954 research outputs found

    A system concept for wide swath constant incident angle coverage

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    Multiple beam approach readily overcomes radar ambiguity constraints associated with orbital systems and therefore permits imagery over swaths much wider than 100 kilometers. Furthermore, the antenna technique permits imagery at nearly constant incident angles. When frequency scanning is employed, the center angle may be programmed. The redundant use of the antenna aperture during reception results in lower transmitted power and in shorter antenna lengths in comparison to conventional designs. Compatibility of the approach with passive imagery is also considered

    Determination of rain rate from a spaceborne radar using measurements of total attenuation

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    Studies shows that path-integrated rain rates can be determined by means of a direct measurement of attenuation. For ground based radars this is done by measuring the backscattering cross section of a fixed target in the presence and absence of rain along the radar beam. A ratio of the two measurements yields a factor proportional to the attenuation from which the average rain rate is deduced. The technique is extended to spaceborne radars by choosing the ground as reference target. The technique is also generalized so that both the average and range-profiled rain rates are determined. The accuracies of the resulting estimates are evaluated for a narrow beam radar located on a low earth orbiting satellite

    Coordination procedure for radio relay and communication satellite services

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    A global rain rate statistic model is used to link microwave propagation statistics to measurable rain statistics in order to develop international telecommunication site criteria for radio relay and communication satellite services that minimize interference between receivers and transmitters. This rain coordination procedure utilizes a rain storm cell size, a statistical description of the rainfall rate within the cell valid for most of the earth's surface, approximations between Raleigh scatter and constancy of precipitation with altitude, and an analytic relation between radar reflectivity and rain rate

    Chimborazo: The Confederacy\u27s Largest Hospital

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    Curing Confederates A study of the South\u27s efforts off the battlefield Carol C. Green quotes Jefferson Davis on page 143 of her book, The only department [of the Confederate Government] that was not demoralized was the Hospital Department that was well in hand and doing efficient...

    The outlook for precipitation measurements from space

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    To provide useful precipitation measurements from space, two requirements must be met: adequate spatial and temporal sampling of the storm and sufficient accuracy in the estimate of precipitation intensity. Although presently no single instrument or method completely satisfies both requirements, the visible/IR, microwave radiometer and radar methods can be used in a complementary manner. Visible/IR instruments provide good temporal sampling and rain area depiction, but recourse must be made to microwave measurements for quantitative rainfall estimates. The inadequacy of microwave radiometer measurements over land suggests, in turn, the use of radar. Several recently developed attenuating-wavelength radar methods are discussed in terms of their accuracy, dynamic range and system implementation. Traditionally, the requirements of high resolution and adequate dynamic range led to fairly costly and complex radar systems. Some simplications and cost reduction can be made; however, by using K-band wavelengths which have the advantages of greater sensitivity at the low rain rates and higher resolution capabilities. Several recently proposed methods of this kind are reviewed in terms of accuracy and system implementation. Finally, an adaptive-pointing multi-sensor instrument is described that would exploit certain advantages of the IR, radiometric and radar methods

    Ogiltigförklaring av aktieteckning - Möjligheten att ogiltigförklara en aktieteckning med Äberopande av allmÀnna avtalsrÀttsliga ogiltighetsgrunder

