111 research outputs found

    Nitrogen source apportionment for the catchment, estuary and adjacent coastal waters of the Scheldt.

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    Using the systems approach framework (SAF), a coupled model suite was developed for simulating land-use decision making in response to nutrient abatement costs and water and nutrient fluxes in the hydrological network of the Scheldt River, and nutrient fluxes in the estuary and adjacent coastal sea. The purpose was to assess the efficiency of different long-term water quality improvement measures in current and future climate and societal settings, targeting nitrogen (N) load reduction. The spatial-dynamic model suite consists of two dynamically linked modules: PCRaster is used for the drainage network and is combined with ExtendSim modules for farming decision making and estuarine N dispersal. Model predictions of annual mean flow and total N concentrations compared well with data available for river and estuary (rÂČ â‰„ 0.83). Source apportionment was carried out to societal sectors and administrative regions; both households and agriculture are the major sources of N, with the regions of Flanders and Wallonia contributing most. Load reductions by different measures implemented in the model were comparable (~75% remaining after 30 yr), but costs differed greatly. Increasing domestic sewage connectivity was more effective, at comparatively low cost (47% remaining). The two climate scenarios did not lead to major differences in load compared with the business-as-usual scenario (~88% remaining). Thus, this spatially explicit model of water flow and N fluxes in the Scheldt catchment can be used to compare different long-term policy options for N load reduction to river, estuary, and receiving sea in terms of their effectiveness, cost, and optimal location of implementation

    Observations of Neutron-Capture Elements in the Early Galaxy

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    Neutron-capture elements in low metallicity Galactic halo stars vary widely both in overall contents and detailed abundance patterns. This review discusses recent observational results on the n-capture elements, discussing the implications for early Galactic nucleosynthesis of: (a) the star-to-star ``bulk'' variations in the n-capture/Fe abundance ratios; (b) the distinct signature of rapid n-capture synthesis events in many (most?) of the lowest metallicity stars; (c) the existence of metal-poor stars heavily enriched in the products of slow n-capture synthesis reactions; and (d) the now-routine detection of radioactive thorium (and even uranium in one and possibly two cases) in the spectra of metal-poor stars.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; To appear in the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmo

    Should the ultrasound probe replace your stethoscope? A SICS-I sub-study comparing lung ultrasound and pulmonary auscultation in the critically ill

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    BACKGROUND: In critically ill patients, auscultation might be challenging as dorsal lung fields are difficult to reach in supine-positioned patients, and the environment is often noisy. In recent years, clinicians have started to consider lung ultrasound as a useful diagnostic tool for a variety of pulmonary pathologies, including pulmonary edema. The aim of this study was to compare lung ultrasound and pulmonary auscultation for detecting pulmonary edema in critically ill patients. METHODS: This study was a planned sub-study of the Simple Intensive Care Studies-I, a single-center, prospective observational study. All acutely admitted patients who were 18 years and older with an expected ICU stay of at least 24 h were eligible for inclusion. All patients underwent clinical examination combined with lung ultrasound, conducted by researchers not involved in patient care. Clinical examination included auscultation of the bilateral regions for crepitations and rhonchi. Lung ultrasound was conducted according to the Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency protocol. Pulmonary edema was defined as three or more B lines in at least two (bilateral) scan sites. An agreement was described by using the Cohen Îș coefficient, sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, and overall accuracy. Subgroup analysis were performed in patients who were not mechanically ventilated. RESULTS: The Simple Intensive Care Studies-I cohort included 1075 patients, of whom 926 (86%) were eligible for inclusion in this analysis. Three hundred seven of the 926 patients (33%) fulfilled the criteria for pulmonary edema on lung ultrasound. In 156 (51%) of these patients, auscultation was normal. A total of 302 patients (32%) had audible crepitations or rhonchi upon auscultation. From 130 patients with crepitations, 86 patients (66%) had pulmonary edema on lung ultrasound, and from 209 patients with rhonchi, 96 patients (46%) had pulmonary edema on lung ultrasound. The agreement between auscultation findings and lung ultrasound diagnosis was poor (Îș statistic 0.25). Subgroup analysis showed that the diagnostic accuracy of auscultation was better in non-ventilated than in ventilated patients. CONCLUSION: The agreement between lung ultrasound and auscultation is poor

    Total body proteoglycan 4 (Prg4) deficiency increases atherosclerosis susceptibility in apolipoprotein E knockout and low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice

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    Proteoglycan 4 (Prg4) is a mediator in inflammatory processes, either directly through interactions with CD44 [1] or toll-like receptors [2], or indirectly as a growth factor for hematopoietic cell lineages [3]. In line with this, in our article “Proteoglycan 4 regulates macrophage function without altering atherosclerotic lesion formation in a murine bone marrow-specific deletion model” published in Atherosclerosis, we showed that Prg4 deficiency attenuated the LPS-induced pro-inflammatory response in macrophages [4].Biopharmaceutic

    Inhibition of PRMT3 activity selectively prevents LXR-driven transcription of hepatic lipogenic genes in vivo

