54 research outputs found

    The P2Y12 receptor induces platelet aggregation through weak activation of the αIIbβ3 integrin – a phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent mechanism

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    AbstractHigh concentrations of adenosine-5′-diphosphate ADP are able to induce partial aggregation without shape change of P2Y1 receptor-deficient mouse platelets through activation of the P2Y12 receptor. In the present work we studied the transduction pathways selectively involved in this phenomenon. Flow cytometric analyses using R-phycoerythrin-conjugated JON/A antibody (JON/A-PE), an antibody which recognizes activated mouse αIIbβ3 integrin, revealed a low level activation of αIIbβ3 in P2Y1 receptor-deficient platelets in response to 100 μM ADP or 1 μM 2MeS-ADP. Adrenaline induced no such activation but strongly potentiated the effect of ADP in a dose-dependent manner. Global phosphorylation of 32P-labeled platelets showed that P2Y12-mediated aggregation was not accompanied by an increase in the phosphorylation of myosin light chain (P20) or pleckstrin (P47) and was not affected by the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor staurosporine. On the other hand, two unrelated phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, inhibited this aggregation. Our results indicate that (i) the P2Y12 receptor is able to trigger a P2Y1 receptor-independent inside-out signal leading to αIIbβ3 integrin activation and platelet aggregation, (ii) ADP and adrenaline use different signaling pathways which synergize to activate the αIIbβ3 integrin, and (iii) the transduction pathway triggered by the P2Y12 receptor is independent of PKC but dependent on phosphoinositide 3-kinase

    Traumatic vessel injuries initiating hemostasis generate high shear conditions

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    Blood flow is a major regulator of hemostasis and arterial thrombosis. The current view is that low and intermediate flows occur in intact healthy vessels, whereas high shear levels (>2000 s−1) are reached in stenosed arteries, notably during thrombosis. To date, the shear rates occurring at the edge of a lesion in an otherwise healthy vessel are nevertheless unknown. The aim of this work was to measure the shear rates prevailing in wounds in a context relevant to hemostasis. Three models of vessel puncture and transection were developed and characterized for a study that was implemented in mice and humans. Doppler probe measurements supplemented by a computational model revealed that shear rates at the edge of a wound reached high values, with medians of 22 000 s−1, 25 000 s−1, and 7000 s−1 after puncture of the murine carotid artery, aorta, or saphenous vein, respectively. Similar shear levels were observed after transection of the mouse spermatic artery. These results were confirmed in a human venous puncture model, where shear rates in a catheter implanted in the cubital vein reached 2000 to 27 000 s−1. In all models, the high shear conditions were accompanied by elevated levels of elongational flow exceeding 1000 s−1. In the puncture model, the shear rates decreased steeply with increasing injury size. This phenomenon could be explained by the low hydrodynamic resistance of the injuries as compared with that of the downstream vessel network. These findings show that high shear rates (>3000 s−1) are relevant to hemostasis and not exclusive to arterial thrombosis

    Birbeck granule-like "organized smooth endoplasmic reticulum" resulting from the expression of a cytoplasmic YFP-tagged langerin

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    Langerin is required for the biogenesis of Birbeck granules (BGs), the characteristic organelles of Langerhans cells. We previously used a Langerin-YFP fusion protein having a C-terminal luminal YFP tag to dynamically decipher the molecular and cellular processes which accompany the traffic of Langerin. In order to elucidate the interactions of Langerin with its trafficking effectors and their structural impact on the biogenesis of BGs, we generated a YFP-Langerin chimera with an N-terminal, cytosolic YFP tag. This latter fusion protein induced the formation of YFP-positive large puncta. Live cell imaging coupled to a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching approach showed that this coalescence of proteins in newly formed compartments was static. In contrast, the YFP-positive structures present in the pericentriolar region of cells expressing Langerin-YFP chimera, displayed fluorescent recovery characteristics compatible with active membrane exchanges. Using correlative light-electron microscopy we showed that the coalescent structures represented highly organized stacks of membranes with a pentalaminar architecture typical of BGs. Continuities between these organelles and the rough endoplasmic reticulum allowed us to identify the stacks of membranes as a form of "Organized Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum" (OSER), with distinct molecular and physiological properties. The involvement of homotypic interactions between cytoplasmic YFP molecules was demonstrated using an A206K variant of YFP, which restored most of the Langerin traffic and BG characteristics observed in Langerhans cells. Mutation of the carbohydrate recognition domain also blocked the formation of OSER. Hence, a "double-lock" mechanism governs the behavior of YFP-Langerin, where asymmetric homodimerization of the YFP tag and homotypic interactions between the lectin domains of Langerin molecules participate in its retention and the subsequent formation of BG-like OSER. These observations confirm that BG-like structures appear wherever Langerin accumulates and confirm that membrane trafficking effectors dictate their physiology and, illustrate the importance of molecular interactions in the architecture of intracellular membranes

    Integrin-Alpha IIb Identifies Murine Lymph Node Lymphatic Endothelial Cells Responsive to RANKL

