59 research outputs found

    Effect of atorvastatin therapy on oxidant-antioxidant status and atherosclerotic plaque formation

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    PubMed ID: 21731885Background: The aim of this study was to determine the oxidant-antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation products, as well as paraoxonase and atherosclerotic plaque formation, in a hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis rabbit model to investigate the effects of atorvastatin in the atherosclerotic process. Methods: Forty male New Zealand rabbits were divided into four groups, ie, a control group receiving standard pellets, a group receiving atorvastatin therapy, a hypercholesterolemic group receiving an atherogenic diet, and a group receiving both an atherogenic diet and atorvastatin. Results: The atherogenic diet increased the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (1.84 vs 3.79 nmol/mg protein) and LDL-conjugated diene (147 vs 318 µmol/mg protein) after induction of oxidation by Cu2+, despite an increase of superoxide dismutase activity. Treatment with atorvastatin limited LDL oxidation significantly (LDL thiobarbituric acid reactive substances 2.19 nmol/mg protein, LDL-conjugated diene 222 µmol/mg protein). Paraoxonase, which prevents LDL oxidation and inactivates LDL-derived oxidized phospholipids, showed a pronounced decrease in the group receiving the atherogenic diet (110 U/L to 28 U/L), and atorvastatin treatment increased paraoxonase activity. Histological examination of arcus aorta tissues from the hypercholesterolemic group showed abundant plaque formation surrounding and obstructing the lumen, whereas treatment with atorvastatin prevented or limited plaque formation, keeping the plaque thin and localized. Conclusion: Atorvastatin has dramatic antiatherosclerotic effects, part of which seems to be due to the antioxidant features of the parent drug and/or its metabolites, favoring inhibition of LDL oxidation. © 2011 Sezer et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    May positive psychotherapy effective for treatment-resistant obsessive compulsive disorder?: A case report

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    The most frequently used psychotherapeutic interventions in OCD treatment are based on exposure and response prevention. However, it is difficult to apply this intervention to a significant part of the patients. In this article, Positive Psychotherapy, an eclectic approach used in the treatment of a patient with treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder, will be discussed. The patient had OCD for twenty years had attempted suicide a total of six times, including gunshot. The patient had received psychopharmacological interventions, ECT, anterior capsulotomy. She admitted to the clinic because of the there was no regression in the complaints and thought of suicide. During the positive psychotherapy sessions, EMDR technique was applied to the patient who shared that she was raped twice. After completing the steps, there was a decrease in complaints, and then the continuity of rehabilitation checked via behavioral tasks. The patient was discharged with wellbeing. In this article, it is aimed to show the effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy in the treatment of OCD which is resistant to treatment

    Obezite ve periodontitis

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    Obezite vücut sağlığını bozacak ölçüde yağ dokusundaki anormal veya aşırı yağ birikmesidir. Obezitenin ve aşırı kilonun temel nedeni diyetle alınan enerji miktarı ile metabolizma ve fiziksel aktiviteler sırasında harcanan enerji miktarı arasındaki düzensizliktir. Aşırı kilo ve obezite prevalansı, dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerindeki gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ciddiyetle dikkate alınması gereken oranlara ulaşmıştır. Obezite başta tip 2 diyabet, hipertansiyon ve kardiyovasküler sistem hastalıkları olmak üzere pek çok kronik iltihabi hastalık ve kanser gelişimi için temel bir risk faktörü olarak kabul edilmektedir. Son dönemdeki çalışmalar obezitenin ağız hastalıkları, özellikle de periodontitis ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Obezite ve periodontal hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koyan biyolojik mekanizmalar tam olarak aydınlatılamamışsa da, yağ doku kaynaklı sitokin ve hormonların anahtar role sahip olabilecekleri düşünülmektedir. Bu hormon ve sitokinler aşırı iltihabi cevaba neden olarak periodontitis ve diğer kronik enflamatuar hastalıkların patogenezine katkı sağlayabilir. Son yıllarda obezite ile periodontal hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklamaya yönelik pek çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu derlemenin amacı güncel çalışmalar ışığında obezite periodontitis ilişkisini incelemektir

    Ventriculoperitoneal shunt treatment in a pregnant renal transplant recipient with idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Case report and review of the literature

