38 research outputs found

    Coherent control of an effective two-level system in a non-Markovian biomolecular environment

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    We investigate the quantum coherent dynamics of an externally driven effective two-level system subjected to a slow Ohmic environment characteristic of biomolecular protein-solvent reservoirs in photosynthetic light harvesting complexes. By means of the numerically exact quasi adiabatic propagator path integral (QUAPI) method we are able to include non-Markovian features of the environment and show the dependence of the quantum coherence on the characteristic bath cut-off frequency omega_c as well as on the driving frequency omega_l and the field amplitude A. Our calculations extend from the weak coupling regime to the incoherent strong coupling regime. In the latter case, we find evidence for a resonant behaviour, beyond the expected behaviour, when the reorganization energy E_r coincides with the driving frequency. Moreover, we investigate how the coherent destruction of tunneling within the two-level system is influenced by the non-Markovian environment.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, minor modifications, published versio

    Co-expression patterns of cancer associated fibroblast markers reveal distinct subgroups related to patient survival in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: The incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is rapidly increasing in high income countries due to its association with persistent high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. Recent scientific advances have highlighted the importance of the tumor microenvironment in OPSCC. In this study, including 216 OPSCC patients, we analyze the composition of four established markers of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in the context of intratumoral CD8 T-cell infiltration.Methods: Immunohistochemical staining for fibroblast activation protein (FAP), platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRb), periostin, alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and CD8 were analyzed digitally and their association with survival, tumor- and patient characteristics was assessed.Results: Co-expression of CAF markers was frequent but not associated with HPV status. FAPhigh and PDGFRbhigh expression were associated with increased CD8 T-cell infiltration. Low expression of PDGFRb improved patient survival in female patients but not in male patients. We identified PDGFRblow periostinlow α-SMAlow status as an independent predictor of improved survival (hazard ratio 0.377, p = 0.006).Conclusion: These findings elucidate the co-expression of four established CAF markers in OPSCC and underscore their association with T-cell infiltration and patient survival. Future analyses of CAF subgroups in OPSCC may enable the development of individualized therapies

    A Dissection of Trading Capital: Trade in the Aftermath of the Fall of the Iron Curtain

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    Abstract We study trade in Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and show that the countries of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy trade significantly more with one another after 1989 than predicted by a standard gravity model. This surplus trade declines linearly and monotonically over time. We suggest that the surplus comes from a mixture of increased trust, as well as better communication and information given Austria's relationship with its eastern neighbors before the wars and during isolation. Trading capital, established under Habsburg rule and maintained in the period of the Iron Curtain, seems to have survived over four decades of separation and gives an initial boost to trade. This surplus trade disappeared rapidly after 1990 as countries rearranged themselves with the new geopolitical circumstances. We document the rate of decay of these forces. Keywords: Trade, Gravity, Habsburg Empire JEL codes: F14, F15, N33, N34, N94 * This paper has been improved by the comments and suggestions of numerous colleagues and seminar participants including but not limited t

    Landwirtschaft ohne Dieselkraftstoff – Wie kann das gehen? Senkung der Emissionen in der Landwirtschaft

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    Die Landwirtschaft unterliegt den Zielvorgaben des Klimaschutzgesetzes und muss die Emissionen klimawirksamer Gase senken. Ein Ansatzpunkt ist der Ersatz fossiler Kraftstoffe, die rund 8,5 Prozent der Emissionen der Landwirtschaft ausmachen, durch erneuerbare Antriebs­energien für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen. Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, fossilen Dieselkraftstoff zu ersetzen und Emissionen zu senken

    Energy production and supply in an agricultural context

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    Deutschland hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, bis zum Jahr 2045 Netto-Treibhausgasneutralität zu erreichen. Dazu muss die Bereitstellung von Strom, Wärme und Kraftstoffen vollständig auf erneuerbare Quellen umgestellt werden. Die Landwirtschaft spielt dabei eine wesentliche Rolle. Aktuell wird insbesondere die Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen für Freiflächen-Photovoltaik-Anlagen oder auch Agri-PV-Anlagen sowie der weitere Umgang mit Bioenergietechnologien diskutiert. Die verlässliche Energieversorgung für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen ist eine wesentliche Grundlage für eine krisenfeste Nahrungs- und Futtermittelversorgung. Für den notwendigen Umstieg von fossilem Dieselkraftstoff auf erneuerbare Antriebsenergien gibt es für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen unterschiedliche Optionen. Dazu zählt der Einsatz verschiedener Biokraftstoffe oder synthetischer Kraftstoffe, sowie die Elektrifizierung von Antriebssystemen. Die Praxiseinführung dieser Optionen erfordert stabile Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Besteuerung von Energieträgern und sollte durch eine zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikationsstrategie begleitet werden.Germany has set itself the goal of achieving net greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. To achieve this, the supply of electricity, heat and fuels must be completely converted to renewable sources. Agriculture plays a key role in this. In particular, the use of agricultural land for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems or agriphotovoltaic systems and the further use of bioenergy technologies are currently being discussed. A reliable energy supply for agricultural machinery is an essential basis for a crisis-proof food and animal feed supply. There are various options for agricultural machinery to make the necessary switch from fossil diesel fuel to renewable drive energies. This includes the use of various biofuels or synthetic fuels, as well as the electrification of drive systems. The practical introduction of these options requires stable framework conditions, particularly with regard to the taxation of energy sources, and should be accompanied by a target group-orientated communication strategy

