747 research outputs found

    A comparative study of acute phase protein concentrations in historical and modern broiler breeding lines

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    Acute-phase proteins (APP) are secreted from the liver as a result of inflammation or infection and are measurable in serum and plasma. To determine whether the constitutive APP serum amyloid A (SAA), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), ceruloplasmin (Cp), and ovotransferrin (Ovt) have changed as a result of selection for improved production and growth characteristics over the last 40 yr two historical broilers lines were compared to a modern line of the same lineage. Serum was harvested from blood samples taken from the 3 broiler lines on days 10, 17, and 20, and the APP concentrations were determined using immunoassay methods. Most of the significant changes observed were age related, with SAA and Cp having significantly lower concentrations at day 20 than days 10 and 17 in all lines. The only significant difference between lines was observed at day 20 on which both Cp (P = 0.01) and AGP (P = 0.03) were significantly higher in the modern line than the 90s line, though no significant differences were noted between the modern and 70s line. When evaluating the difference in APP concentrations between males (Cx) and females (Px) across all 3 lines, females had a higher SAA at day 17 and lower SAA at day 20, P = 0.0078 and 0.0327 respectively, and males had a significantly higher Ovt on days 17 and 20 (P = 0.0002 and P = 0.003 respectively). These results reveal that APP concentrations fluctuate over this early period of growth and that the changes in APP serum concentration appear uniform between 3 lines with very contrasting selection history, suggesting the improvements made in meat production efficiency since the 1970s have not affected the circulating concentrations of these constitutively expressed APP

    Evidence for changes in the radiative efficiency of transient black hole X-ray binaries

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    We have used pointed RXTE data to examine the long-term X-ray light curves of six transient black hole X-ray binaries during their decay from outburst to quiescence. In most cases there is a period of exponential decay as the source approaches the soft-to-hard state transition, and another period of exponential decay following this transition as the source decays in the hard state. The e-folding times change around the time of the state transition, from typically approx 12 days at the end of the soft state to approx 7 days at the beginning of the hard state. This factor ~2 change in the decay timescale is expected if there is a change from radiatively efficient emission in the soft state to radiatively inefficient emission in the hard state, overlying an exponential decay in the mass accretion rate. This adds support to the idea that the X-ray emitting region is governed by radiatively inefficient accretion (such as an advection-dominated or jet-dominated accretion flow) during the fading hard state.Comment: 9 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, minor changes following proo

    Back to Back Theatreā€™s ā€˜Ganesh versus the Third Reichā€™: Politics, representation and response

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    This panel considers the work of the Australian contemporary performance company Back to Back Theatre within the context of the conference theme of ā€˜cultural articulationsā€™. We will address the ways in which religious objections to Ganesh versus the Third Reich were entwined with questions about the economic impact of these objections in attempts to censor and control the work. Helena Grehanā€™s paper will analyse the production Ganesh versus the Third Reich in terms of the ethical, political and social questions the work engenders. Peter Eckersallā€™s 'Theatre Love' The paper considers some of the possible ways that reading Back to Backā€™s theatre might respond to the current wave of a politics where opposition is an end in itself, whereas the idea of ā€˜taking sidesā€™ requires a radical appreciation of the other. The third element is a roundtable discussion/interview with Bruce Gladwin (Director of Back to Back Theatre) and Alice Nash (Executive Producer Back to Back Theatre