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    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a relatively uncommon disorder characterised by raised intracranial pressure without an established pathogenesis. Diagnosis of IIH requires the demonstration of symptoms and signs referable only to elevated intracranial pressure; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) opening pressure >25cm H2O measured in the lateral decubitus position; normal CSF composition; and no evidence for an underlying structural cause demonstrated by using MRI or contrast-enhanced CT scan for typical patients and MRI and MR venography for atypical patients such as man, children and those with low body mass index. We present a 38-year old primigravid renal transplant patient at 7 weeks of gestation who presented with 2 weeks of intense, throbbing, holocranial headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, diplopia and progressive visual loss. When medical treatment fails and/or not appropriate to use due to the reported of teratogenic risks in pregnant women, surgical interventions gain importance. In this particular patient, venticuloperitoneal shunt was chosen as the CSF diversion technique. In this case report indications, contraindications in addition to outcomes regarding headache, vision loss and the resolution of papilloedema of the present surgery options for IIH are discussed

    Administration of perivascular cyanoacrylate for the prevention of cellular damage in saphenous vein grafts: an experimental model

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    Objective: The saphenous vein is the most commonly used graft in coronary artery bypass surgery, since no suitable arterial graft is available. However, the frequency of late graft failure is a cause for research into graft protection. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of synthetic adhesive cyanoacrylate administration on the saphenous vein graft for preventing vascular damage due to internal pressure on the graft. Methods: In this study we enrolled 20 volunteer subjects who had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery and who had excess saphenous vein grafts. Perivascular cyanoacrylate was administered to one of two saphenous vein grafts explanted from each patient. The other saphenous vein graft from each patient was not treated and was used as the control. A model of the arterial system was created using a saphenous vein cardiopulmonary bypass system. Circulation was maintained at 120 mmHg for 45 minutes. Afterwards, the grafts were subjected to histopathological examination. Results: The cyanoacrylate group of grafts did not develop severe vascular damage compared with many instances of moderate and severe damage due to compression in the control group of grafts (p = 0.003). Conclusion: Perivascular administration of cyanoacrylate appeared to be successful in the prevention of early saphenous vein graft injury. No in vivo study has been performed to date to assess endothelial damage in the saphenous vein, in order to demonstrate the long-term effect of cyanoacrylate. Further investigations are needed in this regard

    İki Pozitif Azot Atomu İçeren Di-katyonik Yüzey Aktif Maddelerin Sentezi ve 1.0 M HCl Ortamında Korozyon İnhibisyon Etkinliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, kimyasal yapısında iki adet pozitif yüklü kuaterner amonyum azotu içeren üç tane di-katyonik yüzey aktif madde sentezlenmiştir. Sentezlenen yüzey aktif maddelerin kimyasal yapıları çeşitli spektroskopik yöntemlerle (FT-IR, 1H NMR ve 13C NMR) ispatlanmıştır. Sentezlenen ve moleküler yapıları aydınlatılan 3 adet ürünün, 1.0 M HCl asidik ortamda, kütle kaybı yöntemi kullanılarak yumuşak çeliğin korozyonuna karşı inhibisyon etkinlikleri belirlenmiştir. Farklı inhibitör konsantrasyonlarına sahip asidik çözeltilere, metal kuponların, oda sıcaklığında 24 saat süreyle daldırılması suretiyle yapılan korozyon testleri sonucunda, her üç yüzey aktif madde için, birbirine yakın ve etkin inhibisyon verimleri elde edilmiştir. Moleküler yapılarında bulunan uzun karbon zincirindeki karbon sayısının fazlalığı korozyona karşı korumada etkin bir faktör olduğu gösterilmiştir. Uzun zincirindeki karbon sayısı en fazla olan inhibitörün asit ortamındaki korozyon inhibisyon etkinliğinin diğerlerine göre biraz daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, korozyona karşı etkinlikleri ile ilişkilendirmek adına, söz konusu di-katyonik yüzey aktif maddeler için kritik misel konsantrasyonu, bu konsantrasyondaki yüzey gerilimleri, misel oluşum serbest enerjisi, köpük kararlılığı gibi bazı fizikokimyasal parametreleri de hesaplama yoluna gidilmiştir. Yüzey aktif maddelerin metal yüzeyine adsorbe olarak yüzeyi korozyondan koruduklarının önemli bir destekleyici delili olan taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ile yüzey görüntüleri de alınmış ve asit çözeltisine daldırılan metal yüzeylerindeki pürüzlülük halleri belirlenmiştir


