8 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Peranan Pemasaran Islam Dalam Menghadapi Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Pada Pengusaha Muslim di Indonesia

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    Penelitian pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan dan memberikan penyuluhan atas hasil penelitian dan pemahaman peranan pemasaran Islam dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19 pada pengusaha muslim di Indonesia.  Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan untuk menganalisis peranan pemasaran Islam dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19, dengan mengumpulkan literatur dan teori mengenai pemasaran Islam dan dianalisis keterkaitannya dengan masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil dari studi ini adalah pemasaran Islam sangat dibutuhkan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 karena maraknya penawaran produk kesehatan dan produk lainnya yang sangat masive dan agresif, dengan menaikan harga yang tidak wajar disaat banyak permintaan akan produk kesehatan. Selanjutnya adalah mensosialisasikan hasil penelitian tersebut kepada pengusaha muslim di Indonesia dan dilihat pemahamannya melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) menggunakan media daring. Pemahaman pengusaha muslim mengenai pemasaran Islam menjadi bertambah dan mendapat masukan serta wawasan dalam mengaplikasikan pemasaran Islam untuk berpromosi atau beriklan menawarkan produknya agar dapat bertahan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 ini

    Pengaruh Kualitas Service terhadap Kepuasan, Kepercayaan, dan Kecenderungan Berperilaku Mahasiswa pada Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta

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    Development and growth of universities in Jakarta encourage each university to achieve the best quality to get more students. This action need certain steps particularly by improve quality service. In this research will analyze the effect of service quality to students' behavior intention, so university able to see the effect of quality service. The method in this study was Structural Equation Model(SEM), as subject research is students, and the data used primer data that collected by questionnaire. The result of this study showed a good service has effect to trust of behavior intention. However, this research also found the effect of satisfaction to trust is significant although it is weak effect, this also occur to the quality of service to trust and service quality. For the effect of quality service to behavior intention in this research showed strong effect. By the result of this research, it is hope that university able to manage the quality service better and more focus to student as customer because of tendency of their behavior

    Analysis On the Effect of Educating Customer, Service Fairness, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Study on Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    The low level of market share of Islamic banks continues in Indonesia despite having a large potential customer base as the most populated Muslim country in the world. This study analyses two factors related to marketing of Islamic banking in Indonesia, namely educating customers and service fairness. This research was conducted in Jakarta with a sample of 200 people. This study employs Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS software. The study found that service quality has a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction but does not have a significant impact on customer loyalty. The study also found that educating the customer has a negative significant impact on customer satisfaction, which means that as more customers learn about Islamic banking, the higher their dissatisfaction. Furthermore, educating the customer also has no significant effect on customer loyalty. This study shows that Islamic banks in Indonesia have not been able to build the loyalty of its customers. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that Islamic banks in Indonesia should re-evaluate and improve their marketing strategies primarily in terms of educating their customers

    Use of Data Warehouse and Data Mining for Academic Data : A Case Study at A National University

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    If an organisation has full, rapid, exact, and accurate information, it may perform better in terms of evaluation, planning, and decision-making. The essential information can be derived from operational data maintained in an integrated database by a university that already has an information system. This research looks at how to collect operational data into a data warehouse and then apply data mining techniques to analyse the data. This study yielded a comprehensive data warehouse with a web-based information reporting application. Furthermore, data mining techniques are used to analyse the data warehouse that has been created. The result of the application of data mining is the generation of characteristic patterns of students who take certain specialization programs

    Implementation of Data Mining on Glasses Sales Using the Apriori Algorithm

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    The Optik Nasional is one of the most important optik in Tasikmalaya. Many of his everyday sales transactions, even longer sales, will increase as a result of his activities through the process of purchasing and selling glasses with diverse brands. If left to its own devices, sales transaction data devolves into useless junk. With the help of technological advancements, the ability to collect and process data is improving. Data mining is the process of extracting information and expertise from large amounts of data. Transaction data may be used and analysed to generate helpful information for improved sales and promotional goods, in addition to serving as an archive for the firm. The author utilises the Apriori algorithm to obtain information on the most popular and in-demand goods in a database transaction at a national optical firm, so that the results may be utilised to improve the growth of eyeglass sales and marketing

    Bantuan Sosial untuk Masyarakat yang Terkena Dampak Ekonomi Selama Covid-19 di Garut

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    Warga Garut terdampak wabah Covid-19. Selama Covid-19, status sosial ekonomi warga memburuk. Situasi ini membuat warga merasa seperti terbebani masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tantangan ini menarik untuk dilihat, dan akan menjadi dasar untuk melakukan jaringan penyedia dukungan sosial. Tujuan dari minat penyedia ini adalah untuk memberikan dukungan sosial kepada warga. Program bansos diselesaikan agar jejaring masyarakat dapat menerima bantuan sosial ekonomi selama masa epidemi, dan kesadaran mereka akan risiko Covid-19 semakin meluas. Minat ini juga berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya memiliki pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Jika kita memasukkan konsumsi makanan yang cukup, tubuh kita akan memiliki kekebalan yang diperlukan untuk hidup untuk menceritakan kisah serangan virus. Dengan memodifikasi dan mengedit strategi IPOAI (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, and Impact), kepentingan penyedia jaringan ini direkonsiliasi. Bantuan sosial yang ditawarkan juga memungkinkan peningkatan konsumsi pangan sebagai sarana menjaga kekebalan tubuh selama krisis Covid-19

    The Potential Blockchain Technology in Higher Education Learning Innovations in Era 4.0

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    In the world of education, the development of technology systems is increasingly rapid. The implementation of Blockchain continues to be used in various sectors. This study analyzed the use of Blockchain in higher education. The research discussion results lead to the use of blockchain technology, which is a new trend in higher education. Blockchain implementation in higher education creates problems in the use of blockchain technology. Based on the use of Blockchain in research, we are exploring the application of related technologies in higher education. The problem with technology that functions to record small transactions and data used for many sectors such as recording transactions, documentation, and even voting, which is also used in Higher Education, is unfortunately not well implemented. This supports research on the use of blockchain technology that can record transactions in many sectors. Documenting the process of transactions, documentation, and voting can even be used in Higher Education. To improve the blockchain technology system's performance in higher education, it is becoming more effective, efficient, and more accessible in recording transaction processes. It can become a new innovation for Higher Education