222 research outputs found

    Assessment of western rock lobster strategic management options. A bio-economic evaluation of management options for the West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery. Vol. 2

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    Economic Research Associates (ERA) was commissioned to evaluate the relative ‘socio-economic’ benefits of alternative management Scenarios for the Western Rock Lobster Managed Fishery. This study is intended as input into industry’s consideration of the future management policy direction for the fishery

    Parks and recreation master plan : City of Eugene

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    195 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, charts, tables, illus. Published May, 1983. Scanned by UO from item SB483 .E8P37 1983, May, 2009.The main purpose of the study is to develop guides and recommendations that the EPRD can use in providing parks and recreational services and facilities for the next 20 years. The Master Plan includes: I} an analysis of existing and projected recreational demands; 2) a description of potential opportunities; 3) a set of goals and policies; and 4) a list of proposals. [From the Plan

    Visual Disamenity in the Queensland Wet Tropics: Estimating the Economic Impacts of Overhead Transmission Lines

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    This paperexamines procedures and findings in estimation of the 'visual disamenity cost' associated with installation of high-voltage overhead power lines in the Wet Tropics of Queensland. The study was performed within a short timeframe and small budget, hence the need to design a relatively simple and cost-effective approach, yet one which would yield acceptable information on environmental values. An extensive literature review and advice from a number of resource economists indicated that there was little information from previous studies to support benefit transfer methodology. It was found possible to estimate disamenity costs to ecotourism operation (using a simplified travel cost approach), agricultural operations (based on compensation payments) and residential property values (through a simplified hedonic price approach). A planned contingent valuation of the intrusive effect of the transmission lines through rainforest areas did not proceed, due at least in part to the political sensitivity of this issue

    Improving the professional knowledge base for education: Using knowledge management (KM) and Web 2.0 tools

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    Improving education systems is an elusive goal. Despite considerable investment, international studies such as the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) project and the McKinsey Report How the world’s best performing schools come out on top indicate that improving teacher quality is more important than increased financial investment. Both reports challenge governments, academics and practitioners to adopt new ways of sharing and building knowledge. This paper makes the case for national education systems to adopt tried and tested knowledge management and web 2.0 tools used by other sectors and highlights the neglected potential of teacher educators as agents for improvement

    High School Exit Examinations: When Do Learning Effects Generalize?

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    This paper reviews international and domestic evidence on the effects of three types of high school exit exam systems: voluntary curriculum-based external exit exams, universal curriculum-based external exit exam systems and minimum competency tests that must be passed to receive a regular high school diploma. The nations and provinces that use Universal CBEEES (and typically teacher grades as well) to signal student achievement have significantly higher achievement levels and smaller differentials by family background than otherwise comparable jurisdictions that base high stakes decisions on voluntary college admissions tests and/or teacher grades. The introduction of Universal CBEEES in New York and North Carolina during the 1990s was associated with large increases in math achievement on NAEP tests. Research on MCTs and high school accountability tests is less conclusive because these systems are new and have only been implemented in one country. Cross-section studies using a comprehensive set of controls for family background have not found that students in MCT states score higher on audit tests like the NAEP that carry no stakes for the test taker. The analysis reported in table 1 tells us that the five states that introduced MCTs during the 1990s had significantly larger improvements on NAEP tests than states that made no change in their student accountability regime. The gains, however, are smaller than for the states introducing Universal CBEEES. New York and North Carolina. The most positive finding about MCTs is that students in MCT states earn significantly more during the first eight years after graduation than comparable students in other states suggesting that MCTs improve employer perceptions of the quality of the recent graduates of local high schools

    Economics of nuclear power

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    This paper is the fourth in a series of 8 that make up the evidence base for SDC report 'The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy'.Publisher PD

    The Local Economic and Social Impacts of a University

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