12 research outputs found

    Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Cognitive Deficits Are Mediated by NADPH Oxidase Activity in a Murine Model of Sleep Apnea

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    Background: In rodents, exposure to intermittent hypoxia (IH), a hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is associated with neurobehavioral impairments, increased apoptosis in the hippocampus and cortex, as well as increased oxidant stress and inflammation. Excessive NADPH oxidase activity may play a role in IH-induced CNS dysfunction. Methods and Findings: The effect of IH during light period on two forms of spatial learning in the water maze and well as markers of oxidative stress was assessed in mice lacking NADPH oxidase activity (gp91phox _/Y) and wild-type littermates. On a standard place training task, gp91phox _/Y displayed normal learning, and were protected from the spatial learning deficits observed in wild-type littermates exposed to IH. Moreover, anxiety levels were increased in wild-type mice exposed to IH as compared to room air (RA) controls, while no changes emerged in gp91phox _/Y mice. Additionally, wild-type mice, but not gp91phox _/Y mice had significantly elevated levels of NADPH oxidase expression and activity, as well as MDA and 8-OHDG in cortical and hippocampal lysates following IH exposures. Conclusions: The oxidative stress responses and neurobehavioral impairments induced by IH during sleep are mediated, at least in part, by excessive NADPH oxidase activity, and thus pharmacological agents targeting NADPH oxidase may provid

    Behavioral Modifications Related to Consumption of a “Soft” Adaptogen, Bee Honey, by Rats

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    Modifications of neurobehavioral activities related to single episodes of consumption of different doses of bee honey were examined in rats under conditions of the hole-board (HB) test (to evaluate the level of anxiety) and open-field (OF) test (where the intensities of locomotion, rearing, and grooming were measured). Animals of all subgroups had free access to normal saline, while rats of the three experimental subgroups consumed bee honey in the doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g per 1 kg body mass (in the form of 10, 20, and 40% solutions, respectively). Among the doses tested, only higher ones induced considerable c hanges in the behavioral indices. The highest dose (2.0 g/kg) provided a more than twofold increase in the number of examined holes in the HB test; in the OF test, it also increased the numbers of crossed squares, rearings and grooming episodes by 30, 37, and 164%, respectively. Thus, our experiments demonstrated rather significant ability of the natural product tested to relieve anxiety and intensify motor, research/orientational, and grooming aspects of behavior even upon single acts of consumption. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the behavioral modifications observed are discussed.Модифікації нейроповедінкової активності, пов’язані з поодинокими епізодами споживання бджолиного меду в різних дозах, були вивчені у щурів в умовах норкового тесту (визначення рівня тривожності) і тесту відкритого поля (вимірювання кількості епізодів локомоції, вертикальних стійок і грумінгу). Тварини контрольних підгруп мали вільний доступ до фізіологічного розчину, тоді як щури трьох експериментальних підгруп споживали мед у дозах 0.5, 0.1 та 2.0 г з розрахунку на 1 кг маси тіла (у вигляді 10, 20 й 40 %-вого розчинів відповідно). Значні зміни поведінкових показників виникали тільки при вищих тестованих дозах. Максимальна доза (2.0 г/кг) зумовлювала більше ніж дворазове збільшення кількості досліджених отворів у норковому тесті; в умовах тесту відкритого поля при такій дозі також збільшувалася кількість пересічень щурами квадратів, вертикальних стійок та епізодів грумінгу відповідно на 30, 37 і 164 %. Отже, результати наших експериментів показали, що тестований натуральний продукт (бджолиний мед) виявляє значну здатність знижувати рівень тривожності та посилювати моторні, дослідницькі/орієнтаційні та грумінгові аспекти поведінки навіть у разі поодиноких актів його споживання. Обговорюються можливі нейрофізіологічні механізми, що лежать в основі поведінкових модифікацій, спостережуваних в експерименті

    Comorbidities, medications and depressive symptoms in patients with restless legs syndrome and migraine Comorbidades, medicações e sintomas depressivos em pacientes com síndrome das pernas inquietas e enxaqueca

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    OBJECTIVE: The pathophysiology of migraine and restless legs syndrome (RLS) seems to involve inherited mechanism and dysfunction of the dopaminergic system. Previous articles have shown that the frequency of RLS is higher in migraine patients than in controls. We conducted a study to evaluate comorbidities, medication used and depressive symptoms that can explain the relation between migraine and RLS. METHODS: A case-control study was performed in which patients with migraine (n=72) and a control group without migraine (n=72) were interviewed. Data including RLS diagnosis, depressive symptoms, comorbidities and drugs used were evaluated. RESULTS: There was a significant association between migraine and RLS (p=0.01), but comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, anemia and drugs used did not explain this association. Depression scores, as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory, were higher in migraine patients with RLS (p =0.04). CONCLUSION: No specific factors explaining the association between migraine and RLS were found. Symptoms of depression were more frequent in patients with migraine and RLS.<br>OBJETIVO: A fisiopatologia da enxaqueca e da síndrome das pernas inquietas (SPI) parece envolver mecanismos genéticos e disfunção do sistema dopaminérgico. Artigos anteriores mostraram que a frequência de SPI em pacientes com enxaqueca é maior do que nos controles. Desenvolvemos um estudo para avaliar comorbidades, medicamentos utilizados e sintomas depressivos em pacientes com migrânea e SPI. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso-controle. Foram entrevistados pacientes com enxaqueca (n=72) e sujeitos de um grupo controle (n=72). Foram avaliados dados incluindo diagnóstico de SPI, sintomas depressivos, comorbidades e medicamentos usados. RESULTADOS: Houve associação significativa entre enxaqueca e SPI (p=0,01). Comorbidades como diabetes, hipertensão, anemia ou drogas utilizadas não explicam esta associação. Escores de depressão, medidos pelo Inventário de Beck, foram mais altos em pacientes com enxaqueca e SPI (p=0,04). CONCLUSÃO: Não foram encontrados fatores específicos que explicam a associação entre enxaqueca e SPI. Sintomas de depressão foram mais frequentes em pacientes com enxaqueca e SPI

    Clinical correlates of the restless legs syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical correlates of the restless legs syndrome (RLS) in a Brazilian sleep disorders center. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 118 patients with RLS from January, 2004, to December, 2010. The analyzed variables were: age at disease onset, gender, race, years of school instruction, primary and secondary RLS, and treatment options. RESULTS: Among the studied patients, 83.9% were women with a female/male sex ratio of 5:1. Mean age of the patients at symptom onset ± standard deviation was 41.7±17.9 years-old. The primary RLS was found in 85% of patients. The other 15% remainders consisted of secondary forms, and they were associated with neuropathy, iron deficiency anemia, end-stage renal disease, or Parkinson's disease. Drug therapy for RLS was introduced in 67% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients presented primary RLS with an early disease onset. Further epidemiological studies are welcomed to provide better information on secondary RLS in Brazil