    Review: Proteomic approaches to control lactational parameters in dairy cows

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    The use of a proteomic approach to investigate changes in the milk proteome is growing and has parralleled the increasing technological developments in proteomics moving from early investigation using a gel-based two-dimensional separation approach to more quantitative method of current focus applying chromatography and mass spectrometry. Proteomic approaches to investigate lactational performance have made substantial findings especially in the alterations in lactation during mastitis. An experimental model of Streptococcus uberis infection of the mammary gland has been used as a means to determine change not only in the milk proteome, but also in the peptidome and in the metabolome caused by the infection. Examination of the peptidome, that is the peptides of less than 25 kDa in molecular weight, demonstrated an increase in small peptides most of which were casein degradation products but also included small bioactive peptides such as mammary-associated serum amyloid A3 (MSAA3). The peptidome has also been shown to differ depending on the causative bacteria of naturally occuring mastitis. The use of a non-gel-based relative quantitative proteomic methodology has revealed major changes in the protein component of milk in mastitis. The S. uberis infection lead to increases in the concentrations of proteins such as cathelicidins, haptoglobin, MSAA3 and decreases milk content of proteins such as xanthine oxidase, butyrophilin and Ī²-1,4-galactosyltransferase. Analysis of all protein change data identified the acute phase, coagulation and complement pathways as well as proteins related to bile acid metabolism as being most modified. Examination of the small molecular weight organic molecules of milk using a metabolomic approach identified an increase in the content in milk during mastitis of bile acids such as taurochenodeoxycholic acid. Notable changes were also found in metabolites responding to infection of the mammary gland. Carbohydrate and nucleic acid metabolites were reduced, whereas lipid and nitrogen containing metabolites were increased. The latter included increases in amino acids along with di and tri peptides, likely to be the result of casein degradation. The use of proteomics and other omic technology is in its infancy in investigation of lactational parameters, but can already provide additional insight into the changes involved in disease and will have further value in physiological and nutritional investigation of lactation

    Early post parturient changes in milk acute phase proteins

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    The periparturient period is one of the most critical periods in the productive life of a dairy cow, and is the period when dairy cows are most susceptible to developing new intramammary infections (IMI) leading to mastitis. Acute phase proteins (APP) such as haptoglobin (Hp), mammary associated serum amyloid A3 (M-SAA3) and C-reactive protein (CRP) have been detected in milk during mastitis but their presence in colostrum and milk in the immediate postpartum period has had limited investigation. The hypothesis was tested that APP are a constituent of colostrum and milk during this period. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were used to determine each APPā€™s concentration in colostrum and milk collected daily from the first to tenth day following calving in 22 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Haptoglobin was assessed in individual quarters and composite milk samples while M-SAA3 and CRP concentration were determined in composite milk samples. Change in Hp in relation to the high abundance proteins during the transition from colostrum to milk were evaluated by 1 and 2 dimension electrophoresis and western blot. In 80% of the cows all APPs were detected in colostrum on the first day following parturition at moderately high levels but gradually decreased to minimal values in the milk by the 6th day after calving. The remaining cows (20%) showed different patterns in the daily milk APP concentrations and when an elevated level is detected could reflect the presence of IMI. Demonstration that APP are present in colostrum and milk following parturition but fall to low levels within 4 days means that elevated APP after this time could be biomarkers of post parturient mastitis allowing early intervention to reduce disease on dairy farms

    Identification of serum biomarkers in dogs naturally infected with <i>Babesia canis canis</i> using a proteomic approach

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    &lt;b&gt;Background&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease that is caused by the haemoprotozoan parasites of the genus Babesia. There are limited data on serum proteomics in dogs, and none of the effect of babesiosis on the serum proteome. The aim of this study was to identify the potential serum biomarkers of babesiosis using proteomic techniques in order to increase our understanding about disease pathogenesis.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Serum samples were collected from 25 dogs of various breeds and sex with naturally occurring babesiosis caused by B. canis canis. Blood was collected on the day of admission (day 0), and subsequently on the 1st and 6th day of treatment.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) of pooled serum samples of dogs with naturally occurring babesiosis (day 0, day 1 and day 6) and healthy dogs were run in triplicate. 2DE image analysis showed 64 differentially expressed spots with pā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰0.05 and 49 spots with fold change ā‰„2. Six selected spots were excised manually and subjected to trypsin digest prior to identification by electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry on an Amazon ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Mass spectrometry data was processed using Data Analysis software and the automated Matrix Science Mascot Daemon server. Protein identifications were assigned using the Mascot search engine to interrogate protein sequences in the NCBI Genbank database.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; A number of differentially expressed serum proteins involved in inflammation mediated acute phase response, complement and coagulation cascades, apolipoproteins and vitamin D metabolism pathway were identified in dogs with babesiosis.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Conclusions&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Our findings confirmed two dominant pathogenic mechanisms of babesiosis, haemolysis and acute phase response. These results may provide possible serum biomarker candidates for clinical monitoring of babesiosis and this study could serve as the basis for further proteomic investigations in canine babesiosis

