflow from SgrA*.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, The Galactic Center: A Window on the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies ASP Conference Series, 2010 eds: M. Morris, D. Q. Wang and F. Yua

    Diffusion and spectral dimension on Eden tree

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    We calculate the eigenspectrum of random walks on the Eden tree in two and three dimensions. From this, we calculate the spectral dimension dsd_s and the walk dimension dwd_w and test the scaling relation ds=2df/dwd_s = 2d_f/d_w (=2d/dw=2d/d_w for an Eden tree). Finite-size induced crossovers are observed, whereby the system crosses over from a short-time regime where this relation is violated (particularly in two dimensions) to a long-time regime where the behavior appears to be complicated and dependent on dimension even qualitatively.Comment: 11 pages, Plain TeX with J-Phys.sty style, HLRZ 93/9

    Integrating modes of policy analysis and strategic management practice : requisite elements and dilemmas

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    There is a need to bring methods to bear on public problems that are inclusive, analytic, and quick. This paper describes the efforts of three pairs of academics working from three different though complementary theoretical foundations and intervention backgrounds (i.e., ways of working) who set out together to meet this challenge. Each of the three pairs had conducted dozens of interventions that had been regarded as successful or very successful by the client groups in dealing with complex policy and strategic problems. One approach focused on leadership issues and stakeholders, another on negotiating competitive strategic intent with attention to stakeholder responses, and the third on analysis of feedback ramifications in developing policies. This paper describes the 10 year longitudinal research project designed to address the above challenge. The important outcomes are reported: the requisite elements of a general integrated approach and the enduring puzzles and tensions that arose from seeking to design a wide-ranging multi-method approach

    Applicability of a Representation for the Martin's Real-Part Formula in Model-Independent Analyses

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    Using a novel representation for the Martin's real-part formula without the full scaling property, an almost model-independent description of the proton-proton differential cross section data at high energies (19.4 GeV - 62.5 GeV) is obtained. In the impact parameter and eikonal frameworks, the extracted inelastic overlap function presents a peripheral effect (tail) above 2 fm and the extracted opacity function is characterized by a zero (change of sign) in the momentum transfer space, confirming results from previous model-independent analyses. Analytical parametrization for these empirical results are introduced and discussed. The importance of investigations on the inverse problems in high-energy elastic hadron scattering is stressed and the relevance of the proposed representation is commented. A short critical review on the use of Martin's formula is also presented.Comment: Two comments and one reference added at the end of Subsec. 3.3; 23 pages, 9 figures; to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.