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    Agonists for the liver X receptor (LXR) are considered promising therapeutic moieties in cholesterol-driven diseases by promoting cellular cholesterol efflux. However, current clinical application of these agents is hampered by the concomitant LXR-induced activation of a lipogenic transcriptional network, leading to hepatic steatosis. Recent studies have suggested that protein arginine methyltransferase 3 (PRMT3) may act as a selective co-activator of LXR activity. Here we verified the hypothesis that PRMT3 inhibition selectively disrupts the ability of LXR to stimulate lipogenesis, while maintaining the capacity of LXR to modulate cholesterol homeostasis.A combination of the LXR agonist T0901317 and palm oil was administered to C57BL/6 mice to maximally stimulate LXR and PRMT3 activity, in absence and presence of the allosteric PRMT3 inhibitor SGC707.Treatment with the PRMT3 inhibitor SGC707 did not negatively influence the T0901317/palm oil induced upregulation of the cholesterol efflux genes ABCA1 and ABCG1 in peritoneal cells. In contrast, SGC707 treatment was associated with a significant decrease in the hepatic expression of the lipogenic gene FAS (-64%; pobstruction of lipogenic gene transcription coincided with a significant 2.3-fold (ptriglyceride content as compared to the T0901317 and palm oil treated control group.Inhibition of PRMT3 activity by SGC707 treatment selectively impairs LXR-driven transcription of hepatic lipogenic genes, while the positive effect of LXR stimulation on cholesterol efflux pathways is maintained.Biopharmaceutic

    De invloed van fluoridetabletten op het ontstaan van glazuurfluorose. Een epidemiologisch onderzoek bij 15-jarigen in Tiel en Culemborg

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    Indien tijdens de vormingsfase van het gebit te veel fluoride in het lichaam wordt opgenomen, ontstaat wit gevlekt tandglazuur. In ernstiger gevallen kan er ook glazuur met bruine vlekken en putjes ontstaan. Het doel van het onderzoek was na te gaan in hoeverre deze afwijking, die glazuurfluorose wordt genoemd, voorkomt bij Nederlandse kinderen. Een tweede doel was te onderzoeken of er een relatie bestaat tussen het gebruik van fluoridetabletten in de voor het ontstaan van fluorose kritische periode (2-6 jaar) en het ontstaan van fluorose. Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd bij 15Tjarigen in de gemeenten Tiel en Culemborg. Van de kinderen uit Tiel was tien jaar tevoren 80% ingeschreven bij een Centrum voor Kindertandverzorging, waar gratis fluoridetabletten werden verstrekt. Voor deze kinderen was uit archiefmateriaal van dit Centrum af te leiden of en zo ja hoeveel fluoridetabletten er waren gebruikt in de kleuterperiode. In Culemborg werden destijds voorzover bekend geen speciale maatregelen genomen om het fluoridegebruik te stimuleren. Fluorose kwam zowel in Tiel als in Culemborg voor bij ongeveer een kwart van de kinderen. Meestal betrof het lichte afwijkingen die voor de leek nauwelijks waarneembaar zijn. Matige fluorose (duidelijk zichtbare witte vlekken) kwam voor bij 2 à 3 procent van de kinderen. Ernstige fluorose, met putjes in het glazuuroppervlak, werd niet aangetroffen. Het gebruik van fluoridetabletten vertoonde een significant verband met het vóórkomen van fluorose. In de groep die geen of vrijwel geen tabletten gebruikte kwam wel lichte maar geen matige fluorose voor. Het percentage gebitsvlakken met fluorose hing nauw samen met de regelmaat van het tabletgebruik. In de discussie wordt er op gewezen dat niet alleen fluoridetabletten, maar ook doorgeslikte fluoridetandpasta een oorzaak zou kunnen zijn van glazuurfluorose. Het wordt echter niet aannemelijk geacht dat het gebruik van deze tandpasta bij dit onderzoek als confounder heeft gewerkt, aangezien in Tiel sterk tegen het gebruik van deze tandpasta door jonge kinderen werd gewaarschuwd. Het nieuwe advies van het Ivoren Kruis aan jonge kinderen minder fluoridetabletten voor te schrijven dan voorheen, wordt door de uitkomsten van het onderzoek ondersteund

    Increased virulence of Globodera pallida during repeated rearing on different resistant potato cultivars explained by a simple model

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    Selection for virulence of Globodera pallida on potato cultivars was studied for four generations under controlled conditions. The reproduction rate (Pf/Pi) of a mixed Pa2/3 population increased by a factor of 61 during rearing on the partially resistant potato cv. Darwina compared to rearing on the susceptible cv. Irene. This was a result of selection for virulence on cv. Darwina, and achieving the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium on cv. Irene. Increased virulence also significantly raised the reproduction rate on several other Solanum genotypes. These changes could be explained reasonably well by the monogenic inheritance of a virulence factor breaking the Grp1 locus. The virulence changes were probably mainly evoked by this gene only, inherited from S. vernei 1-3 or S. vernei 24/20. The Grp1 locus has probably provided the differential S. vernei hybrid (VTn)2 62-33-3 with its resistance to the Pa2 group and not to the Pa3 group. Alternation of cultivars did not halt selection if the cultivars highly differentiated between the Pa2 and Pa3 populations. Only when alternation was with cultivars that harboured a different resistance gene against Pa3 was selection for virulence delayed. Differences in virulence levels (i.e. reproduction rates) within the nematode population determined the rate of selection, not the resistance level itself. Selection of a Pa3 population for three generations on cv. Karakter not only increased the reproduction rate on cv. Karakter itself by a factor 4.2, but also raised the reproduction on other potato genotypes. A simple monogenic model could explain these changes in virulence