    Charakterisierung eines Scheibenlasermoduls im Hinblick auf eine Leistungsskalierung in einem adaptiven Resonator

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    Diodengepumpte Festkörperlaser besitzen das Potential zum Bau leistungsstarker, kompakter und effizienter Lasersysteme. Auf Grund thermischer Effekte nimmt jedoch bei diesen Lasern die Brillanz (Produkt aus Leistung und Strahlqualität) mit zunehmender Laserleistung stark ab. Das Scheibenlaser-Konzept führt auf Grund seiner speziellen planaren Geometrie zu einer Minimierung der thermischen Effekte und hat bereits Erfolge bei der Reduzierung der thermischen Linse demonstriert. Für eine Leistungsskalierung über den Kilowatt-Bereich hinaus ist derzeit die verbleibende thermische Belastung der Laserkomponenten noch zu groß um eine hinreichend gute Strahlqualität zu gewährleisten. Deshalb zielt die Entwicklung auf eine neue Hochleistungslaserarchitektur mit der Einbindung adaptiver Elemente im Resonator, wie z.B. deformierbarer Spiegel. In Verbindung mit Wellenfrontsensoren können dann die Phasenfront und damit die Strahlqualität gezielt kontrolliert und eine Propagation des Hochenergielaserstrahls auf große Entfernungen sichergestellt werden. In einem ersten Schritt ist dazu eine genaue Charakterisierung der Lasermodule erforderlich, die in dem vorliegenden Beitrag dargestellt wird

    Tech Demo

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Christoph Borbach, Max Kanderske und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland."Tech Demo" deals with the twofold connection between demonstration and technology. On the one hand, the volume focusses on technology demonstrations as cultural and instrumental practices in the contexts of technology- and media-development. On the other hand, the contributions highlight the technologization of demonstrations regarding the reliance of (political) demonstrations on media technologies. Building on this nexus, demonstrations appear as mediahistorically and -theoretically significant sites that reveal and negogiate intersections of technology, individual, and society, politics, performance, and aesthetics, as well as human and technical scopes of 'agency'

    Spaceborne Lightcraft Applications – an Experimental Approach

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    An experimental approach is proposed for the near-term demonstration of space-borne laser propulsion. A feasibility study at the ZARM Drop Tower Bremen is planned. The facility provides microgravity conditions within a drop capsule for ~ 9 seconds. An excimer laser is used for energy beaming operating at a wavelength of 248 nm with max. 500 mJ pulse energy and a repetition rate of 250 Hz. Within the drop capsule, free flights of a lightcraft are intended to be conducted in air as well as under vacuum conditions. Different propellants are reviewed regarding their features for propulsion with a UV laser. The scalability of previous ground-based flight experiments is discussed with respect to microgravity conditions and moderate pulse energies. Space logistic and sample return missions are discussed as possible applications

    European Laryngological Society position paper on laryngeal dysplasia Part II : diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up

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    To give an overview of the current knowledge regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of laryngeal dysplasia (LD) and to highlight the contributions of recent literature. The diagnosis of LD largely relies on endoscopic procedures and on histopathology. Diagnostic efficiency of endoscopy may be improved using videolaryngostroboscopy (VLS) and bioendoscopic tools such as Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) or Storz Professional Image Enhancement System (SPIES). Current histological classifications are not powerful enough to clearly predict the risk to carcinoma evolution and technical issues such as sampling error, variation in epithelial thickness and inflammation hamper pathological examination. Almost all dysplasia grading systems are effective in different ways. The 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) system should prove to be an improvement as it is slightly more reproducible and easier for the non-specialist pathologist to apply. To optimize treatment decisions, surgeons should know how their pathologist grades samples and preferably audit their transformation rates locally. Whether carcinoma in situ should be used as part of such classification remains contentious and pathologists should agree with their clinicians whether they find this additional grade useful in treatment decisions. Recently, different studies have defined the possible utility of different biomarkers in risk classification. The main treatment modality for LD is represented by transoral laser microsurgery. Radiotherapy may be indicated in specific circumstances such as multiple recurrence or wide-field lesions. Medical treatment currently does not have a significant role in the management of LD. Follow-up for patients treated with LD is a fundamental part of their care and investigations may be supported by the same techniques used during diagnosis (VLS and NBI/SPIES)