20 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from clinical sample in Isfahan, Iran

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    Staphylococcus aureus is one of the main significant human pathogens which can produce various toxins such as Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) which is known as a prominent toxin associated with S. aureus infections. PVL-positive strains can cause a wide variety of skin, soft tissue, necrotizing pneumonia, fasciitis and life-threatening infections. Therefore, the aim of this study was evaluating the molecular characteristics of PVL-positive strains such as the presence of mecA, SCCmec types, agr types and exfoliative toxin genes. In this study, a total of 152 S. aureus strains were collected from clinical samples of patients who referred to Isfahan’s Alzahra hospital (Iran). The isolates were confirmed phenotypically by conventional methods and then PVL-positive isolates were identified by PCR molecular test. Thereafter, antibiotic resistance pattern, agr groups (I, II, III, and IV), exfoliative toxins (eta and etb), mecA gene and SCCmec various types were carried out. Totally, 52 (34.2%) of strains were positive for PVL. Six PVL-positive strains harbored mecA gene, one strain had SCCmec I, and 5 strains SCCmec type IV. The highest ratio of agr groups belonged to group (I) and the (eta) gene was also detected in 18 isolates. The PVL-positive S. aureus strains can cause more serious infections, so identification of the genetic characteristics and antibiotic resistance monitoring of these strains is necessary

    Influence of Gum Arabic Enriched with GABA Coating on Oxidative Damage of Walnut Kernels

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    Jezgra oraha je zbog velikog udjela nezasićenih masnih kiselina i fenolnih spojeva osjetljiva na oksidacijska oštećenja poput užeglosti i posmeđivanja, koja mogu nastati nepažljivim rukovanjem nakon berbe. U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj omotača od gume arabike obogaćenog γ-aminomaslačnom kiselinom na sprečavanje pojave užeglosti i posmeđivanja jezgri oraha tijekom skladištenja na 20 °C. Rezultati pokazuju da je jezgra oraha u omotaču od 5 %-tne gume arabike obogaćenom s 0,1 mM γ-aminomaslačne kiseline bila manje osjetljiva na oksidacijska oštećenja, što je vidljivo iz manjih vrijednosti peroksidnog broja i akumulacije malondialdehida, te većeg stupnja bjeline. Osim toga, jezgre oraha su zbog smanjene aktivnosti lipoksigenaze i manje akumulacije H2O2 imale veći omjer nezasićenih i zasićenih masnih kiselina. Uz smanjen intenzitet oksidacijskog posmeđivanja, u tretiranim se orasima aktivnost polifenolne oksidaze smanjila, a fenilalanin-amonij-lijaze povećala, što je dovelo do povećanja koncentracije fenolnih spojeva i pojačanog uklanjanja DPPH radikala. Na temelju ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da bi se omotač od 5 % arapske gume obogaćen s 0,1 mM γ-aminomaslačne kiseline mogao komercijalno upotrijebiti za očuvanje hranjive vrijednosti jezgre oraha.Because of the higher content of unsaturated fatty acids (UNSFA) and phenolics, walnut kernels are vulnerable to oxidative rancidity and browning due to unfavorable postharvest handling procedures. This study investigates the impact of gum arabic coating enriched with γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on oxidative rancidity and browning of kernels during storage at 20 °C. The results showed that the walnut kernels coated with gum arabic (5 %) enriched with GABA (0.1 mM) exhibited lower oxidative rancidity and browning, manifested by lower peroxide value and malondialdehyde accumulation along with higher whiteness index. Moreover, kernels had higher UNSFA/SFA ratio as a response to lower lipoxygenase activity and H2O2 accumulation. The reduced oxidative browning in coated kernels was accompanied with lower polyphenol oxidase and higher phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity leading to higher accumulation of phenolics and increased DPPH• scavenging capacity. Based on our findings, gum arabic coating (5 %) enriched with GABA (0.1 mM) may have a commercial potential for maintaining nutritional quality of walnut kernels

    KNO3, Nano-Zn, and Fe Foliar Application Influence the Growth and Physiological Responses of Aloe vera under Salinity