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    Microenvironment and activation signals likely imprint heterogeneity in the lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) population. Particularly LECs of secondary lymphoid organs are exposed to different cell types and immune stimuli. However, our understanding of the nature of LEC activation signals and their cell source within the secondary lymphoid organ in the steady state remains incomplete. Here we show that integrin alpha 2b (ITGA2b), known to be carried by platelets, megakaryocytes and hematopoietic progenitors, is expressed by a lymph node subset of LECs, residing in medullary, cortical and subcapsular sinuses. In the subcapsular sinus, the floor but not the ceiling layer expresses the integrin, being excluded from ACKR4+LECs but overlapping with MAdCAM-1 expression. ITGA2b expression increases in response to immunization, raising the possibility that heterogeneous ITGA2b levels reflect variation in exposure to activation signals. We show that alterations of the level of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL), by overexpression, neutralization or deletion from stromal marginal reticular cells, affected the proportion of ITGA2b+LECs. Lymph node LECs but not peripheral LECs express RANK. In addition, we found that lymphotoxin-β receptor signaling likewise regulated the proportion of ITGA2b+LECs. These findings demonstrate that stromal reticular cells activate LECs via RANKL and support the action of hematopoietic cell-derived lymphotoxin

    Biogenesis of the demarcation membrane system (DMS) in megakaryocytes

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    The demarcation membrane system (DMS) in megakaryocytes forms the plasma membrane (PM) of future platelets. Using confocal microscopy, electron tomography, and large volume focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM), we determined the sequential steps of DMS formation. We identified a pre-DMS that initiated at the cell periphery and was precisely located between the nuclear lobes. At all developmental stages, the DMS remained continuous with the cell surface. The number of these connections correlated well with the nuclear lobulation, suggesting a relationship with cleavage furrow formation and abortive cytokinesis. On DMS expansion, Golgi complexes assembled around the pre-DMS, and fusion profiles between trans-golgi network–derived vesicles and the DMS were observed. Brefeldin-A reduced DMS expansion, indicating that the exocytic pathway is essential for DMS biogenesis. Close contacts between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the DMS were detected, suggesting physical interaction between the 2 membrane systems. FIB/SEM revealed that the DMS forms an intertwined tubular membrane network resembling the platelet open canalicular system. We thus propose the following steps in DMS biogenesis: (1) focal membrane assembly at the cell periphery; (2) PM invagination and formation of a perinuclear pre-DMS; (3) expansion through membrane delivery from Golgi complexes; and (4) ER-mediated lipid transfer

    Loss of α4A- and β1-tubulins leads to severe platelet spherocytosis and strongly impairs hemostasis in mice

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    Native circulating blood platelets present with a discoid flat morphology maintained by a submembranous peripheral ring of microtubules, named marginal band. The functional importance of this particular shape is still debated, but it was initially hypothesized to facilitate platelet interaction with the injured vessel wall and to contribute to hemostasis. The importance of the platelet discoid morphology has since been questioned on the absence of clear bleeding tendency in mice lacking the platelet-specific β1-tubulin isotype, which exhibits platelets with a thinner marginal band and an ovoid shape. Here, we generated a mouse model inactivated for β1-tubulin and α4A-tubulin, an α-tubulin isotype strongly enriched in platelets. These mice present with fully spherical platelets completely devoid of a marginal band. In contrast to the single knockouts, the double deletion resulted in a severe bleeding defect in a tail-clipping assay, which was not corrected by increasing the platelet count to normal values by the thrombopoietin-analog romiplostim. In vivo, thrombus formation was almost abolished in a ferric chloride–injury model, with only a thin layer of loosely packed platelets, and mice were protected against death in a model of thromboembolism. In vitro, platelets adhered less efficiently and formed smaller-sized and loosely assembled aggregates when perfused over von Willebrand factor and collagen matrices. In conclusion, this study shows that blood platelets require 2 unique α- and β-tubulin isotypes to acquire their characteristic discoid morphology. Lack of these 2 isotypes has a deleterious effect on flow-dependent aggregate formation and stability, leading to a severe bleeding disorder

    The PI 3-kinase PI3KC2α regulates mouse platelet membrane structure and function independently of membrane lipid composition

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    PI3KC2 alpha is a phosphoinositide 3-kinase with a recently reported function in platelets; PI3KC2 alpha-deficient mouse platelets have altered membrane structure and impaired function. Yet, how these membrane changes cause platelet dysfunction remains unknown. Here, focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy of PI3KC2 alpha-deficient platelet ultrastructure reveals a specific effect on the internal membrane structure, while liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry profiling of 294 lipid species shows unaltered lipid composition. Functionally, PI3KC2 alpha-deficient platelets exhibit impaired thrombosis specifically under conditions involving membrane tethering. These studies indicate that the structural changes in PI3KC2 alpha-deficient platelets are limited to the membrane, occur without major changes in lipid composition, and selectively impair cell function during thrombus formation. These findings illustrate a unique mechanism that may be targetable for anti-thrombotic benefit
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