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    Background: The aim of this study was to show the treatment of a patient with unilateral posterior crossbite and polydiastema with rapid maxillary expansion and fixed orthodontic appliances.Materials and Methods: A 17-year-old female patient presented with the complaint of spaces between her teeth. She was diagnosed with unilateral posterior crossbite on the right, spaced between the teeth (polydiastema) in the lower and upper dental arches, dental class I malocclusion, 1 mm overjet and overbite, 0.5 mm upper dental midline and 1 mm lower dental midline to the right. Skeletal class I malocclusion (ANB 1.7), normal vertical pattern (SN/GoGn 32.9), normal position but proclined upper incisors(U1-SN 112.1, U1-NA 3.4 mm), normal position and inclination lower incisors(IMPA 89.9, L1-NB 4.5 mm), a normal nasolabial angle and normal lips were found in cephalometric values. At the end of all evaluations, it was decided to apply fixed orthodontic appliances after rapid maxillary expansion with hyrax.Results: Rapid maxillary expansion procedure with Hyrax expansion device 4 months, total treatment time 18 months. Stable class I occlusion was achieved at the end of the treatment, the overjet and overbite were 2mm, and the midlines were overlapping. In the final cephalometric evaluation, the positions of SNA, SNB, ANB, SN/GoGn, and upper incisors were in appropriate values, but the lower incisors were somewhat retroclined. Fixed lingual retainers were applied between the lower first premolars and between the upper lateral incisors for orthodontic reinforcement, and it was also recommended to wear essix clear appliances continuously in the lower and upper dental arches.Conclusion: Unilateral crossbite and polydiastema problem are successfully treated with hyrax type expander and fixed orthodontic appliances. The results of the treatment are stable and good occlusion, acceptable orofacial functions and facial aesthetics</p

    The role of destination personality, cognitive image and affective image in strong city branding : the case of Hatay

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    Bu araştırma, bir kentin bilişsel imajı, duygusal imajı ve destinasyon kişiliğinin, turistlerin kenti başkasına tavsiye etme davranışına oransal etkilerini açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma aynı zamanda bu etkilerin, turistlerin kenti ziyaret etme sıklığı ve amaçlarına göre oluşan alt gruplarda farklılık gösterip göstermediğini test etmektedir. Alan çalışması, Hatay'ın üç turistik ilçesi olan Antakya, Defne ve Samandağ'da Nisan 2015' te yürütülmüştür. Veriler; otel, hava limanı ve tarihsel mekânlarda bulunan 244 turistten toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonucunda, duygusal marka imajı ve destinasyon kişiliğinin kenti arkadaş ve akrabalara tavsiye etme niyetine pozitif etkisi olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu ilişkide, duygusal marka imajının etkisi, destinasyon kişiliğinin etkisine oranla daha fazladır. Bölümleme temelli analizde, hem ilk kez hem de tekrar tatil amaçlı seyahat edenlerde, bilişsel imaj, tavsiye etme niyetini etkileyen tek anlamlı değişkendir. İlk kez iş seyahati ve diğer amaçlarla gelenlerde ise, duygusal imaj etkili olmaktadır. Ancak iş seyahati için tekrar gelenlerde destinasyon kişiliğinin duygusal imajdan daha önemli olduğu bulunmuştur. Yeni yerler görme amacıyla ilk kez gelenlerde duygusal imaj tek anlamlı değişken iken tekrarlayan gelişlerde destinasyon kişiliği öne çıkmaktadırThis study aims to explain the relative effects of the cognitive image, affective image and destination personality of a city brand on the visitors’ intent to recommend Hatay. Additionally, the research has tested whether these effects differ from a subgroup to another group which is segmented based on visiting frequency and visiting purpose of a tourist. The research has been conducted in the various tourism places, Antakya, Defne and Samandağ, in Hatay throughout April, 2015. Data has been obtained from 244 tourists who are at the hotels, airport and historical places. The findings of research regarding whole sample show that affective image of city brand and its destination personality variables influence to the intent to recommend to friends and relatives to city. In this relationship, the effect of the affective image is dominant relative to the effect of destination personality. The segment-base analyses among either first time visitors or repeat visitors traveling for holiday purpose show that cognitive image is the only significant variable influencing the intent to recommend. Among first timevisitors traveling for business purpose or other purpose, affective image significantly influences the visitors’ intent to recommend the city. However, for repeat visitors traveling for business purpose, destination personality is becoming more important than affective image. For first time visitors traveling to experience new things, while affective image is the only significant predictor, for those repeat visitors, destination personality comes ou