    Acute phase protein levels in dogs with mast cell tumours and sarcomas

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Context:&lt;/b&gt; The acute phase protein response is part of a non-specific and complex host response to inflammation. It occurs shortly after tissue injury and may be induced by a range of different causes, including infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, traumatic or immunological disease. Although it was conventionally believed that APPs were exclusively hepatocyte derived, there is increasing evidence to support extra-hepatic generation in neoplastic and other disease states. In people, C-reactive protein (CRP) has been shown to be of value in identifying metastatic disease from primary renal tumours as well as showing promise for monitoring rejection of renal transplants. Serum CRP correlates with survival in colorectal cancer and oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma while serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations correlate with cancer activity, stage and prognosis in gastric tumours. Recent immunohistochemical studies in people with oesophageal carcinoma suggest that tumour tissue may itself elaborate APP with a poorer survival and outcome associated with tumours elaborating higher levels of CRP. A similar association has been seen between alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) and colorectal tumours and ovarian carcinoma.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;As yet, studies regarding APP values in neoplastic conditions in dogs are limited, and many are non-specific. In veterinary patients, elevated levels of AGP have been identified in dogs with a range of tumours with localisation to liver and splenic tissue in one study. Another study found higher levels of AGP in dogs with non-specific tumours of grade III-IV based on the WHO Tumour Node Metastasis (TNM) scale and elevated serum AGP has been documented in non-specific tumour-bearing cats. Elevated CRP levels have been documented in both dogs and cats with lymphoma and serum CRP may be used as an indicator of complete remission status in dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Elevated levels of CRP, Haptoglobin (Hp) and SAA have been identified in dogs with mammary tumours, with significant increases over normal in the presence of metastatic disease, primary tumours greater than 5cm in diameter and those with ulceration.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;In this study we evaluated an APP profile using four APPs (CRP, Hp, SAA and AGP), in dogs with mast cell tumours (MCTs) and sarcomas to assess whether the APP profile would change in reflection of tumour presence; whether the extent of any change would correlate with tumour grade; and whether the changes would differ with tumour type.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Approach:&lt;/b&gt; Patients with naturally occurring MCTs and sarcomas presenting for staging and treatment were included if they met the study criteria. Criteria for inclusion were that the patient was not currently being treated with steroids, did not have a recent history of infectious or inflammatory disease other than the tumour, a definitive histological diagnosis was available and a full staging procedure was completed prior to surgery using standard oncological protocols to identify metastatic disease where present. Following surgical resection each tumour was submitted for full histological evaluation and grading to include assessment of the margins of excision. Cases were only enrolled in the study if blood sampling formed part of the clinical investigation and/or treatment, and where residual blood was available after diagnostic sampling which would otherwise have been disposed of as clinical waste. In brief, the CRP levels were determined by immunoturbidometric assay and Hp by means of haemoglobin binding capacity assay. SAA was measured with a commercial canine ELISA kit (TriDelta Development, Dublin, Ireland) and AGP was measured with a commercial radial immunodiffusion assay (J-Path Inc, Tokyo, Japan).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; All comparisons using continuous data were checked for normality and equality of variances and appropriate statistical tests were employed (studentā€™s t test operationalised as a two-sample Welchā€™s test for samples of unequal sizes and variances, Mann-Whitney, Chi-square and Fishers exact tests as appropriate). In MCTs, the CRP and AGP were elevated above reference ranges, Hp showed no significant change and SAA dropped relative to the reference range. In sarcoma patients CRP, Hp and AGP were all elevated above reference ranges. None of the tumour grade differences were significant apart from SAA in sarcoma patients where values in grade 2 sarcoma were significantly higher than those in grade 1.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Interpretation and notes of caution:&lt;/b&gt; The numbers in our groups were small which compromises the validity of statistical evaluation so our results must be interpreted with caution. However some interesting relationships have emerged from the initial evaluation which suggests that APP profiles may have potential for screening in patients with neoplastic disease. For patients with MCTs, CRP and AGP levels would be expected to increase, with a concurrent drop in SAA levels. In sarcoma patients CRP, AGP and Hp can all be expected to increase. These initial results need to be evaluated in larger numbers of cases with naturally occurring disease to validate the findings, to assess whether the presence and extent of metastatic disease has a significant effect, and also to confirm whether the values alter after surgical resection of the primary tumour.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Significance of findings:&lt;/b&gt; If there are consistent and specific changes in APP profiles associated with different tumour types in dogs, as is the case with a wide range of cancers in humans, then there may be potential for APP profiles on routine blood samples to be used as indicators of disease, or where monitoring for recurrence. Whether they could also have potential for assessment of the presence of metastatic disease and prognosis as in people is unknown as yet.&lt;/p&gt

