42 research outputs found

    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) in Spain. Clinical-epidemiological considerations in relation to a multicenter registry

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    Objective: this study aimed to determine the epidemiological, technical and clinical data of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) performed by Interventional Radiology departments in Spain. Furthermore, the total number of TIPS carried out in Spain was determined and compared with other countries. Material and methods: a retrospective study was performed with the approval of the Ethical Committee of the Spanish Society of Interventional Radiology (SERVEI). A survey was performed with 31 items (demographic, technical and clinical data) for data acquisition on the current status of TIPS in Spain. The survey was sent to the 49 hospitals that SERVEI included in a previous registry with data of TIPS performed in Spain in 2016. Results: of the 49 centers surveyed, 33 (67.35 %) replied to the survey. These centers had completed 265 of the 415 TIPS that year in Spain. The most frequent indication was upper GI bleeding from gastroesophageal varices, which accounted for 144 (54.33 %); 62.26 % of the TIPS were performed urgently and 37.7 % on a scheduled basis. The technical success was 89.16 ± 20.9 %, with a rebleeding rate of 17.9 %. Sixty-nine patients (26.03 %) presented complications, 19.62 % of them minor and 6.41 % major. The 30-day mortality related to the disease was 14.33 %, while mortality at one year was 18.49 %. Conclusion: notably in our study, the complications of TIPS did not show a clear relationship with the number of procedures performed. With regard to other countries like the United States and France, the number of TIPS in Spain per million inhabitants is currently substantially lower. There were no significant changes compared to the number completed in 2013

    Evolution of Culture on Patient Safety in the Clinical Setting of a Spanish Mutual Insurance Company: Observational Study between 2009 and 2017 Based on AHRQ Survey

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    Background: Patient safety (PS) is a key factor in reducing or even eradicating adverse incidents and events. Many health organizations promote strategies to improve PS, while also pointing out the importance of measuring it. For more than eight years, our institution has developed strategies focused on improving PS-culture among our personnel. The goal of this paper is to analyze the PS-culture between the years 2009 and 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional survey focused on PS, and developed by the American Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), was conducted in 2009 and in 2017 among all healthcare workers at Mutualia, anonymously and voluntarily. Results: The overall response rate was similar in both 2009 and 2017 (37.2% and 38.5%, respectively). The average rating obtained showed a significant improvement over the period (7.7 vs. 8.1; p < 0.05). Itemizing by question, the main strengths were found in management support, organizational learning and continuous improvement, and, especially, in teamwork. Regarding weaknesses, the two lowest scores were those which refer to the balance between clinical safety and workload and the freedom to question the decisions made by superiors. Conclusions: The results obtained from the PS-surveys show that the overall PS-culture in our institution has increased, suggesting that the strategies focused on the improvement of PS-culture were well adopted among our personnel. The overall score places Mutualia at similar levels to those reached by the AHRQ and Spanish National Health System

    Bosque de museos. Salas Luis Feito y amigos [Hojas Resumen]

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    Bosque de museos. Salas Luis Feito y amigo

    Iparraldeko Euskal Idazleak. Antología

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    Recopilación de textos en lengua vasca de escritores de Iparralde y referencias bibliográficas de las publicaciones en las que se recogen. En una primera parte se recogen cantares de procedencia oral, posteriormente obras de autores junto con algunos datos biográficos de éstos, y por último, un breve listado de vocabulario.Iparraldeko idazleen euskarazko testuen bilketa eta horiek jasotzen diren argitalpenen erreferentzia bibliografikoak. Lehen atal batean, ahozko jatorria duten koplak biltzen dira eta ondoren, egile-lanak eta horien datu biografikoak eta azkenik, hiztegi zerrenda labur bat