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    Aloe vera L. is a perennial drought-tolerant plant that is commonly used in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries. To evaluate the effects of the foliar application of KNO3, nano-Zn, and Fe (0 and 2 mgL(-1)) on Aloe vera plants under NaCl salinity stress (0, 50, 100 mM), a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design. The results revealed that foliar applications influenced the root dry weight. The chlorophyll b content was affected by the salinity plus the foliar application. The total soluble solids content, chlorophyll a, phenolics, and flavonoids of the leaves, the gel content, catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde, proline, and mineral nutrients content were impacted by the treatments as well. The highest values for the gel content (0.37 g per leaf) and plant dry weight (13.1 g per pot) were recorded at 0 mM NaCl + KNO3 + nano-Fe. The top K/Na ratio (35.2), and the largest K (69 g kg(-1)), P (6.6 g kg(-1)), Ca (31 g kg(-1)), and Mg (2.5 g kg(-1)) contents were recorded after the 0 mM NaCl + KNO3 treatment. The highest Fe content (383 g kg(-1)) was observed with 0 mM NaCl + nano-Fe treatment, and the maximum Zn content (37.6 mg kg(-1)) was measured after the 0 mM NaCl + nano Zn treatment. One hundred mM NaCl increased the malondialdehyde and Na contents. The largest amount of catalase activity was measured after the 50 mM NaCl + KNO3 + nano-Zn treatment. Salinity stress had adverse effects on the growth and physiological responses of Aloe vera. However, the foliar application of KNO3, nano-Zn and Fe mitigated the damaging effects of salinity. The results from more detailed studies would be advisable for pioneer farmers and the agricultural sector

    Foliar Application of ZnO-NPs Influences Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Antioxidants Pool in Capsicum annum L. under Salinity

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    Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) have been proven to helpfully improve plant tolerance to several abiotic stresses. However, no information has been reported concerning the role of ZnO-NPs on pepper plants under salinity stress. Hence, this research aimed to evaluate the growth and physiological responses of pepper (Capsicum annum L.) plants to ZnO-NP foliar application under salinity. Plants were subjected to 0 (control), 25 (S1), 50 (S2), and 75 mM (S3) NaCl salinity with a foliar spray of 0, 1000, and 2000 ppm ZnO-NPs. Significant reductions were recorded in the chlorophyll index (SPAD) and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and in the activity and/or ratios of reduced ascorbate (AsA), reduced ascorbate/dehydroascorbic acid (AsA/DHA), reduced glutathione (GSH), reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG), and K+ content. There was a significant increase in proline content, electrolyte leakage (EL), H2O2 content, guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) activities, and in Na+ content and Na+/K+ ratio. Foliar treatments improved the salinity tolerance of the pepper plants by fortifying the antioxidant defense system, leaf fluorescence parameters, K+, and proline content, and in contrast, by decreasing the EL, Na+, and H2O2 levels. ZnO-NP foliar treatment efficiently improved the pepper plants' physiological responses under salinity. Considering the overall results, 1000 ppm of ZnO-NPs would be advisable for the amelioration of salinity depression and to promote growth potential. However, at higher levels, the nanoparticle showed toxicity symptoms that limited its reliable applications.O

    Prevalence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea Following Trans-Sphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma in Patients Referred to Loghman Hakim Hospital from 2016 to 2020

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    Background: Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery is commonly used to remove pituitary adenomas. However, it can lead to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage, with an incidence of around 5% in sphenoid transnasal procedures and up to 20% in extended endonasal approaches. A retrospective study was conducted on 160 pituitary adenoma patients admitted to Loghman Hakim Hospital from 2016 to 2020 to evaluate the factors influencing CSF leak. Aim: The aim of this study was evaluating the occurrence of cerebrospinal fluid leakage and analyzing the factors involved. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with pituitary adenoma at Loghman-Hakim hospital over a four-year period. Demographic information, tumor characteristics, surgical procedures, and complications were collected. All patients gave their consent, and the study was approved by the ethics committee. Surgical procedures were conducted using a direct endonasal trans-sphenoidal approach under general anesthesia, and antibiotics were given. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS to evaluate the relation between measured variables and the occurrence of CSF leak. Results: The study found that 19.4% of the patients developed CSF leak during their hospital stay. Age and body mass index (BMI) of patients with CSF leak significantly differed from those without. The size of the tumor did not differ significantly between patients with and without CSF leak. The only variable associated with CSF leak was sphenoid sinus anatomy. Conclusion: The study concluded that older patients with a lower BMI and a larger defect size are more prone to CSF leak, but no significant difference was found in tumor size between the groups with and without CSF leak. Sphenoid sinus anatomy correlated with CSF leak, while other factors did not show any correlation with the incidence of CSF leak

    The effect of Amirkabiria odoratissima M extract on gastric acid and pepsin secretion level in rat

