31 research outputs found

    An algebraic method to solve the radial Schrödinger equation

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    AbstractWe propose a method of numerical integration of differential equations of the type x2y″+f(x)y=0 by approximating its solution with solutions of equations of the type x2y″+(ax2+bx+c)y=0. This approximation is performed by segmentary approximation on an interval. We apply the method to obtain approximate solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation on a given interval and test it for two different potentials. We conclude that our method gives a similar accuracy than the Taylor method of higher order

    Factors of working environment on employees performance in oil palm plantation at RISDA Palong Estate, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus / Nurul Syafiqah Ramli

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    A working environment will create a pleasant atmosphere within the organization to perform well. The relationship between working environment and employees performance of central interest to research in organizational psychology. This study aims to determine the performance of employees in Risda Palong Estates and to analyse the relationship between the factor of working environment and employees performance. A number of 88 respondent was interviewed from the company Risda Palong Estates of Risda Plantation Sdn. Bhd. Several analysis are used to measure up the reliability of the questionnaire and also normality analysis are used to measure up the normal distribution of each data. Correlation analysis are also used to measure up the strength of independent variable and the dependent variable of the study. The independent variable includes job satisfaction, company policy, salary and responsiveness of working environment. The dependent variable is the performance of the employees. Regression analysis are also used to measure up in which of the independent variable mostly influence the dependent variable. The result reveals that the working environment factors have a significant effect on the performance of Risda Palong Estate. It is also indicated that employees were less satisfied by the factor company policy and salary

    Identification of an altered peptide ligand based on the endogenously presented, rheumatoid arthritis-associated, human cartilage glycoprotein-39(263–275) epitope: an MHC anchor variant peptide for immune modulation

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    We sought to identify an altered peptide ligand (APL) based on the endogenously expressed synovial auto-epitope of human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39) for modulation of cognate, HLA-DR4-restricted T cells. For this purpose we employed a panel of well-characterized T cell hybridomas generated from HC gp-39-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. The hybridomas all respond to the HC gp-39(263–275) epitope when bound to HLA-DR4(B1*0401) but differ in their fine specificities. First, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and T-cell receptor (TCR) contact residues were identified by analysis of single site substituted analogue peptides for HLA-DR4 binding and cognate T cell recognition using both T hybridomas and polyclonal T cells from peptide-immunized HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. Analysis of single site substituted APL by cognate T cells led to identification of Phe265 as the dominant MHC anchor. The amino acids Ala268, Ser269, Glu271 and Thr272 constituted the major TCR contact residues, as substitution at these positions did not affect HLA-DR4(B1*0401) binding but abrogated T cell responses. A structural model for visualisation of TCR recognition was derived. Second, a set of non-classical APLs, modified at the MHC key anchor position but with unaltered TCR contacts, was developed. When these APLs were analysed, a partial TCR agonist was identified and found to modulate the HC gp-39(263–275)-specific, pro-inflammatory response in HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. We identified a non-classical APL by modification of the p1 MHC anchor in a synovial auto-epitope. This APL may qualify for rheumatoid arthritis immunotherapy

    Vitellogenin messenger rna in rooster liver

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    The investigations described in this thesis were carried out as a part of the studies in our laboratory on the control of gene expression in animal cells. They represent an example of the hormonal regulation of protein synthesis, viz. the induction of vitellogenin synthesis in rooster liver by the hormone estradiol. ... Zie: Summary.

    Conjugation, immunoreactivity, and immunogenicity of calix[4]arenes; model study to potential calix[4]arene-based Ac3+ chelators

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    For the development of calix[4]arene-based radiotherapeutic agents, the conjugation to biomolecules and immunogenicity in mice of potential 225Ac3+-chelating calix[4]arenes were studied. A calix[4]arene triethyl ester isothiocyanate and a bis(calix[4]arene) hexacarboxylic acid, containing a masked thiol functionality, were used in conjugation experiments to a mouse monoclonal antibody and serum albumins. All characterization techniques indicate that only the calix[4]arene carboxylic acid is successfully conjugated to the biomolecules. The immunoreactivity of the conjugates is not impaired when up to 6 equiv of calixarene are bound to the monoclonal antibody. Animal tests indicated that the immunogenicity toward the calix[4]arene is strongly influenced by the nature of the carrier, the dosage, and the injection method. No immune response occurred when a homologous carrier was used or when a heterologous carrier was applied at a dosage of 10 μg per immunization via intravenous injection. Under all other conditions, the presence of antibodies directed against the calix[4]arene was demonstrated. Thus, for the application in radioimmunotherapy, the conjugation of a calix[4]arene to a humanized antibody will probably not lead to an immune response, and the immunoreactivity will not be disturbed