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    A shareholder has no personal liability for the obligations of the limited company. The creditors of the company have only the company assets as a collateral for their claims against the company. Therefor, it is important that capital is contributed to the company when it is founded and that the capital stays in the company during the activity, and this to protect the creditors. Owing to this, referring to general contract law cannot annul an application for shares. If there would be possible for a misled subscriber to annul an application for shares, it is considered in jurisprudence that such annulment would lead to detriment for the creditors. This is due to the company’s share capital, which would decrease because of the annulment, and the share capital is considered to be an important protection for the creditors. A misled subscriber is therefore not considered to have the possibility to annul an application for shares with reference to general contract law. This was established by the Supreme Court in NJA 1918 p. 398 and the justifications for this have been subsequently discussed in the doctrine. A subscriber of shares has however the opportunity to pursue an action for damages against the members of the company who made the misleading action. In this paper the motives for why a misled subscriber should have no right to reference to general contract law to annual an application for shares are questioned and if it really is considered so obvious that the interest of the creditors should go before the interest of the investors. Further, it is questioned whether the creditors are protected in the way that is asserted in jurisprudence, which is considered to justify that an application for shares cannot be annulled. The conclusion is that the justifications underlying the current law is questionable how they are considered tenable to assert that a subscriber of shares not have the possibility to annul an application for shares with reference to general contract law.En aktieĂ€gare har inget personligt betalningsansvar för aktiebolagets förpliktelser. Bolagets borgenĂ€rer har sĂ„ledes endast bolagsförmögenheten som sĂ€kerhet för sina fordringar pĂ„ bolaget. PĂ„ grund av detta Ă€r det viktigt att en sĂ„dan förmögenhet tillförs bolaget dĂ„ det bildas och att denna förmögenhet sedan stannar kvar i bolaget under verksamhetens gĂ„ng, detta för att skydda borgenĂ€rerna. Det Ă€r mot bakgrund av detta som en aktieteckning inte anses kunna ogiltigförklaras med Ă„beropande av allmĂ€nna avtalsrĂ€ttsliga ogiltighetsgrunder. Om det skulle finnas möjlighet för en svikligen förledd aktietecknare att ogiltigförklara en aktieteckning anses det inom doktrinen att en sĂ„dan ogiltigförklaring skulle leda till förfĂ„ng för borgenĂ€rerna. Detta pĂ„ grund av att bolagets aktiekapital skulle minska i och med ogiltigförklaringen och aktiekapitalet anses utgöra ett betydande borgenĂ€rsskydd. En svikligen förledd aktietecknare anses sĂ„ledes inte ha nĂ„gon möjlighet att vĂ€nda sig till bolaget och med Ă„beropande av allmĂ€nna avtalsrĂ€ttsliga ogiltighetsgrunder fĂ„ en aktieteckning ogiltigförklarad. Detta fastslogs av HD i NJA 1918 s. 398 och motiveringarna till detta har dĂ€refter diskuterats i doktrinen. Aktietecknaren har dock fortfarande möjlighet att föra en skadestĂ„ndstalan mot de ledamöter i bolaget som företog den svikliga handlingen. I denna uppsats ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts motiveringarna till varför en vilseledd aktietecknare inte ska ha möjlighet att Ă„beropa avtalsrĂ€ttsliga ogiltighetsgrunder för att fĂ„ en aktieteckning ogiltigförklara och om det verkligen ska anses sĂ„ sjĂ€lvklart att borgenĂ€rsintresset ska gĂ„ före investerarintresset. Vidare ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts om borgenĂ€rerna verkligen skyddas pĂ„ det sĂ€tt som görs gĂ€llande inom doktrinen och som anses motivera att en ogiltigförklaring inte ska kunna ske. Slutsatsen Ă€r att de motiveringar som ligger till grund för gĂ€llande rĂ€tt kan ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttas huruvida de anses hĂ„llbara för att en aktietecknare inte ska ha nĂ„gon möjlighet att ogiltigförklara en aktieteckning mot bolaget med Ă„beropande av allmĂ€nna avtalsrĂ€ttsliga regler

    GSFC short pulse radar, JONSWAP-75

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    In September 1975, the Goddard Space Flight Center operated a short pulse radar during ocean wave measuring experiments off the coast of West Germany in the North Sea. The experiment was part of JONSWAP-75. The radar system and operations during the experiment are described along with examples of data

    Assessment of the science programs in the elementary schools of Area Six

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    A new generation of scientifically literate citizens is needed to cope with a future characterized by rapid change and a complex set of technical and ethical questions. Accordingly, it is recommended that all students receive an appropriate education in science to develop the intellectual skills that are basic to critical observation problem resolution, decision-making and valuing. The elementary science student of today lives in a science-oriented culture. He/she needs a science curriculum designed to be adequate in concept and purpose to face his future in the scientific-technological-industrial society. The goals of the elementary science curriculum must keep pace with the rapid change in science and its application in technology. The organization and sequencing of the curriculum must aid a student to sense structure in order to acquire appropriate learnings. This would support Piaget\u27s findings that understandings by students result from interaction of a new experience with his recollection of previous ones
