26 research outputs found

    Behavioral observations and stable isotopes reveal high individual variation and little seasonal variation in sea otter diets in Southeast Alaska

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    Two complementary approaches were used to assess year-round variation in the diet of sea otters Enhydra lutris around Prince of Wales Island (POW) in southern Southeast Alaska, a region characterized by mixed-bottom habitat. We observed sea otters foraging to determine diet composition during the spring and summer. Then, we obtained sea otter vibrissae, which record temporal foraging patterns as they grow, from subsistence hunters to identify year-round changes in sea otter diets via stable isotope analysis of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). We compared the stable isotopes from sea otter vibrissae and sea otter prey items that were collected during spring, summer, and winter. Overall, year-round sea otter diet estimates from stable isotope signatures and visual observations from spring and summer were dominated by clams in terms of biomass, with butter clams Saxidomus gigantea the most common clam species seen during visual observations. Our results indicate that these sea otters, when considered together at a regional level around POW, do not exhibit shifts in the main prey source by season or location. However, sea otter diets identified by stable isotopes had a strong individual-level variation. Behavioral variation among individual sea otters may be a primary driving factor in diet composition. This study provides quantitative diet composition data for modeling predictions of invertebrate population estimates that may aid in the future management of shellfisheries and subsistence hunting and the development of co-management strategies for this protected species.Sea otter vibrissae were collected with help from the US Fish and Wildlife Service sea otter tagging program, specifically Brad Benter and Michelle Kissling, and Algeron Frisby, Theodore Peele, Vaughn Skinna, and the Sea Otter Commission, specifically Dennis Nickerson. We thank Ashley Bolwerk, Maggie Shields, Melanie Borup, Tiffany Stephens, Wendel Raymond, Lia Domke, Sarah Peele, Franz Mueter, Dan Monson, Todd Miller, Emily Fergusson, Corey Fugate, and Robert Bradshaw for field, lab, and analysis assistance. This work was a part of N.L.L.’s Master’s thesis at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). We were funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Coastal SEES (Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability, award no. 1600049), NSF Bio-Oce (Biological Oceanography, award no. 1600230), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Ser - vice, Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL), and Earthwatch Institute. This publication is the result of research sponsored by the Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research with funds from NOAA under cooperative agreement NA13OAR 4320056 with the University of Alaska. S.L.K. was supported by BLaST at UAS, which is supported by the NIH Common Fund, through the Office of Strategic Coordination, Office of the NIH Director with the linked awards: TL4GM118992, RL5GM118990, and UL1GM118991. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.Ye

    Sea otter effects on trophic structure of seagrass communities in southeast Alaska

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    Previous research in southeast Alaska on the effects of sea otters Enhydra lutris in seagrass Zostera marina communities identified many but not all of the trophic relationships that were predicted by a sea otter-mediated trophic cascade. To further resolve these trophic connections, we compared biomass, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope (SI), and fatty acid (FA) data from 16 taxa at 3 sites with high and 3 sites with low sea otter density (8.2 and 0.1 sea otters km−2, respectively). We found lower crab and clam biomass in the high sea otter region but did not detect a difference in biomass of other seagrass community taxa or the overall community isotopic niche space between sea otter regions. Only staghorn sculpin differed in δ13C between regions, and Fucus, sugar kelp, butter clams, dock shrimp, and shiner perch differed in δ15N. FA analysis indicated multivariate dissimilarity in 11 of the 15 conspecifics between sea otter regions. FA analysis found essential FAs, which consumers must obtain from their diet, including 20:5ω3 (EPA) and 22:6ω3 (DHA), were common in discriminating conspecifics between sea otter regions, suggesting differences in consumer diets. Further FA analysis indicated that many consumers rely on diverse diets, regardless of sea otter region, potentially buffering these consumers from sea otter-mediated changes to diet availability. While sea otters are major consumers in this system, further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the differences in biomarkers between regions with and without sea ottersWe thank Tiffany Stephens, Maggie Shields, Melanie Borup, Ashely Bolwerk, Nicole LaRoche, Tom Bell, Michael Stekoll and the rest of the Apex Predators, Ecosystems and Community Sustainability (APECS) team and 26 Earthwatch volunteers for assistance in the field and laboratory. Special thanks to Reyn Yoshioka, Natalie Thompson, the Coastal Trophic Ecology Lab, and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology for their assistance with fatty acid extractions, Melissa Rhodes-Reese at University of Alaska Southeast for water nutrient analysis, and Matthew Rogers and NOAA Auke Bay Laboratories for assistance with stable isotope analyses. This study was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF #1635716, #1600230 to G.L.E.), through the generous support of Earthwatch, and a 56 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, a North Pacific Re - search Board Graduate Student Research Award, an American Fisheries Society Steven Berkeley Marine Conservation Fellowship, and a Lerner Gray Memorial Fund (to W.W.R). This study was completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for W.W.R.’s PhD at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and we thank committee members Dr. Franz Mueter and Dr. Anne Beaudreau for their comments on this project and the manuscript. Finally, we thank the 3 anonymous reviewers whose comments greatly improved the manuscript. This study was conducted on the traditional lands and waters of the Alaska Native Tlingit and Haida peoples. We are grateful for our access to these spaces and benefited from conversations and support from the members of Tribal communities and governments.Ye

    Low-Altitude UAV Imaging Accurately Quantifies Eelgrass Wasting Disease From Alaska to California

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    Declines in eelgrass, an important and widespread coastal habitat, are associated with wasting disease in recent outbreaks on the Pacific coast of North America. This study presents a novel method for mapping and predicting wasting disease using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with low-altitude autonomous imaging of visible bands. We conducted UAV mapping and sampling in intertidal eelgrass beds across multiple sites in Alaska, British Columbia, and California. We designed and implemented a UAV low-altitude mapping protocol to detect disease prevalence and validated against in situ results. Our analysis revealed that green leaf area index derived from UAV imagery was a strong and significant (inverse) predictor of spatial distribution and severity of wasting disease measured on the ground, especially for regions with extensive disease infection. This study highlights a novel, efficient, and portable method to investigate seagrass disease at landscape scales across geographic regions and conditions

    Appendix A. Data used in analyses of population variability of marine invertebrates.

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    Data used in analyses of population variability of marine invertebrates

    Appendix F. Typical water column distribution data of nearshore and shelf/slope fish larvae.

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    Typical water column distribution data of nearshore and shelf/slope fish larvae

    Appendix B. A summary of data on the life history traits of nearshore and shelf/slope benthic crustacean species.

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    A summary of data on the life history traits of nearshore and shelf/slope benthic crustacean species

    Appendix A. A summary of data on the life history traits of nearshore and shelf/slope fish species.

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    A summary of data on the life history traits of nearshore and shelf/slope fish species