    Effect of pre-analytical treatments on bovine milk acute phase proteins

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    Background Samples for diagnostic procedures often require some form of pre-analytical preparation for preservation or safe handling during transportation prior to analysis in the laboratory. This is particularly important for milk samples which frequently need preservatives to retain milk composition as close to that found in freshly collected samples as possible. Methods Milk samples were treated by heating at 56Ā Ā°C for 30Ā min or preserved by addition of either potassium dichromate or bronopol respectively. Haptoglobin (Hp), mammary associated serum amyloid A3 (M-SAA3) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in the various treatment groups and in control samples which were not treated, using enzyme linked immunoassays. The concentrations of each APP were compared between treated and non-treated groups using the Wilcoxon signed ranks tests. Results Heat treatment of samples was found to have a significant lowering effect on milk M-SAA3 and CRP but not Hp. The use of potassium dichromate and bronopol as preservatives in milk had no significant effects on milk Hp and M-SAA3 concentration but lowered milk CRP values compared to controls. Conclusions The observed effects of heating and preservative use on milk APP should be taken into consideration when assaying samples which have undergone heat treatment as a result of international transfer regulations involving biological samples or samples needing chemical preservation prior to transport to laboratory

    Genetic variation among lambs in peripheral IgE activity against the larval stages of <i>Teladorsagia circumcincta</i>

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    IgA and IgE activity against Teladorsagia circumcincta was investigated in a flock of Texel lambs following natural, mixed nematode infection among lambs. The distribution of IgA activity was similar to a gamma distribution whereas IgE activity was different. Box-Cox analysis demonstrated that X0.25 was a suitable transformation to normalise IgE responses. The transformed IgE activity was under moderate to strong genetic control. Nine different allergens were identified by proteomic analysis. Tropomyosin was selected for further analysis. IgE activity against tropomyosin was moderately heritable and associated with decreased egg counts and with reduced body weight at the time of sampling

    Pilot study into milk haptoglobin as an indicator of udder health in heifers after calving

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    Mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland, is often caused by intramammary infection with bacterial organisms. It impacts on dairy cattle welfare, production, udder health and longevity in the herd. Current detection methods for mammary inflammation and infection all have limitations, particularly for on-farm diagnosis of non-clinical mastitis after calving. Acute phase proteins have been suggested as alternative early indicators of the disease and can potentially be used as cow-side test with results in real time. In this study, milk haptoglobin concentrations were investigated over the first week postpartum to explore haptoglobin's potential as indicator of udder health in dairy heifers. Haptoglobin concentration was highest on day 3 of lactation, and was positively correlated with somatic cell count, a commonly used marker of inflammation (rs=0.68). Haptoglobin level was also associated with bacteriological culture results, a key indicator of infection status, whereby median haptoglobin concentration on days 3 and 5 was higher in quarters that were infected at calving than quarters that were non infected at calving. Sensitivity and specificity of haptoglobin concentration as indicator of infection were low, both for lenient and strict culture-based definitions of intramammary infection (57 or 60% and 61 or 63%, respectively). Although haptoglobin was a poor biomarker for intramammary infection with coagulase negative staphylococci in heifers during the first week after calving, it may have value as an indicator of major pathogen infections, particularly in large scale dairy herds where pre-partum heifers are managed off-site
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