393 research outputs found

    Zur sozialen Praxis der Berufsbildungspolitik: Theoretische Schlüsse aus der Rekonstruktion der Entwicklung des Deutschen Qualifikationsrahmens

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    Sind Abschlüsse in Berufsbildung, Allgemeinbildung und Hochschulbildung vergleichbar? Ist die Chancengleichheit in der Bildung Realität? Die Untersuchung analysiert die Arbeit, die Ziele, die Kompromisse und die Interessen der Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen (AK DQR). Ausgehend von der gesellschaftspolitischen Bedeutung der Berufsbildung untersucht der Autor den DQR-Prozess als soziales Phänomen. Auf der Basis leitfadengestützter Interviews zeichnet er einen Aushandlungsprozess mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen nach, der von der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen wurde. Im Zentrum der Forschungsarbeit stehen der Entstehungsprozess von Berufsbildungspolitik und das Ringen um die Bedeutung der gefundenen Kompromisse. Die Rekonstruktion der DQR-Arbeit macht sichtbar, wie soziale Ungleichheit in Bildungsabschlüssen durch die Zuweisungsfunktionen des Bildungssystems politisch verarbeitet wird. Das Ergebnis zeigt, wie sich politisches Selbstverständnis schrittweise verändert und neuen gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen Rechnung trägt, wie z. B. der Frage nach der Integration benachteiligter Personen in den Arbeitsmarkt.Are degrees in vocational training, general education, and higher education comparable? Are equal opportunities a reality in education? The study analyses the work, time, compromises, and interests of the members of the German Qualification Framework (AK DQR). Based on the socio-political meaning of vocational training, the author examines the DQR process as a social phenomenon. He uses structured interviews to display a negotiation process that has hardly been recognised by the public but entailed far-reaching implications. The formation process of vocational training policies as well as the meaning of the reached compromises constitutes the centre of the conducted research. The reconstruction of the DQR work indicates how the allocation mechanisms of the German education system process the social inequality in educational qualifications politically. The result explains how political self-understanding changes gradually and takes account of new social requirements, e.g. the task of giving disadvantaged persons access to the labour market

    Bindungswirksamkeit von Personalrekruitierungsmaßnahmen von High Potentials in der Automobilindustrie - Bestandsaufnahme und theoretische Weiterentwicklung

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    The growing shortage of high potentials on the labor market is becoming a major strategic task for companies in the automotive industry. Employees with competitive knowledge are an important factor for success and only those companies will be successful that can attract and retain high potentials long-term. The central thesis is that through a targeted design of recruiting tools, a lasting impact on employee retention can be achieved. It is shown by analysis of social science theories, research findings and an empirical study conducted with 53 automotive companies how and to what extent a decisive contribution can be made to retain high potentials by designing these early stages of the employee cycle

    Establishment of a minor groove binder-probe based quantitative real time PCR to detect Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and differentiation of Borrelia spielmanii by ospA-specific conventional PCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Borrelia burgdorferi </it>sensu lato (sl), the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, is transmitted by ticks of the genus <it>Ixodes </it>as vector. For identification of <it>Borrelia </it>infections in ticks a TaqMan™ minor groove binder (MGB) probe-based quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) was established targeting the 5S-23S intergenic spacer. Extension to a duplex qPCR included an <it>Ixodes </it>spp. positive control to verify successful DNA isolation. Besides qPCR, an <it>osp</it>A-specific conventional PCR for species-specific identification of <it>B. spielmanii </it>was established. Afterwards 1000 <it>I. ricinus </it>flagged in the city of Hanover, Germany, were investigated for <it>B. burgdorferi </it>sl infections followed by species identification. Furthermore, <it>I. hexagonus </it>ticks were investigated to proof applicability of the PCRs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) identifying <it>B. burgdorferi </it>sl in ticks was able to detect 1-10 copies per reaction. <it>B. spielmanii osp</it>A-specific conventional PCR was also highly specific and showed no cross reactions with the other tested <it>Borrelia </it>species. From 1000 hanoveranian ticks 24.3% were positive compared to only 7.4% positives by dark-field microscopy. Related to tick stage 1.7% larvae, 18.1% nymphs, and 34.6% adults were positive. The most frequent species was <it>B. garinii</it>, followed by <it>B. afzelii</it>, <it>B. spielmanii</it>, <it>B. valaisiana </it>and <it>B. burgdorferi </it>sensu stricto (ss). 70.6% of <it>I. ricinus </it>were mono-infected, whereas 28.0% and 1.4% were infected with two and three <it>Borrelia </it>species, respectively. From 232 <it>I. hexagonus </it>collected from hedgehogs in different sites of Germany, qPCR detected 5.7% to be infected with <it>B. burgdorferi </it>sl, which were identified as <it>B. afzelii</it>, <it>B. garinii </it>and <it>B. spielmanii</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The evaluated qPCR to detect <it>B. burgdorferi </it>sl in <it>Ixodes </it>spp. is highly specific and sensitive. As a duplex qPCR including detection of <it>Ixodes </it>spp. DNA it is the first DNA based technique incorporating a control for successful DNA isolation from the vector tick. Establishment of a <it>B. spielmanii </it>specific conventional PCR filled the gap in PCR identification of principal European <it>Borrelia </it>genospecies. Practical application showed that all European pathogenic <it>Borrelia </it>spp. were present in <it>I. ricinus </it>flagged in recreational areas of the city of Hanover and confirmed <it>I. hexagonus </it>as reservoir for pathogenic <it>Borrelia </it>spp.</p

    Stand up Paddle Surfing-An Aerobic Workout and Balance Training

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    AbstractOriginating from an ancient Hawaiian tradition Stand Up Paddle Surfing (SUP) is a growing pastime and sports activity in which a person stands upright on a surfboard and propels it using a single paddle. During paddling the board constantly is in an unstable condition forcing paddlers to focus on keeping balance and simultaneously propelling the board by paddling. Therefore it is expected that SUP can be a high impact aerobic workout and balance training. A total of 68 subjects performed on-water and SUP ergometer trials, during ergometer trials heart rate (HR) was permanently measured and balance was assessed before and after all trials (ergometer and on-water) using a single leg hop test on a Win Pod electronic baropedometric platform. Results of the balance tests - though for a relatively small number of participants - showed that after ergometer trials a significant improvement in stability occurred whereas it was only significant for the right foot's anteroposterior movement after on-water trials. The result of the exercise-test illustrated that the HR of beginners stays in the aerobic zone which makes SUP suitable for endurance training

    Zensus 2011: erste Ergebnisse der Volks-, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung

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    Automated high-throughput measurement of body movements and cardiac activity of Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles

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    Xenopus tadpoles are an emerging model for developmental, genetic and behavioral studies. A small size, optical accessibility of most of their organs, together with a close genetic and structural relationship to humans make them a convenient experimental model. However, there is only a limited toolset available to measure behavior and organ function of these animals at medium or high-throughput. Herein, we describe an imaging-based platform to quantify body and autonomic movements of Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles of advanced developmental stages. Animals alternate periods of quiescence and locomotor movements and display buccal pumping for oxygen uptake from water and rhythmic cardiac movements. We imaged up to 24 animals in parallel and automatically tracked and quantified their movements by using image analysis software. Animal trajectories, moved distances, activity time, buccal pumping rates and heart beat rates were calculated and used to characterize the effects of test compounds. We evaluated the effects of propranolol and atropine, observing a dose-dependent bradycardia and tachycardia, respectively. This imaging and analysis platform is a simple, cost-effective high-throughput in vivo assay system for genetic, toxicological or pharmacological characterizations