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: گیاه کرفس کوهی از دسته گیاهانی است که به طور وسیعی در استانهای جنوب غرب ایران استفاده می شود. شمار زیادی از مردم بر این باورند که این گیاه برای ناراحتی های گوارشی مفید است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی این گیاه استفاده می شود رو به افزایش است لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثر عصاره این گیاه بر میزان ترشح اسید و پپسین معده در موش صحرایی انجام شد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه بصورت تجربی بر روی سه گروه 8 تایی موش صحرایی صورت گرفت ]گروه کنترل، کرفس کوهی با دوز mg/kg 2/16 (گروه اول) و mg/kg 100 (گروه دوم). حیوانات پس از بیهوشی توسط تزریق داخل صفاقی mg/kg 50 تیوپنتال سدیم، تراکئوستومی، لاپاراتومی و گاسترودئودنوستومی شدند. عصاره گیاه کرفس کوهی با دوزهای mg/kg 2/16 و mg/kg 100 از طریق مجرای گاسترودئودنوستوم به درون معده حیوانات گروه های کرفس وارد شد. ترشحات معده به روش Wash Out شامل پایه اول و پایه دوم بدست آمد و اسید آن به روش تیتریمتری و پپسین به روش آنسون اندازه گیری شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمونهای آماری t مستقل، t وابسته وANOVA مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت. یافته ها: عصاره متانولی گیاه کرفس کوهی سبب کاهش معنی داری در میزان ترشح اسید معده در پایه اول و دوم در موشهای هر دو گروه کرفس کوهی نسبت به گروه کنترل گردید (01/0

    Capsazepine, a Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 (TRPV1) Antagonist, Attenuates Antinociceptive Effect of CB1 Receptor Agonist, WIN55,212-2, in the Rat Nucleus Cuneiformis

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    Introduction: Nucleus cuneiformis (NCF), as part of descending pain inhibitory system, cooperates with periaqueductal gray (PAG) and rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) in supraspinal modulation of pain. Cannabinoids have analgesic effects in the PAG, RVM and NCF. The transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1(TRPV1) can be activated by anandamide and WIN55,212-2 as a cannabinoid receptor agonist. The aim of the current study is to investigate the possible interplay between the cannabinoid and vanilloid systems for modulation of pain at the NCF. Methods: In this study, a cannabinoid receptor agonist, WIN55,212-2 ( 15 μg/0.3 μl DMSO), and selective TRPV1 receptor antagonist, capsazepine (10, 25, 50 and100 nmol/0.3 μl DMSO), were microinjected bilaterally into the NCF, and tail-flick and formalin tests were used to assess the animal’s pain-related behaviors at 5-min intervals for a 60-min period. Results: Our findings demonstrated that analgesic effect of WIN55,212-2 were dose-dependently attenuated by capsazepine in both tests. In the tail-flick test, capsazepine at both doses of 50 (P<0.01) and 100 (P<0.001) nmol could significantly prevent the antinociceptive effect of WIN55,212-2 while capsazepine, in formalin test, could decreased its antinociceptive effect at the dose of 50 nmol (P<0.05) as well. On the other hand, solely administration of the highest dose of capsazepine in both tests did not alter the pain-related behaviors. Discussion: It suggests a possible role for TRPV1 receptors in NCF-mediated cannabinoid-induced antinociception

    Effects of postharvest polyamine application and edible coating on maintaining quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Langra during cold storage

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    Mango is a tropical fruit which is sensitive to chilling injury. The present work investigated the potential of edible coatings of chitosan and polyamine spermidine in increasing shelf life and quality of mango. The control fruits (treated with distilled water) and the mango fruits treated with different concentrations of chitosan (0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0%) and spermidine (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mM) were studied to improve postharvest characteristics and quality maintenance during cold storage. Parameters such as firmness, weight loss, fungal contamination, total phenol, antioxidant activity, vitamin C, pH, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), flavor index, color index, and ethylene production were measured after at harvest (0), 8, 16, and 24 days of storage at 15 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 85%–90%. Chitosan and spermidine delayed water loss, firmness, and fungal contamination. Application of chitosan containing ascorbic acid significantly increased phenolic content and antioxidant activity compared to the control plants. It also changed soluble solid content, TA, pH of pulp, and sugar content and decreased ethylene production. The obtained results suggested that chitosan (2%) and spermidine (2 mM) had potential to improve firmness and delay deterioration processes of “Langra” mango after harvest

    Detection of enterotoxins and genotyping of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from Isfahan Educational Hospital, Iran

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    Background and aims: Staphylococcus aureus is known as one of the most important nosocomial pathogens, which may lead to several infections. The aim of this study was determining the enterotoxins A, C, and TSST-1 and molecular characterization of S. aureus strains with PFGE and MLST typing methods. Materials and methods: In the present study during the sixmonths sampling, fifty S. aureus strains were isolated from patients admitted to Al-Zahra university hospital. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Multiplex PCR for detection of enterotoxin A, C and TSST-1, pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) were used for molecular typing. Results: In antibiogram the highest and lowest percentage of resistance was belonged to tetracycline and rifampin respectively. Multiplex PCR indicated that 30% of the strains harbored sea and 34% harbored sec genes. However, only 4% of our collected isolates had tsst gene. In PFGE method analysis on all S. aureus strains, a total of 19 different patterns were identified. Nine various sequence types in 27 selected S. aureus isolates were identified by MLST. Conclusions: Present study indicates a possible higher variability among our S. aureus strains by two different molecular typing methods; nevertheless four main common types (CT1, CT7, CT9, and CT11) with at least one toxin genes were determined